scientific article; zbMATH DE number 3212078

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zbMath0131.02702MaRDI QIDQ5339349

G. Hochschild

Publication date: 1965

Title: zbMATH Open Web Interface contents unavailable due to conflicting licenses.

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A note on the exponential map of a real or \(p\)-adic Lie group, The surjectivity of the exponential map for certain Lie groups, Holomorphic representation theory. II, Holomorphic representation theory. I, Group actions and envelopes of holomorphy, Immortal homogeneous Ricci flows, Wilson's functional equations on groups, An equivariant version of Grauert's Oka principle, Product decompositions of solvable Lie groups, Archimedean superrigidity of solvable \(S\)-arithmetic groups, On M. G. 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III, On connected groups and related topics, Integration on loop groups. III: Asymptotic Peter-Weyl orthogonality, Galois and Cartan cohomology of real groups, Equivariant Kähler compactifications of homogeneous manifolds, Volume of representations and mapping degree, Errata to: ``Infinitesimally generated subsemigroups of motion groups, Product formulas for periods of CM abelian varieties and the function field analog, Embeddability of infinitely divisible distributions on linear Lie groups, Die Norm lokal kompakter Gruppen, Symmetry in Fourier-Stieltjes algebras, Stability of Poisson equilibria and Hamiltonian relative equilibria by energy methods, An elementary proof of the Baker-Campbell-Hausdorff-Dynkin formula, Solutions analytiques des équations invariantes sur un groupe compact ou complexe reductif, Multiplicative rule of Schubert classes, Subelliptic estimates and function spaces on nilpotent Lie groups, Controllability in nonlinear systems, Über Faltungshalbgruppen von Wahrscheinlichkeitsmaßen. 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II, On compact homogeneous symplectic manifolds, Limit theorems for probability measures on simply connected nilpotent Lie groups, The second cohomology groups of nilpotent orbits in classical Lie algebras, The beginnings of the theory of Hopf algebras., Über das Abelsche Analogon des Lindemannschen Satzes. I, The local theory of semigroups in nilpotent Lie groups, Relations between the half turns of the hyperbolic plane, Canonical maps between semidirect products with applications to elasticity and superfluids, Topologisch quasinormale Untergruppen zusammenhängender lokalkompakter Gruppen, On the supports of absolutely continuous Gauss measures on connected Lie groups, Topological groups, Locally finite approximation of Lie groups. I, Properly discontinuous actions of subgroups in amenable algebraic groups and its application to affine motions, Sur les caractères des groupes de Lie résolubles. (On characters of soluble Lie groups.), Weight and c, Geometric invariant theory on Stein spaces, Stable trace formula: Cuspidal tempered terms, Balls and metrics defined by vector fields. I: Basic properties, A note on coherent G-sheaves, Charakterisierung der kompakten, zusammenhängenden Moufang-Hughes- Ebenen anhand ihrer Kollineationen, Factors, roots and embeddability of measures on Lie groups, Lifschitz tail and Wiener sausage. II, Characterizations of finitely determined equivariant map germs, Continuous automorphism groups on a locally compact group contracting modulo a compact subgroup and applications to stable convolution semigroups, Groupes de Lie munis de métriques bi-invariantes. (Lie groups admitting bi-invariant metrics), Topologisch linksengelsche Elemente. (Topologically left Engel elements), Generalized cohomological dimension, Spinors ?, Basic forms and orbit spaces: a diffeological approach, Lipschitz continuity, Aleksandrov theorem and characterizations for \(H\)-convex functions, Lipschitz Spaces on Stratified Groups, A note on compact subgroups of topological groups, A cohomological obstruction to the existence of compact Clifford-Klein forms, On the Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity of the cohomology ring of a group, Parabolic subgroups with Abelian unipotent