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zbMath0108.09301MaRDI QIDQ3843833

Lars Hörmander

Publication date: 1963

47F05: General theory of partial differential operators

35-02: Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) pertaining to partial differential equations

Related Items

Singularités de séries de Dirichlet associées à des polynômes de plusieurs variables et applications en théorie analytique des nombres. (Singularities of Dirichlet series associated to polynomials of several variables and applications to analytic number theory), General function spaces. III: (Spaces \(B^{g(x)}_{p,q}\) and \(F^{g(x)}_{p,q}\), \(1<p<\infty\): basic properties), Parametrix and propagation of singularities for the interior mixed hyperbolic problem, Distributional boundary values and the tempered ultra-distributions, Ein Schwach-Stark-Prinzip der Dualitätstheorie lokalkonvexer Räume als Fortsetzungsmethode, Lower bounds at infinity of solutions of partial differential equations in the exterior of a proper cone, The cohomology of nets over Minkowski space, Traces of functions in a generalized Liouville class, Holomorphic continuation of solutions of degenerate partial differential equations in two variables, Boundary values of generalized solutions of system that are elliptic in the sense of Douglis and Nirenberg, \(L^ p\) estimates for local solutions of \({\bar \partial}_ b\) on strongly pseudo-convex CR-manifolds, Asymptotic properties of eigenfunctions -- the hyperbolic plane, Local solvability of analytic pseudodifferential complexes in top degree, On a weakly hyperbolic equation with a term of order zero, Rappresentazione integrale delle soluzioni in un angolo delle equazioni a derivate parziali in due variabili a coefficienti costanti, Backward uniqueness for parabolic equations, Bi-expansion approximation of the Bessel functions applied to analytical integration based BEM for Reissner plates., Automorphic Green functions associated with the secondary spherical functions, Local \(p\)-convexity, Junctions of singularly degenerating domains with different limit dimensions. II, The theory of primary measurements after Poincaré-Ehrenfest for the nonstationary Schrödinger equation, Abelian-regular positive semirings, Criteria for validity of the maximum modulus principle for solutions of linear strongly elliptic second order systems, Kolmogorov diameters in solution spaces of systems of partial differential equations, On the geometry of P-convex sets for operators of real principal type, Unicité du problème de Cauchy pour des opérateurs du second ordre à symboles réels, A problem in diffraction, On fundamental solutions supported by a convex cone, On the existence of real analytic solutions of partial differential equations with constant coefficients, A global construction for pseudo-differential operators with non- involutive characteristics, Perturbazione dello spettro di un operatore ellittico di tipo variazionale, in relazione ad una variazione del campo, Statistical study of Navier-Stokes equations. II, Asymptotic analysis of \(\Theta\)-hypergeometric functions, On the rigidity of certains surfaces with folds and applications to shell theory, Null boundary controllability for semilinear heat equations, Weak convergence of stochastic integrals driven by martingale measure, A non uniqueness result for operators of principal type, Identification of the potential term of the wave equation, On regular solutions of a strongly degenerate elliptic equation, The Dirichlet problem for a Petrovskiĭ-elliptic system of second-order equations, A necessary condition of local solvability for pseudo-differential equations with double characteristics, Opérateurs hyperboliques à caractéristiques de multiplicité constante, Carleman estimates for Volterra operators and uniqueness of inverse problems, Local solutions for holomorphic Fuchsian operators in several variables, A class of boundary problems for some hyperbolic equations, Differenzierbarkeitseigenschaften Greenscher Funktionen elliptischer Differentialoperatoren, Existence and approximation theorems for solutions of complex analogues of boundary problems, A degenerate hyperbolic equation under Levi conditions, Loss of derivatives in evolution Cauchy problems, The method of fundamental solutions applied to 3D structures with body forces using particular solutions, Asymptotic behavior of the eigenvalues of the Schrödinger operator in thin closed tubes, The Frobenius-Nirenberg theorem, On the existence of solutions of differential equations with constant coefficients, Caractéristique multiples et bicaractéristiques des systèmes d'équations aux derivées partielles linéaires et à coefficients constants, Su una classe di polinomi ipoellittici, Über