Publication | Date of Publication | Type |
A Lyapunov-Razumikhin control strategy for stochastic nonlinear delayed systems with polynomial conditions | 2025-01-22 | Paper |
Finite-time annular domain stability and asynchronous \(H_\infty\) control for stochastic switching Markov jump systems | 2025-01-21 | Paper |
Nonsingular fixed-time adaptive neural terminal sliding mode control for a class of uncertain second-order nonlinear systems | 2025-01-13 | Paper |
Stability and bounded real lemmas of discrete-time MJLSs with the Markov chain on a Borel space | 2024-09-16 | Paper |
Feedback Stackelberg solution for mean-field type stochastic systems with multiple followers | 2024-08-29 | Paper |
Incentive feedback Stackelberg strategy in mean-field type stochastic difference games | 2024-08-29 | Paper |
H-representation to stochastic observability conservation by output feedback and Gramian bounds | 2024-08-06 | Paper |
Robust \(H_\infty\) control for a class of quasi-linear uncertain stochastic time-varying delayed systems | 2024-07-10 | Paper |
Back-stepping stabilization of fractional-order triangular system with applications to chaotic systems | 2024-07-09 | Paper |
Fault detection filtering for Itô-type affine nonlinear stochastic systems | 2024-07-09 | Paper |
Adaptive stabilization of stochastic systems with polynomial nonlinear conditions, unknown parameters, and dead-zone actuator | 2024-05-07 | Paper |
Adaptive fixed-time fuzzy control for output constrained nonlinear systems with unknown virtual control coefficients based on event-triggered mechanism | 2024-05-06 | Paper |
Adaptive quantized tracking control for a class of uncertain nonlinear systems | 2024-05-02 | Paper |
Optimal output tracking of Boolean control networks | 2024-05-02 | Paper |
Finite-time adaptive control for nonlinear systems with uncertain parameters based on the command filters | 2024-04-30 | Paper |
Stability analysis for positive Markov jump systems in \(p\)th moment sense: necessary and sufficient conditions | 2024-04-30 | Paper |
Stochastic differential game of joint emission reduction in the supply chain based on CSR and carbon cap-and-trade mechanism | 2024-04-30 | Paper |
Event-triggered security consensus of continuous-time multi-agent systems against complex cooperative attacks | 2024-04-30 | Paper |
Finite-time adaptive fuzzy control for a class of output constrained nonlinear systems with dead-zone | 2024-04-30 | Paper |
Prescribed performance adaptive fuzzy control for nonstrict-feedback nonlinear systems with dead zone outputs | 2024-04-29 | Paper |
Control of state constrained nonlinear systems with unknown dead-zone nonlinearity: a unified fuzzy dynamic surface control approach | 2024-04-15 | Paper |
Finite-time stability and asynchronous \(H_\infty\) control for highly nonlinear hybrid stochastic systems | 2024-03-28 | Paper |
A new finite time control method to nonlinear systems with uncertain dynamics and time‐varying powers | 2024-03-12 | Paper |
Finite‐time exponentially extended dissipative filtering for singular time‐delay Markov jump systems with quantized outputs based on hidden Markov mode | 2024-03-12 | Paper |
Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for Two Quadratic Equalities to Hold With Applications | 2024-02-29 | Paper |
\(p\)th moment stability of discrete-time Markov jump systems by extended system method | 2024-02-20 | Paper |
Stackelberg game approach to mixed stochastic \(H_2 /H_{\infty}\) control for mean-field jump-diffusions systems | 2024-01-04 | Paper |
Stabilization of random nonlinear systems subject to deception attacks | 2023-11-23 | Paper |
Stability criteria of random delay differential systems subject to random impulses | 2023-11-23 | Paper |
Finite‐time annular domain stability and stabilization for stochastic Markovian switching systems driven by Wiener and Poisson noises | 2023-11-13 | Paper |
Pareto Optimality in Infinite Horizon Mean-Field Stochastic Cooperative Linear-Quadratic Difference Games | 2023-10-02 | Paper |
On stabilizability and exact observability of stochastic systems with their applications | 2023-07-17 | Paper |
Incentive feedback Stackelberg strategy for the discrete-time stochastic systems | 2023-02-16 | Paper |
