Three-point functions of chiral operators in \(D=4\), \({\mathcal N}=4\) SYM at large \(N\)
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DOI10.4310/ATMP.1998.v2.n4.a1zbMath0923.53033arXivhep-th/9806074OpenAlexW2963747499WikidataQ59711318 ScholiaQ59711318MaRDI QIDQ1294794
Mukund Rangamani, Nathan Seiberg, Shiraz Minwalla, Sangmin Lee
Publication date: 17 August 1999
Published in: Advances in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics (Search for Journal in Brave)
Full work available at URL:
supersymmetric Yang-Mills theoryfree field theorylarge \(N\) limitthree-point functionsnormalized chiral operators
Supersymmetric field theories in quantum mechanics (81T60) Yang-Mills and other gauge theories in quantum field theory (81T13) Applications of differential geometry to physics (53Z05)
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