scientific article; zbMATH DE number 3639163

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zbMath0411.68058MaRDI QIDQ4198075

Michael A. Harrison

Publication date: 1978

Title: zbMATH Open Web Interface contents unavailable due to conflicting licenses.

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The effect of end-markers on counter machines and commutativity, Improved linear systolic algorithms for substring statistics, Inferring uniquely terminating regular languages from positive data, Model-checking structured context-free languages, The range of state complexities of languages resulting from the cascade product -- the general case (extended abstract), Reversible top-down syntax analysis, Regular expressions with nested levels of back referencing form a hierarchy, A coarse-grained multicomputer algorithm for the detection of repetitions, On the computing power of fuzzy Turing machines, On inferring linear single-tree languages, Regulated nondeterminism in pushdown automata, Weinbaum factorizations of primitive words, Topological language for RNA, Prime normal form and equivalence of simple grammars, A geometric characterization of automatic semigroups, On some decision questions concerning pushdown machines, Languages generated by iterated idempotency, Boundedness testing for unambiguous context-free grammars, Universality results for P systems based on brane calculi operations, On the number of nonterminals in linear conjunctive grammars, Families of languages defined by ciliate bio-operations, The language intersection problem for non-recursive context-free grammars, Equivalence of simple functions, Context-dependent nondeterminism for pushdown automata, Descriptional complexity of bounded context-free languages, Parsing by matrix multiplication generalized to Boolean grammars, Unavoidable regularities in long words with bounded number of symbol occurrences, On stateless deterministic restarting automata, Expressiveness and static analysis of extended conjunctive regular path queries, Conjunctive and Boolean grammars: the true general case of the context-free grammars, Computing by observing: simple systems and simple observers, Boundary sets of regular and context-free languages, Splicing systems and the Chomsky hierarchy, Results of NLC grammars with one-letter terminal alphabets, On the mathematical foundations of \textit{Syntactic structures}, Descriptional complexity of two-way pushdown automata with restricted head reversals, Groups, graphs, languages, automata, games and second-order monadic logic, Context-free pairs of groups. I: Context-free pairs and graphs, Binary bubble languages and cool-lex order, Quasi-rocking real-time pushdown automata, Context-free pairs of groups. II: Cuts, tree sets, and random walks, The pseudopalindromic completion of regular languages, Head and state hierarchies for unary multi-head finite automata, Budget-bounded model-checking pushdown systems, Multipass automata and group word problems, Conjunctive query containment with respect to views and constraints, Context-free recognition via shortest paths computation: a version of Valiant's algorithm, Valuations of languages, with applications to fractal geometry, Symbolic reachability analysis and maximally permissive entrance control for globally synchronized templates, Two double-exponential gaps for automata with a limited pushdown, Theoretical and computational properties of transpositions, Polynomial time learning of simple deterministic languages via queries and a representative sample, First-order logics: some characterizations and closure properties, A unifying approach to picture grammars, A representation theorem of infinite dimensional algebras and applications to 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Computation theoretic aspects of cellular automata, Formal languages and global cellular automaton behavior, On the complexity of the recognition of parallel 2D-image languages, Extended automata-like regular expressions of star degree at most (2,1), Transitive sofic spacing shifts, On the growth of linear languages, Kleene modules and linear languages, Unresolved systems of language equations: expressive power and decision problems, Some decision problems concerning semilinearity and commutation., Polynomial-time identification of very simple grammars from positive data., Formal languages defined by uniform substitutions, Measures of nondeterminism for pushdown automata, Equivalence of regular binoid expressions and regular expressions denoting binoid languages over free binoids, Self-modifying finite automata: An introduction, On the language of primitive words, On the monotonicity of (LDL) logic programs with set., A formal specification of document processing, The obstructions of a minor-closed set of graphs defined by a context-free grammar, The set of minimal words of a context-free language is context-free, Some decisional problems on rational relations, Learning deterministic even linear languages from positive examples, Length considerations in context-free languages, Pushdown automata with bounded nondeterminism and bounded ambiguity, The code problem for