Manifolds of Negative Curvature

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DOI10.2307/1995057zbMath0191.52002OpenAlexW4253048990MaRDI QIDQ5585981

Richard L. Bishop, Barrett O'Neill

Publication date: 1969

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manifolds with nonpositive curvature, A class of almost contact Riemannian manifolds, C-totally real warped product submanifolds, Non-existence of continuous convex functions on certain Riemannian manifolds, Slant submanifolds of a Lorentz Kenmotsu manifold, The Cartan-Hadamard conjecture and the little prince, Symmetry Diffeomorphism Group of a Manifold of Nonpositive Curvature, Curvature of multiply warped products, Homology of submanifolds of six dimensional sphere, Ricci curvature on warped product submanifolds in spheres with geometric applications, Generic warped products in locally product Riemannian manifolds, Chen-Ricci inequality for warped products in Kenmotsu space forms and its applications, Generic spectrum of warped products and G-manifolds, Finsler Warped Product Metrics of Douglas Type, Rigidity of lattices of non-positive curvature, Complete minimal hypersurfaces in the hyperbolic space ℍ⁴ with vanishing Gauss-Kronecker curvature, Horosphere slab separation theorems in manifolds without conjugate points, Isometries Homotopic to the Identity, Convex functions on complete noncompact manifolds : differentiable structure, From periodic ODE's to supercritical PDE's, On doubly warped product immersions, Characterization on mixed super quasi-Einstein manifold, A Cusp Closing Theorem, RETRACTED Warped Product Pointwise Semi-slant Submanifolds of Sasakian Manifol Retracted, WARPED PRODUCT SKEW SEMI-INVARIANT SUBMANIFOLDS OF NEARLY COSYMPLECTIC MANIFOLDS, Horocycle Flows on Certain Surfaces Without Conjugate Points, The double of a hyperbolic manifold and non-positively curved exotic $PL$ structures, Thickness of skeletons of arithmetic hyperbolic orbifolds, On a certain type of warped-twisted product submanifolds, Geometry of Warped Product Semi-Slant Submanifolds in Almost Contact Metric Manifolds, Contact Slant Geometry of Submersions and Pointwise Slant and Semi-slant-Warped Product Submanifolds, Slant Lightlike Submanifolds of Indefinite Contact Manifolds, A Remark on the Bochner Technique in Differential Geometry, Warped products of metric spaces of curvature bounded from above, Compact Einstein warped product spaces with nonpositive scalar curvature, Characterization of warped product submanifolds of Lorentzian concircular structure Manifolds, Einstein warped product spaces on Lie groups, Metrics of Negative Curvature on Vector Bundles, Enlarging totally geodesic submanifolds of symmetric spaces to minimal submanifolds of one dimension higher, Unnamed Item, On mixed super quasi-Einstein warped products, On symmetries of generalized Robertson-Walker spacetimes and applications, On Einstein warped product space with respect to semi symmetric metric connection, Tracking and Regret Bounds for Online Zeroth-Order Euclidean and Riemannian Optimization, Serrin’s type problems in warped product manifolds, Some results on the geometry of warped product CR-submanifolds in quasi-Sasakian manifold, Sequential Warped Products and Their Applications, Multiply Warped Product Generalized Semi-Invariant Submanifolds, Geometric inequalities for CR-warped product submanifolds of locally conformal almost cosymplectic manifolds, A note on warped product almost quasi-Yamabe solitons, Gray’s decomposition on doubly warped product manifolds and applications, Ricci curvature on warped product submanifolds of Sasakian-space-forms, On doubly warped products, Ricci curvature of contact CR-warped product submanifolds in generalized Sasakian space forms admitting a trans-Sasakian structure, On the Fundamental Groups of Negatively Curved Manifolds with Finite Volume, On warped product semi-slant submanifolds of nearly Trans-Sasakian manifolds, On Landsberg Warped Product Metrics, Pointwise slant submanifolds and their warped products in Sasakian manifolds, A Generalization of Minimal Cones, Geometric aspects of CR-warped product submanifolds of T-manifolds, Combinatorial Calabi flows on surfaces, On the Variety of Manifolds without Conjugate Points, Einstein-like warped product manifolds, On the topology of CR-warped product submanifolds, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Characteristics of conformal Ricci soliton on warped product spaces, Bi-warped product submanifolds of Kenmotsu manifolds and their applications, Geometric classification of warped product submanifolds of nearly Kaehler manifolds with a slant fiber, Conformal anti-invariant submersions from almost Hermitian manifolds, Nearly Kahler and nearly Kenmotsu manifolds, Tensor tomography on Cartan–Hadamard manifolds, On the number of geodesic segments connecting two points on manifolds of non-positive curvature, Special multiply Einstein warped products with an affine connection, Lorentzian manifolds admitting a killing vector field, Nonpositively curved manifolds, Chen-Tripathi