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zbMath0516.53060MaRDI QIDQ3664016

Jonathan A. Bagger, Julius Wess

Publication date: 1983

Title: zbMATH Open Web Interface contents unavailable due to conflicting licenses.

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fermions in quantum cosmology, Haploid \((2,2)\)-superfields in \(2\)-dimensional space-time, Completing the D7-brane local gaugino action, Higher-spin states of the superstring in an electromagnetic background, On warped string vacuum profiles and cosmologies. I: Supersymmetric strings, On warped string vacuum profiles and cosmologies. II: Non-supersymmetric strings, Sliding naturalness: cosmological selection of the weak scale, Toroidal and elliptic quiver BPS algebras and beyond, Hidden symmetries of supersymmetric p-form gauge theories, Implications of \(N=1\) superconformal symmetry for chiral fields, \(N=2\) supersymmetry in a hybrid inflation model, 5d super-Yang-Mills theory in 4d superspace, superfield brane operators, and applications to orbifold GUTs, Uniform twistor-like formulation of massive and massless superparticles with tensorial central charges, B-RNS-GSS heterotic string in curved backgrounds, Numerical spectra of the Laplacian for line bundles on Calabi-Yau hypersurfaces, Marginal deformations of Calabi-Yau hypersurface hybrids with \((2, 2)\) supersymmetry, BPS states meet generalized cohomology, Improvement of a Conserved Current Density Versus Adding a Total Derivative to a Lagrangian Density, Revisiting novel symmetries in coupled ${ \mathcal N }=2$ supersymmetric quantum systems: examples and supervariable approach, \(\mathcal{N} = 2\) higher spins: superfield equations of motion, the hypermultiplet supercurrents, and the component structure, New duality-invariant models for nonlinear supersymmetric electrodynamics, Generalized dualities and supergroups, Noether-Wald charge in supergravity: the fermionic contribution, The emergence proposal in quantum gravity and the species scale, Moduli inflation from modular flavor symmetries, Quantum gravity bounds on \(\mathcal{N} = 1\) effective theories in four dimensions, Spin-3/2 and spin-2 charged massive states in a constant electromagnetic background, A supersymmetric nonlinear sigma model analogue of the ModMax theory, A supersymmetric second Painlevé hierarchy and bilinearization, Number of zero-modes on magnetized \(T^4/Z_N\) orbifolds analyzed by modular transformation, Embedding formalism for \(\mathcal{N}\)-extended AdS superspace in four dimensions, On the ℤ2 topological invariant, Nicolai maps with four-fermion interactions, \((4,4)\) supergravity and \((4,4)\) super-Liouville action in superspace, Fractional helicity, Lorentz symmetry breaking, compactification and anyons, USp(32) string as spontaneously supersymmetry broken theory