traces -- improving the boundaries, Completing comma-free codes, On the degree of scattered context-sensitivity., A recognition and parsing algorithm for arbitrary conjunctive grammars., Regular binoid expressions and regular binoid languages., The context-splittable normal form for Church-Rosser language systems., On the computational complexity of problems related to distinguishability sets, Generalizing input-driven languages: theoretical and practical benefits, Intersection of the reflexive transitive closures of two rewrite relations induced by term rewriting systems, The equivalence problem for LL- and LR-regular grammars, On LLP(k) parsers, Permutations are not context-free: An application of the interchange lemma, Marvellous interpretations differ little but decisively from ordinary interpretations of EOL forms, Basic formulas and languages. I: The theory, Basic formulas and languages. II: Applications to EOL systems and forms, On LLP(k) grammars and languages, On the relationship between the LL(k) and LR(k) grammars, The (generalized) Post correspondence problem with lists consisting of two words is decidable, A Noetherian and confluent rewrite system for idempotent semigroups, On the entropy of regular languages., Growth-sensitivity of context-free languages., On the Hotz group of a context-free grammar, A note on two-way nondeterministic pushdown automata, Optimal off-line detection of repetitions in a string, DOL schemes and the periodicity of string embeddings, Abstract grammars based on transductions, On the degree of ambiguity of finite automata, A graph-based regularity test for deterministic context-free languages, Cellular automata, \(\omega{} \omega\)-regular sets, and sofic systems, QRT FIFO automata, breadth-first grammars and their relations, An NP-complete language accepted in linear time by a one-tape Turing machine, Applying length-dependent stochastic context-free grammars to RNA secondary structure prediction, Some remarks on a theorem of Sakarovitch, On a kind of Fatou property of context-free groups, Extended regular expressions of arbitrary star degrees, The context-freeness of the languages associated with vector addition systems is decidable, Upper bounds on recognition of a hierarchy of non-context-free languages, A structure to decide reachability in Petri nets, Efficient reconfigurable embedded parsers, On the structural grammatical inference problem for some classes of context-free grammars, Complexity in left-associative grammar, Reversible pushdown automata, Operator precedence and the visibly pushdown property, Amalgams of finite inverse semigroups and deterministic context-free languages., Remarks on the structural grammatical inference problem for context-free grammars, Extensions to Barrington's M-program model, Picture words with invisible lines, Group presentations, formal languages and characterizations of one- counter groups, Global index grammars and descriptive power, Algebraically complete semirings and Greibach normal form, The structure of reflexive regular splicing languages via Schützenberger constants, Representing graph families with edge grammars, On equivalence of grammars through transformation trees, Trading independent for synchronized parallelism in finite copying parallel rewriting systems, The ancestor width of grammars and languages, On representing recursively enumerable languages by internal contextual languages, A simple undecidable problem: Existential agreement of inverses of two morphisms on a regular language, Manipulating derivation forests by scheduling techniques, A structural representation of shape and its features, Logic program forms, Synchronizable deterministic pushdown automata and the decidability of their equivalence, On LC(0) grammars and languages, Leftmove-bounded picture languages, Tight bounds on the number of states of DFAs that are equivalent to \(n\)-state NFAs, On strongly context-free languages, Complete formal systems for equivalence problems, Two-symbol DOS systems generating regular languages, Generalized factorizations of words and their algorithmic properties, A metatheorem for undecidable properties of formal languages and its application to LRR and LLR grammars and languages, Checking sets, test sets, rich languages and commutatively closed languages, Uniformly growing k-th power-free homomorphisms, A direct branching algorithm for checking equivalence of strict deterministic vs. LL(k) grammars, Homogeneous grammars with a reduced number of non-context-free products, Double Greibach operator grammars, Automatic semigroups, \(L(A)=L(B)\)? decidability results from complete formal systems, Stack cooperation in multistack pushdown automata, Greibach normal form transformation revisited., Derivation trees of ground term rewriting systems., On deciding trace equivalences for processes, Deciding bisimilarity of normed context-free processes is in \(\Sigma_ 2^ p\), \(L(A)=L(B)\)? A simplified decidability proof., Scattered deletion and commutativity, Boundedly \(\text{LR}(k)\)-conflictable grammars, Algebraic aspects of families of fuzzy languages, Rational languages and the Burnside problem, A pumping lemma