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zbMath0304.65002MaRDI QIDQ4060241

Alexander Ostrowski

Publication date: 1973

Title: zbMATH Open Web Interface contents unavailable due to conflicting licenses.

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On the geometry of polynomials and a theory of cost. I, A convergence ball for multistep simplified newton-like methods, Kantorovich-ostrowski convergence theorems and optimal error bounds for jarratt's iterative method, A dimension-reducing method for solving systems of nonlinear equations in, Solving systems of nonlinear equations In using a rotating hyperplane in, A family of newton type iterative processes, On generalized Halley-like methods for solving nonlinear equations, Unnamed Item, On convergence of iterative methods for maximal correlation problems, Error bounds for Newton-like methods under Kantorovich type assumptions, II, Nonhomogeneous linear recurrence relations and properties of some delay difference equations, The XFEM for nonlinear thermal and phase change problems, A two-dimensional simulation of solidification processes in materials with thermo-dependent properties using XFEM, Norm estimates for functions of two operators on tensor products of Hilbert spaces, On the Fibonacci Markov chains, Analysis of semilocal convergence for ameliorated super-Halley methods with less computation for inversion, Interval extension of the three-step Kung and Traub's method, Hyperbolic Polynomials and Convex Analysis, A family of multiopoint iterative functions for finding multiple roots of equations, Second-derivative free methods of third and fourth order for solving nonlinear equations, Several new methods for solving equations, Fractional programming, Analysis of third-order methods for secular equations, On Enclosing Simple Roots of Nonlinear Equations, On some cubic convergence iterative formulae without derivatives for solving nonlinear equations, The implicit function theorem for solving systems of nonlinear equations in, How to Improve the Domain of Starting Points for Steffensen's Method, Newton's method and the Computational Complexity of the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra, Error bounds for Newton’s process derived from the Kantorovich theorem, Directional Newton methods in $n$ variables, An 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equations, Lyapunov function for the Kuramoto model of nonlinearly coupled oscillators, Generalized Fibonacci sequences and Ostrowski’s theorem, Local Convergence of a Family of Iterative Methods with Sixth and Seventh Order Convergence Under Weak Conditions, Asymptotic error constants of cubically convergent zero finding methods, A uniparametric Chebyshev-type method free from second derivatives, Average-Case Optimality of a Hybrid Secant-Bisection Method, An improved convergence analysis of a one-step intermediate Newton iterative scheme for nonlinear equations, A doubly optimized solution of linear equations system expressed in an affine Krylov subspace, An improved semilocal convergence analysis for the Chebyshev method, Some modifications of Laguerre's method, Newton's method for overdetermined systems of equations, An Asymptotic Bound for the Iterates of Certain Real Functions Near a Contractive Fixed Point, Approximation of some linear recursive sequences and applications, Fourth-order derivative-free methods for solving non-linear equations, Optimal Secant-Type Methods for Operator Equations, On the Computation of Nonhyperbolic Fixed Points, A Homotopy based approach to unconstrained optimization, The fundamental theorem of algebra and complexity theory, Exponentially fitted variants of Newton's method with quadratic and cubic convergence, MAXIMUM LIKELIHOOD ESTIMATION OF AUTOCOVARIANCE MATRICES FROM REPLICATED SHORT TIME SERIES, Some New Iterative Techniques for the Problems Involving Nonlinear Equations, Higher-order simultaneous methods for the determination of polynomial multiple zeros, A unified approach to the solution of certain classes of nonlinear boundary value problems using monotone iterations, A convergence theorem for Newton’s method in Banach spaces, Error bounds for Newton-like methods under Kantorovich type assumptions, Extending the applicability of Newton’s method using nondiscrete induction, A global quadratic algorithm for solving a system of mixed equalities and inequalities, A modified Newton direction for unconstrained optimization, A new family of multipoint methods of second order, Extension of Henrici's method to matrix sequences, Method of parabolic approximation for solving the equationX=F(X), Parametric approaches to fractional programs, A composite third order Newton-Steffensen method for solving nonlinear equations, Convergence of Newton’s method and inverse function theorem in Banach space, Numerical analysis of a bisection-exclusion method to find zeros of univariate analytic functions, COMPARATIVE STUDY OF METHODS OF VARIOUS ORDERS FOR FINDING SIMPLE ROOTS OF NONLINEAR EQUATIONS, Monotone enclosing of solutions of the Steffensen‐type, On a Posteriori Error Estimates, Optimization problems with algebraic solutions: Quadratic fractional programs and ratio games, On a class of iterative procedures with monotone convergence*}, Some efficient algorithms for the solution of a single nonlinear equation, Convergence of Newton's and Halley's methods in the complex plane, Convergence of the multiplicative algebraic reconstruction technique for the inconsistent system of equations, Asymptotic solutions of singularly perturbed differential algebraic equations with turning points, Two‐step iterative methods for multiple roots and their applications for solving several physical and chemical problems, New higher order iterative method for multiple roots of nonlinear equations, Second derivative free sixth order continuation method for solving nonlinear equations with applications, The Jarratt method in Banach space setting, An optimal multiple root-finding method of order three, Bounds for the variation of matrix eigenvalues and polynomial roots, A method for finding sharp error bounds for Newton's method under the Kantorovich assumptions, Convergence of Chebyshev