Bang-bang control for a class of optimal stochastic control problems with symmetric cost functional | 2023-02-03 | Paper |
Modeling and parameter identification of microbial batch fermentation under environmental disturbances | 2022-12-21 | Paper | | 2022-11-17 | Paper | | 2022-11-17 | Paper | | 2022-11-17 | Paper |
Noise-to-state stability of random impulsive delay systems with multiple random impulses | 2022-09-21 | Paper |
Essays on Pareto Optimality in Cooperative Games | 2022-09-06 | Paper |
Finite-time consensus for the second-order leader-following nonlinear multi-agent system with event-triggered communication | 2022-08-02 | Paper |
Robust \(H_\infty\) filtering and control for a class of linear systems with fractional stochastic noise | 2022-08-02 | Paper |
Improved finite-time stability and instability theorems for stochastic nonlinear systems | 2022-07-23 | Paper |
Incentive feedback Stackelberg strategy for stochastic systems with state-dependent noise | 2022-04-14 | Paper |
Finite-time stability and asynchronous resilient control for Itô stochastic semi-Markovian jump systems | 2022-03-04 | Paper |
Mean square finite-time boundary stabilisation and H∞ boundary control for stochastic reaction-diffusion systems | 2022-02-07 | Paper |
Adaptive fuzzy control for pure-feedback stochastic nonlinear systems with unknown dead zone outputs | 2022-02-07 | Paper |
Normalisation design for delayed singular Markovian jump systems based on system transformation technique | 2022-02-04 | Paper |
Intermittent boundary stabilization of stochastic reaction-diffusion Cohen-Grossberg neural networks | 2021-12-07 | Paper |
Practical tracking and disturbance rejection for a class of discrete-time stochastic linear systems | 2021-11-25 | Paper |
Infinite horizon multiobjective optimal control of stochastic cooperative linear-quadratic dynamic difference games | 2021-10-21 | Paper |
Multiobjective control for nonlinear stochastic Poisson jump-diffusion systems via T-S fuzzy interpolation and Pareto optimal scheme | 2021-07-21 | Paper |
Further stability results for random nonlinear systems with stochastic impulses | 2021-07-19 | Paper |
Pareto efficiency in the infinite horizon mean-field type cooperative stochastic differential game | 2021-07-19 | Paper |
Improved stability and instability theorems for stochastic nonlinear systems | 2021-05-31 | Paper |
Universal adaptive control strategies for stochastic nonlinear time-delay systems with odd rational powers | 2021-04-20 | Paper |
Robust \(H_\infty\) filtering for nonlinear discrete-time stochastic systems | 2021-04-12 | Paper |
Pareto optimal strategy for linear stochastic systems with \(H_\infty\) constraint in finite horizon | 2021-03-18 | Paper |
Adaptive fuzzy control of MIMO nonstrict-feedback nonlinear systems with fuzzy dead zones and time delays | 2020-08-05 | Paper |
Stability and stabilization of nonlinear discrete‐time stochastic systems | 2020-07-29 | Paper |
Asynchronous \(H_\infty\) control for uncertain singular stochastic Markov jump systems with multiplicative noise based on hidden Markov mode | 2020-06-30 | Paper |
Global stabilisation for a class of upper-triangular nonlinear systems with unmodelled dynamics and time-delay | 2020-06-04 | Paper |
Stability analysis of random nonlinear systems with time-varying delay and its application | 2020-05-29 | Paper |
Spectral perspective on stability and stabilisation of continuous‐time mean‐field stochastic systems | 2020-03-24 | Paper |
New noise‐to‐state stability and instability criteria for random nonlinear systems | 2020-03-11 | Paper |
Decentralized tracking control for a class of stochastic high-order time-delay nonlinear systems under arbitrary switchings | 2020-01-30 | Paper |
A unified framework for asymptotic and transient behavior of linear stochastic systems | 2019-12-12 | Paper |
Adaptive tracking control for a class of stochastic switched systems with stochastic input-to-state stable inverse dynamics and input saturation | 2019-12-05 | Paper |
Finite‐time prescribed performance adaptive fuzzy fault‐tolerant control for nonstrict‐feedback nonlinear systems | 2019-10-29 | Paper |
New Approach to General Nonlinear Discrete-Time Stochastic $H_\infty$ Control | 2019-07-18 | Paper |