for real-time deterministic context-free languages, On coordinated selective substitutions: Towards a unified theory of grammars and machines, Pattern selector grammars and several parsing algorithms in the context- free style, Applications of scheduling theory to formal language theory, On erasing in E0L forms, Deque automata and a subfamily of context-sensitive languages which contains all semilinear bounded languages, A property of three-element codes, On morphic generation of regular languages, The theory of ends, pushdown automata, and second-order logic, On total regulators generated by derivation relations, On the impossibility of the homomorphic characterization of context- sensitive languages, Database survivability under dynamic constraints, Analytic models and ambiguity of context-free languages, Rational strong codes and structure of rational group languages, On the size of unambiguous context-free grammars, Handle NLC grammars and r. e. languages, A note on pure grammars, On commutative context-free languages, A Yacc extension for LRR grammar parsing, Parallel parsing of programming languages, Balance of many-valued transductions and equivalence problems, On purely morphic characterizations of context-free languages, Grammars, derivation modes and properties of indexed and type-0 languages, Literal shuffle, Equivalences and transformations of regular systems - applications to recursive program schemes and grammars, Context-free languages and random walks on groups, Representations of language families by homomorphic equality operations and generalized equality sets, Recording the use of memory in right-boundary grammars and push-down automata, On the active and full use of memory in right-boundary grammars and push- down automata, Cyclic automata, Repeatable words for substitution, The interchange or pump (di)lemmas for context-free languages, Some subclasses of context-free languages in \(NC^ 1\), A note on word chains and regular languages, A representation of recursively enumerable languages by two homomorphisms and a quotient, A unified framework for disambiguating finite transductions, Alternating multihead finite automata, A note on regular classes in special Thue systems, On the generation of powers by OS schemes, A pumping lemma for deterministic context-free languages, Simple computation of LALR(1) lookahead sets, The suffix tree of a tree and minimizing sequential transducers, Almost optimal sublinear time parallel recognition algorithms for three subclasses of context free languages, Comparisons of Parikh's condition to other conditions for context-free languages, A hierarchy of deterministic languages, Iteration theorems for families of strict deterministic languages, Test sets and checking words for homomorphism equivalence, A closure property of deterministic context-free languages, LR(0) grammars generated by LR(0) parsers, An optimal algorithm for computing the repetitions in a word, Complexity and decidability for restricted classes of picture languages, Edge-label controlled graph grammars, On attribute grammars without attribute synthesis, On the decidability of equivalence for deterministic pushdown transducers, DPDA's in 'Atomic normal form' and applications to equivalence problems, Time complexity of languages recognized by one-way multihead pushdown automata, Practical arbitrary lookahead LR parsing, Sub-regular grammar forms, Generalization of the Ginsburg-Rice Schuetzenberger fixed-point theorem for context-sensitive and recursive-enumerable languages, A new proof technique to establish equivalence of the original and the generated lambda-free CFG with linear increase in size, A note on grammatical covers, Tree correspondence problems, On the subword complexity of square-free DOL languages, The grammatical inference problem for the Szilard languages of linear grammars, Distribution and synchronized automata, Easy multiplications. II: Extensions of rational semigroups, Extended regular expressions of star degree at most two, Marcus contextual languages consisting of primitive words, Unambiguous Boolean grammars, Efficient on-line repetition detection, Murg term rewrite systems, Membrane computing with transport and embedded proteins, A simultaneous reduction of several measures of descriptional complexity in scattered context grammars, Maximum likelihood analysis of algorithms and data structures, Tests for the LR-, LL-, and LC-regular conditions, Constructing a realtime deterministic pushdown automaton from a grammar, Fundamental properties of infinite trees, Bicentres de langages algébriques, Synchronized EOL forms, On binary equality sets and a solution to the test set conjecture in the binary case, On the equivalence of some transductions involving letter to letter morphisms on regular languages, Complexity and decidability for chain code picture languages, On derivation preservation, Tree pushdown automata, A regularity test for dual bordered OS systems, On test sets for checking morphism equivalence on languages with fair distribution of letters, A homomorphic characterization of recursively enumerable languages, On linear context-free languages and one-way