semi-iterative methods, Fields of tangent sets and Hofmann cones, A convergence theorem for Newton-like methods in Banach spaces, A generalized Steffensen's method for matrix sign function, Producing an interval extension of the King method, On the local convergence study for an efficient \(k\)-step iterative method, An extension of A. Ostrowski's theorem on the round-off stability of iterations, Convergence of relaxation algorithms by averaging, On the stability of shift variant discrete systems, On the dynamics of Laguerre's iteration: \(Z^ n-1\), Shift-maximal sequences in function iteration: Existence, uniqueness and multiplicity, A construction procedure of iterative methods with cubical convergence, Discrete Fourier transform computation using prime Ramanujan numbers, Weak convergence conditions for the Newton's method in Banach space using general majorizing sequences, On zero finding methods of higher order from data at one point, On the quantitative characterization of approximate decentralized fixed modes using transmission zeros, A class of root finding methods, An optimal and efficient general eighth-order derivative free scheme for simple roots, An Ostrowski-type method with memory using a novel self-accelerating parameter, Semilocal convergence of a k-step iterative process and its application for solving a special kind of conservative problems, Integration rules of the second kind, An automatic search procedure for finding real zeros, On the Eneström-Kakeya theorem and its sharpness, Über ein Verfahren der Ordnung \(1+\sqrt 2\) zur Nullstellenbestimmung, A new look at interpolation theory for entire functions of one variable, Sharp error bounds for Newton's process, On bounds for spectra of operator pencils in a Hilbert space, Ten methods to bound multiple roots of polynomials, On a generalisation of the root iterations for polynomial complex zeros in circular interval arithmetic, An improved regula falsi method with quadratic convergence of both diameter and point for enclosing simple zeros of nonlinear equations, On Newton's method with a class of rational functions, An updated version of the Kantorovich theorem for Newton's method, Continuity properties for flat families of polynomials. I: Continuous parametrizations, Interpolation problems in \(C^ n\) with applications to harmonic analysis, An error analysis for the secant method, A note on a closed input-output model with finite life-times and gestation lags, Chain algebras, Some supplementary results on the \(1+\sqrt 2\) order method for the solution of nonlinear equations, Affine invariant convergence results for Newton's method, Un metodo a convergenza quadratica per equazioni matriciali lineari, Sixth order methods for solving equations, Theorems of Stein-Rosenberg type. III. The singular case, Über die Anzahl der Lösungen der diskreten Theodorsen-Gleichung, Local convergence of some iterative methods for generalized equations., A further generalization of the Ostrowski theorem in Banach spaces, Convergence rates and convergence-order profiles for sequences, New family of iterative methods for solving nonlinear models, Symbolic computation and computer graphics as tools for developing and studying new root-finding methods, Recent mathematical results in the nonlinear theory of flat and curved elastic membranes of revolution, The midpoint method for solving nonlinear operator equations in Banach space, An iterative method of global convergence without derivatives in the class of smooth functions, Some efficient methods for enclosing simple zeros of nonlinear equations, Secant-type methods and nondiscrete induction, The Kantorovich theorem and interior point methods, On the global convergence of Halley's iteration formula, Sui procedimenti iterativi composti, A convergent process of price adjustment and global Newton methods, Some sixth-order variants of Ostrowski root-finding methods, Two conditions concerning Newton's method, A fifth-order iterative method for solving nonlinear equations, A family of root finding methods, Generalizzazione del metodo di Laguerre, High-order iterative methods for the solution of the matrix equation XA+AY=F, Multipoint iterative parallel methods for solving equations, The numerical stability of simultaneous iterations via square-rooting, Un metodo iterativo non stazionario per la risoluzione di equazioni algebriche, A faster, more stable method for comuting the pth roots of positive definite matrices, Markov chains: ergodicity in time-discrete cases, Improved Newton's method without direct function evaluations, About Henrici's transformation for accelerating vector sequences, Some modifications of Newton's method with higher-order convergence for solving nonlinear equations, Kantorovich-type convergence criterion for inexact Newton methods, Limit properties of differential mean values, Two new families of sixth-order methods for solving nonlinear equations, On a class of quadratic convergence iteration formulae without derivatives, Estimates for entries of matrix valued functions of infinite matrices, Second-derivative-free variant of the Chebyshev method for nonlinear equations, On a Steffensen-Hermite method of order three, On a family of parallel root-finding methods for generalized polynomials, Chebyshev method and convexity, Sufficient conditions for constructing methods faster than Newton's, Improving the order of convergence of iteration functions, Local behavior of the spectrum near algebraic elements, A Stein-Rosenberg theorem for rectangular matrices, Historical developments in convergence analysis for Newton's and Newton-like methods, Practical quasi-Newton methods for solving nonlinear systems, Error bounds for Newton's iterates derived from the Kantorovich theorem, Finding a cluster of zeros of univariate polynomials, A note on the Halley method in Banach spaces, An algorithm for the computation of zeros of a special class of entire functions, A fourth-order nonlinear iterative method in Banach spaces, A unified derivation of several error bounds for Newton's process, On the distance between lattices of invariant subspaces of matrices, Alternative methods of linear regression, On the convergence of infinite products of matrices