Normal Approximations with Malliavin Calculus

From MaRDI portal

DOI10.1017/CBO9781139084659zbMath1266.60001MaRDI QIDQ2891288

Giovanni Peccati, Ivan Nourdin

Publication date: 15 June 2012

Full work available at URL:

62E20: Asymptotic distribution theory in statistics

60F05: Central limit and other weak theorems

60G22: Fractional processes, including fractional Brownian motion

60H07: Stochastic calculus of variations and the Malliavin calculus

62E17: Approximations to statistical distributions (nonasymptotic)

60B10: Convergence of probability measures

60-02: Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) pertaining to probability theory

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constructive approach, Higher-order pathwise theory of fluctuations in stochastic homogenization, Drift estimation for discretely sampled SPDEs, On the correlation between nodal and nonzero level sets for random spherical harmonics, Discrete rough paths and limit theorems, Integration-by-parts characterizations of Gaussian processes, A central limit theorem for the stochastic heat equation, Malliavin-Stein method: a survey of some recent developments, Quantitative fourth moment theorem of functions on the Markov triple and orthogonal polynomials, Cramér-type moderate deviation theorems for nonnormal approximation, Crank-Nicolson scheme for stochastic differential equations driven by fractional Brownian motions, High-dimensional central limit theorems by Stein's method, Approximation of fractional local times: zero energy and derivatives, Non-universal fluctuations of the empirical measure for isotropic stationary fields on \(\mathbb{S}^2\times \mathbb{R} \), Averaging 2D stochastic wave equation, A note on the reduction principle for the nodal length of planar random waves, Joint convergence along different subsequences of the signed cubic variation of fractional Brownian motion, Entropy and the fourth moment phenomenon, Semicircular limits on the free Poisson chaos: counterexamples to a transfer principle, Normal approximations for wavelet coefficients on spherical Poisson fields, Statistical inference for Vasicek-type model driven by Hermite processes, Malliavin and Dirichlet structures for independent random variables, Optimal rates for parameter estimation of stationary Gaussian processes, Asymptotic expansion for vector-valued sequences of random variables with focus on Wiener chaos, Asymptotic expansion of an estimator for the Hurst coefficient, Asymptotically efficient estimation of ergodic rough fractional Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process under continuous observations, Some inequalities on Riemannian manifolds linking entropy, Fisher information, Stein discrepancy and Wasserstein distance, Bounds in \(L^1\) Wasserstein distance on the normal approximation of general M-estimators, Central limit theorems for spatial averages of the stochastic heat equation via Malliavin-Stein's method, Stein's density method for multivariate continuous distributions, Berry-Essén theorem for random determinants, From \(p\)-Wasserstein bounds to moderate deviations, Flexible-bandwidth needlets, Normality of smooth statistics for planar determinantal point processes, Smooth Gaussian fields and percolation, Spherical Poisson waves, Vector-valued statistics of binomial processes: Berry-Esseen bounds in the convex distance, Quasi-geometric rough paths and rough change of variable formula, Covariance representations, \(L^p\)-Poincaré inequalities, Stein's kernels, and high-dimensional CLTs, Matrix Hermite polynomials, random determinants and the geometry of Gaussian fields, Asymptotic normality for a modified quadratic variation of the Hermite process, Asymptotic distribution of nodal intersections for ARW against a surface, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Asymptotic expansion for the quadratic variations of the solution to the heat equation with additive white noise, Wavelet analysis for the solution to the wave equation with fractional noise in time and white noise in space, Bounds for an integral involving the modified Struve function of the first kind, Unnamed Item, A new spectral analysis of stationary random Schrödinger operators, A Lecture About the Use of Orlicz Spaces in Information Geometry, Stability estimates for invariant measures of diffusion processes, with applications to stability of moment measures and Stein kernels, Poisson Approximation to the Convolution of Power Series Distributions, Infinitesimal invariance of completely Random Measures for 2D Euler Equations, Functional limit theorems for Volterra processes and applications to homogenization*, Spatial averages for the Parabolic Anderson model driven by rough noise, On discrete Gibbs measure approximation to runs, Least-squares estimation for the Vasicek model driven by the complex fractional Brownian motion, Parametric estimation for functional autoregressive processes on the sphere, Non-central limit theorem for the spatial average of the solution to the wave equation with Rosenblatt noise, Random Lipschitz–Killing curvatures: Reduction Principles, Integration by Parts and Wiener chaos, Estimation of impulse response functions in two-output systems, Central limit theorems and minimum-contrast estimators for linear stochastic evolution equations, Fluctuations of nodal sets on the 3-torus and general cancellation phenomena, Density function of numerical solution of splitting AVF scheme for stochastic Langevin equation, Restricted hypercontractivity on the Poisson space, Variance of the volume of random real algebraic submanifolds II, Information and Dimensionality of Anisotropic Random Geometric Graphs, Higher-order