scientific article; zbMATH DE number 3257775
From MaRDI portal
zbMath0161.12101MaRDI QIDQ5543004
Publication date: 1964
Title: zbMATH Open Web Interface contents unavailable due to conflicting licenses.
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Numerical methods for coupled systems of nonlinear parabolic boundary value problems, Application of vector extrapolation methods to consistent singular linear systems, Error bounds for nondegenerate monotone linear complementarity problems, Linear construction of companion matrices, Limit orbits of a power iteration for dominant eigenvalue problems, Path lengths and initial derivatives in arbitrary and Hessenberg compartmental systems, A closed-form solution to a quadratic programming problem in complex variables, A note on comparison theorems for nonnegative matrices, Chebyshev acceleration of the method of Cimmino, Normalized implicit eigenvector least squares operators for noisy scattered data: Radial basis functions, Comparison theorems for supremum norms, On multicollinearity and concurvity in some nonlinear multivariate models, Rank reduction processes for solving linear Diophantine systems and integer factorizations: a review, Algorithmes de calcul du maximum des formes quadratiques sur la boule unité de la norme du max, Implicit semi-direct methods based on root-free sparse factorization procedures, On the variation of the spectra of matrices, A generalized companion matrix of a polynomial and some applications, Fast parallel and sequential computations and spectral properties concerning band Toeplitz matrices, Inverse matrix representation with one triangular array, Report on test matrices for generalized inverses, The focal point method for solving systems of linear equations, New bound on the sensitivity of the solution of the Lyapunov equation, Convergence results for an accelerated nonlinear Cimmino algorithm, On updating triangular products of Householder reflections, Inclusion of the roots of a polynomial based on Gerschgorin's theorem, The maximal eigenvalue of 0-1 matrices with prescribed number of ones, Criteria of finite element algorithm for a class of parabolic equations, Solution algorithms for nonlinear transient heat conduction analysis employing element-by-element iterative strategies, Some numerical techniques and their use in the extension of T-matrix and null-field approaches to scattering, A study of semiiterative methods for nonsymmetric systems of linear equations, Coefficient-free adaptations of polynomial root-finders, The convergence properties and stochastic characteristics inherent in force-biased and in Metropolis Monte Carlo simulations on liquids, VLSI implementation of fast solvers for band linear systems with constant coefficient matrix, A unified formulation of small-strain corotational finite elements. I: Theory, On the role of computation in economic theory, Inversion of the fermion matrix and the equivalence of the conjugate gradient and Lanczos algorithms, Schur complements and the Weinstein-Aronszajn theory for modified matrix eigenvalue problems, An implicitly restarted symplectic Lanczos method for the Hamiltonian eigenvalue problem, Theorems of the alternative and duality, Matrix homographic iterations and bounds for the inverses of certain band matrices, Some comments on six inequalities associated with the inefficiency of ordinary least squares with one regressor, A two-step state space time series modeling method, On the convergence of power scaled Cesàro sums, Divergence-free velocity fields in nonperiodic geometries, Synthesis of two-dimensional lossless m-ports with prescribed scattering matrix, Matrix structures in parallel matrix computations, Combinatorial dynamical system theory: General framework and controllability criteria, An iterative method to solve the algebraic eigenvalue problem, Some characterizations of orthant monotonic norms, Algorithms for roundoff error analysis - a relative error approach, On the spectrum of a nonsingular matrix, On the convergence of the conjugate gradient method for singular capacitance matrix equations from the Neumann problem of the Poisson equation, An algorithm for the zeros of transcendental functions, Über die Summation von Reihen aus linearen Schieberegisterfolgen, Solving non-linear elliptic difference equations by extendable sparse factorization procedures, Numerical calculation of stable and unstable periodic solutions to the Hodgkin-Huxley equations, A new look at the Lanczos algorithm for solving symmetric systems of linear equations, Order-convergence and iterative interval methods, Fast Poisson solvers on general two dimensional regions for the Dirichlet problem, Power inequalities and spectral dominance of generalized matrix norms, On the convergence of certain finite-difference schemes by an inverse- matrix method, On the completely symmetric compartmental system, Differenzenverfahren zur Berechnung periodischer Lösungen von hyperbolischen Differentialgleichungen, A bandstructure-invariant deflation for real symmetric matrices, Eigenvalue location using certain matrix functions and geometric curves, On the convergence of optimal linear combination procedures, Computational methods of linear algebra, On rank-deficient pseudoinverses, A normalized algorithm for the solution of sparse symmetric seven- diagonal linear systems of semi-bandwidths M and P, Schur