scientific article; zbMATH DE number 3091887

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zbMath0057.25901MaRDI QIDQ5830680

Claude Chevalley

Publication date: 1954

Title: zbMATH Open Web Interface contents unavailable due to conflicting licenses.

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II, Maxwell and Dirac theories as an already unified theory, Covariant, algebraic, and operator spinors, Zur Darstellung der klassischen Gruppen durch Clifford-Algebren, Spinor groups and algebraic coding theory, Solving some quadratic Diophantine equations with Clifford algebra, Study of some fundamental projective quadrics associated with a standard pseudo-Hermitian space \(H_{p,q}\), Maximal subgroups of the orthogonal group over a field of characteristic two, Quantum sets and Clifford algebras, The structure of the spin-embeddings of dual polar spaces and related geometries, An \(E_ 8-\)approach to the Leech lattice and the Conway group, Homotopy approach to quantum gravity, Direct constructions of hyperplanes of dual polar spaces arising from embeddings, A property of isometric mappings between dual polar spaces of type \(DQ(2n,{\mathbb{K}})\), Kloosterman sums for Clifford algebras and a lower bound for the positive eigenvalues of the Laplacian for congruence subgroups acting on hyperbolic spaces, Factorization of Lipschitzian elements, Cyclic structures of Cliffordian supergroups and particle representations of \(\mathrm{Spin}_+(1, 3)\), Linear operators in Clifford algebras, A geometric description of the spin-embedding of symplectic dual polar spaces of rank 3, Two classes of hyperplanes of dual polar spaces without subquadrangular quads, Spineurs, opérateurs de Dirac et variations de métriques. 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I, A geometric representation of certain generalized hexagons in PG(3,s), $E_8$, the most exceptional group, On the conjugacy classes of involutions of the simple orthogonal groups over perfect fields of characteristic two, A note on the \(\epsilon\)-algorithm, On a generalization of Clifford algebras, Eine Note zur Charakterisierung von Ähnlichkeitsabbildungen. (A note on characterizations of similarities), Pais–Uhlenbeck oscillator and negative energies, Dérivées de Lie des spineurs. (Lie derivatives of spinors), The Boolean satisfiability problem in Clifford algebra, Existence and uniqueness of physical ground states, Rigid hyperholomorphic sheaves remain rigid along twistor deformations of the underlying hyparkähler manifold, Systole of congruence coverings of arithmetic hyperbolic manifolds, On triality and automorphisms and derivations of composition algebras, Lagrangian Grassmannians and spinor varieties in characteristic two, On Automorphisms of Lie Algebras of Classical Type. III, Présentation de certains couples fischériens de type classique, The decomposition of an orthogonal transformation as a product of reflections, Composition of quadratic forms and the Hurwitz-Radon function in characteristic 2, Structure theorem for the rotation group over \(\mathbb{Q}\), New applications of Clifford's geometric algebra, The superembedding origin of the Berkovits pure spinor covariant quantization of superstrings, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Grupos ortogonales sobre cuerpos de característica positiva, Buildings of exceptional type in buildings of type $\mathsf{E_7}$, Conformal Transformations and Clifford Algebras, Unnamed Item, On the varieties of the second row of the split Freudenthal–Tits Magic Square, Octonion Planes Over Local Rings, Structure du Groupe des Similitudes Orthogonales, Elliptic curves and rank-2 vector bundles on the prime Fano threefold of genus 7, How to generate families of spinors, Klein and conformal superspaces, split algebras and spinor orbits, The unique coclique extension property for apartments of buildings, A uniform characterisation of the varieties of the second row of the Freudenthal-Tits magic square over arbitrary fields, Spinors in 2022, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Spaces of generators for matrix algebras with involution, The derived pure spinor formalism as an equivalence of categories, Unnamed Item, Quantum marginals from pure doubly excited states, Octonions as Clifford-like algebras, Remarks on the mean-field theory based on the SO(2N + 1) Lie algebra of the fermion operators, Various characteristic properties of Lipschitzian elements in Clifford algebras, Fourfolds of Weil type and the spinor map, Unnamed Item, Construction and characterisation of the varieties of the third row of the Freudenthal-Tits magic square, A general formulation based on algebraic spinors for the quantum computation, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, CLASSIFICATION OF SPIN STRUCTURES ON FOUR‐DIMENSIONAL ALMOST‐FLAT MANIFOLDS, Clifford algebras and isotropes, Formes quadratiques et extensions en caractéristique 2. (Quadratic forms and extensions of charactéristic two), Spinors and canonical hermitian forms, From Dirac spinor fields to eigenspinoren des ladungskonjugationsoperators, A classification of irreducible prehomogeneous vector spaces and their relative invariants, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Spinors in Hilbert space, Unnamed Item, On computational complexity of Clifford algebra, Entanglement in fermionic Fock space, A generalization of an algebra of Chevalley, The Atiyah–Singer index theorem, Supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory in eleven dimensions, Unnamed Item, Fibrations spinorielles et twisteurs généralises, Unnamed Item, Fibrations spinorielles et twisteurs généralises, The $({\bf A_2,G_2})$ duality in ${\bf E_6}$, octonions and the triality principle, Universality of Rank 6 Plücker relations and Grassmann cone preserving maps, Representations by Quadratic Forms in a Finite Field of Characteristic Two, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, A note on triality and symmetric compositions, Unnamed Item, Spinor algebras, Virasoro frames and their stabilizers for the E8 lattice type vertex operator algebra, On maximal subalgebras, Homogeneous Siegel domains, On the composition of nondegenerate quadratic forms with an arbitrary index, A Construction of Lie Algebras by Triple Systems, Theb-functions and holonomy diagrams of irreducible regular prehomogeneous vector spaces, Quadratic forms over arbitrary fields, On the composition of nondegenerate quadratic forms with an arbitrary index, Claude Chevalley (1909-1984), A Riemannian Geometric Invariant and its Applications to a Problem of Borel and Serre, Projective flatness in the quantisation of bosons and fermions, Clifford analysis in two and several vector variables, Unnamed Item, Unitary Hecke algebra modules with nonzero Dirac cohomology, Unnamed Item, Varieties of sums of power, Free subgroups ofS03(Q), Clifford Algebras and Families of Abelian Varieties