
From MaRDI portal

zbMath0037.07301MaRDI QIDQ5795279

Laurent Schwartz

Publication date: 1950

46-02: Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) pertaining to functional analysis

46Fxx: Distributions, generalized functions, distribution spaces

Related Items

Existence theorems for a class of problems in nonlinear elasticity, Control of the solution of a stochastic equation with discontinuous trajectories, Laguerre expansions of tempered distributions and generalized functions, Surface instabilities in finitely strained solids under static loading, Continuous translation invariant valuations on convex bodies, Espaces de fonctions différentiables à valeurs vectorielles, Ergodentheorie und fastperiodische Funktionen auf Halbgruppen, Tracce sulla frontiera delle funzioni di Beppo Levi, Contribution à une problème de M. M. Picone, Distributions à valeurs dans le dual d'un espace de Banach, Verallgemeinerte Laplace-Operatoren und Potentiale, Einführung in den Kalkül der Distributionstheorie mit Anwendungen auf Anfangswertprobleme in der Gasdynamik, Distribution theory of the operational calculus, An extension of the Laplace-transform calculus, Sur certaines équations aux dérivées partielles à coefficients opérateurs non bornés, Differential operators of principal type, Singularities of Hadamard's finite part of improper integrals in the distributions of Schwartz, Semi-groups of operators in Fréchet space and applications to partial differential equations, Estimates for translation invariant operators in \(L^p\) spaces, On solutions of the Helmholtz equation in exterior domains, Distributionen als Randverteilungen analytischer Funktionen. II, Note zur lokalen Struktur der Distributionen, Null solutions of partial differential equations, Darstellung der Schwartzschen Distributionen durch analytische Funktionen, On a trace problem, Sur l'approximation des solutions de certains problèmes aux limites, A link between small divisors and smoothness of the solutions of a class of partial differential operators, On the uniqueness of \(L^ 2\)-solutions in half-space of certain differential equations, Global version of the Cauchy-Kovalevskaia theorem for nonlinear PDEs, Generalized solutions to a linear discontinuous differential equation, The wave equation for Dunkl operators, Distributions: The evolution of a mathematical theory, Interior regularity operators, The Riemann-Hilbert problem for holonomic systems, Symbols and orbits for 3-step nilpotent Lie groups, Some remarks concerning duality for continuous-time programming problems, Entire cyclic cohomology of Banach algebras and characters of \(\theta\)- summable Fredholm modules, Analytic Bezout identities, Shape from texture: General principle, On a class of singular solutions of the Euler-Poisson-Darboux equation, A priori inequalities connected with systems of partial differential equations, Sufficient conditions of optimality in linear problems of the mathematical theory of optimal processes with phase constraints, A new look at interpolation theory for entire functions of one variable, On a nature of convergence of some Feynman path integrals. I, The structure of module derivations of Banach algebras of differentiable functions, Eigenspaces of invariant differential operators on an affine symmetric space, Spatially homogeneous random evolutions, The space of distributions treated as a ranked space, Quantum mechanics and partial differential equations, Riemann problem for p-cone in Vladimirov algebras, A p-adic theory of hyperfunctions. I, Gabor representation of generalized functions, Local solvability of second order differential operators on nilpotent Lie groups, The generalized analytic signal, Transformation of boundary problems, Pricing infinite horizon programs, Coefficients généralisés de séries principales sphériques et distributions sphériques sur \(G_ \mathbb{C} /G_ \mathbb{R}\). (Generalized coefficients of spherical principal series and spherical distributions over \(G_ \mathbb{C} /G_ \mathbb{R}\)), Stochastic evolution equations and related measure processes, Estimates for solutions of homogeneous elliptic linear equations defined on bounded domains, Some classes of vector-valued generalized functions and applications to boundary value problems for random functions, Complex-dimensional invariant delta functions and lightcone singularities, The transition to polynomials upon