scientific article; zbMATH DE number 844885

From MaRDI portal

zbMath0851.35002MaRDI QIDQ4865486

Mirko Rokyta, Jindřich Nečas, Michael Ružička, Josef Málek

Publication date: 14 February 1996

Title: zbMATH Open Web Interface contents unavailable due to conflicting licenses.

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lubrication, A note on the asymptotic smoothing effect of solutions to a non-Newtonian system in 2-D unbounded domains, Endoscope effects on MHD peristaltic flow of a power-law fluid, Global strong solutions for a class of heat-conducting non-Newtonian fluids with vacuum, Unsteady flows of fluids with pressure dependent viscosity in unbounded domains, Nonexistence results for a compressible non-Newtonian fluid with magnetic effects in the whole space, On existence and uniqueness of entropy solutions of weakly coupled hyperbolic systems on evolving surfaces, A stationary one-equation turbulent model with applications in porous media, Degenerate parabolic stochastic partial differential equations: quasilinear case, Pullback attractors for a non-autonomous incompressible non-Newtonian fluid, On the Ladyzhenskaya-Smagorinsky turbulence model of the Navier-Stokes equations in smooth domains. The regularity problem, Measure-valued solutions and the phenomenon of blow-down in logarithmic diffusion, On Stokes operators with variable viscosity in bounded and unbounded domains, Well-posedness results for triply nonlinear degenerate parabolic equations, Unsteady response of non-Newtonian blood flow through a stenosed artery in magnetic field, On steady inner flows of an incompressible fluid with the viscosity depending on the pressure and the shear rate, Regularity of trajectory attractor and upper semicontinuity of global attractor for a 2D non-Newtonian fluid, Existence and asymptotic behaviour of solutions to weakly damped wave equations of Kirchhoff type with nonlinear damping and source terms, Random attractor for the Ladyzhenskaya model with additive noise, A second-order shape optimization algorithm for solving the exterior Bernoulli free boundary problem using a new boundary cost functional, On the regularity of shear thickening viscous fluids, Large eddy simulation turbulence model with Young measures, Anisotropically diffused and damped Navier-Stokes equations, Caccioppoli type inequality for non-Newtonian Stokes system and a local energy inequality of non-Newtonian Navier-Stokes equations without pressure, Exponential boundary stabilization for nonlinear wave equations with localized damping and nonlinear boundary condition, Weak solutions for a stochastic mean curvature flow of two-dimensional graphs, Stress-diffusive regularizations of non-dissipative rate-type materials, Well-posed and stable problems for Prandtl's boundary layer system, Existence of global weak solutions for unsteady motions of incompressible chemically reacting generalized Newtonian fluids, Weakly asymmetric bridges and the KPZ equation, Hölder continuity of weak solution to a nonlinear problem with non-standard growth conditions, Well-posedness of the Cosserat-Bingham fluid equations, Mathematical results for some \(\alpha \) models of turbulence with critical and subcritical regularizations, Existence of regular time-periodic solutions to shear-thinning fluids, Existence and temporal decay of regular solutions to non-Newtonian fluids combined with Maxwell equations, Kelvin-Voigt equations perturbed by anisotropic relaxation, diffusion and damping, Time decay rates for the coupled modified Navier-Stokes and Maxwell equations on a half space, The boundary degeneracy theory of a strongly degenerate parabolic equation, Energy equality of the 3D Navier-Stokes equations and generalized Newtonian equations, Effect of body acceleration on unsteady pulsatile flow of non-Newtonian fluid through a stenosed artery, Stochastic representation of weak solutions of viscous conservation laws: a BSDE approach, Existence, uniqueness and blowup for hyperbolic equations with nonstandard growth conditions, A Liouville theorem for stationary incompressible fluids of von Mises type, Stability of boundary layer to an outflow problem for a compressible non-Newtonian fluid in the half space, The singular limit of a bilateral obstacle problem for a class of degenerate parabolic-hyperbolic operators, Gevrey class regularity for the global attractor of a two-dimensional non-Newtonian fluid, Hydrodynamics for one-dimensional ASEP in contact with a class of reservoirs, Kelvin-Voigt equations for incompressible and nonhomogeneous fluids with anisotropic viscosity, relaxation and damping, Global weak solutions for the Dullin-Gottwald-Holm equation, On the solvability of models for two-phase flows of viscous incompressible fluid with shear-dependent viscosity, Continuous data assimilation for the 3D Ladyzhenskaya model: analysis and computations, High-order discontinuous Galerkin methods with Lagrange multiplier for hyperbolic systems of conservation laws, On the analysis of a geometrically selective turbulence model, Global regularity properties of steady shear thinning flows, Hölder continuity of velocity