
From MaRDI portal

zbMath0195.10401MaRDI QIDQ5590963

Leon Ehrenpreis

Publication date: 1970

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II, Unnamed Item, Problèmes de Cauchy globaux, Vanishing theorems with algebraic growth and algebraic division properties. complex analytic De Rham cohomology, I, Localizable Analytically Uniform Spaces and the Fundamental Principle, A proof of Ehrenpreis' fundamental principle in hyperfunctions, Quasi-analytic vectors and quasi-analytic functions, Discrete Analytic Functions of Exponential Growth, Solvability of Systems of Linear Operator Equations, Isolated Singularities of Harmonic Functions and Analytic Functions, Long-time asymptotics of moving boundary problems using an Ehrenpreis-type representation and its Riemann-Hilbert nonlinearization, Unnamed Item, Hermitian Clifford analysis and resolutions, Computational algebraic analysis methods in Clifford analysis, Unnamed Item, The Dirac Complex on Abstract Vector Variables: Megaforms, Unnamed Item, Analytically uniform spaces of infinitely differentiable functions, A uniqueness theorem for convolution operators, Fourier transforms of the beurling classes $\mathfrak{D}_\omega ,\,\varepsilon '_\omega$, On Mean-Periodicity. 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