das Dirichletsche Außenraumproblem für die Schwingungsgleichung, On the propagation of analyticity of solutions of differential equations with constant coefficients, Das Weylsche Lemma in der Theorie der Hyperfunktionen, On surface waves with finite and infinite speed of propagation, Sur les multiplicateurs dans \({\mathcal F}L^ p\) avec poids, Équations et systèmes non-linéaires, hyperboliques non-stricts, Uniqueness in Cauchy's problem for elliptic equations with double characteristics, The spectral theory of Wiener-Hopf type integral operators on generalizd Sobolev spaces, Some estimates for spectral functions, Sui problemi ai limiti i sistemi lineari ellittici, Sul problema di Cauchy per le equazioni a derivate parziali, Potentialtheoretische Betrachtungen bei der Bipotentialgleichung, Uniqueness of the Cauchy problem when the initial surface contains characteristic points, Hypoelliptic second order differential equations, Une variante de la méthode de majoration de Cauchy, Existenz- und Unitätssätze für quasilineare elliptische Differentialgleichungen, Regularization of mixed second-order elliptic problems, General and regular solutions of functional equations characterizing harmonic polynomials, Complementi alla mia nota: su una classe di polinomi ipoellittici, \(L^ 2\) estimates and existence theorems for the \(\partial\)-operator, Problems in linked operators. II, Wave operators and asymptotic solutions of wave propagation problems of classical physics, Steady-state wave propagation in homogeneous anisotropic media, Exponential majorization and global Goursat problems, The D-Neumann problem, Non-uniqueness of the Cauchy problem for linear partial differential equations with variable coefficients, Zur Theorie der Schwingungsgleichung mit variablen Koeffizienten in Außengebieten, Hamiltonian one parameter groups. A mathematical exposition of infinite dimensional Hamiltonian systems with applications in classical and quantum mechanics, Comportement d'un opérateur pseudo-différentiel sur une variété à bord. I: La propriété de transmission, II: Pseudo-noyaux de Poisson, Differentiable solutions of symmetrizable and singular symmetric first order systems, Principal parts and canonical factorization of hypoelliptic polynomials in two variables, Erzeugung des nuklearen lokalkonvexen Raumes \(C^ \infty (\overline\Omega)\) durch einen elliptischen Differentialoperator zweiter Ordnung, Degenerate elliptic differential systems, On the Laplace transorm of functionals on classes of infinitely differentiable functions, A theorem on difference equations and its generalization to operator equations, Prolongements de foncteurs d'interpolation et applications, Some existence theorems of the traction boundary value problem of linearized elastostatics, An analogue of the Paley-Wiener theorem for the Fourier transform on certain symmetric spaces, Opérateurs pseudo-différentiels analytiques et problèmes aux limites elliptiques, Principe du maximum, inégalité de Harnack et unicité du problème de Cauchy pour les opérateurs elliptiques dégénérées, Theory of Bessel potentials. III: Potentials on regular manifolds, On the regularity of the distributional and continuous solutions of the functional equations, Sur une classe d'ensembles convexes lies à la transformation de Laplace, Generalized hyperbolicity, Existence et régularité de solutions élémentaires d'un opérateur différentiel abstrait, On the Cauchy problem for hyperbolic differential equations with multiple characteristics, Supports and singular supports of convolutions, Remarks on some variable domain problems in abstract evolution equations, Lacunas for hyperbolic differential operators with constant coefficients.I, Analyticity of fundamental solutions, Pseudo-differential operators and Gevrey classes, Bounds for differential operators of the first order, Metodi omoligici elementari nella teoria dei sistemi di equazioni. I, Propagation of zeroes and uniqueness in the Cauchy problem for first order partial differential equations, A characterization of the linear partial differential operators \(P(D)\) which admit a nontrivial \(C^ \infty\) solution with support in an open prism with bounded cross section, Résolutions d'équations aux dérivées partielles dans des espaces de distributions d'ordre de régularité variable, Propagation of analyticity of solutions of partial differential equations with constant coefficients, An unsolvable hypoelliptic differential operator, Lower bounds for solutions of Schrödinger equations, Nonexistence of a continuous right inverse for surjective linear partial differential operators on the Fréchet spaces \(\gamma^{(\delta)} (\Omega)\), Un problème aux limites pour une classe d'opérateurs hypoelliptiques du second