complements and statistics, Inversion of tridiagonal matrices, Three dimensional x-projection method (with acceleration techniques) for solving systems of linear equations, A contribution to the theory of condition, A comparative analysis of various least-squares identification algorithms, On certain generalized matrix norms, The use of the generalized extended to the limit sparse factorization techniques for the solution of non-linear elliptic and parabolic difference equations, Iterative solution methods for certain sparse linear systems with a non- symmetric matrix arising from PDE-problems, Minimal point second order designs, Inverting an interval Hessian of a factorable function, New methods for linear inequalities, On square roots of M-matrices, On matrices leaving invariant a nontrivial convex set, New extremal characterizations of generalized inverse of linear operators, A local convergence proof for the iterative aggregation method, Edgeworth approximations in first-order stochastic difference equations with exogenous variables, A further generalization of the Ostrowski theorem in Banach spaces, Automatic integration of a stiff system using ellipsoidal norm of the error-vector for error-control, A new method for solving symmetric circulant tridiagonal systems of linear equations, A direct projection method for Markov chains, Efficient algorithms for the inclusion of the inverse matrix using error- bounds for hyperpower methods, A nonsingularlity criterion for complex matrices, On a criterion for the nonsingularity of complex matrices, The Lanczos algorithm and Hankel matrix factorization, On matrix norms and logarithmic norms, The power method for l\(^p\) norms, Partitioning, tearing and modification of sparse linear systems, The convergence of the method of conjugate gradients at isolated extreme points of the spectrum, A note on the union-intersection character of some MANOVA procedures, Bounded groups and norm-Hermitian matrices, Relatively bounded matrix sets, minimal matrix norms and numerical ranges, Algebraic Perron-Frobenius theory, Verfahren für die Bestimmung von Eigenwerten und Eigenvektoren von symmetrisch nicht-hermiteschen Matrizen, The spectral abscissa of partitioned matrices, On Bauer's generalized Gershgorin discs, Discrete, linear approximation problems in polyhedral norms, Computational aspects of matrix generalized inversion for the computer with applications, On stochastic programming. I: Static linear programming under risk, Multiplicativity and compatibility of generalized matrix norms, Parallel direct linear system solvers - a survey, Algorithms for projection methods for solving linear systems of equations, Order invariant properties of some matrices, A note on matricial minimality, Matricial logarithmic derivatives, The rank of a difference of matrices and associated generalized inverses, High-order iterative methods for the solution of the matrix equation XA+AY=F, A class of programming problems whose objective function contains a norm, Acceleration techniques for a class of x-projection methods for solving systems of linear equations, On the effective computation of the inertia of a non-hermitian matrix, Eigenvalue bounds for AB+BA, with A, B positive definite matrices, Perturbation bounds for the definite generalized eigenvalue problem, Numerical methods for elastic structural stability analysis, Linear feature selection with applications, A polynomial based iterative method for linear parabolic equations, Successive matrix squaring algorithm for computing the Drazin inverse, On a conjecture of Fiedler and Markham, An integral computational model for crack simulation and detection via eddy currents, Iterative solution of linear systems in the 20th century, Eigenvalue computation in the 20th century, Properties of positive definite solutions of the equation \(X+A^*X^{-2}A=I\), Multi-iterative methods, \(C^ 1\) surface interpolation with constraints, The ellipsoid algorithm using parallel cuts, Nonsingularity and symmetry for linear normal maps, Subspace projection variants on Newton's method, Nyström methods and extrapolation for solving Steklov eigensolutions and its application in elasticity, Transformations by diagonal matrices in a normed space, The Tendency toward a Moving Equilibrium, On some applications of bilateral orthogonalization in computational algebra, Real and integer Wedderburn rank reduction formulas for matrix decompositions, Comparison of volumes of convex bodies in real, complex, and quaternionic spaces, Properties of entangled photon pairs generated by a CW laser with small coherence time: theory and experiment, An \(O(n^ 3L)\) primal interior point algorithm for convex quadratic programming, Solving H-horizon, stationary Markov decision problems in time proportional to log (H), Reaching a stable additive group utility in a decision-making process, A class of optimal iterative methods of inverting a linear bounded operator, A Stochastic Estimator of the Trace of the Influence Matrix for Laplacian Smoothing Splines, Parallel variable metric algorithms for unconstrained optimization, A STATE SPACE TIME SERIES MODELLING METHOD WITHOUT INDIVIDUAL DETRENDING, Hessenberg and Hessenberg/triangular forms in linear system thcory†, Quadratic Cones Invariant under Some Linear Operators, Escalator method for determining optimal state feedback controllers for bordered