gradients for shear-thinning fluids under perfect slip boundary conditions, Random attractors for locally monotone stochastic partial differential equations, Homogenization of Liouville equations beyond a stationary ergodic setting, Local strong solutions for the compressible non-Newtonian models with density-dependent viscosity and vacuum, On a class of generalized solutions to equations describing incompressible viscous fluids, Large-time behavior of solution to an inflow problem on the half space for a class of compressible non-Newtonian fluids, Existence and uniqueness results for quasilinear parabolic systems in Orlicz spaces, Exact controllability to trajectories for entropy solutions to scalar conservation laws in several space dimensions, Global existence of weak solutions to a higher-order parabolic system, Cutoff phenomenon for the asymmetric simple exclusion process and the biased card shuffling, The global existence and attractor for \(p\)-Laplace equations in unbounded domains, Well-posedness of general 1D initial boundary value problems for scalar balance laws, Large deviation principle for a class of SPDE with locally monotone coefficients, On a singular limit for the compressible rotating Euler system, Local higher integrability for unsteady motion equations of generalized Newtonian fluids, On the existence of dissipative measure-valued solutions to the compressible micropolar system, A note on Liouville theorem for stationary flows of shear thickening fluids in the plane, Dissipative solutions to a system for the flow of magnetoviscoelastic materials, Vanishing viscosity limit for the compressible Navier-Stokes system via measure-valued solutions, Quasilinear elliptic systems with right-hand side in divergence form, Global weak solutions for the two-component Novikov equation, Almost everywhere Hölder continuity of gradients to non-diagonal parabolic systems, Kinematic splitting algorithm for fluid-structure interaction in hemodynamics, Asymptotic stabilization of entropy solutions to scalar conservation laws through a stationary feedback law, The Dirichlet problem for a conservation law with a multiplicative stochastic perturbation, Error estimates in weak Galerkin finite element methods for parabolic equations under low regularity assumptions, Time-splitting approximation of the Cauchy problem for a stochastic conservation law, Size effects and idealized dislocation microstructure at small scales: predictions of a phenomenological model of mesoscopic field dislocation mechanics. II., Pulsatile flow of a chemically-reacting nonlinear fluid, Mathematical theory of compressible, viscous, and heat conducting fluids, A global nonlinear evolution problem for generalized Newtonian fluids: Local initial regularity of the strong solution, On flows of an incompressible fluid with a discontinuous power-law-like rheology, Existence of local strong solutions for motions of electrorheological fluids in three dimensions, A new class of elliptic quasi-variational-hemivariational inequalities for fluid flow with mixed boundary conditions, Space-time decay rate for Navier-Stokes equations with power-law type nonlinear viscous fluid, Non uniqueness of power-law flows, The Cauchy problem for the incompressible 2D-MHD with power law-type nonlinear viscous fluid, Global regularity of a class of \(p\)-fluid flows in cylinders, On a time-splitting method for a scalar conservation law with a multiplicative stochastic perturbation and numerical experiments, Boundary layer problem: Navier-Stokes equations and Euler equations, Young measure solutions for the wave equation with \(p(x, t)\)-Laplacian: existence and blow-up, Characterization of two-scale gradient Young measures and application to homogenization, Extension theorems for vector valued maps, Quasivariational solutions for first-order quasilinear equations with gradient constraint, Adjoint-based derivative computations for the optimal control of discontinuous solutions of hyperbolic conservation laws, Scalar conservation laws with general boundary condition and continuous flux function, Strong solutions for SPDE with locally monotone coefficients driven by Lévy noise, On the regularity of two-dimensional unsteady flows of heat-conducting generalized Newtonian fluids, Electro-rheological fluids under random influences: martingale and strong solutions, Signed Radon measure-valued solutions of flux saturated scalar conservation laws, On weak (measure-malued)-strong uniqueness for compressible Navier-Stokes 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Negative Orlicz-Sobolev norms and strongly nonlinear systems in fluid mechanics, Global existence and uniqueness result for the diffusive Peterlin viscoelastic model, Global existence of strong solutions to the Cauchy problem for a one-dimensional compressible non-Newtonian fluid, A regularity criterion for 3D shear thinning fluids in terms of the direction of vorticity, 3D Navier-Stokes equations of power law type with damping, Some qualitative properties of the solution to the magnetohydrodynamic equations for nonlinear bipolar fluids, Well-posedness of strong solutions