multihead automata, A note on depth-first derivations, A note on Parikh maps, abstract languages, and decision problems, Precedence technique is not worse than SLR(1), Test sets for morphisms with bounded delay, An undecidable problem for context-free grammars, On permutative grammars generating context-free languages, Classes of regular and context-free languages over countably infinite alphabets, The undecidability of form equivalence for context-free and EOL forms, Order dependency in the relational model, On two problems related to cancellativity, Adherences of DOL languages, Formal verification of mobile robot protocols, An automatic semigroup of languages, Generating all permutations by context-free grammars in Chomsky normal form, On CD-Systems of Stateless Deterministic Two-Phase RR(1)-Automata, Computing the similarity of two sequences with nested arc annotations, Finite-image property of weighted tree automata over past-finite monotonic strong bimonoids, Generating all permutations by context-free grammars in Greibach normal form, The extended equivalence problem for a class of non-real-time deterministic pushdown automata, Equivalence of Finite-Valued Symbolic Finite Transducers, Lower bound technique for length-reducing automata, Thin and slender languages, Synchronization of Regular Automata, Learning deterministic context free grammars: the Omphalos competition, Finite turns and the regular closure of linear context-free languages, Self-reducibility, The fixed points of logic programs with Herbrand base \({\mathbb{N}}\), Boosting Reversible Pushdown Machines by Preprocessing, Syntactic codes and grammar refinement, Deterministic pushdown-CD-systems of stateless deterministic R(1)-automata, Computational aspects of sturdy and flimsy numbers, On the word problem for special monoids, Visit-bounded stack automata, Syntax checking either way, Purity results for some arithmetically defined measures, The language of self-avoiding walks, \(\mathcal{L}\)-reduction computation revisited, Boolean language operations on nondeterministic automata with a pushdown of constant height, Deletion operations on deterministic families of automata, On the rational subsets of the free group, Operator Precedence Languages: Their Automata-Theoretic and Logic Characterization, Aspects of Reversibility for Classical Automata, Tight Bounds for Cut-Operations on Deterministic Finite Automata, Reversible and Irreversible Computations of Deterministic Finite-State Devices, Locally Chain-Parsable Languages, More on Deterministic and Nondeterministic Finite Cover Automata, On store languages and applications, Beyond operator-precedence grammars and languages, On counting functions and slenderness of languages, Insertion operations on deterministic reversal-bounded counter machines, On the word problem for free products of semigroups and monoids, When input-driven pushdown automata meet reversiblity, On groups presented by inverse-closed finite confluent length-reducing rewriting systems, HRNCE grammars -- a hypergraph generating system with an eNCE way of rewriting, A family of languages which is polynomial-time learnable from positive data in pitt's sense, Kernels of Sub-classes of Context-Free Languages, The inclusion problem for some subclasses of context-free languages, Traffic grammar and algorithmic complexity in urban freeway flow patterns, Precedence Automata and Languages, On complexity of grammars related to the safety problem, Canonical scattered context generators of sentences with their parses, Hybrid and generalized marked systems, Relationships between bounded languages, counter machines, finite-index grammars, ambiguity, and commutative regularity, Colored operads, series on colored operads, and combinatorial generating systems, A multiobjective genetic algorithm for obtaining the optimal size of a recurrent neural network for grammatical inference, Pushdown tree automata, Linear splicing and syntactic monoid, Computing by commuting., Deep pushdown automata, A note on undercover relation, Iterated pushdown automata and sequences of rational numbers, Linear-bounded composition of tree-walking tree transducers: linear size increase and complexity, ON STATELESS TWO-PUSHDOWN AUTOMATA AND RESTARTING AUTOMATA, BOOLEAN GRAMMARS AND GSM MAPPINGS, Non-erasing Chomsky-Schützenberger theorem with grammar-independent alphabet, Weighted automata with storage, Linear context-free tree languages and inverse homomorphisms, The descriptional power of queue automata of constant length, On finite-index indexed grammars and their restrictions, Weighted parsing for grammar-based language models over multioperator monoids, REDUCTION TREE OF THE BINARY GENERALIZED POST CORRESPONDENCE PROBLEM, On the Formalization of Some Results of Context-Free Language Theory, Weighted operator precedence languages, Logic for \(\omega\)-pushdown automata, Algebraic Systems and Pushdown Automata, The Degree of Irreversibility in Deterministic Finite Automata, Groups whose word problems are not semilinear, Finite transducers and rational transductions, Alternating Context-Free Languages and Linear Time μ-Calculus with Sequential Composition, On