ordre. (A problem on the limits for a class of second order hypoelliptic operators), A Rellich uniqueness theorem for steady-state wave propagation in inhomogeneous anisotropic media, On the local and global non-characteristic Cauchy problem when the solutions are holomorphic functions or analytic functionals in the space variables, The Fourier transform on L\(1 \over loc\) and its application to Cauchy problems for linear partial differential equations, Measurable eigenvectors for Hermitian matrix-valued polynomials, Existence et prolongement des solutions holomorphes des équations aux dérivées partielles. (Existence and prolongation of the holomorphic solutions of partial differential equations), A priori estimates and regularity for the solutions of quasi-elliptic equations, Ouverts stablement convexes par rapport à un opérateur différentiel. (Stably convex open sets with regard to a differential operator), A differential equation without a solution, Darstellung temperierter vektorwertiger Distributionen durch holomorphe Funktionen. II. (Representation of tempered vector-valued distributions by holomorphic functions. II.), Distributional boundary values in \({\mathcal D}'_{L^{p}}\). II, Eigenfunction expansions for partially hypoelliptic operators, Paley-Wiener type theorems for a differential operator connected with symmetric spaces, Caractérisation des problèmes mixtes hyperboliques bien posés. (Characterization of well posed hyperbolic mixed problems), Distributional boundary values in \({\mathcal D}'_{L^ p}\), An asymptotic expansion for the heat equation, On Carleman estimates for pseudo-differential operators, Problemi al contorno con condizioni omogenee per le equazioni quasi- ellittiche, Non-uniqueness and uniqueness in the Cauchy problem at simple characteristic points, Hyperbolic equations and systems with multiple characteristics, On the traces, on smooth surfaces, of functions of the Sobolev class \(W_p^{l_1\dots l_n}\), Remark on a paper of J. A. Baker, Solutions of pseudo-heat equations in the whole space, Hypoelliptic ordinary differential operators, Mean values and differential equations, Hyperbolic potential theory, On orthogonal systems of harmonic and polyharmonic polynomials, Spectral synthesis and the Pompeiu problem, Differential equations and maximal ideals on the Weyl algebra \(A_2(\mathbb{C})\)., Structure of solutions of nonlinear partial differential equations of Gérard-Tahara type, Optimal three cylinder inequality at the boundary for solutions to parabolic equations and unique continuation properties, Remarks on exact controllability for the Navier-Stokes equations, A posteriori error control in low-order finite element discretisations of incompressible stationary flow problems, A new integral equation approach to the Neumann problem in acoustic scattering, GLOBAL UNIQUENESS AND STABILITY IN DETERMINING COEFFICIENTS OF WAVE EQUATIONS, A posteriori error estimate for the mixed finite element method, NECESSARY CONDITIONS FOR LOCAL SOLVABILITY FOR A CLASS OF DIFFERENTIAL SYSTEMS, Criteria for Solvability of Left Invariant Operators on Nilpotent Lie Groups, Pseudo-differential boundary problems in Lp, spaces, A sharp form of Gådrding's inequality for a class of pseudo-differential operators, Pseudodifferential operators of mellin type, Propagation of analytic singularities for second order dirichlet problems.II, Hodge theory on domains with conic singularities, On the existence of nodal domains for elliptic differential operators, Regularity of the solution of an evolution problem with inequalities on the boundary, Non unicite du problem de cauchy pour des operateurs a symbole principal reel, Global solutions of the nonlinear schrödinger equation in exterior domains, Carleman estimates for the non-stationary Lamé system and the application to an inverse problem, Wave propagation in a simplified modelled poroelastic continuum: fundamental solutions and a time domain boundary element formulation, Approximation in the Mean by Solutions of Elliptic Equations, Degenerate Elliptic Operators as Regularizers, Some examples of hyperbolic equations without local solvability, Unnamed Item, Carleman Estimates with Second Large Parameter for Second Order Operators, Unnamed Item, Local solvability and hypoellipticity for operators with odd order characteristics, An extension of the Sturm–Picone theorem to elliptic differential equations, An Application of the Analytic Microlocal Analysis to a Class of Differential Operators of Mixed Type, Singularities of solutions of the caught problem for symmetric hyperbolic systems, Existence Theorems for Overdetermined Systems of Partial Differential Equations of First Order, Singularities of the Solutions of Non-Correct Mixed Problems for Second