
From MaRDI portal

zbMath0097.35604MaRDI QIDQ3277020

Jean-Pierre Serre

Publication date: 1959

14K30: Picard schemes, higher Jacobians

14H40: Jacobians, Prym varieties

14-02: Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) pertaining to algebraic geometry

11R37: Class field theory

11S31: Class field theory; (p)-adic formal groups

20G99: Linear algebraic groups and related topics

Related Items

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II, Models of certain automorphic function fields, A classification theory for quantizable dynamical systems, Non-conservative function fields of genus one. I, Non-conservative function fields of genus one. 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(Around a conjecture by Serge Lang), Fourier transformat, constants of the functional equations and Weil conjecture, On the Shafarevich-Tate group of the Jacobian of a quotient of the Fermat curve, Correspondance de Langlands géométrique pour les corps de fonctions. (Geometric Langlands correspondence for function fields), An algebraic approach to the residues in algebraic geometry, An upper bound of the singularity order for the generic projection, Variété de Picard d'une variété complète, Zur Cohomologietheorie in der algebraischen Geometrie. I, II, Brauer groups and character groups of function fields, The topology of spaces of rational functions, Families of curves with nodes on K-3 surfaces, On the Brauer group of a projective variety, \(K_ 2 \)and \(K_ 3 \)of the circle, The spectrum of difference operators and algebraic curves, On the deformations of Witt groups to tori. II, Vectorial extensions of Jacobians, The tame symbol, Free linear systems on integral Gorenstein curves, Reduced Hilbert schemes for irreducible curve singularities, Symmetric products of Gorenstein varieties, Algebraic curves over \({\mathbb{F}}_ 2\) with many rational points, On Nash theory of arc structure of singularities, A new compactification of the Siegel space and degeneration of abelian varieties. I, THE K-theory of some reducible affine varieties, On resolutions of cyclic quotient singularities, Le groupe de monodromie du déploiement des singularités isolées de courbes planes. I, Vektorbündel auf Kurven mit Singularitäten, The p-rank of Artin-Schreier curves, On the cohomology groups of moduli spaces of vector bundles on curves, A new compactification of the Siegel space and degeneration of Abelian varieties. II, Autoaddition formulae and algebraic groups, Maximal abelsche Erweiterung von Funktionenkörpern über lokalen Körpern, Line bundles on quasi-symmetric powers of varieties, On automorphism groups of compact Kähler manifolds, One conjecture of Steinberg, On smoothable curve singularities: Local methods, Rational isogenies of prime degree. (With an appendix by D. Goldfeld), The Zariski-Lipman conjecture in the graded case, Hypersurfaces with nonsingular normalization and their double loci, Algebraic varieties biholomorphic to \(\mathbb{C}^*\times\mathbb{C}^*\), On the Riemann-Roch theorem for orders in the ring of valuation vectors of a function field, Local and global zeta-functions of singular algebraic curves, A formula for constructing curves over finite fields with many rational points, On affine surface that can be completed by a smooth curve, Hyperelliptic Gorenstein curves, Effective bound for the geometric Lang conjecture, Construction techniques for Galois coverings of the affine line, The versal deformation of universal curve singularities, Coverings of the affine line in characteristic \(p>0\) and Abhyankar's conjecture, Weierstrass weight of Gorenstein singularities with one or two branches, Fixed-point free automorphisms of abelian varieties, Right distributive quasigroups on algebraic varieties, On the method of Coleman and Chabauty, Higher order differentials and Weierstrass points on Gorenstein curves, On geometric embedding problems and semiabelian groups, Residues of regular and meromorphic differential forms, On the Jacobians of curves with ordinary singularities, Images and varieties, Matrix elliptic solitons, Identifying variable points on a smooth curve, The Picard group of singular curves, On the description of \(\mathbb Z/p^2\mathbb Z\)-torsors by the Kummer-Artin-Schreier-Witt theory, Algebraic construction of the tame symbol and the Parshin symbol on a surface., On a duality theorem for abelian varieties over higher dimensional local fields., On canonical curves and osculating spaces., Generalized theta functions, Drinfeld modules and some arithmetic consequences