radical, ON THE EXACTNESS OF KOSTANT–KIRILLOV FORM AND THE SECOND COHOMOLOGY OF NILPOTENT ORBITS, The Complexification and Differential Structure of a Locally Compact Group, Über den Typenkonvergenzsatz auf zusammenhängenden Lie Gruppen. (On the convergence-of-types-theorem on connected Lie groups), Chern–Simons theory, surface separability, and volumes of 3-manifolds, The von Neumann Kernel and Minimally Almost Periodic Groups, Fixed points and amenability in non-positive curvature, Actions of discrete groups on stationary Lorentz manifolds, A reconstruction theorem for Riemannian symmetric spaces of noncompact type, Connected Lie groups having faithful locally bounded (not necessarily continuous) finite-dimensional representations, The Pompeiu problem for groups, The structure of Cartan subgroups in Lie groups, LINEAR AND PROJECTIVE BOUNDARY OF NILPOTENT GROUPS, Signature cocycles on the mapping class group and symplectic groups, Kähler geometry of horosymmetric varieties, and application to Mabuchi's K-energy functional, Complex manifolds with maximal torus actions, Associated forms: current progress and open problems, Stability, analytic stability for real reductive Lie groups, Nonabelian cohomology with coefficients in Lie groups, The structure of the linearizer of a connected complex Lie group, Topologies on locally compact groups, Dynamics of actions of automorphisms of discrete groups \(G\) on \(\mathrm{Sub}_G\) and applications to lattices in Lie groups, ABSTRACT HARMONIC ANALYSIS OF RELATIVE CONVOLUTIONS OVER CANONICAL HOMOGENEOUS SPACES OF SEMIDIRECT PRODUCT GROUPS, Maximal subsemigroups of Lie groups that are total, A Relation Between Invariant Means on Lie Groups and Invariant Means on Their Discrete Subgroups, On Representations of the Holomorph of Analytic Groups, A short survey on observability, Lie Groups of Bundle Automorphisms and Their Extensions, Twisted Weyl groups of Lie groups and nonabelian cohomology, Flat vector bundles over parallelizable manifolds, A unified group theoretical method for the partial Fourier analysis on semi-direct product of locally compact groups, Synthesis of nonlinear observers: A harmonic-analysis approach, Generalized Weyl-Heisenberg (GWH) groups, Bigraded cohomology of \(\mathbb{Z}/2\)-equivariant Grassmannians, Simple quotients of group $C^*$-algebras for two step nilpotent groups and connected Lie groups, Locally compact groups with many automorphisms, On the Diaconis-Shahshahani method in random matrix theory, Iperalgebre dei gruppi abeliani localmente compatti, Absolut-Stetigkeit und Träger von Gauß-Verteilungen auf lokalkompakten Gruppen, Specker--Kompaktifizierungen von lokal kompakten topologischen Gruppen, On prealgebraic groups, Contractive automorphisms on locally compact groups, Maximal compact subgroups and the centre in an analytic group, A local rigidity theorem for finite actions on Lie groups and application to compact extensions of \(\mathbb{R}^n\), Sur la courbure des métriques riemanniennes invariantes des groupes de Lie et des espaces homogènes, Proper actions on topological groups: Applications to quotient spaces, Borel multipliers for the Bondi–Metzner–Sachs group, On the realization of Riemannian symmetric spaces in Lie groups. II, Compact and Compactly Generated Subgroups of Locally Compact Groups, On the structure of groups with polynomial growth. IV, Equivalence of control systems with linear systems on Lie groups and homogeneous spaces, Automorphism Groups of Locally Compact Reductive Groups, Plotkin's geometric equivalence, Mal'cev's closure, and incompressible nilpotent groups, Torus actions on weakly pseudoconvex spaces, Hypoelliptic second order differential equations, Conformal Automorphisms and Conformally Flat Manifolds, Graphical formulation of recoupling for any compact group, Continuous automorphisms on locally compact groups, Ein Beweis der qualitativen Aussage der Campbell-Hausdorff-Formel für analytische Gruppen, Square-integrable representations of Hilbert algebras, On an infinite-dimensional group, Über Automorphismengruppen lokal-kompakter Gruppen und Derivationen von Lie-Gruppen, Supplements for