The following pages link to (Q3962015):
Displaying 50 items.
- Quantum computation and quantum information (Q252779) (← links)
- Highly symmetric POVMs and their informational power (Q265425) (← links)
- Positive operator valued measures and Feller Markov kernels (Q281852) (← links)
- Optimal large-scale quantum state tomography with Pauli measurements (Q282466) (← links)
- Quantum Fisher information for \(su(2)\) atomic coherent states and \(su(1,1)\) coherent states (Q293941) (← links)
- Bayes cost of parameter estimation for a quantum system interacting with an environment (Q296158) (← links)
- Phase damping destroys quantum Fisher information of \(W\) states (Q305022) (← links)
- Symplectic dilations, Gaussian states and Gaussian channels (Q308213) (← links)
- Quantum stochastic calculus and quantum Gaussian processes (Q308340) (← links)
- Fourier analytic approach to quantum estimation of group action (Q328178) (← links)
- Geometric phase, quantum Fisher information, geometric quantum correlation and quantum phase transition in the cavity-Bose-Einstein-condensate system (Q331418) (← links)
- Postselected quantum systems and their time evolution in non-equilibrium thermo-field dynamics (Q341231) (← links)
- Minimum-error discrimination between two sets of similarity-transformed quantum states (Q356881) (← links)
- The quantum relative entropy as a rate function and information criteria (Q356910) (← links)
- A transformational property of the Husimi function and its relation to the Wigner function and symplectic tomograms (Q376906) (← links)
- Entropy gain and the Choi-Jamiolkowski correspondence for infinite-dimensional quantum evolutions (Q377548) (← links)
- Number-phase entropic uncertainty relations and Wigner functions for solvable quantum systems with discrete spectra (Q407849) (← links)
- Bipartite entanglement in systems of identical particles: the partial transposition criterion (Q413183) (← links)
- Classical and quantum Fisher information in the geometrical formulation of quantum mechanics (Q418637) (← links)
- Complementarity in atomic and oscillator systems (Q420322) (← links)
- Notes on entropic uncertainty relations beyond the scope of Riesz's theorem (Q437020) (← links)
- An approximate quantum Cramér-Rao bound based on skew information (Q453293) (← links)
- Symmetric logarithmic derivative for general \(n\)-level systems and the quantum Fisher information tensor for three-level systems (Q465498) (← links)
- State determination and sufficiency of observables (Q472687) (← links)
- Uniform continuity of POVMs (Q472722) (← links)
- Local tomography and the Jordan structure of quantum theory (Q474828) (← links)
- On affine maps on non-compact convex sets and some characterizations of finite-dimensional solid ellipsoids (Q478814) (← links)
- Masking property of quantum random cipher with phase mask encryption (Q479443) (← links)
- Notes on deterministic programming of quantum observables and channels (Q496916) (← links)
- Conditional average in a quantum system with postselection (Q498154) (← links)
- The effect of vacuum fluctuations on quantum metrology for a uniformly accelerated atom (Q522600) (← links)
- Optimal processing of reversible quantum channels (Q531201) (← links)
- Distinguishability measures and entropies for general probabilistic theories (Q540802) (← links)
- On the discrimination of qubit channels (Q552927) (← links)
- Score operators of a qubit with applications (Q600887) (← links)
- Quantum Fisher information in two-qubit pure states (Q604712) (← links)
- Time as a quantum observable, canonically conjugated to energy, and foundations of self-consistent time analysis of quantum processes (Q606105) (← links)
- Unsharpness, Naimark theorem and informational equivalence of quantum observables (Q616809) (← links)
- Sequential product of quantum effects: an overview (Q616824) (← links)
- On the information completeness of quantum tomograms (Q637461) (← links)
- Non-locality: a defence of widespread beliefs (Q639770) (← links)
- Can we escape from Bell's conclusion that quantum mechanics describes a non-local reality? (Q639772) (← links)
- Quantum Monte Carlo simulation (Q641122) (← links)
- Study of a self-adjoint operator indicating the direction of time within standard quantum mechanics (Q643634) (← links)
- Partial measurements and the realization of quantum-mechanical counterfactuals (Q649898) (← links)
- Transition decomposition of quantum mechanical evolution (Q649943) (← links)
- Subsystems and independence in relativistic microscopic physics (Q652780) (← links)
- From \(f\)-divergence to quantum quasi-entropies and their use (Q653352) (← links)
- Quantum no-stretching: a geometrical interpretation of the no-cloning theorem (Q662952) (← links)
- Dynamical semigroup description of coherent and incoherent particle-matter interaction (Q678630) (← links)