Order Strictly Hyperbolic Operators, An Index Formula of Agranovič-Dynin-Type for Interior Boundary value Problems for Degenerate Elliptic Pseudo-Differential Operators, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, A New Generalization of Hankel Operators (the Case of Higher Weights), Expansion theorems for Birkhoff-regular differential-boundary operators, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, A Characterization in the Space of Convolution Operators, A Convergent Series Expansion for Hyperbolic Systems of Conservation Laws, A runge theorem for overdetermind systems with constant coefficients, The D.L.R. conditions for translation invariant Gaussian measures on L(R d), Le probleme de cauchy hyperbolique dans les classes d'ultrafonctions et d'ultradistributions, Application of the boundary integral equation method to Reissner's plate model, Sur les fréquences de diffusion (scattering) d'un corps élastique couplé avec l'air, Unicite et non unicite du probleme de cauchy pour des operateurs hyperboliques a characteristiques doubles, The Cauchy-Riemann equations and differential geometry, An application of airy functions to the Tricomi problem, Propagation and reflection of singularities for a class of evolution equations, Polynomial Approximation of Functions in Sobolev Spaces, Théorème d'unicité adapté au contrôle des solutions des problèmes hyperboliques, Oscillatory properties of solutions of certain elliptic equations, Averaging regularity results for PDEs under transversality assumptions, Systems of Partial Differential Operators with Fundamental Solutions Supported by a Cone, Function spaces as Dirichlet spaces (about a paper by Maz'ya and Nagel), On polyharmonic continuation by reflection formulas, Prolongement des solutions holomorphes de problèmes aux limites, A density theorem about some system, Solution of boundary-value problems in the theory of analytic functions of several variables in Vladimirov algebras, Caratterizzazione dei polinomi di convoluzione in una variabile a decrescenza rapida, a coefficienti costanti, che hanno soluzioni quasi periodiche per ogni termine noto quasi periodico, Lower bounds at infinity for solutions of differential equations with constant coefficients, On the range of the Radon transform and its dual, On the functional dimension of solution spaces of hypoelliptic partial differential operators, Unique continuation for Schrödinger operators in dimension three or less, Unicité et non unicité du problème de Cauchy pour une classe d'opérateurs différentiels à caractéristiques doubles, Characteristics and existence of isometric embeddings, Le principe de réflexion en des points de faible pseudo convexité, pour des applications holomorphes propres, The fixed boundary value problems for the equations of ideal magneto- hydrodynamics with a perfectly conducting wall condition, Normal forms of germs of smooth distributions, Factorization of a convolution operator and inverse problems for difference equations, Semiclassical limit of the Gross-Pitaevskii equation in an exterior domain, On the unique solvability of a Volevič system of linear equations with general singularity, A certain partial differential equation, Partial differential operators without right inverse on the tempered distributions, On essential maximality of linear pseudo-differential operators, Characterization of the linear partial differential operators with constant coefficients that admit a continuous linear right inverse, Logarithmic singularities of solutions to nonlinear partial differential equations, Fundamental solutions in the Colombeau framework: applications to solvability and regularity theory, Structure theorem for functionals in the space \(\mathfrak S^{\prime}_{\omega_1,\omega_{2}}\), Analysis and geometry on worm domains, Interior regularity operators, Criteria for the discreteness of the spectrum of a hypoelliptic operator, Compactness in translation invariant Banach spaces of distributions and compact multipliers, On the closure of spaces of sums of Ridge functions and the range of the X-ray transform, Quasi-analyticity for hypoelliptic operators, Infinite dimensional stochastic differential equation models for spatially distributed neurons, \(L^ 2\) estimates and existence theorems for the tangential Cauchy-Riemann complex, Certain nonelliptic boundary-value problems for a system of second-order elliptic equations with the principal part in the form of the Laplace operator, Asymptotics of maximal and typical dimensions of irreducible representations of a symmetric group, Uniqueness of extension of solutions of hyperbolic equations, Wiener estimates at boundary points for parabolic equations, Non prolongement unique des solutions d'opérateurs somme de