Inequality for Warped Product Submanifolds of S-space Forms, Deforming homotopy equivalences to homeomorphisms in aspherical manifolds, Unnamed Item, Curvature and real analysis, Slant and pseudo-slant submanifolds in LCS-manifolds, Unnamed Item, Lie Algebra Theory without Algebra, On Lobatchewsky manifolds, On the Farrell-Jones conjecture for higher algebraic 𝐾-theory, A note on the fundamental group of a manifold of negative curvature, Unnamed Item, Metric Flows in Space Forms of Nonpositive Curvature, Unnamed Item, Warped Product Slant Lightlike Submanifolds of Indefinite Kaehler Manifolds, Certain Classes of Warped Product Submanifolds of Sasakian Manifolds, New examples of Moser–Bernstein type problems for some nonlinear elliptic partial differential equations arising in geometry, Multiply warped products with compact Einstein manifolds, Unnamed Item, Warped product hypersurfaces in pseudo-Riemannian real space forms, Warped Riemannian Metrics for Location-Scale Models, A class of warped product submanifolds of Kenmotsu manifolds, On a Riemannian manifold admitting a certain vector field, A general optimal inequality for warped product submanifolds in paracosymplectic manifolds, Geometry of semi-transversal lightlike warped product submanifolds of indefinite Kaehler manifolds, On warped product manifolds satisfying Ricci-Hessian class type equations, Isometry Groups of Manifolds of Negative Curvature, Geometry of pointwise CR-slant warped products in Kaehler manifolds, Unnamed Item, Weakly Convex Optimization over Stiefel Manifold Using Riemannian Subgradient-Type Methods, On warped product bi-slant submanifolds of Kenmotsu manifolds, Warped product pointwise semi-slant submanifolds of cosymplectic space forms and their applications, Warped product submanifolds of Kaehler manifolds with pointwise slant fiber, Warped product pointwise bi-slant submanifolds of kenmotsu manifolds, Some characterizations of anti-invariant submanifolds of trans-sasakian manifolds, Warped product pointwise pseudo-slant submanifolds of locally product Riemannian manifolds, Analytic and geometric background of recurrence and non-explosion of the Brownian motion on Riemannian manifolds, Warped product bi-slant submanifolds of cosymplectic manifolds, On some inequalities for submanifolds of Bochner-Kaehler manifolds, On warped product gradient η-Ricci solitons, Pointwise pseudo-slant submanifolds of a Kenmotsu manifold, An inequality for warped product semi-invariant submanifolds of a normal paracontact metric manifold, Curvature inequalities for C-totally real doubly warped products of locally conformal almost cosymplectic manifolds, Warped product submanifolds of Kenmotsu manifolds with slant fiber, Biwarped product submanifolds of a Kähler manifold, A Non-Flat Riemannian Manifold Admitting Certain Vectors Fields, Warped product skew CR-submanifolds of Kenmotsu manifolds and their applications, Pointwise planar horizontal sections along Riemannian submersions, Hadamard foliations of \(\mathbb H^n\), Geometry of generalized Ricci-type solitons on a class of Riemannian manifolds, Role of shape operator in warped product submanifolds of nearly cosymplectic manifolds, Chen-Ricci inequality for biwarped product submanifolds in complex space forms, The Lawson-Simons' theorem on warped product submanifolds with geometric information, Geometry of warped product semi-slant submanifolds of Kenmotsu manifolds, A note on Selberg's Lemma and negatively curved Hadamard manifolds, Pseudo-projective curvature tensor on warped product manifolds and its applications in space-times, A topological sphere theorem for contact CR-warped product submanifolds of an odd-dimensional unit sphere, \(\mathcal{PR}\)-semi slant warped product submanifold of paraKenmotsu manifolds, Ricci curvature of contact CR-warped product submanifolds in generalized Sasakian space forms admitting nearly Sasakian structure, Gradient solitons on doubly warped product manifolds, Warped products with critical Riemannian metric, Some topological properties of cohomogeneity one manifolds with negative curvature, Homology of contact 3-CR-submanifolds of an almost 3-contact hypersurface, On Douglas warped product metrics, Levi-Civita Ricci-flat doubly warped product Hermitian manifolds, Characterization on a non-flat Riemannian manifold, On Riemannian manifolds admitting a function whose gradient is of constant norm, Isometric immersions of warped products, The existence of gradient Yamabe solitons on spacetimes, What is the Bochner technique and where is it applied, Geometry of warped product pointwise semi-slant submanifolds of locally product Riemannian manifolds, Warped product pointwise semi-slant submanifolds of the complex space forms, On a non flat Riemannian warped product manifold with respect to quarter-symmetric connection, The Sobolev-Poincaré inequality and the \(L_{q,p}\)-cohomology of twisted cylinders, Asymptotic Dirichlet problems in warped products, Hermitian metrics of positive holomorphic sectional curvature on fibrations, Riemannian hyperbolization, Optimization on