Stein kernels for Gaussian approximation, Information Geometry of Smooth Densities on the Gaussian Space: Poincaré Inequalities, Discrete-Time Inference for Slow-Fast Systems Driven by Fractional Brownian Motion, Simplicial Homology of Random Configurations, Limit theorems for multivariate Brownian semistationary processes and feasible results, A note on existence of free Stein kernels, Moderate Deviation estimates for Nodal Lengths of Random Spherical Harmonics, Parameter estimation for Gaussian mean-reverting Ornstein–Uhlenbeck processes of the second kind: Non-ergodic case, Nodal area distribution for arithmetic random waves, On a new Sheffer class of polynomials related to normal product distribution, Limit behavior of the Rosenblatt Ornstein–Uhlenbeck process with respect to the Hurst index, Almost sure convergence on chaoses, Berry--Esseen Bounds and ASCLTs for Drift Parameter Estimator of Mixed Fractional Ornstein--Uhlenbeck Process with Discrete Observations, Rate of convergence in the Breuer-Major theorem via chaos expansions, The optimal fourth moment theorem, Two Properties of Vectors of Quadratic Forms in Gaussian Random Variables, Drift parameter estimation for fractional Ornstein–Uhlenbeck process of the second kind, Optimal Gamma Approximation on Wiener Space, From Hermite Polynomials to Multifractional Processes, Normal Approximation on a Finite Wiener Chaos, Self-normalized asymptotic properties for the parameter estimation in fractional Ornstein–Uhlenbeck process, Inequalities for some integrals involving modified Bessel functions, MULTIVARIATE LIMIT THEOREMS IN THE CONTEXT OF LONG‐RANGE DEPENDENCE, Parameter Estimation of Complex Fractional Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Processes with Fractional Noise, DomenicoMarinucci and GiovanniPeccati, Random Fields on the Sphere: Representation, Limit Theorems and Cosmological Applications London Mathematical Society Lecture Notes Series 389. Published by the Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2011. Number of pages: 341. Price £40.00, ISBN 978‐0‐521‐17561‐6, Unnamed Item, Cumulants on Wiener chaos: moderate deviations and the fourth moment theorem, Berry-Ess\'een bounds for parameter estimation of general Gaussian processes, Gaussian fluctuation for spatial average of parabolic Anderson model with Neumann/Dirichlet/periodic boundary conditions, Generalizations of the fourth moment theorem, Quadratic variation and drift parameter estimation for the stochastic wave equation with space-time white noise, Gaussian and hermite Ornstein–Uhlenbeck processes, A Peccati-Tudor type theorem for Rademacher chaoses, On 3-dimensional Berry's model, The Malliavin-Stein method for Hawkes functionals, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, High-dimensional central limit theorems for homogeneous sums, Limit theorems for additive functionals of the fractional Brownian motion, Statistical inference for a stochastic wave equation with Malliavin–Stein method, High order asymptotic expansion for Wiener functionals, Kolmogorov bounds in the CLT of the LSE for Gaussian Ornstein Uhlenbeck processes, Lipschitz-Killing curvatures for arithmetic random waves, Consistent estimation for fractional stochastic volatility model under high‐frequency asymptotics, Multifractional Hermite processes: definition and first properties, A fourth‐moment phenomenon for asymptotic normality of monochromatic subgraphs, High-dimensional regimes of non-stationary Gaussian correlated Wishart matrices, Wasserstein bounds in CLT of approximative MCE and MLE of the drift parameter for Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes observed at high frequency, The Malliavin–Stein Method on the Poisson Space, U-Statistics on the Spherical Poisson Space, The basic distributional theory for the product of zero mean correlated normal random variables, The overdamped generalized Langevin equation with Hermite noise, Normal approximation and fourth moment theorems for monochromatic triangles, A Feynman–Kac approach for the spatial derivative of the solution to the Wick stochastic heat equation driven by time homogeneous white noise, Anticoncentration and Berry-Esseen bounds for random tensors, Central and Noncentral Limit Theorems Arising from the Scattering Transform and Its Neural Activation Generalization, A new algorithm for computing path integrals and weak approximation of SDEs inspired by large deviations and Malliavin calculus, Functional convergence of Berry's nodal lengths: approximate tightness and total disorder, Using Stein's method to analyze Euler-Maruyama approximations of regime-switching jump diffusion processes, Central limit theorems for heat equation with time-independent noise: The regular and rough cases, Non-perturbative approach to the Bourgain-Spencer conjecture in stochastic homogenization, Yule's ``nonsense correlation for Gaussian random walks, Improved bounds for the total variation distance between stochastic polynomials, Asymptotic covariances for functionals of weakly stationary random fields, Stein's method, smoothing and functional approximation, High-dimensional regime for Wishart matrices based on the increments of the solution to the stochastic heat equation, Affine statistical bundle modeled on a Gaussian Orlicz-Sobolev space, Convergence in total variation for nonlinear functionals of random hyperspherical harmonics, Winding number for stationary Gaussian processes using real variables, Besov-Orlicz path regularity of non-Gaussian processes, Spectral central limit theorem for additive functionals of isotropic and stationary Gaussian fields, Regularity of distributions of Sobolev mappings in abstract settings