Stochastic \(H_{2}/H_\infty\) control of nonlinear systems with time-delay and state-dependent noise | 2019-03-15 | Paper |
Study on stability and stabilizability of discrete-time mean-field stochastic systems | 2019-03-11 | Paper |
On the system entropy and energy dissipativity of stochastic systems and their application in biological systems | 2019-02-19 | Paper |
Finite-time stability and stabilization of Itô-type stochastic singular systems | 2019-02-14 | Paper |
Algorithms to solve stochastic \(H_2 / H_{\infty}\) control with state-dependent noise | 2019-02-08 | Paper |
Discrete-time indefinite stochastic linear quadratic optimal control with second moment constraints | 2019-02-08 | Paper |
Feedback stabilization for a class of nonlinear stochastic systems with state- and control-dependent noise | 2019-02-08 | Paper |
The \(H_{\infty}\) control for bilinear systems with Poisson jumps | 2019-02-08 | Paper |
Spectral perspective on the stability of discrete-time Markov jump systems with multiplicative noise | 2019-02-08 | Paper |
Nonlinear stochastic \(H_{\infty}\) control with Markov jumps and \((x, u, v)\)-dependent noise: finite and infinite horizon cases | 2019-02-08 | Paper |
Global output feedback stabilization of nonlinear systems with a time-varying power and unknown output function | 2019-02-08 | Paper |
On an application of the absolute stability theory to sampled-data stabilization | 2019-02-08 | Paper |
Modeling and stability analysis for Markov jump networked evolutionary games | 2019-02-08 | Paper |
\(H_\infty\) robust tracking control of stochastic T-S fuzzy systems with Poisson jumps | 2019-02-08 | Paper |
Bipartite consensus for multiagent systems via event-based control | 2019-02-08 | Paper |
Finite-time stability and stabilization of linear discrete time-varying stochastic systems | 2019-02-06 | Paper |
Adaptive fuzzy FTC design of nonlinear stochastic systems with actuator faults and unmodeled dynamics | 2019-02-01 | Paper |
An Open-Loop Stackelberg Strategy for the Linear Quadratic Mean-Field Stochastic Differential Game | 2019-01-28 | Paper |
Mixed $H_-/H_{\infty}$ Fault Detection Filtering for It\^o-Type Affine Nonlinear Stochastic Systems | 2018-12-19 | Paper |
Stability analysis of time-varying discrete stochastic systems with multiplicative noise and state delays | 2018-10-17 | Paper |
Necessary and sufficient conditions for Pareto optimality of the stochastic systems in finite horizon | 2018-10-17 | Paper |
Robust stability, stabilization, and \(H_{\infty}\) control of a class of nonlinear discrete time stochastic systems | 2018-10-12 | Paper |
Robust quadratic stabilizability and \(H_{\infty}\) control of uncertain linear discrete-time stochastic systems with state delay | 2018-10-12 | Paper |
Study on indefinite stochastic linear quadratic optimal control with inequality constraint | 2018-10-10 | Paper |
Global stabilization for a class of stochastic nonlinear systems with SISS‐like conditions and time delay | 2018-09-21 | Paper |
Global Adaptive Stabilization and Tracking Control for High-Order Stochastic Nonlinear Systems With Time-Varying Delays | 2018-09-18 | Paper |
\(H_{\infty}\) control for nonlinear stochastic systems with time-delay and multiplicative noise | 2018-08-27 | Paper |
State feedback control for stochastic Markovian jump delay systems based on Lasalle-type theorem | 2018-08-17 | Paper |
Fuzzy adaptive control of nonlinear MIMO systems with unknown dead zone outputs | 2018-08-17 | Paper |
Some remarks on infinite horizon stochastic \(H_2/H_\infty\) control with \((x,u,v)\)-dependent noise and Markov jumps | 2018-08-16 | Paper |
Finite horizon mean-field stochastic \(H_2/H_\infty\) control for continuous-time systems with \((x,v)\)-dependent noise | 2018-08-16 | Paper |
Necessary/sufficient conditions for Pareto optimum in cooperative difference game | 2018-07-20 | Paper |
Infinite horizon linear quadratic Pareto game of the stochastic singular systems | 2018-06-21 | Paper |
Pareto-based guaranteed cost control of the uncertain mean-field stochastic systems in infinite horizon | 2018-06-20 | Paper |
Adaptive tracking control for a class of random pure‐feedback nonlinear systems with Markovian switching | 2018-06-14 | Paper | | 2018-05-25 | Paper | | 2018-05-25 | Paper |