for the Vlasov equation coupled to non-Newtonian fluids in dimension three, Nonlinear dynamical analysis for globally modified incompressible non-Newtonian fluids, On Fractional Benney Type Systems, Kolmogorov continuity and stability of sample paths of entropy solutions of stochastic conservation laws, Regularity criterion for 3D generalized Newtonian fluids in BMO, A systematic study on weak Galerkin finite element method for second‐order parabolic problems, Diagonally implicit Runge-Kutta schemes: discrete energy-balance laws and compactness properties, Convergence of first‐order finite volume method based on exact Riemann solver for the complete compressible Euler equations, Existence of steady solutions for a model for micropolar electrorheological fluid flows with not globally log-Hölder continuous shear exponent, Analysis of the generalized Aw-Rascle model, Regularity criterion for 3D shear-thinning fluids via one component of velocity, Weak solution of a stochastic 3D nonlocal Cahn–Hilliard–Navier–Stokes systems with shear-dependent viscosity, Existence and Stability of Dissipative Measure-Valued Solutions to the Full Compressible Magnetohydrodynamic Flows, Mapping hydrodynamics for the facilitated exclusion and zero-range processes, Temporal regularity of symmetric stochastic \(p\)-Stokes systems, Well-Posedness of Steady-State Bingham Type System by a Quasi Variational-Hemivariational 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evolutionary problems with a-priori bounded gradients, A Local Discontinuous Galerkin Approximation for the p-Navier–Stokes System, Part I: Convergence Analysis, On variational-hemivariational inequalities in Banach spaces, Analysis of a fully-discrete, non-conforming approximation of evolution equations and applications, Geometric constraints for global regularity of 3D shear thickening fluids, A semi-implicit finite volume scheme for dissipative measure-valued solutions to the barotropic Euler system, Global regularity for nonlinear systems with symmetric gradients, Stability for a 3D Ladyzhenskaya fluid model with unbounded variable delay, Existence, uniqueness and decay rates of a certain type of 3D Hall-MHD equations with power-law type, Dual Combined Finite Element Methods For Non-Newtonian Flow (II) Parameter-Dependent Problem, Temporal decay of strong solutions for generalized Newtonian fluids with variable power-law index, Peristaltic transport of a Herschel-Bulkley fluid in contact with a Newtonian fluid, Convergence of coercive approximations for strictly monotone quasistatic models in inelastic deformation theory, Nonlocal Conservation Laws in Bounded Domains, Definitions of solutions to the IBVP for multi-dimensional scalar balance laws, L1Solutions to First Order Hyperbolic Equations in Bounded Domains, On planar flows of viscoelastic fluids of Giesekus type, On Radially Symmetric Solutions to Conservation Laws, Large-time behaviour of the entropy solution of a scalar conservation law with boundary conditions, Strong Traces for Conservation Laws with General Nonautonomous Flux, Traces for Functions of Bounded Variation on Manifolds with Applications to Conservation Laws on Manifolds with Boundary, Singular limits of the quasi-linear Kolmogorov-type equation with a source term, Dissipative boundary conditions and entropic solutions in dynamical perfect plasticity, Existence of solutions for generalized \(p(x)\)-Laplacian systems, Flocking particles in a non-Newtonian shear thickening fluid, Initial-boundary value problem for a fractional type degenerate heat equation, Pullback attractors for non-Newtonian fluids with shear dependent viscosity, Steady flow with unilateral and leak/slip boundary conditions by the Stokes variational–hemivariational inequality, Global existence of weak solutions to viscoelastic phase separation part: I. Regular case, On the Full Space-Time Discretization of the Generalized Stokes Equations: The Dirichlet Case, Optimal Control of Nonlinear Hyperbolic Conservation Laws with Switching, Mathematical and Numerical Analysis of Some FSI Problems, Global-in-time probabilistically strong solutions to stochastic power-law equations: existence and non-uniqueness, Equilibrium perturbations for stochastic interacting systems, Existence of Weak Solutions for Unsteady Motions of Micropolar Electrorheological Fluids, A solution with free boundary for non-Newtonian fluids with Drucker–Prager plasticity criterion, Well-posedness for a class of compressible non-Newtonian fluids equations, Non-stationary flows of asymptotically Newtonian fluids, Existence of the unique strong solution for a class of non-Newtonian fluids with vacuum, Frictional Contact Problems for Steady Flow of Incompressible Fluids in Orlicz Spaces, Local existence of solutions to the non-resistive 3D MHD equations with power-law type, General renewal equations motivated by biology and epidemiology, Unnamed Item, Asymmetric attractive zero-range processes with particle destruction at the origin, Non-Newtonian fluids with discontinuous-in-time stress tensor, Kinetic and entropy solutions of quasilinear impulsive hyperbolic equations, On the