convergence of \(| x|\rightarrow\infty\) for solutions of a class of pseudodifferential equations, Analyticity properties of trilinear SL(2,C) invariant forms in elementary representation parameters, Fourier analysis on space-like surfaces. I: The case of mass \(\nu\neq 0\), Fourier analysis on space-like surfaces. II. The case of mass \(\nu=0\), The local Cauchy problem in \(R^2\) at a point where two characteristic curves have a common tangent, Laterally induced impedance effects in vision, Sul minimo di funzionali definiti sullo spazio delle funzioni di variazione limitata in n dimensioni, Partial differential equations in the 20th century, Dirac's representation theory as a framework for signal theory. I: Discrete finite signals, Dirac's representation theory as a framework for signal theory. II: Infinite duration and continuous signals, Variational problem of some quadratic functionals in complex analysis, Large-time behavior of entropy solutions of conservation laws, Continuous-time fractional ARMA processes, Galerkin-least-squares finite element methods for the three-field Stokes system in \(\mathbb R^3\), Operator spectral states, Spatial energy distribution in nonlinear elastostatics, Multiscale, hybrid mixture theory for swelling systems. I: Balance laws, Wavelet analysis and covariance structure of some classes of non-stationary processes, Almost periodic distributions in tube domains, PDE and extrafunctions, On the distribution of poles of Padé approximants to the \(Z\)-transform of complex Gaussian white noise, Laguerre-tempered distributions and their expansions, A study of Maurice Fréchet. III: Fréchet as analyst, 1909-1930, Existence theorems for systems of convolution equations, Investigation of boundary value problems for elliptic systems of first order. (Author's abstract of the doctoral dissertation.), Fundamental solutions for the Tricomi operator. II, The Markov power moment problem in problems of controllability and frequency extinguishing for the wave equation on a half-axis, A Wiener-Wintner theorem for \(1/f\) power spectra., Variants of Kato's inequality and removable singularities, Mutual information aspects of scale space images, Distributions and partial differential equations on superspace, On the topology of Hankel multipliers and of Hankel convolution operators, Arithmetical distributions and the sequential extension of binary relations, Sur les solutions élémentaires des opérateurs linéaires aux différences à coefficients constants possédant les termes infinis dépendant du paramètre. (On the elementary solutions of linear difference operators with constant coefficients possessing infinite terms depending on a parameter), Rigorous and heuristic treatment of certain sensitive singular perturbations, Sur les fonctionnelles analytiques et la transformation de Fourier-Borel, Schwartz distributions as boundary values of n-harmonic functions, Soluzioni limitate o quasi-periodiche dell'equazione di Poisson, A mathematical example by Hopf with features of turbulence, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, The role of Mollifiers in $S$ matrix theory, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Singular cut-off process and Lorentz covariance, Singular cut-off process and Lorentz properties, Field operators asC ∞ functions in spacelike directions, On generalized Laplace transforms, On $L^\left( k \right)$-transform and the generalized Laplace transform, Formes différentielles cobordables, A unique continuation theorem for solutions of the Schrödinger equations, A note on the analyticity in time and the unique continuation property for solutions of diffusion equations, On distribution solution of partial differential equations of evolution, I, Sur les ultra-distributions, Sur l'approximation spectrale, A remark on Baire's theorem in ranked spaces, On completeness of Royden's algebra, On distributions and spaces of sequences, I. General theory, Approximation of solutions of homogeneous differential equation, I, Sur une classe d'opérateurs elliptiques dégénérés, Su Alcuni Esempi Notevoli di Dualita’ Fra Spazi Lineari Topologici, Définition d'opérateurs maximaux et applications, Le calcul différentiel et intégral sur une variété analytique complexe. (Problème de Cauchy. III.), On the analyticity and the unique continuation theorem for solutions of the Navier-Stokes equation, Local functionals and generalized