Discrete-time mean-field stochastic \(H_2/H_\infty\) control | 2018-02-20 | Paper |
Detectability, observability and Lyapunov-type theorems of linear discrete time-varying stochastic systems with multiplicative noise | 2018-02-12 | Paper |
Robust Stochastic Stability and Control for Uncertain Singular Markovian Jump Systems with Multiplicative Noise | 2018-01-05 | Paper |
A combined backstepping and dynamic surface control to adaptive fuzzy state‐feedback control | 2018-01-04 | Paper |
Infinite horizon \(H_\infty\) control for nonlinear stochastic Markov jump systems with \((x, u, v)\)-dependent noise via fuzzy approach | 2017-11-10 | Paper |
Robust H/sub /spl infin// filtering for nonlinear stochastic systems | 2017-09-20 | Paper |
${\cal H}$-Representation and Applications to Generalized Lyapunov Equations and Linear Stochastic Systems | 2017-09-08 | Paper |
Finite Horizon $H_{2}/H_{\infty}$ Control for Discrete-Time Stochastic Systems With Markovian Jumps and Multiplicative Noise | 2017-08-25 | Paper |
Stochastic \(H_\infty\) control for discrete-time singular systems with state and disturbance dependent noise | 2017-08-21 | Paper |
Nonlinear Stochastic $H_2/H_\infty$ Control with $(x,u,v)$-Dependent Noise: Infinite Horizon Case | 2017-08-08 | Paper |
Generalized Lyapunov Equation Approach to State-Dependent Stochastic Stabilization/Detectability Criterion | 2017-08-08 | Paper |
Interval Stability and Stabilization of Linear Stochastic Systems | 2017-08-08 | Paper |
Stochastic>tex<$H_2/H_infty $>/tex<Control WithState-Dependent Noise | 2017-07-12 | Paper |
Finite-Time Stability and Stabilization of Itô Stochastic Systems With Markovian Switching: Mode-Dependent Parameter Approach | 2017-05-16 | Paper |
A Maximum Principle for Optimal Control of Discrete-Time Stochastic Systems With Multiplicative Noise | 2017-05-16 | Paper |
Relationship Between Nash Equilibrium Strategies and <inline-formula> <tex-math notation="TeX">$H_{2}/H_{\infty}$</tex-math></inline-formula> Control of Stochastic Markov Jump Systems With Multiplicative Noise | 2017-05-16 | Paper |
Stochastic Maximum Principle for Mean-Field Type Optimal Control Under Partial Information | 2017-05-16 | Paper |
Some Remarks on General Nonlinear Stochastic $H_{\infty }$ Control With State, Control, and Disturbance-Dependent Noise | 2017-05-16 | Paper |
LaSalle-Type Theorem and Its Applications to Infinite Horizon Optimal Control of Discrete-Time Nonlinear Stochastic Systems | 2017-05-03 | Paper | | 2017-04-18 | Paper |
Quadratic stabilizability andH∞control of linear discrete-time stochastic uncertain systems | 2017-03-31 | Paper |
Linear quadratic Pareto optimal control problem of stochastic singular systems | 2017-02-09 | Paper |
Finite-time guaranteed cost control for Itô Stochastic Markovian jump systems with incomplete transition rates | 2017-01-19 | Paper |
H∞Control for Continuous-Time Mean-Field Stochastic Systems | 2016-10-26 | Paper |
Observer-based controller design for singular stochastic Markov jump systems with state dependent noise | 2016-10-21 | Paper |
Global output tracking control for high-order stochastic nonlinear systems with SISS inverse dynamics and time-varying delays | 2016-09-06 | Paper |
New results on stability of singular stochastic Markov jump systems with state-dependent noise | 2016-08-30 | Paper |
Output FeedbackH∞Control for Discrete-time Mean-field Stochastic Systems | 2016-06-17 | Paper |
Robust control design for nonlinear stochastic partial differential systems with Poisson noise: fuzzy implementation | 2016-04-28 | Paper | | 2016-01-15 | Paper |
Spectral tests for observability and detectability of periodic Markov jump systems with nonhomogeneous Markov chain | 2015-12-23 | Paper |
Finite-Time Stability and Stabilization of Linear Itô Stochastic Systems with State and Control-Dependent Noise | 2015-11-24 | Paper |
State and output feedback finite-time guaranteed cost control of linear Itô stochastic systems | 2015-09-25 | Paper |
On observability and detectability of continuous-time stochastic Markov jump systems | 2015-09-25 | Paper |
A geometric approach toH∞control of nonlinear Markovian jump systems | 2015-07-31 | Paper |
Some remarks on stability of stochastic singular systems with state-dependent noise | 2015-04-28 | Paper |