Low Mach Number Limit for the Compressible Euler System, Moving boundary problems, DETERMINING NODES OF THE GLOBAL ATTRACTOR FOR AN INCOMPRESSIBLE NON-NEWTONIAN FLUID, On the partial regularity of suitable weak solutions in the non-Newtonian shear-thinning case, Sharp Interface Limits for Diffuse Interface Models for Two-Phase Flows of Viscous Incompressible Fluids, ON A SYSTEM OF EQUATIONS OF A NON-NEWTONIAN MICROPOLAR FLUID IN THE STATIONARY FORM, On the strong solutions of one-dimensional Navier-Stokes-Poisson equations for compressible non-Newtonian fluids, Error estimate for the approximation of nonlinear conservation laws on bounded domains by the finite volume method, A note on steady flow of fluids with shear dependent viscosity, An existence result for fluids with shear dependent viscosity — Steady flows, A numerical investigation of flows of shear-thinning fluids with applications to blood rheology, A dynamical approach to large eddy simulation of turbulent flows: existence of weak solutions, Strong solutions for a 1D fluid-particle interaction non-newtonian model: The bubbling regime, A Consistency Study of Coarse-Grained Dynamical ChainsthroughaNonlinearWaveEquationofMixed Type, Regularization of a non-Newtonian system in an unbounded channel: Existence of a maximal compact attractor, Local strong solutions to a compressible non‐Newtonian fluid with density‐dependent viscosity, Regularization of a non-Newtonian system in an unbounded channel: Existence and uniqueness of solutions, A posteriorierror estimates for vertex centered finite volume approximations of convection-diffusion-reaction equations, A review of a posteriori error control and adaptivity for approximations of non‐linear conservation laws, Remarks on the Controllability of Some Parabolic Equations and Systems, Buoyancy-driven viscous flow with \(L^1\)-data, On uniqueness and time regularity of flows of power-law like non-Newtonian fluids, On the singular times of fluids with nonlinear viscosity, Exponential attractor for a planar shear‐thinning flow, On Generalized Newtonian Fluids in Curved Pipes, Observations on a nonlinear evolution equation, Unique solvability for the density-dependent non-Newtonian compressible fluids with vacuum, Weak and Young Measure Solutions for Hyperbolic Initial Boundary Value Problems of Elastodynamics in the Orlicz--Sobolev Space Setting, On measure-valued solutions to a two-dimensional gravity-driven avalanche flow model, Approximate generalized solutions and measure-valued solutions to conservation laws, Stability of Strong Solutions to the Navier--Stokes--Fourier System, On the Weak Solution of the Fluid-Structure Interaction Problem for Shear-Dependent Fluids, Estimates of deviations from exact solutions for boundary-value problems with incompressibility condition, Large Eddy Simulation. Existence of stationary solutions to a dynamical model, A nonlinear Stokes–Biot model for the interaction of a non-Newtonian fluid with poroelastic media, Stability of the 1D IBVP for a non autonomous scalar conservation law, On the Classification of Incompressible Fluids and a Mathematical Analysis of the Equations That Govern Their Motion, Uniqueness and regularity of flows of non-Newtonian fluids with critical power-law growth, Global Existence Result for the Generalized Peterlin Viscoelastic Model, Existence and regularity of pullback attractors for an incompressible non-Newtonian fluid with delays, Thermo-visco-elasticity for Norton-Hoff-type models with Cosserat effects, On non‐Newtonian incompressible fluids with phase transitions, Partial regularity of the solutions to a turbulent problem in porous media, Generalized Navier–Stokes equations with nonlinear anisotropic viscosity, Approximation and Optimal Control of Dissipative Solutions to the Ericksen–Leslie System, Finite element approximation of singular power-law systems, On the spectral vanishing viscosity method for periodic fractional conservation laws, Unnamed Item, Kelvin–Voigt equations with anisotropic diffusion, relaxation and damping: Blow-up and large time behavior, Well-posedness of general boundary-value problems for scalar conservation laws, Incompressible non-Newtonian fluids: time asymptotic behaviour of weak solutions, Monotonicity methods in generalized Orlicz spaces for a class of non-Newtonian fluids, On elliptic and parabolic systems withx-dependent multivalued graphs, An inverse problem for generalized Kelvin–Voigt equation with p-Laplacian and damping term, Optimal Boundary Control of Nonlinear Hyperbolic Conservation Laws with Switched Boundary Data, GENERALIZED P(X)-ELLIPTIC SYSTEM WITH NONLINEAR PHYSICAL DATA, Optimal Boundary Control of Hyperbolic Balance Laws with State Constraints, Global analytic solutions and traveling wave solutions of the Cauchy problem for the Novikov equation, Freidlin--Wentzell Type Large Deviation Principle for Multiscale Locally Monotone SPDEs, Some Wellposedness Results for the Ostrovsky–Hunter Equation, On the dynamic slip boundary condition for Navier–Stokes-like problems, On nonlinear problems of parabolic type with implicit constitutive equations involving flux