Publication | Date of Publication | Type |
Trees and superintegrable Lotka-Volterra families | 2025-01-09 | Paper |
Measure preservation and integrals for Lotka-Volterra tree-systems and their Kahan discretisation | 2024-10-09 | Paper |
An elementary construction of modified Hamiltonians and modified measures of 2D Kahan maps | 2024-09-18 | Paper |
Discrete gradients in short-range molecular dynamics simulations | 2024-06-21 | Paper |
Using aromas to search for preserved measures and integrals in Kahan’s method | 2024-04-16 | Paper |
Birational maps from polarization and the preservation of measure and integrals | 2023-09-07 | Paper |
Linear Darboux polynomials for Lotka–Volterra systems, trees and superintegrable families | 2023-07-18 | Paper |
A novel 8-parameter integrable map in R4 | 2023-01-23 | Paper |
Detecting and determining preserved measures and integrals of birational maps | 2022-11-08 | Paper |
A geometric integration approach to nonsmooth, nonconvex optimisation | 2022-10-21 | Paper |
Generalised Manin transformations and QRT maps | 2021-08-02 | Paper |
Travelling wave solutions of multisymplectic discretizations of semi-linear wave equations | 2021-06-04 | Paper |
Homogeneous Darboux polynomials and generalising integrable ODE systems | 2021-05-21 | Paper |
Deducing properties of ODEs from their discretization | 2021-04-13 | Paper |
Analogues of Kahan's method for higher order equations of higher degree | 2021-03-19 | Paper |
A novel 8-parameter integrable map in $\mathbb{R}^4$ | 2020-03-11 | Paper |
Geometric and integrability properties of Kahan’s method: the preservation of certain quadratic integrals | 2019-11-19 | Paper |
Three classes of quadratic vector fields for which the Kahan discretisation is the root of a generalised Manin transformation | 2019-10-07 | Paper |
Poisson structures for difference equations | 2019-03-27 | Paper |
Duality for discrete integrable systems II | 2018-10-16 | Paper |
QRT maps and related Laurent systems | 2018-04-06 | Paper |
Some integrable maps and their Hirota bilinear forms | 2018-03-01 | Paper |
Integrable and superintegrable systems associated with multi-sums of products | 2017-09-29 | Paper |
Discretization of polynomial vector fields by polarization | 2017-09-29 | Paper |
Discrete gradient methods for solving variational image regularisation models | 2017-08-15 | Paper |
Poisson brackets of mappings obtained as \((q,-p)\) reductions of lattice equations | 2017-06-30 | Paper | | 2017-02-17 | Paper |
Two classes of quadratic vector fields for which the Kahan discretization is integrable | 2017-01-30 | Paper |
Integrability of reductions of the discrete Korteweg–de Vries and potential Korteweg–de Vries equations | 2016-11-02 | Paper |
Volume preservation by Runge-Kutta methods | 2016-09-13 | Paper |
Liouville integrability and superintegrability of a generalized Lotka–Volterra system and its Kahan discretization | 2016-08-09 | Paper |
The use of discrete gradient methods for total variation type regularization problems in image processing | 2016-03-24 | Paper |
Why geometric integration? | 2016-02-24 | Paper |
Projection methods and discrete gradient methods for preserving first integrals of ODEs | 2015-01-07 | Paper |
Integrability properties of Kahanʼs method | 2014-10-10 | Paper |
Twisted reductions of integrable lattice equations, and their Lax representations | 2014-07-03 | Paper |
Symmetric spaces and Lie triple systems in numerical analysis of differential equations | 2014-05-23 | Paper |
Preserving energy resp. dissipation in numerical PDEs using the ``Average Vector Field method | 2014-04-23 | Paper |
Discrete gradient methods have an energy conservation law | 2013-11-11 | Paper |
Discrete gradient methods for preserving a first integral of an ordinary differential equation | 2013-11-11 | Paper |
Symbolic computation of Lax pairs of partial difference equations using consistency around the cube | 2013-10-21 | Paper |
Geometric properties of Kahan's method | 2013-05-17 | Paper |
Discrete Painlevé equations and their Lax pairs as reductions of integrable lattice equations | 2013-05-17 | Paper |
A novelnth order difference equation that may be integrable | 2012-04-27 | Paper |
Involutivity of integrals of sine-Gordon, modified KdV and potential KdV maps | 2011-08-08 | Paper |
The staircase method: integrals for periodic reductions of integrable lattice equations | 2010-12-03 | Paper |
Energy-preserving integrators and the structure of B-series | 2010-11-12 | Paper |
Generating functions for dynamical systems with symmetries, integrals, and differential invariants | 2010-09-11 | Paper |
Sufficient number of integrals for thepth-order Lyness equation | 2010-08-16 | Paper |
The saddle-node-transcritical bifurcation in a population model with constant rate harvesting | 2010-08-11 | Paper |
An integrating factor matrix method to find first integrals | 2010-06-18 | Paper |
