
From MaRDI portal

zbMath0108.04002MaRDI QIDQ3843687

N. Bourbaki

Publication date: 1961

13-01: Introductory exposition (textbooks, tutorial papers, etc.) pertaining to commutative algebra

13C11: Injective and flat modules and ideals in commutative rings

13B30: Rings of fractions and localization for commutative rings

Related Items

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(Localization of equivariant cohomology theories.), The skeleton of a perfect ring, Dimension and multiplicity for graded algebras, Rings with several objects, Proprieta di ideali in domini d'integrita noetheriani, A correspondence between Hopf ideals and sub-Hopf algebras, \(\Sigma\)-injective modules, Halbstetigkeitssätze für relativ analytische Räume, Décomposition primaire des modules, Le spectre à gauche d'un anneau, Risoluzione di moduli su domini d'integrita noetheriani con proprieta di estensione, Objets cohérents et ultraproduits dans les categories, Opérateurs différentiels sur les espaces analytiques, Injective modules for group rings and Gorenstein orders, Equivariant homology and Mackey functors, Einige Anwendungen der G-Funktion von MacRae, P.I. degrees and prime ideals, Invertible modules for commutative \(\mathbb S\)-algebras with residue fields, Über normale, zentrale, separable Algebren und Amitsur-Kohomologie, ON FILTRATIONS HAVING SMALL ANALYTIC DEVIATION, Krull rings with zero divisors, Totally Ramified Valuations on Finite-Dimensional Division Algebras, Noncommutative localization, Value Functions on Central Simple Algebras, Unnamed Item, When is a Flat Algebra of Finite Type?, On a class of mori domains, A note on extension of derivations, A New Construction of Noncrossed Product Algebras, Unnamed Item, A generalized matlis duality for certain topological rings, Poincaré duality for $k$-$A$ Lie superalgebras, Systèmes de racines infinis, Une généralisation de la loi de transformation pour les résidus, Anodality, The λ-Dimension of Commutative Arithmetic Rings, Commutative Torsion Theory, Unnamed Item, Spectra of modules, Relative Seminormalization. 1, On Going-Down for Simple Overrings. III, Elementary Divisor Rings and Finitely Presented Modules, Finiteness in Prime Ideals in Rings of Global Dimension Two, On the quotient between length and multiplicity, Coherence of One Polynomial Ring, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Arithmetical rings, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Algèbres intègres et sans torsion, Generalized Quotient Rings, On logarithmic derivatives, Anneaux henséliens et conditions de chaînes, La condition «intégralement clos» dans quelques structures algébriques. II, A survey of integral representation theory, A Remark on Arithmetical Rings, Separable Algebras Over Commutative Rings, Grothendieck Groups and Divisor Groups, Groupes de Grothendieck. Introduction, Anneaux semi-artiniens, Harrison Primes in a Ring with Few Zero Divisors, Representations of algebras by continuous sections, On Krull Overrings of a Noetherian Domain, Prime Ideal Structure in Commutative Rings, Exact colimits, Systems of Singular Integral Operators on Spheres, A Property of Torsion-Free Modules over Left Ore Domains, Some homological results on certain finite ring extensions, Embedding of modules over Gorenstein rings, Inseparable Galois Theory of Exponent One, Nonstandard Theory of Zariski Rings, Strongly Separable Pairings of Rings, Maximal Closed Preprimes in Banach Algebras, A Characterization of Semilocal Inertial Coefficient Rings, Henselization of a Ring with Respect to an Ideal, Decomposition Theories for Modules, Finite Dimensional Inseparable Algebras, Nonstandard Theory of Zariski Rings, Endomorphisms of Finitely Presented Modules, Coherence of Polynomial Rings over Semisimple Algebraic Algebras, Structures Determined by Prime Ideals of Rings of Functions, Locally Noetherian Commutative Rings, Central Separable Algebras with Purely Inseparable Splitting Rings of Exponent One, Characterization of Rings Using Quasiprojective Modules. III, Rings Which are Almost Polynomial Rings, The Epimorphic Images of a Dedekind Domain, Torsion Theory and Associated Primes, A Theory of Grade for Commutative Rings, The Brauer Group of Graded Azumaya Algebras, Derivations des anneaux semi-premiers I, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, On the finiteness of Bass numbers of local cohomology modules, Polynomes de ore, series formelles tordues et anneaux filters complets herediataires, Taming Wild Extensions with Hopf Algebras, A note on locally factorial noetherian domains, Singularisation des courbes et passage au quotient generalise, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Decomposing Overrings, Unnamed Item, On a theorem of F. De Meyer, Unnamed Item, Sur l'enveloppe injective des anneaux de groupes réguliers, Lokalisierung und moritas Fh-Bedingung, Hilbert-samuel polynomials of a complex of modules, A on extensions op affine groups by μA, Cartan matrix of liftable finite group schemes, Integer-Valued Polynomials on a Subset, Automorphisms of Commutative Rings, Mayer-Vietoris Sequences and Brauer Groups of Nonnormal Domains, Algebras Over Absolutely Flat Commutative Rings, Torus Actions on a Cohomology Product of Three Odd Spheres, Higher Derivations on Finitely Generated Integral Domains, Modules over Semihereditary Bezout Rings, Universally Torsionless and Trace Modules, Coherence of Polynomial Rings, Exact Colimits and Fixed Points