Finitistic Dimension and a Homological Generalization of Semi-Primary Rings

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DOI10.2307/1993568zbMath0094.02201OpenAlexW4256349023WikidataQ61920164 ScholiaQ61920164MaRDI QIDQ3271879

Hyman Bass

Publication date: 1960

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II, Matrix equivalence and isomorphism of modules, Modules with cyclic support, Homological dimensions of unbounded complexes, Auslander-Gorenstein resolution., On rings over which every flat left module is finitely projective, The class semigroup of local one-dimensional domains, Modules and matrices, Algebraic properties of linear cellular automata, On the finitistic dimension conjecture. III: Related to the pair \(eAe\subseteq A\)., On Whitehead modules, On the quasi-splitting of exact sequences, Endomorphism rings of Leavitt path algebras., Differential operators on rational projective curves, Finitistic dimensions of Noetherian rings, \(\mathrm{FI}_{\mathrm{G}}\)-modules over coherent rings, On the finitistic dimension conjecture of Artin algebras., On the finitistic dimension conjecture for artinian rings, A proof of the generalized Nakayama conjecture for algebras with \(J^{2l+1}=0\) and \(A/J^ l\) representation finite, Injective envelopes and flat covers of Matlis reflexive modules, On Steinitz properties, Tilting modules over almost perfect domains, Homological domino effects and the first finitistic dimension conjecture, Liberte des gros modules projectifs, Torsions in modules, Indecomposable modules over Artin local algebras, Mutual direct summands, Rings which have flat injective modules, Sur les anneaux tels que tout produit de copies d'un module quasi- injectif soit un module quasi-injectif, Projective modules over non-commutative semilocal rings, Super-regularity in local rings, Rings over which all modules are strongly Gorenstein projective, Rings whose nonsingular modules have projective covers, Almost M-projectives and Nakayama rings, Rings of pure global dimension zero and Mittag-Leffler modules, Perfect and semiperfect restricted enveloping algebras, The ascending chain condition for principal left or right ideals of skew generalized power series rings., Homological dimensions and strongly idempotent ideals., A generalized Koszul theory and its relation to the classical theory., F-semi-perfect modules, Predicting syzygies over monomial relations algebras, Torsion theories of simple type, Definite lattices over real algebraic function domains, T-nilpotence and preradicals, On regular rings and continuous rings. III, Rings with finite decomposition of identity., Quivers of associative rings., Derived tame local and two-point algebras., On the existence of projective and quasi-projective covers, Finitistic dimensions of finite dimensional monomial algebras, Bewertete p-Gruppen und ein Satz von Szele, B-rings with a polynomial identity, Projectivity of finitely generated flat modules over semilocal rings, Hereditary rings integral over their centers, Semi-continuity for derived categories., D4-Modules, ON THE MAXIMAL SPECTRUM OF A MODULE, Projective Ideals in Rings of Dimension One, Characterizations of self-injective rings, Some new criteria for small Igusa-Todorov algebras, Co-absolutely co-pure modules, K-theory of n-coherent rings, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Weak precovering of acts over semigroups, Unnamed Item, On generalized Nakayama–Azumaya’s lemma, Hereditary and cohereditary preradicals, A Generalization of the Wedderburn-Artin Theorem, Decomposing Pairs of Modules, Global Dimension of Valuation Rings, Unnamed Item, Small Modules, Flat Strong ÎŽ-covers of Modules, Automorphism liftable modules, Unnamed Item, Weak-injective modules over commutative rings, On a Semiprimary Ring, Algebras of infinite dominant dimension and torsion theories, Homological Dimension and the Continuum Hypothesis, Almost projective modules and generalized projective modules, Cut cotorsion pairs, Nonsingular Rings, ON MODULES OVER COMMUTATIVE RINGS, Study of skew inverse Laurent series rings, A non-commutative analogue of Costa’s first conjecture, On quasi-duo rings, Locally free (ℙn)-modules, Representation extensions and amalgamation bases in rings, Balanced pairs, cotorsion triplets and quiver representations, Generalized projectivity, Modules arithmĂ©tiques, THE STRUCTURE OF BALANCED BIG COHEN–MACAULAY MODULES OVER COHEN–MACAULAY RINGS, On semi-projective modules and their endomorphism rings, Complexity and varieties for infinitely generated modules, On Quasiprojective Covers, On strongly m-clean rings and m-semiperfect rings, Restricted homological properties of modules, Matching torsion and cotorsion theories, Every PrĂŒfer ring does not have small finitistic dimension at most one, On the representation dimension and finitistic dimension of special multiserial algebras, ARCHIMEDEAN SKEW GENERALIZED POWER SERIES RINGS, New characterization of $\Sigma $-injective modules, When is every module with essential socle a direct sum of automorphism-invariant modules?, On Steinitz-like properties in amalgamated algebras along an ideal, Finitistic dimension conjecture and extensions of algebras, ON A RECENT GENERALIZATION OF SEMIPERFECT RINGS, When rings of differential operators are maximal orders, Hopficity of Modules and Rings (Survey), On semi-artinian modules and injectivity conditions, Injective Dimension in Noetherian Rings, Relative FP-injective modules and relative IF rings, The finitistic dimension of an Artin algebra with radical square zero, Corational extensions and pseudo-projective modules, Relative purity over noetherian rings, Perfect semigroups, An equivalence induced by Ext and Tor applied to the finitistic weak dimension of coherent rings, Unnamed Item, Algebras with Large Homological Dimensions, The Existence of Flat Covers Over Noetherian Rings of Finite Krull Dimension, A solution to the Baer splitting problem, On ÎŽ-semiperfect modules, Some applications of module theory to functor categories, Homomorphisms between A-Projective Abelian Groups and Left Kasch-Rings, Idealizers in Differential Polynomial Rings and Generalized HNP Rings, Unnamed Item, Commutative ideal theory without finiteness conditions: Completely irreducible ideals, Rings of Equivalent Dominant and Codominant Dimensions, Non-communtative Iwasawa main conjecture, When proper cyclics are homomorphic image of injectives, Idempotent reduction for the finitistic dimension conjecture, On small and cosmall modules, Sometimes Only Square Matrices can be Diagonalized, STRONGLY GORENSTEIN FLAT MODULES, The Structure of Semiprimary and Noetherian Hereditary Rings, On superstability in the class of flat modules and perfect rings, Tree modules and limits of the approximation theory, Recollements of abelian categories and ideals in heredity chains—a recursive approach to quasi-hereditary algebras, Some remarks on locally perfect rings, Ideal balanced pairs, A Zariski-local notion of F-total acyclicity for complexes of sheaves, CHARACTERIZING ALMOST PERFECT RINGS BY COVERS AND ENVELOPES, Maximal Orders and Reflexive Modules, Direct Products of Modules, RINGS WITH VARIATIONS OF FLAT COVERS, Injective Cogenerator Rings and a Theorem of Tachikawa, THE FINITISTIC DIMENSION AND CHAIN CONDITIONS ON IDEALS, On Projective Class Groups, Lifting Idempotents and Exchange Rings, Semihereditary rings, Triangular Representations of Splitting Rings, On rings with quasi-injective cyclic modules, COTORSION DIMENSIONS OVER GROUP RINGS, Quasi-codivisible covers

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