Lagrangian multiform structure for the lattice KP system | 2010-02-02 | Paper |
Structure of B-series for Some Classes of Geometric Integrators | 2010-01-22 | Paper | | 2010-01-13 | Paper |
Energy-preserving Runge-Kutta methods | 2009-08-06 | Paper |
Closed-form expressions for integrals of traveling wave reductions of integrable lattice equations | 2009-07-15 | Paper |
Linearization-preserving self-adjoint and symplectic integrators | 2009-04-29 | Paper |
Explicit volume-preserving splitting methods for linear and quadratic divergence-free vector fields | 2008-09-02 | Paper |
Geometric integration methods that unconditionally contract volume | 2008-07-11 | Paper |
A new class of energy-preserving numerical integration methods | 2008-02-21 | Paper |
B-series methods cannot be volume-preserving | 2007-07-19 | Paper |
Creating and relating three-dimensional integrable maps | 2007-02-02 | Paper |
Splitting methods | 2006-12-18 | Paper |
Geometric integrators for ODEs | 2006-05-22 | Paper |
Geometric integration methods that preserve Lyapunov functions | 2006-05-02 | Paper | | 2005-12-08 | Paper |
Duality for discrete integrable systems | 2005-05-23 | Paper |
Explicit geometric integration of polynomial vector fields | 2005-04-07 | Paper |
Integral-preserving integrators | 2005-03-30 | Paper |
Dynamics and bifurcations of a three-dimensional piecewise-linear integrable map | 2005-02-28 | Paper |
On the nonlinear stability of symplectic integrators | 2004-08-06 | Paper |
Geometric integration of conservative polynomial ODEs | 2003-06-17 | Paper |
Geometric numerical integration applied to the elastic pendulum at higher-order resonance. | 2003-05-22 | Paper |
Explicit volume-preserving and symplectic integrators for trigonometric polynomial flows. | 2003-05-20 | Paper |
An alternating integrable map whose square is the QRT map | 2003-01-14 | Paper | | 2003-01-07 | Paper |
What kinds of dynamics are there? Lie pseudogroups, dynamical systems and geometric integration | 2002-09-29 | Paper |
Lie group foliations: Dynamical systems and integrators | 2002-09-27 | Paper |
Interchanging parameters and integrals in dynamical systems: the mapping case | 2002-08-15 | Paper |
Piecewise-linear soliton equations and piecewise-linear integrable maps | 2002-08-05 | Paper |
Generalized polar decompositions on Lie groups with involutive automorphisms | 2002-02-04 | Paper | | 2001-08-30 | Paper |
KAM theorems for the product of two involutions of different types | 2001-01-16 | Paper |
Numerical integrators that contract volume | 2000-12-06 | Paper |
Unified Approach to Hamiltonian Systems, Poisson Systems, Gradient Systems, and Systems with Lyapunov Functions or First Integrals | 2000-07-16 | Paper |
Geometric integration using discrete gradients | 2000-03-20 | Paper |
Volume-preserving integrators have linear error growth | 2000-03-08 | Paper |
Solving ODEs numerically while preserving a first integral | 2000-03-07 | Paper |
Volume-preserving integrators | 2000-02-08 | Paper |
Lie symmetries and the integration of difference equations | 2000-02-06 | Paper |
Hamiltonian limit of the \(3\)D Zamolodchikov model. | 2000-02-02 | Paper |
Discrete gradient methods for solving ODEs numerically while preserving a first integral | 1998-08-20 | Paper |
Numerical Integrators that Preserve Symmetries and Reversing Symmetries | 1998-05-11 | Paper | | 1997-01-07 | Paper |
Lie symmetries and linearisation of the QRT mapping | 1996-12-18 | Paper |
\(k\)-integrals and \(k\)-Lie symmetries in discrete dynamical systems | 1996-11-28 | Paper |
Solving ODEs numerically while preserving a first integral | 1996-07-30 | Paper |
Cyclic reversing k-symmetry groups | 1996-06-04 | Paper |
Volume-preserving integrators | 1995-09-20 | Paper |
Factorizable Lie symmetries and the linearization of difference equations | 1995-07-04 | Paper |
Reversing \(k\)-symmetries in dynamical systems | 1995-01-11 | Paper |
Tupling in three-dimensional reversible mappings | 1994-09-26 | Paper | | 1994-08-22 | Paper |
Lie symmetries and the integration of difference equations | 1994-02-13 | Paper |
The lattice Gel'fand-Dikii hierarchy | 1993-01-16 | Paper | | 1993-01-01 | Paper |
Feigenvalues for Mandelsets | 1992-06-26 | Paper |
Integrable mappings and soliton equations. II | 1989-01-01 | Paper |
Integrable mappings and soliton equations | 1988-01-01 | Paper |
Analytical renormalization results for the cross-over behavior of periodic doubling, from conservative to dissipative systems | 1986-01-01 | Paper |
The anisotropic Heisenberg spin chain and the nonlinear Schrödinger equation | 1983-01-01 | Paper |
Discrete gradients in short-range molecular dynamics simulations | N/A | Paper |
An Elementary Construction of Modified Hamiltonians and Modified Measures of 2D Kahan Maps | N/A | Paper |
Measure preservation and integrals for Lotka--Volterra tree-systems and their Kahan discretisation | N/A | Paper |