Atomic Decomposition by Basis Pursuit

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DOI10.1137/S1064827596304010zbMath0919.94002MaRDI QIDQ4210402

Michael A. Saunders, Scott Shaobing Chen, David L. Donoho

Publication date: 21 September 1998

Published in: SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing (Search for Journal in Brave)

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reinforced feature screening strategy for Lasso based on feasible solutions, Atomic norm minimization for decomposition into complex exponentials and optimal transport in Fourier domain, The Lasso problem and uniqueness, Processing of sparse signals and mutual coherence of ``measurable vectors, Optimization methods for regularization-based ill-posed problems: a survey and a multi-objective framework, A short note on compressed sensing with partially known signal support, Linear convergence of the randomized sparse Kaczmarz method, Efficient LED-SAC sparse estimator using fast sequential adaptive coordinate-wise optimization (LED-2SAC), TV+TV regularization with nonconvex sparseness-inducing penalty for image restoration, The smoothing FR conjugate gradient method for solving a kind of nonsmooth optimization problem with \(l_1\)-norm, A two-stage regularization method for variable selection and forecasting in high-order interaction model, Nonmonotone adaptive Barzilai-Borwein gradient algorithm for compressed sensing, New iterative regularization methods for the multiple-sets split feasibility problem, Best subset, forward stepwise or Lasso? Analysis and recommendations based on extensive comparisons, A new piecewise quadratic approximation approach for \(L_0\) norm minimization problem, Maximal solutions of sparse analysis regularization, Signal recovery under mutual incoherence property and oracle inequalities, A perturbation view of level-set methods for convex optimization, Oscillation of metropolis-Hastings and simulated annealing algorithms around LASSO estimator, A distributed one-step estimator, Level-set methods for convex optimization, Learning semidefinite regularizers, Efficient histogram dictionary learning for text/image modeling and classification, A modified nonlinear conjugate gradient algorithm for large-scale nonsmooth convex optimization, Sparsity-promoting elastic net method with rotations for high-dimensional nonlinear inverse problem, Existence, uniqueness, and approximation solutions to linearized Chandrasekhar equation with sharp bounds, Combinatorial rigidity of incidence systems and application to dictionary learning, Graph-induced restricted Boltzmann machines for document modeling, Uniqueness of the minimal \(l_1\)-norm solution to the monotone linear complementarity problem, Comparing the estimates of ROC curves by modeling methods, A significance test for the lasso, Discussion: ``A significance test for the lasso, Rejoinder: ``A significance test for the lasso, Optimal estimation of slope vector in high-dimensional linear transformation models, Homogeneous penalizers and constraints in convex image restoration, Incrementally updated gradient methods for constrained and regularized optimization, Spectral compressive sensing, Data-driven time-frequency analysis, Local behavior of sparse analysis regularization: applications to risk estimation, Stable restoration and separation of approximately sparse signals, Penalized regression combining the \( L_{1}\) norm and a correlation based penalty, A performance guarantee for orthogonal matching pursuit using mutual coherence, Sparse approximate reconstruction decomposed by two optimization problems, Iterative algorithms for total variation-like reconstructions in seismic tomography, Analysis of the self projected matching pursuit algorithm, Compressed solving: a numerical approximation technique for elliptic PDEs based on compressed sensing, Computing the spark: mixed-integer programming for the (vector) matroid girth problem, Necessary and sufficient conditions of solution uniqueness in 1-norm minimization, Iterative reweighted noninteger norm regularizing SVM for gene expression data classification, Energy preserved sampling for compressed sensing MRI, Properties and iterative methods for the \(Q\)-lasso, A hybrid scheme for encoding audio signal using hidden Markov models of waveforms, Complexity and applications of the homotopy principle for uniformly constrained sparse minimization, Sequential sparse Bayesian learning with applications to system identification for damage assessment and recursive reconstruction of image sequences, Homologous control of protein signaling networks, Recovery of seismic wavefields by an \(l_{q}\)-norm constrained regularization method, Model recovery for Hammerstein systems using the hierarchical orthogonal matching pursuit method, Underdetermined separation of speech mixture based on sparse Bayesian learning, A study on distributed optimization over large-scale networked systems, Time-scale-chirp\(_-\)rate operator for recovery of non-stationary signal components with crossover instantaneous frequency curves, A unified primal dual active set algorithm for nonconvex sparse recovery, Augmented sparse reconstruction of protein signaling networks, Modified forward-backward splitting method for variational inclusions, Structured overcomplete sparsifying transform learning with convergence guarantees and applications, Toward fast transform learning, Regularization parameter selection for the low rank matrix recovery, A modulus-based iterative method for sparse signal recovery, An inexact proximal augmented Lagrangian framework with arbitrary linearly convergent inner solver for composite convex optimization, Sampling from non-smooth distributions through Langevin diffusion, Overcomplete representation in a hierarchical Bayesian framework, Super-resolution for doubly-dispersive channel estimation, Robust sparse recovery via a novel convex model, Learning ``best kernels from data in Gaussian process regression. With application to aerodynamics, On the robustness of minimum norm interpolators and regularized empirical risk minimizers, Asymptotics for Lasso-type estimators., Penalized wavelet estimation and robust denoising for irregular spaced data, AdaBoost and robust one-bit compressed sensing, GRPDA revisited: relaxed condition and connection to Chambolle-Pock's primal-dual algorithm, A phase transition for finding needles in nonlinear haystacks with LASSO artificial neural networks, Sparse recovery of sound fields using measurements from moving microphones

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