Publication | Date of Publication | Type |
A low-rank complexity reduction algorithm for the high-dimensional kinetic chemical master equation | 2024-04-17 | Paper |
Accelerating the simulation of kinetic shear Alfvén waves with a dynamical low-rank approximation | 2024-04-09 | Paper |
Accelerating Exponential Integrators to Efficiently Solve Semilinear Advection-Diffusion-Reaction Equations | 2024-03-19 | Paper |
Suppressing instability in a Vlasov-Poisson system by an external electric field through constrained optimization | 2024-01-31 | Paper |
Asymptotic-Preserving and Energy Stable Dynamical Low-Rank Approximation | 2024-01-25 | Paper |
Reduced Augmentation Implicit Low-rank (RAIL) integrators for advection-diffusion and Fokker-Planck models | 2023-11-25 | Paper |
Conservation properties of the augmented basis update & Galerkin integrator for kinetic problems | 2023-11-10 | Paper |
LeXInt: GPU-accelerated Exponential Integrators package | 2023-10-12 | Paper |
Energy stable and conservative dynamical low-rank approximation for the Su-Olson problem | 2023-07-14 | Paper |
A dynamical low-rank approach to solve the chemical master equation for biological reaction networks | 2023-07-03 | Paper |
An exponential integrator/WENO discretization for sonic-boom simulation on modern computer hardware | 2023-06-15 | Paper |
An exponential integrator for the drift-kinetic model | 2023-06-09 | Paper |
Efficient 6D Vlasov simulation using the dynamical low-rank framework \texttt{Ensign} | 2023-05-04 | Paper |
A robust and conservative dynamical low-rank algorithm | 2023-04-26 | Paper |
On the Stability of Robust Dynamical Low-Rank Approximations for Hyperbolic Problems | 2023-04-11 | Paper |
A comparison of Leja- and Krylov-based iterative schemes for Exponential Integrators | 2022-11-16 | Paper |
Efficient adaptive step size control for exponential integrators | 2022-09-30 | Paper |
LeXInt: Package for Exponential Integrators employing Leja interpolation | 2022-08-17 | Paper |
A robust and conservative dynamical low-rank algorithm | 2022-06-19 | Paper |
A \(\mu\)-mode integrator for solving evolution equations in Kronecker form | 2022-05-05 | Paper |
A mass, momentum, and energy conservative dynamical low-rank scheme for the Vlasov equation | 2022-04-28 | Paper |
An asymptotic-preserving dynamical low-rank method for the multi-scale multi-dimensional linear transport equation | 2022-04-22 | Paper |
Exponential methods for solving hyperbolic problems with application to collisionless kinetic equations | 2022-04-11 | Paper |
An accurate and time-parallel rational exponential integrator for hyperbolic and oscillatory PDEs | 2022-04-08 | Paper |
A pseudo-spectral Strang splitting method for linear dispersive problems with transparent boundary conditions | 2022-01-19 | Paper |
An Efficient Dynamical Low-Rank Algorithm for the Boltzmann-BGK Equation Close to the Compressible Viscous Flow Regime | 2021-09-22 | Paper |
Exponential Integrators for Resistive Magnetohydrodynamics: Matrix-free Leja Interpolation and Efficient Adaptive Time Stepping | 2021-08-31 | Paper |
Dynamical Low-Rank Integrator for the Linear Boltzmann Equation: Error Analysis in the Diffusion Limit | 2021-08-20 | Paper |
On the stability of robust dynamical low-rank approximations for hyperbolic problems | 2021-07-15 | Paper |
A $\mu$-mode integrator for solving evolution equations in Kronecker form | 2021-03-02 | Paper |
Efficient adaptive step size control for exponential integrators | 2021-02-04 | Paper |
A pseudo-spectral splitting method for linear dispersive problems with transparent boundary conditions | 2021-02-03 | Paper |
A mass, momentum, and energy conservative dynamical low-rank scheme for the Vlasov equation | 2021-01-29 | Paper |
A low-rank projector-splitting integrator for the Vlasov-Maxwell equations with divergence correction | 2021-01-28 | Paper |
An accurate and time-parallel rational exponential integrator for hyperbolic and oscillatory PDEs | 2020-08-26 | Paper |
An asymptotic-preserving dynamical low-rank method for the multi-scale multi-dimensional linear transport equation | 2020-05-13 | Paper |
A split step Fourier/discontinuous Galerkin scheme for the Kadomtsev-Petviashvili equation | 2019-11-14 | Paper |
Efficient boundary corrected Strang splitting | 2019-11-12 | Paper |
A Quasi-Conservative Dynamical Low-Rank Algorithm for the Vlasov Equation | 2019-10-29 | Paper |
Exponential methods for solving hyperbolic problems with application to kinetic equations | 2019-10-28 | Paper |
A Low-Rank Algorithm for Weakly Compressible Flow | 2019-09-16 | Paper |
A performance comparison of semi-Lagrangian discontinuous Galerkin and spline based Vlasov solvers in four dimensions | 2019-07-10 | Paper |
Dynamical low-rank integrator for the linear Boltzmann equation: error analysis in the diffusion limit | 2019-07-09 | Paper |
Streamline integration as a method for structured grid generation in X-point geometry | 2019-07-04 | Paper |
A Low-Rank Projector-Splitting Integrator for the Vlasov--Poisson Equation | 2018-10-19 | Paper |
A comparison of boundary correction methods for Strang splitting | 2018-09-05 | Paper |
An adaptive step size controller for iterative implicit methods | 2018-07-12 | Paper |
On the performance of exponential integrators for problems in magnetohydrodynamics | 2018-01-25 | Paper |
Streamline integration as a method for two-dimensional elliptic grid generation | 2017-12-15 | Paper |
An asymptotic preserving scheme for the relativistic Vlasov-Maxwell equations in the classical limit | 2017-12-06 | Paper |
A resistive magnetohydrodynamics solver using modern C++ and the Boost library | 2017-11-30 | Paper |
An adaptive step size controller for iterative implicit methods | 2017-09-29 | Paper |
An almost symmetric Strang splitting scheme for nonlinear evolution equations | 2017-08-09 | Paper |
On the error propagation of semi-Lagrange and Fourier methods for advection problems | 2017-05-03 | Paper |
Overcoming Order Reduction in Diffusion-Reaction Splitting. Part 2: Oblique Boundary Conditions | 2017-01-04 | Paper |
Hamiltonian splitting for the Vlasov-Maxwell equations | 2016-12-20 | Paper |
A splitting approach for the Kadomtsev-Petviashvili equation | 2016-12-20 | Paper |
A conservative discontinuous Galerkin scheme for the 2D incompressible Navier-Stokes equations | 2016-11-10 | Paper |
High performance computing aspects of a dimension independent semi-Lagrangian discontinuous Galerkin code | 2016-11-10 | Paper |
A study on conserving invariants of the Vlasov equation in semi-Lagrangian computer simulations | 2016-01-10 | Paper |
An almost symmetric Strang splitting scheme for the construction of high order composition methods | 2015-08-26 | Paper |
Overcoming Order Reduction in Diffusion-Reaction Splitting. Part 1: Dirichlet Boundary Conditions | 2015-07-20 | Paper |
Convergence Analysis of a Discontinuous Galerkin/Strang Splitting Approximation for the Vlasov--Poisson Equations | 2014-07-31 | Paper |
Convergence Analysis of Strang Splitting for Vlasov-Type Equations | 2014-05-19 | Paper |