scientific article; zbMATH DE number 3103652
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zbMath0063.00842MaRDI QIDQ5842420
Publication date: 1946
Title: zbMATH Open Web Interface contents unavailable due to conflicting licenses.
Compact groups (22C05) General properties and structure of real Lie groups (22E15) Introductory exposition (textbooks, tutorial papers, etc.) pertaining to topological groups (22-01)
Related Items
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I, Continuous and smooth envelopes of topological algebras. II, The spectral theorem in quaternions, The universal Lie \(\infty\)-algebroid of a singular foliation, Duality theorems and topological structures of groups, Hamiltonian structure for dispersive and dissipative dynamical systems, Boundedness of Hausdorff operators on real Hardy spaces \(H^{1}\) over locally compact groups, Quaternionic matrices: Unitary similarity, simultaneous triangularization and some trace identities, Coverings and homotopy of a graph, Convergence rates of the spectral distributions of large random quaternion self-dual Hermitian matrices, Embeddability of infinitely divisible distributions on linear Lie groups, Morita equivalence for C\(^*\)-algebras and W\(^*\)-algebras, Some results on affine transformations of compact groups, Allgemeine Lage und äquivariante Homotopie, Maximal subalgebras of simple modular Lie algebras, Über Untergruppen kompakter Liegruppen als Isotropiegruppen bei linearen Aktionen, Totally chiral maps and hypermaps of small genus, Relativity groups in the presence of matter, Über die Erzeugung von eigentlichen Transformationsgruppen, A transitivity problem from control theory, Vacuum spacetimes with two-parameter spacelike isometry groups and compact invariant hypersurfaces: Topologies and boundary conditions, On compact spacelike submanifolds, Autoaddition formulae and algebraic groups, Curvatures of left invariant metrics on Lie groups, Multi-parameter Carnot-Carathéodory balls and the theorem of Frobenius, Sul classificante del gruppo \(Sp(n)\cdot Sp(1)\), Semidirect sums of Lie algebras, Quotient submanifolds for static feedback linearization, Quasi-Sasakian manifolds, On complexifications of differentiable manifolds, Locally continuous multipliers for topological vector groups, A short guide through integration theorems of generalized distributions, Classification of relativistic particles according to the representation theory of the eight nonisomorphic simply connected covering groups of the full Lorentz group, On \(L\)-subgroups of locally compact groups, \(\Gamma\)-foliations and semisimple flat homogeneous spaces, On the existence of a complex almost contact structure, Topological Frobenius reciprocity for projective limits of Lie groups, Weak amenability of Lie groups made discrete, Cartan-Involutionen von halbeinfachen reellen Jordan-Tripelsystemen, Peirce-Zerlegungen und Jordan-Strukturen zu homogenen Kegeln, Embedding theorems for local analytic groups, Quadratische Darstellungen in Jordanalgebren, Maximale eindeutige Lösungen (Riemannsche Flächen) für Cauchysche Anfangswertaufgaben bei partiellen Differentialgleichungssystemen erster Ordnung für eine gesuchte Funktion auf \(C^ \infty\)-Mannigfaltigkeiten. I--III, Die Krümmung des Raumes \(Sp(2)/SU(2)\) von Berger, The Euler class of generalized vector bundles, E. Cartan's geometrie theory of partial differential equations, Relativistic transport theory, On Banach-Lie groups acting on finite dimensional manifolds, Groupes reductifs, Intégrabilité des G-structures définies par une 1-forme 0-déformable à valeurs dans le fibre tangent, Über die Anzahl geschlossener Geodätischer in gewissen Riemannschen Mannigfaltigkeiten, Infinitesimale Transformationsgruppen komplexer Räume, Differential operators on homogeneous spaces, Polyhedral sections of convex bodies, Derivations and automorphisms of operator algebras, Reelle Transformationsgruppen und invariante Metriken auf komplexen Räumen, Graphical formulation of recoupling for any compact group, Fields of tangent k-planes on manifolds, Decomposition of differential equations, Zu einem Satz von F. Sommer über eine komplex-analytische Blätterung reeller Hyperflächen im \(C^ n\), Feldtheorie in der Variationsrechnung mehrfacher Integrale. 