the identity component in locally compact groups, Real Lie groups and o-minimality, Faserbündel mit Gruppenoperation, Kompakte Subnormalteiler, Affine Hopf algebras. I, Bounds on real finite linear groups that preserve a symmetric or skew symmetric bilinear form, Convolution kernels versus spectral multipliers for sub-Laplacians on groups of polynomial growth, Kompakt definierbare topologische Gruppen. (Compactly definable topological groups), Kompakte Unterräume symmetrischer Räume. (Compact subspaces of symmetric spaces), Local forms of invariant differential operators. I, Über das Verhalten endlicher Untergruppen bei Darstellungen kompakter Liegruppen. (On behavior of finite subgroups by representations of compact Lie groups), Structure of solvable Lie groups, Einige Eigenschaften des Darstellungsringes kompakter Gruppen, The uniqueness of integrals for Hopf algebras and some existence theorems of integrals for commutative Hopf algebra, Some remarks on \(C^*\)-bigebras and duality, Methods of computing Campbell-Hausdorff formula, Growth of connected locally compact groups, Actions of a noncompact semigroup with zero, On subgroups of the noncompact real exceptional Lie group \(F_4^*\), Separate and joint analyticity in Lie groups representations, Willmore surfaces in spheres: the DPW approach via the conformal Gauss map, The variation of isotropy subalgebras for analytic transformation groups, Principal orbit types for reductive groups acting on Stein manifolds, The complex-time Segal-Bargmann transform, Reduction groups and automorphic Lie algebras, Which groups act distally?, Nonabelian localization in equivariant \(K\)-theory and Riemann --- Roch for quotients, Continuous partial Gabor transform for semi-direct product of locally compact groups, ABSTRACT ALGEBRAIC INTEGRALS AND FROBENIUS CATEGORIES, Corrected automatic continuity conditions for finite-dimensional representations of connected Lie groups, Analytic controllability of time-dependent quantum control systems, On a theorem of Auslander, Abelian Subgroups of Topological Groups, Classification of compact complex homogeneous spaces with invariant volumes, Four-dimensional compact Clifford–Klein forms of pseudo-Riemannian symmetric spaces with signature (2, 2), Haploid algebras in \(C^*\)-tensor categories and the Schellekens list, Length functions exponentially distorted on subgroups of complex Lie groups, On piecewise hyperdefinable groups, A definability criterion for connected Lie groups, The Frattini subgroup of a Lie group and the topological rank of a Lie group, Homotopy type of the nilpotent orbits in classical Lie algebras, Lower bounds on the Lyapunov exponents of stochastic differential equations, Convexité pour les opérateurs différentiels invariants sur les groupes de Lie, Universal metric proper \(G\)-spaces, Symmetry properties of singularities of \(C^\infty\)-functions, Harmonic analysis with respect to heat kernel measure, Unnamed Item, On the center of group C* -algebras, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Semisimple symmetric spaces that do not model any compact manifold, The Pro-Lie Group Aspect of Weakly Complete Algebras and Weakly Complete Group Hopf Algebras, Equivariant holomorphic extensions of real analytic manifolds, The enveloping semigroup of projective flows, On Central Topological Groups, A Study of the Proximal Relation in Coset Transformation Groups, Complexification of Real Analytic Groups, Iwasawa's Theorem and Integrals on Lie Groups, Étude de certaines représentations induites d'un groupe de Lie résoluble exponentiel, Unnamed Item, Intégrales d'entrelacement et fonctions de Whittaker, On Hilbert’s irreducibility theorem for linear algebraic groups, Varieties of topological groups generated by Lie groups, Stable Subalgebras of Lie Algebras and Associative Algebras, On the automorphism group of a connected locally compact topological group, Distal Actions of Automorphisms of Lie Groups G on SubG, Unitary representations of solvable Lie groups, Integrable structures and the quantization of free null initial data for gravity, Flat Bundles with Solvable Holonomy, Invariance