random fields, Translation-Invariant Functionals on Functions Defined in Euclidean Spaces, Translation Invariant Subspaces of Finite Dimension, Harmonic analysis on semisimple Lie groups, On Localization and Domains of Uniqueness, On the Regularity of Generalized Convex Functions, Fast positive operatoren, Invariant Eigendistributions on a Semisimple Lie Group, Problèmes aux limites en théorie des distributions, Global Hypoellipticity and Liouville Numbers, Symmetrization of Distributions and Its Application, Topological Properties of Analytically Uniform Spaces, Vector-valued distributions and the spectral theorem for selfadjoint operators in Hilbert space, On distributions and spaces of sequences, III. On powers of the distributions, On unified representation of state vector in quantum field theory, On a Fourier invariant distribution space, Spectral analysis of the Pekeris operator in the theory of acoustic wave propagation in shallow water, On Functions Positive Definite Relative to the Orthogonal Group and the Representation of Functions as Hankel-Stieltjes Transforms, Invariant distributions on the \(n\)-fold metaplectic covers of \(GL(r,F)\), \(F\) \(p\)-adic, Bessel integrals and fundamental solutions for a generalized Tricomi operator, A class of generalized Lévy Laplacians in infinite dimensional calculus, Subspace identification for continuous-time stochastic systems via distribution-based approach, Calogero model, deformed oscillators and the collapse, Solutions élémentaires de certaines équations aux dérivées partielles du type mixte, Résolution du problème de Cauchy pour des équations hyperboliques du second ordre non linéaires, Recent developments in the theory of locally convex vector spaces, Spectral analysis of the Pekeris operator in the theory of acoustic wave propagation in shallow water, On multiple distributions, Note on an extension of multiplication of distributions, On the characters of a semisimple Lie group, Operator Algebras and Dual Spaces, A Theory of Spherical Functions. I, On the Symmetry and Bounded Closure of Locally Convex Spaces, The Plancherel Formula For Complex Semisimple Lie Groups, The Exchange Formula for Distributions and Spans of Translates, The Inversion of the Generalized Fourier Transform By Abelian Summability, The Structure of a Nonlinear Elliptic Operator, Solution of the Neumann problem for the Laplace equation, Distributional derivatives of functions of two variables of finite variation and their application to an impulsive hyperbolic equation, $C^{-\infty}$-Whittaker vectors for complex semisimple Lie groups, wave front sets, and Goldie rank polynomial representations, Wave Equations with Finite Velocity of Propagation, Remarks on Global Hypoellipticity, Correnti positive: Uno strumento per l’analisi globale su varietà complesse, A Convolution Equation on a Compact Interval, Classification of Operators by Means of Their Operational Calculus, On the existence of solutions of differential equations with constant coefficients, Operatoren verallgemeinerter Funktionen, Some remarks about the localization of states in a quantum field theory, Caractéristique multiples et bicaractéristiques des systèmes d'équations aux derivées partielles linéaires et à coefficients constants, A limit theorem on magneto fluid-dynamics. I, II, Un teorema di interpolazione; applicazioni ai problemi ai limiti per l er le equazioni differenziali a derivate parziali, On the structure of some abstract differential problems. I, Differential operators on homogeneous spaces, The spectral theory of Wiener-Hopf type integral operators on generalizd Sobolev spaces, Spectral theory of Wiener-Hopf type integral operators on generalized Sobolev spaces, Das Eigenwertproblem der automorphen Formen in der hyperbolischen Ebene. I, II. (The eigenvalue problem of automorphic forms in the hyperbolic plane. I. II), Stetige streng pseudokonvexe Funktionen, Sulle equazioni differenziali astratte lineari del primo e del secondo ordine negli spazi di Hilbert, Una caratterizzazione degli operatori differenziali autoaggiunti del \(2^ \circ\) ordine a coefficienti misurabili e limitati, A unique contunuation theorem for solutions of wave equations with variable coefficients, Spectral representations of Lorentz invariant distributions and scale transformation, The problem of the neutron diffusion: A survey, A generalized edge of the wedge theorem, Über