carrés. (Unique non extension of solutions of sums of square operators), Partial differential equations without solution operators in weighted spaces of (generalized) functions, On a closed range property of a linear differential operator, A generic existence theorem for convective motions in a viscous fluid, Hilbert integrals, singular integrals, and Radon transforms. I, A class of inverse problems for nonlinear parabolic equations, On the global existence of holomorphic solutions and the semi-global existence of real analytic solutions of linear partial differential equations, On Gårding's inequality, Root functions of boundary eigenvalue operator functions, Hilbert integrals, singular integrals, and Radon transforms. II, Exact boundary controllability of a hybrid system of elasticity, Uniqueness and stability of extension of solution of an elliptic equation from a set to a domain, Nodal sets of eigenfunctions on Riemannian manifolds, Carleman's and subelliptic estimates, On semi-Fredholm properties of a boundary value problem in \({\mathbb{R}}^ n_+\), Fourier integral operators and inhomogeneous Gevrey classes, Limitations on the rate of decrease of solutions of elliptic equations in unbounded domains, Liouville type theorem for a system \(\{P(D),B_j(D),j=1,\dots ,p\}\) of differential operators with constant coefficients in a half space, Sistemi del tipo (Pu=f, Qu=g) non globalmente risolubili, Sur le problème de Cauchy pour les opérateurs partiellement multiquasi- elliptiques, Solvability of invariant differential operators of principal type on certain Lie groups and symmetric spaces, Selberg type zeta functions for the group of complex two by two matrices of determinant one, Un'estensione del teorema sulle suriezioni fra spazi di Frechet. Qualche sua applicazione, The local real analyticity of solutions to d'Alembert-Operator(b) and the (partial d)--Neumann problem, Lifting-Probleme für Vektorfunktionen und Tensorprodukt-Sequenzen, \(L^ p-\)inequalities for the Laplacian and unique continuation, A link between \(C^\infty\) and analytic solvability for P.D.E. with constant coefficients, Perturbations of pseudo-differential operators with double characteristics of constant multiplicity, Absolute continuity, singularity, and supports of Gauss semigroups on a Lie group, Necessary conditions for local solvability of homogeneous left invariant differential operators on nilpotent Lie groups, Ein Indexsatz für Flächen konstanter mittlerer Krümmung, Transformation of boundary problems, A sufficient condition for existence of real analytic solutions of P.D.E. with constant coefficients, in open sets of \(R^ 2\)., On global regularity and solvability of linear pseudo-differential equations, Nodal domains and growth of harmonic functions on noncompact manifolds, The fundamental solutions of orthotropic shallow shells, Local existence theorems with estimates for \(\bar \partial_ b\) on weakly pseudo-convex CR manifolds, Examples of cylindrical shock wave conversion by focusing, On semielliptic boundary value problems, Konstruktion von Operatoren und Kernen mit Hilfe von Absorptionsmengen, A new proof of a Paley-Wiener type theorem for the Jacobi transform, Einige elementare Ungleichungen für Exponentialpolynome, Propagation des singularités analytiques pour les solutions des équations aux derivées partielles, Propagation of singularities for operators with multiple involutive characteristics, On boundary values of generalized solutions of elliptic systems, Hölder estimates and hypoellipticity, Holomorphe Störungstheorie in lokalkonvexen Räumen, A theorem about the complete set of isomorphisms for systems elliptic in the sense of Douglis and Nirenberg, Konstruktion von Fundamentallösungen für Convolutoren, Intersection properties of weak analytically uniform classes of functions, The boundary problems of physical geodesy, On best error bounds for approximation by piecewise polynomial functions, On temperate fundamental solutions supported by a convex cone, Traces of commutators of integral operators, Curved finite element methods for the solution of singular integral equations on surfaces in \(R^3\), Esistenza ed unicita delle soluzioni di una classe di problemi ipoellittici, Local surjectivity in \(C^\infty\) for a class of pseudo-differential operators, On the Nirenberg-Treves condition for local solvability, An example of a locally unsolvable differential equation of quasiprincipal type with a realvalued weighted principal symbol, Fredholm representations of uniform subgroups, The Cauchy problem for differential equations with double characteristics, Regularity for a class of nonlinear elliptic systems, The propagation of singularities along gliding rays, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Multiparameter