unconstrained bilinear systems, Calculating a function of a matrix with a real spectrum, Convergence of the Nelder-Mead method, Rectangular and polar representations of a complex matrix, Obtaining minimal Gerschgorin discs by scaling the states, Linear time series variance, An algorithm for non-negative norm minimal solutions, Origin-shifted algorithm for matrix eigenvalues, Unnamed Item, Stabilization and Optimal Control of Symmetrically ε-Coupled Bilinear Systems Via Quadratic State Feedback Controllers, Rank reduction, factorization and conjugation, On nonlinearity and eliminating linear components from nonlinear systems, A determinant for rectangular matrices, Exact penalty functions in nonlinear programming, Convergence conditions for a restarted GMRES method augmented with eigenspaces, LOW-FREQUENCY ACOUSTIC SCATTERING OF A PLANE WAVE FROM A SOFT AND HARD TORUS, On QR factorization updatings, Accelerated Gauss-Newton algorithms for nonlinear least squares problems, A MULTIPLICATIVE SCHWARZ ALGORITHM FOR THE NONLINEAR COMPLEMENTARITY PROBLEM WITH ANM-FUNCTION, A parametric linear complementarity technique for the computation of equilibrium prices in a single commodity spatial model, A practicable steepest-edge simplex algorithm, Properties of a matrix with a very ill-conditioned eigenproblem, Accelerating the orthogonal iteration for the eigenvectors of a Hermitian matrix, Solutions of overdetermined linear equations which minimize error in an abstract norm, On matrices with a checkerboard sign distribution, Moments and characteristic roots. II, Norm conditions for disconjugacy of complex differential systems, Roots of an irreducible continuant, Matricial norms, Separation theorems for normalizable matrices, A note on Gerschgorin's inclusion theorem for eigenvalues of matrices, Monotonie und Randspektrum bei vollstetigen Operatoren, On systems of renewal equations, Asymptotic duality over closed convex sets, Parametrized games and the eigenproblem, Abschätzungen für die Eigenwerte positiver linearer Operatoren, A theorem on the trace of certain matrix products and some applications, Matricial norms and the zeros of polynomials, Ground-state eigenvectors for many configuration wavefunctions, Minimax solution of \(n+1\) inconsistent linear equations in \(n\) unknowns, Iterative Lösung nichtlinearer Gleichungssysteme und Diskretisierungsverfahren bei elliptischen Differentialgleichungen, The shifted QR algorithm for Hermitian matrices, Matrices similar to a positive or essentially positive matrix, Gerschgorin theorems for partitioned matrices, Perturbation d'une matrice hermitienne ou normale. (Perturbation of a hermitian on normal matrix), Generalized Rayleigh methods with applications to finding eigenvalues of large matrices, Constrained definite Hessians tend to be well conditioned, Non-Archimedian norms and bounds, Iterationsverfahren und allgemeine Euler-Verfahren. (Iterative and general Euler methods), On the computation of inclusion regions for partitioned matrices, Das modifizierte Ergänzungsverfahren zur Invertierung von Matrizen. (The modified method of completing for inversion of matrices), Mappings of domains by components of solutions of differential systems, Least squares algorithms for finding solutions of overdetermined linear equations which minimize error in an abstract norm, On Samelson's iteration for factoring polynomials, Inhibitionsfelder, On asymptotically best norms for powers of operators, On the fill-in when sparse vectors are orthonormalized, Improvement of the resolution of an instrument by numerical solution of an integral equation, Bounds for the error of linear systems of equations using the theory of moments, On certain optimization problems related to matrix norms, Flow patterns around heart valves: A numerical method, Minimal G-functions, On a connection between infima of norms and eigenvalues of associated operators, An analysis of the shifted LR algorithm, Rapidly convergent recursive solution of quadratic operator equations, A method of Samuelson and minimal polynomials, Minimization of norms and logarithmic norms by diagonal similarities, Conjugate direction methods for solving systems of linear equations, On a theorem of Gersgorin, Matricial norms and the zeros of lacunary polynomials, A modified ADI method for computing the best least-squares solution of an incompatible system (A \(\times\) I + I \(\times\) B)x = g, Optimal approximation and error bounds in seminormed spaces, Residence times in compartmental systems and the moments of a certain distribution, Approximating dominant singular triplets of large sparse matrices via modified moments, On the rate of convergence of the alternating projection method in finite dimensional spaces, Construction of real symmetric and per-antisymmetric matrices with prescribed spectrum data, Méthodes de projection-minimisation pour les problèmes linéaires, Application of the Lanczos-Phillips algorithm to continued fractions and its extension with orthogonal polynomials, On the Wedderburn-Guttman theorem, Inverse, Shifted Inverse, and Rayleigh Quotient Iteration as Newton's Method, Reliability analysis and optimization of a repairable standby system with modular items, Realization of semisimple lie algebras with polynomial and rational vector fields, Extended integer rank reduction formulas and Smith normal form, On the Matrix Adjoint (Adjugate)