the power of circular splicing, CD-systems of stateless deterministic R(1)-automata governed by an external pushdown store, Source-tracking unification, Sublogarithmic ambiguity, Measuring nondeterminism in pushdown automata, More on the descriptional complexity of products of finite automata, Fuzzy context-free languages. I: Generalized fuzzy context-free grammars, Fuzzy context-free languages. II: Recognition and parsing algorithms, Deciding path size of nondeterministic (and input-driven) pushdown automata, Non-finitely generated maximal subgroups of context-free monoids, From finite automata to fractal automata -- the power of recursion, On Symbolic Verification of Weakly Extended PAD, A pumping lemma for regular closure of prefix-free languages, On the descriptional complexity of the direct product of finite automata, Nondeterministic right one-way jumping finite automata, GROUPS WITH CONTEXT-FREE REDUCED WORD PROBLEM, Random Generation for Finitely Ambiguous Context-free Languages, Linear size test sets for certain commutative languages, The range of state complexities of languages resulting from the cascade product -- the unary case (extended abstract), Boolean kernels of context-free languages, Growth and ergodicity of context-free languages, More on deterministic and nondeterministic finite cover automata, Universal Horn Sentences and the Joint Embedding Property, Space Complexity of Stack Automata Models, A fast algorithm to decide on the equivalence of stateless DPDA, Greibach normal form transformation, revisited, Lower bounds for dynamic transitive closure, planar point location, and parentheses matching, The equivalence of boundary and confluent graph grammars on graph languages of bounded degree, On the average complexity of the membership problem for a generalized Dyck language, Topological Classification of RNA Structures via Intersection Graph, Dynamic algorithms for the Dyck languages, Visualization of RNA secondary structure with pseudoknots, Rational transductions and complexity of counting problems, Classes of picture languages that cannot be distinguished in the chain code concept and deletion of redundant retreats, On the equivalence problem for deterministic multitape automata and transducers, On weak growing context-sensitive grammars, Verification of programs with exceptions through operator precedence automata, Learning strongly deterministic even linear languages from positive examples, Language learning from membership queries and characteristic examples, MULTIPLICATION TABLES AND WORD-HYPERBOLICITY IN FREE PRODUCTS OF SEMIGROUPS, MONOIDS AND GROUPS, The Range of State Complexities of Languages Resulting from the Cascade Product — The Unary Case, On closure properties of \(\mathcal{L}\)-valued linear languages, On the word problem for weakly compressible monoids, On the Commutative Equivalence of Algebraic Formal Series and Languages, The Triple-Pair Construction for Weighted ω-Pushdown Automata, Aperiodicity, Star-freeness, and First-order Logic Definability of Operator Precedence Languages, Reversible Top-Down Syntax Analysis, On Jaffe's pumping lemma, revisited, Pushdown and one-counter automata: constant and non-constant memory usage, On some open problems concerning the complexity of cellular arrays, Rediscovering pushdown machines, On the accepting state complexity of operations on permutation automata, The pumping lemma for regular languages is hard, On Minimal Pumping Constants for Regular Languages, State-deterministic Finite Automata with Translucent Letters and Finite Automata with Nondeterministically Translucent Letters, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, EDIT-DISTANCE OF WEIGHTED AUTOMATA: GENERAL DEFINITIONS AND ALGORITHMS, Fifty years of the spectrum problem: survey and new results, Unnamed Item, Self-Verifying Pushdown and Queue Automata, Non-Self-Embedding Grammars and Descriptional Complexity, State grammars with stores, CHANNEL SYNTHESIS FOR FINITE TRANSDUCERS, ON NON-PRIMITIVE PALINDROMIC CONTEXT-FREE LANGUAGES, Decidability of code properties, Decidability of DPDA equivalence, On the Petri net realization of context-free graphs, Visit-bounded stack automata, Syntax checking either way, The descriptive complexity approach to LOGCFL, On finitely generated monoids of matrices with entries in $\mathbb {N}$, Variations of checking stack automata: obtaining unexpected decidability properties, Associative language descriptions, Normal form algorithms for extended context-free grammars, On Restarting Automata with Window Size One, Unnamed Item, A Greibach normal form for context-free graph grammars, One-Time Nondeterministic Computations, Unnamed Item, APPROXIMATING DEPENDENCY GRAMMARS THROUGH INTERSECTION OF STAR-FREE REGULAR LANGUAGES, Fuzzy pushdown automata, The Compositional Method and Regular Reachability, Unnamed Item, Pushdown automata with bounded nondeterminism and bounded ambiguity, Unnamed Item, Decidability of Right One-Way Jumping Finite Automata, Boosting Reversible Pushdown and Queue Machines by Preprocessing, The Ranges of Accepting State Complexities of Languages Resulting from Some Operations, Semilinearity of