Peano- und Riemann-Ableitungen in der Norm, Linear partial differential operators and generalized distributions, On a singular boundary value problem for the Euler-Darboux equation, Positive solutions of elliptic partial differential equations, Über Hilbert-Schmidtsche Einbettungen der Distributionsräume \({\overset {0} H}^ \mu (\Omega)\), On the stability of conformal mappings in multidimensional spaces, Semigroups of operators in locally convex spaces, Limesräume und Distributionen, Espaces du type de Gevrey et problèmes aux limites pour diverses classes d'équations d'évolution, An analogue of the Paley-Wiener theorem for the Fourier transform on certain symmetric spaces, Summation of quasi-vectors on Boolean tribes and its application to quantum theories. I: Mathematically precise theory of P.A.M. Dirac's delta function, Rélations de domination entre opérateurs différentieles, Kernels associated to general elliptic problems, Generalized hyperbolicity, A distribution-theoretical approach to certain Lebesgue and Sobolev spaces, Étude des potentiels d'ordre \(\alpha\) et des fonctions \(\alpha\)- harmoniques, Problèmes de Cauchy et problèmes mixtes en théorie des distributions, Sur une inégalité de F. Treves, Certaines classes d'opérateurs pseudo-différentiels, An unsolvable hypoelliptic differential operator, On some properties of embedding operators, Distribution of eigenfrequencies for the wave equation in a finite domain. II: Electromagnetic field. Riemannian spaces, On the uniqueness of summable trigonometric series and integrals, Über einen Darstellungssatz von L. Schwartz. (A representation theorem of L. Schwartz), On the supports of solutions of linear partial differential equations with analytic coefficients, An operational calculus for a class of abstract operator equations, Some remarks on convolution equations, Weak solutions for linear abstract differential equations in Banach spaces, A Banach algebra of generalized functions, Fourier-Stieltjes integrals, Introduction de poids dans l'étude de problèmes aux limites, Darstellung vektorwertiger Distributionen durch holomorphe Funktionen, Reconstruction from measurements of positive quantities by the maximum- like method, La dualité dans les espaces \((\mathcal F)\) et \((\mathcal{LF})\), Mehrfache Integrale auf komplexen Mannigfaltigkeiten, Sur les espaces de solutions d'une classe générale d'équations aux dérivées partielles, Randverteilungen analytischer Funktionen und Distributionen, Sur la convergence de certaines intégrales de la théorie du potentiel, Finite dimensional convolution algebras, Les espaces du type de Beppo Levi, Unnamed Item, The principal series for a reductive symmetric space. I. $H$-fixed distribution vectors, Unnamed Item, Sur quelques problèmes aux limites relatifs à des opérateurs différentiels elliptiques, La théorie de Fredholm, Sur les représentations induites des groupes de Lie, Opérateurs de Delsarte et problèmes mixtes, Divergent integrals as viewed from the theory of functional analysis, I, Intégration sur un ensemble analytique complexe, Hypoellipticité des équations paraboliques, On Sobolev-Friedrichs' generalisation of derivatives, Plongement des variétés analytiques-réelles, Sur une classe d'opérateurs différentiels hypoelliptiques, Propriétés et existence des solutions de certaines classes d'équations du type elliptique, Opérateurs de transmutation singuliers et équations d’Euler Poisson Darboux généralisées, Sur l'inégalité d'energie pour l'equation différentielle $p$-parabolique, Some characterizations of Fourier transforms, Topologie de certains espaces de plongements, Transformation de Fourier des distributions homogènes, Re-topologization of functional space in order that a set of operators will be continuous, Pseudo-périodicité et séries de Fourier lacunaires, Multiplicateurs rugueux des fonctions différentiables et synthèse spectrale, Pansions and the Theory of Fourier Transforms, Nonsmooth calculus, Two theorems on Fourier transform, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Harmonic analysis on some types of semisimple Lie groups, Harmonic Analysis for Functors on Categories of Banach Spaces of Distributions, Extending Continuous Linear Functionals in Convergence Vector Spaces, The third boundary value problem in potential theory for domains with a piecewise smooth boundary, Peano derivatives and singular integrals of arbitrary order