spectral theory, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Coercive inequalities for sectors in the plane, On the rate of convergence for parabolic difference schemes, II, Solutions hyperfonctions des équations aux dérivées partielles du premier ordre, On the rate of convergence for parabolic difference schemes, II, On the singularities of solutions of partial differential equations, Prolongement des solutions d'une équation aux dérivées partielles à coefficients constants, On local solvability of linear partial differential equations part I: Necessary conditions, Solution élémentaire d'un opérateur différentiel linéaire invariant à gauche sur un groupe de Lie réel compact et sur un espace homogène réductif compact, Hypoelliptic partial differential equations of principal type with analytic coefficients, On the singularities of solutions of partial differential equations, Solutions singulières d'équations aux dérivées partielles, Integrals with nondegenerate critical points, Interpolation spaces by complex methods, Définition d'opérateurs maximaux et applications, Operatori pseudo-differenziali, Über die Lokalisierung des wesentlichen Spektrums des Schrödingeroperators, On local solvability of linear partial differential equations—part II. Sufficient conditions, Résolubilité locale d'un opérateur différentiel invariant du premier ordre, On the regularity of non‐unique solutions of degenerate elliptic‐parabolic systems of partial differential equations, A boundary value problem in a product of half‐lines, Analytic‐hypoelliptic partial differential equations of principal type, Uniqueness theorems and wave front sets for solutions of linear differential equations with analytic coefficients, L2 is a continuable initial condition for kreiss' mixed problems, Étude de l'analyticité et de la régularité Gevrey pour une classe d'opérateurs elliptiques dégénérés, Boundary value problems for non‐elliptic first‐order systems of pseudo‐differential operators, A Priori Estimates for Continuation Problems for Elliptic and Principally Normal Differential Equations, On Hyperbolic Polynomials with Multiple Roots, Cauchy problems with characteristic initial hypersurface, Approximation Theorems on Differentiable Submanifolds of a Complex Manifold, Concatenations of second‐order evolution equations applied to local solvability and hypoellipticity, Gelfand Theory of Pseudo Differential Operators and Hypoelliptic Operators, Coupling of mixed finite elements and boundary elements for linear and nonlinear elliptic problems, An Asymptotic Property of the Roots of Polynomials, A Rigidity Theorem for Discrete Subgroups, Global Hypoellipticity and Liouville Numbers, An Energy Inequality for Higher Order Linear Parabolic Operators and Its Applications, Parametrices for pseudodifferential operators with multiple characteristics, Topological Properties of Analytically Uniform Spaces, Numerical analysis of a model for an axisymmetric guide for electromagnetic waves Part I: the continuous problem and its Fourier expansion, Differential equations without solutions, Generalized Pseudo-Hermitian Operators, Abstract Evolution Equations and the Mixed Problem for Symmetric Hyperbolic Systems, Solvability of a first order linear partial differential equation, A Notion of Capacity Which Characterizes Removable Singularities, Estimates near the boundary for solutions of elliptic partial differential equations satisfying general boundary conditions II, Integral Representation of Functions and Distributions Positive Definite Relative to the Orthogonal Group, Sufficient Sets for Some Spaces of Entire Functions, The Fourier Transform of an Unbounded Spectral Distribution, Normal families of holomorphic mappings, The Green formula and layer potentials, Global solvability for certain classes of underdetermined systems of vector fields, Uniqueness in the Cauchy problem for partial differential equations with multiple characteristic roots, On the galerkln boundary element method for a mixed non-linear boundary value problem, Perturbation theorems for linear hyperbolic mixed problems and applications to the compressible euler equations, On the Existence of Fundamental Solutions of Certain Boundary Value Problems, Unicité et contrôle pour le système de Lamé, Unnamed Item, Phragmén-Lindelöf principles on algebraic varieties, Unnamed Item, Sur la formule des traces de Selberg, Nodal Sets for Sums of Eigenfunctions on Riemannian Manifolds, Une méthode variationnelle d’éléments finis pour la résolution numérique d’un problème extérieur dans $\mathbf {R}^3$, Static Hedging of Barrier Options with a Smile: An Inverse Problem, Remarques sur l'observabilité pour l'équation de Laplace, Backward uniqueness for the heat operator