Publication | Date of Publication | Type |
---| | 2022-05-27 | Paper |
Simple conformal loop ensembles on Liouville quantum gravity | 2022-05-06 | Paper |
Non-simple conformal loop ensembles on Liouville quantum gravity and the law of CLE percolation interfaces | 2021-11-26 | Paper |
On clusters of Brownian loops in \(d\) dimensions | 2021-09-15 | Paper |
Near-critical spanning forests and renormalization | 2020-07-27 | Paper |
Lecture notes on the Gaussian Free Field | 2020-04-09 | Paper |
Non-simple SLE curves are not determined by their range | 2020-02-26 | Paper |
Decomposition of Brownian loop-soup clusters | 2019-10-15 | Paper |
The law of a point process of Brownian excursions in a domain is determined by the law of its trace | 2019-02-14 | Paper |
Connection probabilities for conformal loop ensembles | 2018-09-06 | Paper |
Coupling the Gaussian free fields with free and with zero boundary conditions via common level lines | 2018-08-21 | Paper |
The random pseudo-metric on a graph defined via the zero-set of the Gaussian free field on its metric graph | 2018-08-10 | Paper |
CLE PERCOLATIONS | 2018-04-27 | Paper |
A Simple Renormalization Flow for FK-percolation Models | 2017-07-10 | Paper |
On the Spatial Markov Property of Soups of Unoriented and Oriented Loops | 2017-06-22 | Paper |
Non-simple SLE curves are not determined by their range | 2016-09-15 | Paper |
The nested simple conformal loop ensembles in the Riemann sphere | 2016-08-10 | Paper |
A note on Ising random currents, Ising-FK, loop-soups and the Gaussian free field | 2016-05-23 | Paper |
Near-critical spanning forests and renormalization | 2015-03-27 | Paper |
From CLE(\(\kappa\)) to SLE(\(\kappa,\rho\))'s | 2014-01-17 | Paper |
The Markovian hyperbolic triangulation | 2013-06-25 | Paper |
On conformally invariant CLE explorations | 2013-06-21 | Paper | | 2013-04-03 | Paper |
Stuck walks | 2013-01-14 | Paper |
Conformal loop ensembles: the Markovian characterization and the loop-soup construction | 2013-01-03 | Paper |
Some Locally Self-Interacting Walks on the Integers | 2012-08-23 | Paper | | 2011-11-25 | Paper |
Random soups, carpets and fractal dimensions | 2011-06-06 | Paper | | 2011-05-31 | Paper |
Asymmetry of near-critical percolation interfaces | 2011-03-02 | Paper |
Conformal restriction and related questions | 2010-06-29 | Paper |
Course 2 Some recent aspects of random conformally invariant systems | 2010-06-21 | Paper |
Conformal Loop Ensembles: Construction via Loop-soups | 2010-06-11 | Paper |
Poisson point processes, excursions and stable processes in two-dimensional structures | 2010-05-21 | Paper | | 2009-12-01 | Paper |
Lectures on two-dimensional critical percolation | 2009-09-16 | Paper |
Oded Schramm (1961-2008) | 2009-05-19 | Paper |
The conformally invariant measure on self-avoiding loops | 2007-11-01 | Paper | | 2006-09-26 | Paper | | 2005-10-05 | Paper | | 2005-04-08 | Paper |
Girsanov's transformation for \(\text{SLE}(\kappa,\rho)\) processes, intersection exponents and hiding exponents. | 2005-01-03 | Paper | | 2004-10-26 | Paper |
Lectures on probability theory and statistics. Ecole d'Eté de probabilités de Saint-Flour XXXII -- 2002. | 2004-09-30 | Paper |
Conformal invariance of planar loop-erased random walks and uniform spanning trees. | 2004-09-15 | Paper |
The Brownian loop soup | 2004-07-01 | Paper |
Conformal restriction, highest-weight representations and SLE | 2003-12-16 | Paper |
SLEs as boundaries of clusters of Brownian loops | 2003-12-04 | Paper |
Analyticity of intersection exponents for planar Brownian motion | 2003-11-09 | Paper |
Conformal restriction: The chordal case | 2003-08-13 | Paper | | 2003-06-24 | Paper |
Conformal fields, restriction properties, degenerate representations and SLE. | 2003-05-27 | Paper | | 2003-04-09 | Paper |
Critical exponents for two-dimensional percolation | 2003-03-18 | Paper |
A note on reflecting Brownian motions | 2003-02-25 | Paper |
Values of Brownian intersection exponents. III: Two-sided exponents | 2003-02-24 | Paper |
One-arm exponent for critical 2D percolation | 2003-02-13 | Paper |
Values of Brownian intersection exponents. I: Half-plane exponents | 2002-10-16 | Paper |
Values of Brownian intersection exponents. II: Plane exponents | 2002-09-15 | Paper |
The dimension of the planar Brownian frontier is \(4/3\) | 2002-03-10 | Paper |
Reflection and coalescence between independent one-dimensional Brownian paths | 2001-09-11 | Paper |
Intersection exponents for planar Brownian motion | 2001-07-25 | Paper | | 2001-01-01 | Paper |
The dimension of the planar Brownian frontier is \(4/3\) | 2001-01-01 | Paper |
Universality for conformally invariant intersection exponents. | 2000-01-01 | Paper |
On some annihilating and coalescing systems | 1999-09-29 | Paper |
A counterexample to the ``hot spots conjecture | 1999-09-07 | Paper |
The true self-repelling motion | 1999-05-30 | Paper |
Asymptotics for occupation times of half-lines by stable processes and perturbed reflecting brownian motion | 1998-05-04 | Paper |
Perturbed Brownian motions | 1998-04-01 | Paper |
Avoiding-probabilities for Brownian snakes and super-Browian motion | 1998-03-08 | Paper |
Simulations and conjectures for disconnection exponents | 1998-03-08 | Paper |
Tied Favourite Edges for Simple Random Walk | 1998-03-02 | Paper |
On windings of multidimensional reflected brownian motion | 1997-09-28 | Paper |
Stable windings | 1997-08-04 | Paper |
Asymptotic behaviour of disconnection and non-intersection exponents | 1997-05-28 | Paper |
No triple point of planar Brownian motion is accessible | 1997-04-21 | Paper |
Beurling's projection theorem via one-dimensional Brownian motion | 1997-01-13 | Paper |
Non‐Colliding Brownian Motions on the Circle | 1996-11-21 | Paper |
Bounds for disconnection exponents | 1996-10-31 | Paper |
On Brownian disconnection exponents | 1996-09-16 | Paper | | 1996-04-22 | Paper |
Green's formula, planar Brownian bridge, and Lévy's area | 1995-10-31 | Paper |
Estimation asymptotique du rayon du plus grand disque recouvert par la saucisse de wiener plane | 1995-10-18 | Paper | | 1995-06-18 | Paper | | 1995-06-13 | Paper |
On the occupation times of cones by Brownian motion | 1995-06-11 | Paper | | 1994-12-01 | Paper |
On the points around which the planar Brownian motion winds frequently | 1994-11-17 | Paper |
On the singularities of the intersection local times of planar Brownian motion | 1994-10-24 | Paper |
On the shape of the connected component of the complement of the plane Brownian path | 1994-06-06 | Paper | | 1992-09-27 | Paper |
"Parity questions in critical planar Brownian loop-soups (or ""where did the free planar bosons go?"")" | N/A | Paper |