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I, Kaluza-Klein theory from the viewpoint of gauge theory of gravity, The equivalence of algebraic stability and AN-stability, From problems to structures: the Cousin problems and the emergence of the sheaf concept, Wavelet transform on the circle and the real line: a unified group-theoretical treatment, The geometry of matrix eigenvalue methods, Cartan decomposition of the moment map, Normal linear stability of quasi-periodic tori, Poisson processes on groups and Feynman path integrals, The Sturm-Liouville group, On the exponentiality of affine symmetric spaces, The group \(G_ 2({\mathbb{C}})\) in connection with the theory of metaplectic forms, The Lie derivative as a canonical morphism, Dual quaternions and dual projective spaces, Split quaternions and semi-Euclidean projective spaces, Spin, statistics, and reflections. II: Lorentz invariance, Geometric aspects of potential theory in the bounded symmetric domains, On the existence of Riemann metrics associated with a 2-form of rank \(2r\), Applications of fibre bundles to the certain class of \(C^*\)-algebras, Recent development in the theory of connections and holonomy groups, Existenz- und Eindeutigkeitssatz für Integralmannigfaltigkeiten involutiver Vektorraumfelder, General relativity and G-structures. I: General theory and algebraically degenerate spaces, Infinite dimensional multiplicity free spaces. III: Matrix coefficients and regular functions, On compact locally connected semigroups with identity, Homogeneous domains on flag manifolds and spherical subgroups of semisimple Lie groups, Invariant connections and metrics on homogeneous spaces, corresponding to global triples, On conformal infinity and compactifications of the Minkowski space, Mathematical theory of reduction of physical parameters and similarity analysis, Lifting smooth homotopies of orbit spaces, Completely integrable systems, Euclidean Lie algebras, and curves, Segre families and real hypersurfaces, A note on free subgroups in linear groups, Structure of homogeneous locally compact spaces with intrinsic metric, Generators, relations and coverings of algebraic groups. II, Asymptotic results for decomposing a likelihood-ratio statistic into separate components, Conserved densities for linear evolution systems, Homotopiegruppen des Modulraumes \(MP^ 2(\)-1,\(c_ 2)\), Explicit Brauer induction, The supergroups of supersymmetry and supergravity as ordinary real Lie groups, Complex almost contact structures in a complex contact manifold, Reproducing subgroups of \(Sp(2,\mathbb{R})\). I: Algebraic classification, Linear operators preserving certain equivalence relations originating in system theory, The fundamental theorem for hypersurfaces in Heisenberg groups, Completion of vector fields and the Painlevé property, Group-theoretic analysis of the mixing angle in the electroweak gauge group, Ricci nilsoliton black holes, Jordan triples and Riemannian symmetric spaces, The extension problem for Lie group homomorphisms, A note on operator self-similar Gaussian vector fields, Group-groupoids and monodromy groupoids, Local aspects of superselection rules. II, The Yamabe problem on quaternionic contact manifolds, Towards a Lie theory of locally convex groups, Rounding effects of quenched randomness on first-order phase transitions, A Feynman-Kac formula for the quantum Heisenberg ferromagnet. I, Spherical unirational homotopy groups, Matrices, relations, and group representations, A representation theorem for the constitutive equation of a simple material in motions with constant stretch history, A general framwork for a multi-operator functional calculus, The topology of indefinite flag manifolds, Zur Differentialgeometrie der komplexen Strukturen, Campi di elementi lineari complessi sopra una varieta complessa compatta, Symplektische Integralgeometrie, On the reducibility of an affinely connected manifold, On representations of the full linear group and some of its subgroups over infinite fields of prime characteristic, Approximationssaetze für holomorphe Funktionen mit Werten in komplexen Räumen, Composition algebras and their automorphisms, Motion of magnetic lines of force, Komplexe Räume, A generalized Stone-Weierstrass theorem, Komplex-analytische Blätterung reeller Mannigfaltigkeiten im \(C^n\), Komplex-analytische Blätterung reeller Hyperflächen im \(C^n\), Über gewisse Integralinvarianten bei der Transformation von Differentialformen, Topologische Loops, Topologische distributive Doppelloops, Topologische Doppelloops und topologische Halbgruppen, Modello metrico reale dello spazio proiettivo quaternionale, Sur la géométrie différentielle des \(G\)-structures, Republication of ``Exact solutions of the field equations of the general theory of relativity. [``Strenge Lösungen der Feldgleichungen der Allgemeinen Relativitätstheorie., Akad. Wiss. Lit. Mainz, Abh. Math.