in a half-space, A Maximum Principle for Optimal Boundary Control of Multiply-Connected Vibrating Plates, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, On isomorphism of ordinary differential operators, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, MICROLOCAL ANALYSIS OF THE SCATTERING ANGLE TRANSFORM, On the mixed finite element method with Lagrange multipliers, Unnamed Item, Carleman Estimates, Optimal Three Cylinder Inequality, and Unique Continuation Properties for Solutions to Parabolic Equations, A Calculus Approach to Hyperfunctions. II, A Question on Invariant Subspaces of Bergman Spaces, Spectral properties of Pauli operators on the Poincaré upper-half plane, Condition Is Not sufficient for uniqueness in the cauchy problem, On the uniqueness for the cauchy problem for elliptic operators, A Posteriori Error Estimates for Boundary Element Methods, Unnamed Item, Unicité du problème de Cauchy pour des opérateurs elliptiques, Remarks on Global Hypoellipticity, Uniform Approximation by Solutions of Elliptic Equations, The Noncharacteristic Cauchy Problem for Parabolic Equations in Two Space Variables, Non‐coercive boundary value problems, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Singular perturbations of Cauchy's problem, On a nonsolvable partial differential operator, Solutions of slow Brinkman flows using the method of fundamental solutions, Known and unknown results on elliptic boundary problems, Spectral theory for operators generated by elliptic boundary problems with eigenvalue parameter in boundary conditions, I, Teoremi di Quasi-Periodicita per Alcune Equazioni Differenziali Operazionali, The wave equation as limit of hyperbolic equations of higher order, Randwertprobleme quasilinearer elliptischer Differentialgleichungssysteme, On propagation of regularity in space-variables for the solutions of differential equations with constant coefficients, Uniformisation et développement asymptotique de la solution du problème de Cauchy linéaire, à données holomorphes ; analogie avec la théorie des ondes asymptotiques et approchées (Problème de Cauchy I bis et VI.), Some remarks on a paper of Calderòn on existence and uniqueness theorems for systems of partial differential equations, Über die Approximation durch stetige Potentiale, Generalized Functions and Dispersion Relations in Physics, Essential spectra of elliptic partial differential equations, Linear operators which commute with translations. Part I: Representation theorems, Pseudo differential operators and the uniqueness of the cauchy problem, Zones d'analyticité des solutions élémentaires, Sur les ultra-distributions, Sur les équations quasi-elliptiques et les classes de Gevrey, Decision procedures for real and p‐adic fields, Les solutions élémentaires hyperboliques d'opérateurs de Tricomi-Clairaut, Boundary value problems for first order operators, On Localization and Domains of Uniqueness, Uniform Approximation on Noncompact Spaces, On Quasi-Elliptic Boundary Problems, Functions of Several Self-Adjoint Operators, A Characterization of Differential Operators, Smoothing Derivatives of Functions and Applications, Uniqueness of the Cauchy Problem for Linear Partial Differential Equations with Variable Coefficients, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Inhomogeneous Timoshenko beam equations, On The Uniqueness Theorem of Lerner and Robbiano, Quelques propriétés du noyau d'un opérateur différentiel linéaire non hypoelliptique, à coefficients constants, Unnamed Item, A priori estimates, geometric effects and asymptotic behavior, Existence theorems for strongly coupled systems of partial differential equations over Bernstein classes, Asymptotic stability and energy decay rates for solutions of hyperbolic equations with boundary damping, Proprietes locales d'espaces de type sobolev en dimension, Singularities of boundary value problems. I, Unnamed Item, Spectral asymptotic for douglis-nirenberg ellipitic and pseudo-differential boundary problem, The smoothness of the free boundary in the one phase stefan problem, A calculus for fourier integral operators in domains with boundary and applications to the oblique derivative problem, A Characterization of Hypoelliptic Differential Operators with Variable Coefficients, Bounded Evaluations for Linear Elliptic Differential Operators, An Approximation Theorem of Runge Type for the Heat Equation, Über Distributionen auf Vektorbündeln II, Hyperbolic Integrodifferential Equations, Zum Problem mit schiefer Ableitung, Hypoellipticity of Certain Degenerate Elliptic Boundary Value Problems, On exact controllability for the Navier-Stokes equations, Hypoellipticity on the Heisenberg Group-Representation-Theoretic Criteria, The Order and Symbol of a Distribution