groups and convergence of types of measures on Lie groups, Abstract relative Gabor transforms over canonical homogeneous spaces of semidirect product groups with Abelian normal factor, Representation Theory of Central Topological Groups, Locally compact groups with every isometric action bounded or proper, Burghelea conjecture and asymptotic dimension of groups, POLYNOMIAL COHOMOLOGY AND POLYNOMIAL MAPS ON NILPOTENT GROUPS, On the Measure of Zero Sets of Coordinate Functions, Unnamed Item, Analytic and Entire Vectors for Representations of Lie Groups, Intrinsic microlocal analysis and inversion formulae for the heat equation on compact real-analytic riemannian manifolds, Mathematical Renormalization in Quantum Electrodynamics via Noncommutative Generating Series, Some Semigroups on a Manifold with Boundary, Einbettung unendlich teilbarer Wahrscheinlichkeitsma\e auf topologischen Gruppen, On Expansive Transformation Groups, Unnamed Item, Connected locally compact groups: The Hochschild kernel and faithfulness of locally bounded finite-dimensional representations, Unnamed Item, Complex Fourier Analysis on a Nilpotent Lie Group, Maps Between Topological Groups That are Homotopic to Homomorphisms, Note on faithful representations and a local property of Lie groups, Superrigid subgroups of solvable Lie groups, Analysis on Lie groups, Maps between classifying spaces, Unnamed Item, Compact Subgroups of Lie Groups and Locally Compact Groups, Rationality of Representations of Linear Lie Groups, Unnamed Item, Symplectic Homogeneous Spaces, Quotients of the crown domain by a proper action of a cyclic group, On Centralizers of Generalized Uniform Subgroups of Locally Compact Groups, Mesure de haar sur une algebra de hopf et groupes quantiques reels, Generalized tangent representations for groups and symmetric spaces of matrices, Symmetry properties of singularities of \(C^\infty\)-functions, The Space of Conjugacy Classes of a Topological Group, Unnamed Item, Square-Integrable Representations and the Mackey Theory, COMPLEXIFICATIONS OF HOLOMORPHIC ACTIONS AND THE BERGMAN METRIC, Group automorphisms preserving equivalence classes of unitary representations, Semi-simple splittings for solvable Lie groups and polynomial structures, Integrals in Hopf Algebras over Rings, Asymptotic properties of convolution operators and limits of triangular arrays on locally compact groups, Unnamed Item, On the Third-Degree Continuous Cohomology of Simple Lie Groups, Holomorphic functions of exponential type on connected complex Lie groups, Fonctions de concentration sur certains groupes localement compacts, On Tangent Cones to Length Minimizers in Carnot--Carathéodory Spaces, Maximal complexifications of certain homogeneous Riemannian manifolds, Universal proper \(G\)-spaces, On ergodic \(\mathbb Z^d\)-actions on Lie groups by automorphisms, Reversible relative periodic orbits., Cartan-decomposition subgroups of 𝑆𝑂(2,𝑛), Unnamed Item, The Category of Generalized Lie Groups, On the Automorphism Group of a Lie Group, On Pontryagin duality, Séries de Laurent des fonctions holomorphes dans la complexification d'un espace symétrique compact, On nth roots and infinitely divisible elements in a connected Lie group, Unnamed Item, Restricted Invariants on the Space of Elasticity Tensors, Exponential automorphisms of complete local rings, Exponential automorphisms of complete local rings, On Hopf Algebras with Nonzero Integral, On the nth root set of an element in a connected semisimple Lie group, Semigroups With a Dense Subgroup, Compactness of Certain Homogeneous Spaces of Locally Compact Groups, Fixed Points of Automorphisms, Analyticité et itères d'un système de champs non elliptique, Exponential actions, orbits and their kernels, On Bounded Elements of Linear Algebraic Groups, Mean Convergence of Fourier Series on Compact Lie Groups, On isometry groups of pseudo-Riemannian compact Lie groups, Filtrations and Canonical Coordinates on Nilpotent Lie Groups, Comportement asymptotique du noyau potentiel sur les groupes de Lie, Complex analytic geometry of complex parallelizable manifolds, On central topological groups, Unnamed Item