-Naturw. Kl. Nr. 2, 1960, 21-85 (1960)], Über Multiplikationen im \(n\)-dimensionalen Torus, Remarks on the foundations of integral geometry, Zur Abbildungstheorie komplexer Mannigfaltigkeiten, Liesche Gruppen und affin zusammenhängende Mannigfaltigkeiten, On almost-analytic functions, tensors and invariant subspaces, Homogeneous Buseman G-spaces, Homomorphic actions of H on a compact group, On a class of topological groups, Differential forms -- Cartan to De Rham, Geometry of the \(SU_ 3\) group, Actions libres et isométriques sur les variétés à géodésiques toutes fermées de même longueur, Inverse limits of arcs and of simple closed curves with confluent bonding mappings, On ergodic quasi-invariant measures of group automorphism, Geometric invariant theory on Stein spaces, Inequalities defining orbit spaces, Weakened Lie groups and groups of homeomorphisms, On integral manifolds for vector space distributions, A Sufficient Condition that a Mapping of Riemannian Manifolds be a Fibre Bundle, Über die Automorphismengruppen kompakter komplexer Räume, Ein Beitrag zur globalen Tensoranalyse, On complex manifolds with certain structures which are related to complex contact structures, Der Schursche Multiplikator topologischer Gruppen, Über Rungesche Paare komplexer Mannigfaltigkeiten, Connessioni adattate a una struttura quasi prodotto, Harish-Chandra and his work, Unnamed Item, The Complexification and Differential Structure of a Locally Compact Group, Verification of the Hamilton flow conditions associated with Weyl's conjecture, Über einen verallgemeinerten affinen Zusammenhang, Convexity and norm in topological groups, Sur les extensions des groupes topologiques, Sur le problème d'équivalence de certaines structures infinitésimales, Un théorème sur les espaces homogènes complexes, Flat affine manifolds and their transformations, About Stefan's definition of a foliation with singularities : a reduction of the axioms, Sur les représentations de degré fini du groupe spécial unitaire et du groupe spécial linéaire, Improving the regularity of vector fields, Unnamed Item, Stability, analytic stability for real reductive Lie groups, Algebraic group-varieties, An application of the Morse theory to the topology of Lie-groups, Sur les représentations induites des groupes de Lie, Sur la déformabilité des variétés plongées dans un espace de Riemann, L'application exponentielle dans les groupes de Lie résolubles, Feynman Quantization of General Relativity, On the uniqueness of Schwarzschild-de Sitter spacetime, The Automorphism Group of a Composition of Quadratic Forms, On dynamical finiteness properties of algebraic group shifts, The Symmetry Group of a Curve Preserves a Plane, Sur certains espaces fibrés holomorphes sur une variété de Stein, Les espaces symétriques noncompacts, Unnamed Item, On some local properties of fibred spaces, Variétés différentielles (Point de vue contingent), Unnamed Item, On the degree of differentiability of curves used in the definition of the holonomy group, Duality Theorems in Deformation Theory, Notes on complex Lie semigroups, H. Weyl’s Deep Insights intotheMathematicalandPhysicalWorlds: His Important Contribution to the Philosophy of Space, Time and Matter, Local accessibility, local reachability, and representations of compact groups, Closures of Weakened Analytic Groups, Some Model Theory of Compact Lie Groups, Rationality of Representations of Linear Lie Groups, Unnamed Item, C-W cell decompositions of symmetric homogeneous spaces, Les espaces de Finsler et certaines de leurs généralisations, Unnamed Item, The Category of Generalized Lie Groups, On Deformations of Homomorphisms of Locally Compact Groups, [ Martingales, the Malliavin calculus and hypoellipticity under general H�rmander's conditions], On the Decomposition of Tensor Products of Principal Series Representations for Real-Rank One Semisimple Groups, Über Automorphismengruppen lokal-kompakter Gruppen und Derivationen von