Families of Languages, On deterministic 1-limited 5′ → 3′ sensing Watson–Crick finite-state transducers, Space Complexity of Stack Automata Models, Sur la structure des langages algébriques, Syntactic/semantic techniques in pattern recognition: A survey, An axiomatic approach to the Korenjak-Hopcroft algorithms, Testing membership in parenthesis languages, On the generating power of regularly controlled bidirectional grammars, Unnamed Item, On the complexity of the string generation problem, Exact and approximate matching of matrix languages, On the descriptive power of simple precedence grammars, Indexed counter languages, Normal forms for phrase-structure grammars, The Degree of Irreversibility in Deterministic Finite Automata, FUNCTIONS ON GROUPS AND COMPUTATIONAL COMPLEXITY, Weightreducing grammars and ultralinear languages, The expressibility of languages and relations by word equations, A simple proof of Valiant's lemma, Time-bounded controlled bidirectional grammars, Loops in automata and HDTOL relations, Unnamed Item, The equivalence problem for deterministic pushdown automata is decidable, Unnamed Item, Pumping lemmas for the control language hierarchy, A result about languages concerning paperfolding sequences, Unnamed Item, Selective petri net languages, Recurrent words for substitution, Semitopological semirings and pushdown automata, Rational transductions and complexity of counting problems, A GRAMMAR-THEORETIC TREATMENT OF MULTIAGENT SYSTEMS, REDUCING SIMPLE GRAMMARS: EXPONENTIAL AGAINST HIGHLY-POLYNOMIAL TIME IN PRACTICE, Ogden's lemma for nonterminal bounded languages, On homomorphic images of left szilard languages, Decidable subcases of the equivalence problem for recursive program schemes, Coordinated pair systems ; part I : Dyck works and classical pumping, Coordinated pair systems ; part II : sparse structure of Dyck words and Ogden's lemma, Minimal Reversible Deterministic Finite Automata, Groups and Simple Languages, On the average minimal prefix-length of the generalized semi-Dycklanguage, Polynomial Time Probabilistic Learning of a Subclass of Linear Languages with Queries, Learning two-tape automata from queries and counterexamples, Lookahead lr parsing with regular right part grammars, A Taxonomy of Deterministic Forgetting Automata, Iterative tree arrays with logarithmic depth, On homomorphic images of szilard languages, The Computation of Partial Recursive Word‐Functions Without Read Instructions, Unnamed Item, Inclusion is undecidable for pattern languages, If a DOL language is k-power free then it is circular, Unnamed Item, Polynomial size test sets for commutative languages, On deciding some equivalences for concurrent processes, Solutions to twisted word equations and equations in virtually free groups, Sublogarithmic-space turing machines, nonuniform space complexity, and closure properties, Pumping and pushdown machines, Generalized cancellation-and-permutation properties, regular languages and supports of rational series, Two complexity measures for context-free languages, Post correspondence problem: Words possible as primitive solutions, Unnamed Item, Elements of Finite Order for Finite Monadic Church-Rosser Thue Systems, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Ranking and unranking left szilard languages, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, A TAXONOMY OF DETERMINISTIC FORGETTING AUTOMATA, Unions of certain bounded deterministic languages, A Scheme for LR(k) parsing with error recovery, On Stateless Deterministic Restarting Automata, Deterministic Pushdown Automata and Unary Languages, Unnamed Item, On comparingLL(k) andLR(k) grammars, A scheme for LR(k) parsing with error recovery part II: error recovery, Restorations of punctured languages and similarity of languages, Unnamed Item, AN UNIVERSALITY RESULT FOR A (MEM)BRANE CALCULUS BASED ON MATE/DRIP OPERATIONS, A scheme for lr(k) parsing with error recovery part iii: error correction, A new definition for simple precedence grammars, Abstract families of context-free grammars, DETERMINISTIC PUSHDOWN AUTOMATA AND UNARY LANGUAGES, Simultaneously One-Turn Two-Pushdown Automata, GENERATING ALL CIRCULAR SHIFTS BY CONTEXT-FREE GRAMMARS IN GREIBACH NORMAL FORM, A PUMPING CONDITION FOR ULTRALINEAR LANGUAGES, NOTES ON DUAL CONCATENATION, Congruences Associated with Dol-Schemes, Outils et résultats pour les transducteurs boustrophédons, Characterizations of the decidability of some problems for regular trace languages, Comparisons between some pumping conditions for context-free languages, Cardinality problems of compositions of morphisms and inverse morphisms, Lar(m, c, l) grammars, Time and space complexity of inside-out macro languages, On restricted one-counter machines, Growth and ergodicity of context-free languages II: The linear case, Invito alla teoria dei linguaggi formali, On finite grammar forms, Generalized periodicity and primitivity for words, Derivation languages of grammar forms†, Line Languages, On reducing the number of states in a PDA, Inferring regular languages by merging nonterminals, Extensions of sokolowski's theorem to prove languages are not context free or not regular