scientific article; zbMATH DE number 3445421

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zbMath0284.16001MaRDI QIDQ4771385

Nathan Jacobson

Publication date: 1974

Title: zbMATH Open Web Interface contents unavailable due to conflicting licenses.

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FREQUENCY-DOMAIN CRITERIA FOR GLOBAL SYNCHRONIZATION OF MULTISCROLL CHAOTIC SYSTEMS UNDER LINEAR FEEDBACK CONTROL, Applications of the grassmann algebra to coding theory, The \textsc{Meat}-\textsc{axe} and \(f\)-cyclic matrices, On the problem of proper reparametrization for rational curves and surfaces, Another determinant condensation formula, Linearly compact rings having a simple group of units, Correcteurs proportionnels-intégraux généralisés, A presentation of the group \(\text{Sl}_*(2,A)\), \(A\) a simple Artinian ring with involution., ON THE WITT INDEX OF THE BILINEAR FORM DETERMINED BY A LEONARD PAIR, Decomposition Theory of Perfect Modules, Multiplicative Subgroups of Finite Index in a Ring, Symplectic Tate homology, Olga Taussky-Todd's influence on matrix theory and matrix theorists, Simple robust stability tests for polynomials with real parameter uncertainty, On free partially associative triple systems, A geometric approach to dynamic feedback cyclization over 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Applications, Isomorphism theorems for Galois groups of splitting fields of polynomials*, ON A KIND OF NONLINEAR DIOPHANTINE EQUATION, Unnamed Item, Norm Principles for Forms of Higher Degree Permitting Composition, INEQUALITIES INVOLVING GAMMA AND PSI FUNCTIONS, Bifurcation of solutions of nonlinear boundary value problems, Albert algebras over rings and related torsors, Zariski Spaces of Modules over Arbitrary Rings, Hopf Algebras on Schurian Quivers, On the rank of cyclic latin squares, Intégrales orbitales sur $GL(N,F)$ où $F$ est un corps local non archimédien, On quasi-reductive group schemes, Lattices Induced by Modular Pull-back Exact Categories, Gauge functions and the divisor chain condition, Signatures Through Approximate Representations by Quadratic Forms, On the Z-module structure of a free semialternative ring, Stability of discrete breathers in nonlinear Klein-Gordon type lattices with pure anharmonic couplings, PBW-basis for the composition algebra of the Kronecker algebra, On the cartan invariants of sl2(q), Quiver Algebras of Coverings and Twisted Tensor Products