Lie-Gruppen, Supplements for the identity component in locally compact groups, On the geometric structures of simple bodies, a mathematical foundation for the theory of continuous distributions of dislocations, Die Kennzeichnung fastkomplexer Strukturen durch reelle Antiderivationen, Dependence of a matrix on ist characteristic polynomial, Normality domains for families of holomorphic maps, Differentiale und Tensoren, On the stored-energy function of a hyperelastic material: An application of the theory of Lie groups, Lie groups with Banach spaces as parameter spaces, The representation ring of a compact Lie group, Nonlinear realizations of space-time symmetries. Scalar and tensor gravity, Hamiltonian structures for homogeneous spaces, The Characters of Semisimple Lie Groups, Chain Homotopy and the de Rham Theory, Tensorielle Produkte regulärer Linearformenmoduln, Lipschitz spaces on compact manifolds, Compact Homogeneous Almost Complex Spaces of Positive Characteristic, On the character ring of representations of a compact group, A note on a theorem of E. Cartan, On factor representations and the \(C^ *\)-algebra of canonical commutation relations, Unendlich oft teilbare Wahrscheinlichkeitsverteilungen auf kompakten Gruppen. (Infinitely divisible probability distributions on compact groups), One-Parameter Transformation Groups of the Three-Sphere, Local forms of invariant differential operators. I, Dérivées de Lie des spineurs. (Lie derivatives of spinors), Semigroup of Endomorphisms of a Locally Compact Group, Einige Eigenschaften des Darstellungsringes kompakter Gruppen, Control systems on Lie groups, Semi-simple real subalgebras of non-compact semi-simple real Lie algebras. I, Representations lineaires et compactification profinie des groups discrets, A characterization of totally geodesic submanifolds in S\(^N\) and CP\(^N\) by an inequality, Lacunary Fourier series on compact Lie groups, Compactness Properties of Topological Groups. III, De quelques aspects de la théorie des Q-variétés différentielles et analytiques, Analytic subgroups of GL(n,R), Lie Groups Isomorphic to Direct Products of Unitary Groups, Homotopie für Okasche Paare von Garben homogener Räume, On the attainable set at time T for multivalued differential equations, Nonhomogeneous G-spaces of compact Lie groups, The variation of isotropy subalgebras for analytic transformation groups, On Riemannian Curvature of Homogeneous Spaces, Analytic Group Kernels and Lie Algebra Kernels, Local Cross Sections in Locally Compact Groups, Free Topological Groups, THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE COMPLETE FIGURE IN THE CALCULUS OF VARIATIONS OF MULTIPLE INTEGRALS: A DIRECT APPROACH, An Example of an Infinite Lie Group, Linear operators preserving correlation matrices, Simply Connected Spaces, Orbifold Euler characteristics of non‐orbifold groupoids, An ordered tuple construction of geometric algebras, Symplectic partially hyperbolic automorphisms of 6-torus, Compact leaves of the foliation defined by the kernel of a <i>T</i><sup>2</sup>-invariant presymplectic form, On group rings of linear groups, Schrödinger's cat, Covering group theory for topological groups, Covering group theory for locally compact groups, Lie local subgroupoids and their holonomy and monodromy Lie groupoids, Controllability of nonlinear systems, Algebraic quotients of compact group actions, Transformation to versal deformations of matrices, A consequence of controllability, Global homeomorphism of vector-valued functions, Global homeomorphism of vector-valued functions, Dimension of compact groups and their representations, Sur les structures presque complexes et autres structures infinitésimales régulières, Internal Structure of Spinning Particles, The 𝒫(𝜑)₂ Model on de Sitter Space, Representations of a Semisimple Lie Group on a Banach Space. I, A Theorem on Holonomy, Development of an Extended Exterior Differential Calculus, On some almost analytic tensor fields in almost complex manifolds, Some remarks on duality theorems of Lie groups, The Lie Algebra of a Smooth Manifold, The Plancherel Formula For Complex Semisimple Lie Groups, Noncompact Groups in Elementary-Particle Theory, Généralisation du groupe fondamental, Unnamed Item, A New Way to Compute the Rodrigues Coefficients of Functions of the Lie Groups of Matrices, Sur le théorème de Frobenius, Unnamed Item, Factorization of