slant submanifolds of Golden Riemannian manifolds using generalized normalized \(\delta \)-Casorati curvatures, Symmetries of \(f\)-associated standard static spacetimes and applications, The equivariant Minkowski problem in Minkowski space, Warped product submanifolds of Riemannian product manifolds, Finsler warped product metrics with special Riemannian curvature properties, Discrete groups and holomorphic functions, Null homology in warped product Lagrangian submanifolds of the nearly Kaehler \(\mathbb{S}^6\) and its applications, Semi-slant warped product submanifolds of a Kenmotsu manifold, Hemi-slant warped product submanifolds of nearly Kaehler manifolds, Multiply warped products with a semisymmetric metric connection, Isoperimetric inequalities and monotonicity formulas for submanifolds in warped products manifolds, Complete minimal submanifolds with nullity in the hyperbolic space, Scalar curvature and the multiconformal class of a direct product Riemannian manifold, On homogeneous geodesics and weakly symmetric spaces, On projectively flat Finsler warped product metrics of constant flag curvature, Translation lengths of parabolic isometries of CAT(0) spaces and their applications, On doubly twisted product immersions, The Chen's first inequality for submanifolds of statistical warped product manifolds, Riemannian invariants that characterize rotational symmetries of the standard sphere, Geometry of pointwise semi-slant warped products in locally conformal Kähler manifolds, A general inequality for CR-warped products in generalized Sasakian space form and its applications, Study of differential equations on warped product semi-invariant submanifolds of the generalized Sasakian space forms, Geodesics of a special multiply warped product manifolds, Barycentric subspace analysis on manifolds, Geometry of warped product lightlike submanifolds of indefinite nearly Kaehler manifolds, B.-Y. Chen's inequality for bi-warped products and its applications in Kenmotsu manifolds, Warped products and Yang-Mills equations on noncommutative spaces, Concircular curvature on warped product manifolds and applications, A two-phase-like proximal point algorithm in domains of positivity, Some properties of the fundamental group of a Fuchsian manifold, A note on gradient Einstein-type manifolds, Bi-warped products and applications in locally product Riemannian manifolds, Contact CR-warped product of submanifolds of the generalized Sasakian space forms admitting a nearly trans-Sasakian structure, Chen-Ricci inequality for \(CR\)-warped products and related open problems, On quasi-Einstein sequential warped product manifolds, Ricci solitons on singly warped product manifolds and applications, New properties on normalized null hypersurfaces, Compact null hypersurfaces in Lorentzian manifolds, Another class of warped product submanifolds of Kenmotsu manifolds, A study of doubly warped product immersions in a nearly trans-Sasakian manifold with slant factor, Homology groups in warped product submanifolds in hyperbolic spaces, Stationary spacetimes and self-adjointness in Klein-Gordon theory, Stable currents and homology groups in a compact CR-warped product submanifold with negative constant sectional curvature, Nonexistence of \(\mathcal{PR} \)-semi-slant warped product submanifolds in paracosymplectic manifolds, Bi-warped product submanifolds of nearly Kaehler manifolds, A family of multiply warped product semi-Riemannian Einstein metrics, Application of hyper-generalized quasi-Einstein spacetimes in general relativity, Warped product pointwise semi slant submanifolds of Sasakian space forms and their applications, Geometric mechanics on warped product semi-slant submanifold of generalized complex space forms, Survey on the asymptotic Dirichlet problem for the minimal surface equation, On local curvature symmetries of GRW space-times, Biharmonic curves in \(f\)-Kenmotsu 3-manifolds, A note on warped products, Total curvature and the isoperimetric inequality in Cartan-Hadamard manifolds, Bakry-Émery Ricci curvature bounds for doubly warped products of weighted spaces, Sur le volume minimal des variétés ouvertes. (On the minimal volume of open manifolds), Complex Einstein-Finsler doubly twisted product metrics, Multiply warped products, Einstein hypersurfaces of warped product spaces, Characterization of Einstein Poisson warped product space, Isometry groups of simply connected manifolds of nonpositive curvature. II, Geometry--5, Foliations, submanifolds, and mixed curvature, Totally umbilical hypersurfaces of product spaces, Chen's first inequality for hemi-slant warped products in nearly trans-Sasakian manifolds, Hypersurfaces of constant higher-order mean curvature in \(M\times{\mathbb{R}}\), Graphical mean curvature flow with bounded bi-Ricci curvature, Closed geodesics in simply connected Riemannian spaces of negative curvature, Constant scalar curvature and warped product globally null manifolds, On the spectral theory of manifolds with cusps., Doubly warped products.

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