Some properties of exact observability of linear stochastic systems and their applications | 2015-01-13 | Paper |
On the observability and detectability of linear stochastic systems with Markov jumps and multiplicative noise | 2014-11-11 | Paper |
Positive solutions for boundary value problems of singular fractional differential equations | 2014-06-20 | Paper |
The Output Feedback <scp>H</scp>∞ Control Design for the Linear Stochastic System Driven by Both Brownian Motion and <scp>P</scp>oisson Jumps: A Nonlinear Matrix Inequality Approach | 2014-05-15 | Paper |
On Detectability and Observability of Discrete‐Time Stochastic <scp>M</scp>arkov Jump Systems with State‐Dependent Noise | 2014-05-15 | Paper |
General Stability of Stochastic Markov Jump Linear Systems Based on the Spectrum Technique | 2014-05-15 | Paper |
Dissipative control for Markov jump non-linear stochastic systems based on T–S fuzzy model | 2014-04-17 | Paper |
Infinite horizon \(H_2/H_\infty\) control for stochastic systems with Markovian jumps | 2014-03-19 | Paper |
Infinite horizon \(H_2/H_\infty\) optimal control for discrete-time Markov jump systems with \((x,u,v)\)-dependent noise | 2013-12-09 | Paper |
Nonlinear stochastic passivity, feedback equivalence and global stabilization | 2013-10-31 | Paper |
Properties of storage functions and applications to nonlinear stochastic \(H_\infty\) control | 2013-08-02 | Paper |
Robust \(H_{\infty }\) filtering for general nonlinear stochastic state-delayed systems | 2013-06-11 | Paper |
Indefinite LQ control for discrete-time stochastic systems via semidefinite programming | 2013-06-11 | Paper |
Robust \(H_2/H_{\infty}\) filter design for a class of nonlinear stochastic systems with state-dependent noise | 2013-06-11 | Paper |
Study on general stability and stabilizability of linear discrete‐time stochastic systems | 2013-05-21 | Paper |
Optimal Tracking Control Design of Quantum Systems via Tensor Formal Power Series Method | 2013-01-15 | Paper |
Infinite horizon \(H_{2}/H_{\infty }\) control for discrete-time time-varying Markov jump systems with multiplicative noise | 2012-08-27 | Paper |
Discrete-time indefinite stochastic LQ control via SDP and LMI methods | 2012-04-04 | Paper |
Stabilization of interconnected nonlinear stochastic Markovian jump systems via dissipativity approach | 2012-03-05 | Paper |
Multiobjective \(H_2/H_\infty\) synthetic gene network design based on promoter libraries | 2011-11-22 | Paper | | 2010-07-08 | Paper |
A unified design for state and output feedback \(H_\infty \) control of nonlinear stochastic Markovian jump systems with state and disturbance-dependent noise | 2010-06-17 | Paper | | 2009-10-12 | Paper |
On stabilization for a class of nonlinear stochastic time-delay systems: A matrix inequality approach | 2009-10-12 | Paper | | 2009-02-09 | Paper |
Infinite horizon stochastic \(H_2/H_\infty \)control for discrete-time systems with state and disturbance dependent noise | 2009-01-30 | Paper |
Stochastic affine quadratic regulator with applications to tracking control of quantum systems | 2009-01-20 | Paper |
\(H_{\infty }\) output feedback control with spectrum constraints for uncertain stochastic systems | 2007-09-03 | Paper |
Stochastic \(H_{2}/H_{\infty }\) control with \((x,u,v)\)-dependent noise: finite horizon case | 2007-05-15 | Paper |
Stochastic \(H_{2}/H_{\infty }\) control for discrete-time systems with state and disturbance dependent noise | 2007-04-13 | Paper |
Quadratic stabilization for uncertain stochastic systems | 2007-03-27 | Paper |
State Feedback $H_\infty$ Control for a Class of Nonlinear Stochastic Systems | 2007-03-20 | Paper | | 2005-09-01 | Paper | | 2005-08-23 | Paper | | 2004-11-19 | Paper |
On stabilizability and exact observability of stochastic systems with their applications. | 2004-03-14 | Paper | | 2004-03-04 | Paper | | 2003-08-07 | Paper | | 2003-06-18 | Paper | | 2002-08-05 | Paper | | 2001-08-30 | Paper | | 2001-08-30 | Paper | | 2001-06-27 | Paper | | 2000-11-28 | Paper | | 1999-10-07 | Paper |
Model-free $H_{\infty}$ control of It\^o stochastic system via off-policy reinforcement learning | N/A | Paper |
Stability and Bounded Real Lemmas of Discrete-Time MJLSs with the Markov Chain on a Borel Space | N/A | Paper |