Polynomials Over Banach Algebras, On the Classification of Noncompact Complex Abelian Lie Groups, Topological aspect of monodromy groupoid for a group-groupoid, Topology of Quaternionic Manifolds, ON Mx-invariants in S(n) and U(n), Lattices and the Adjoint Group of a Lie Group, Compactification and Duality of Topological Groups, Remarks on a Paper of Hermann, Cohomology of Nilmanifolds and Torsion-Free, Nilpotent Groups, Lifting the action of a group in a fibre bundle, Integral Geometry in Homogeneous Spaces, Limit of Lattices in a Lie Group, Families of Nonnegative Divisors, Sur l'équation fonctionnelle vectorielle $f[x(u),\,y(v),\,z(u+v)=0$ (chapitre I)], Lie loops with invariant uniformities, Unnamed Item, The positive maximum principle on Lie groups, Some properties of the generalized Gaussian ratio and their applications, Decomposition theorems of Riemannian manifolds, Intersection Numbers of Special Cycles, Some Theorems on the Real Pencil and Simultaneous Diagonalization of Two Hermitian Bilinear Functions, Lie Group Representations and Harmonic Polynomials of a Matrix Variable, A Theorem on a Mapping from a Sphere to the Circle and the Simultaneous Diagonalization of Two Hermitian Matrices, Transversally Parallelizable Foliations of Codimension Two, On Connectivity Properties of Finite-Dimensional Groups, Groups of invertible elements of Banach algebras, On the Measure of Zero Sets of Coordinate Functions, Foliations and the propagation of zeroes of solutions of partial differential equations, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Epimorphisms of Compact Groups are Onto, Darboux motions in $E_n$, On the Classification of Transitive Effective Actions on Stiefel Manifolds, Flat Affine, Projective and Conformal Structures on Manifolds: A Historical Perspective, Entropy for Group Endomorphisms and Homogeneous Spaces, On the topology of non-compact simply connected homogeneous manifolds, Complex Structures on Real Product Bundles with Applications to Differential Geometry, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Kaehler structures on 𝐾_{𝐂}/(𝐏,𝐏), The Automorphism Group of a Geometric Structure, Theory of Covering Spaces, Solutions of Partial Differential Equations with Support on Leaves of Associated Foliations, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Invariant Polynomials on Lie Algebras of Inhomogeneous Unitary and Special Orthogonal Groups, Lie Group Dynamical Formalism and the Relation between Quantum Mechanics and Classical Mechanics, On H. Weyl’s character formula, On the Quasi-Simple Irreducible Representations of the Lorentz Groups, Symplectic Homogeneous Spaces, Unnamed Item, The Space of Conjugacy Classes of a Topological Group, On the Left Ideal in the Universal Enveloping Algebra of a Lie Group Generated by a Complex Lie Subalgebra, On the Homomorphisms of Locally Compact Groups, Invariants of submanifolds, Unnamed Item, Holomorphic functions of exponential type on connected complex Lie groups, Improved two–term asymptotics for the eigenvalue distribution function of an elliptic operator on a compact manifold, On accessibility of bilinear systems, Non linear representations of Lie groups, Algebraic Lie algebras, Existence in the Large of Parallelism Homomorphisms, Combinatorial homotopy. I, A Poisson Kernel for Certain Homogeneous Spaces, Optimal linear combinations using householder transformations, Le cinquième problème de Hilbert. État de la question en 1951, Unnamed Item, Recouvrements de surfaces de Riemann, Topology of Lie groups, Claude Chevalley (1909-1984), The control problem $\dot x=A(u)x$, Geometry of symplectic partially hyperbolic automorphisms on 4-torus, On infinite-dimensional representations of semi-simple Lie algebras and some functionals on the universal enveloping algebras, I, The Lie groupoid analogue of a symplectic Lie group, Orbits of Families of Vector Fields and Integrability of Distributions, Unnamed Item, Cohomology and deformations in graded Lie algebras, Invariant function algebras on compact semisimple Lie groups, Geometric groups. I, Representation of Jordan and Lie Algebras, Monodromy groupoid of a local topological group-groupoid, On the Decomposition of Unitary Representations of Lie Groups, Module Structure of Certain Induced Representations of Compact Lie Groups, A Theory of Spherical Functions. I, A COVERING PROPERTY IN PRINCIPAL BUNDLES