Naming convention for Weekly — example: "Project:Weekly/20220218"
Basic Info
Attendees: Johannes, Tim, Daniel, Larissa, Eloi
Protocol by: Eloi
Johannes, Larissa, Eloi: No presentations this week, first meeting after holidays.
- Adapted the homepage of the Scholia instance for MaRDI ( and worked on some demo mathematical queries:
- new Wikidata property for OpenML dataset ID (P11238)
- new Property proposal for DLMF ID
Organizational Topics
Roadmap and Definition meeting will take place at some point in January: Milestones/Projects that we collected in the last meeting will we linked to a time plan.
MaRDI Dienstag (10/01, focused on the portal):
- Presentation of our understanding of the functionality of the portal. (Show to exemplify the indexation of data and use cases based on it)
- Presentation of communication channels with us, i.e. TA5 (e.g. through Github Issues, to submit use cases).
Any other business
- Location of the TA-specific sections on the portal homepage: We present a proposal that can be discussed by the editorial board.
- To do: Documentation regarding integration with the portal/knowledge graph through available Mediawiki/Wikibase-API should be published.