Entropy and index for subfactors

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DOI10.24033/asens.1504zbMath0646.46057OpenAlexW1666093761MaRDI QIDQ3790122

Sorin Popa, Mihai V. Pimsner

Publication date: 1986

Published in: Annales scientifiques de l'École normale supérieure (Search for Journal in Brave)

Full work available at URL: http://www.numdam.org/item?id=ASENS_1986_4_19_1_57_0

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Abstracts from the workshop held August 7--13, 2022, C‐index of observable algebra in the field algebra determined by a normal group, \(W^\ast\)-representations of subfactors and restrictions on the Jones index, Asymptotic structure of free product von Neumann algebras, Maximal von Neumann subalgebras in type I von Neumann algebras, Von Neumann equivalence and properly proximal groups, Entropy decay for Davies semigroups of a one dimensional quantum lattice, On subfactors arising from asymptotic representations of symmetric groups, Kosaki-Longo index and classification of charges in 2D quantum spin models, Commuting squares and the classification of finite depth inclusions of AFD type \(\text{III}_\lambda\) factors, \(\lambda\in(0,1)\), Perturbations of intermediate C∗-subalgebras for simple C∗-algebras, Entropy of automorphisms of \(\text{II}_1\)-factors arising from the dynamical systems theory, A remark on fullness of some group measure space von Neumann algebras, Hopf algebra actions on strongly separable extensions of depth two, Subfactors and quantum information theory, Subfactors of index exactly 5, Relative entropy for von Neumann subalgebras, Weak amenability for subfactors, Lattice of intermediate subalgebras, Quantum monadic algebras

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