Publication | Date of Publication | Type |
Robust bilevel optimization for near-optimal lower-level solutions | 2024-11-12 | Paper |
Maximum flow-based formulation for the optimal location of electric vehicle charging stations | 2024-09-05 | Paper |
Optimising Electric Vehicle Charging Station Placement Using Advanced Discrete Choice Models | 2024-03-22 | Paper |
Optimal allocation of demand response considering transmission system congestion | 2023-12-14 | Paper |
A solution approach for multi‐trip vehicle routing problems with time windows, fleet sizing, and depot location | 2023-12-11 | Paper |
Survey of optimization models for power system operation and expansion planning with demand response | 2023-11-14 | Paper |
Contextual robust optimisation with uncertainty quantification | 2023-10-04 | Paper |
A Hierarchy of Subgraph Projection-Based Semidefinite Relaxations for Some NP-Hard Graph Optimization Problems | 2023-05-09 | Paper |
Computational study of a branching algorithm for the maximum \(k\)-cut problem | 2022-06-09 | Paper |
Design and implementation of a modular interior-point solver for linear optimization | 2021-12-27 | Paper |
Facility layout. Mathematical optimization techniques and engineering | 2021-11-15 | Paper |
Complexity of near-optimal robust versions of multilevel optimization problems | 2021-09-28 | Paper |
Accelerating Benders decomposition for short-term hydropower maintenance scheduling | 2021-06-03 | Paper |
Mathematical optimization approach for facility layout on several rows | 2021-02-26 | Paper |
Product-closing approximation for ranking-based choice network revenue management | 2020-06-17 | Paper |
Increasing electric vehicle adoption through the optimal deployment of fast-charging stations for local and long-distance travel | 2020-05-26 | Paper |
A class of spectral bounds for max \(k\)-cut | 2020-05-18 | Paper |
Control of Two Energy Storage Units with Market Impact: Lagrangian Approach and Horizons | 2020-03-12 | Paper |
Improving the linear relaxation of maximum \(k\)-cut with semidefinite-based constraints | 2020-01-22 | Paper |
Spectral bounds for graph partitioning with prescribed partition sizes | 2019-10-09 | Paper |
Second-order cone optimization formulations for service system design problems with congestion | 2019-09-09 | Paper |
Tight-and-cheap conic relaxation for the AC optimal power flow problem | 2019-08-06 | Paper |
An RLT approach for solving the binary-constrained mixed linear complementarity problem | 2019-07-12 | Paper |
A Julia Module for Polynomial Optimization with Complex Variables applied to Optimal Power Flow | 2019-04-18 | Paper |
CONICOPF: Conic relaxations for AC optimal power flow computations | 2019-03-22 | Paper |
Tight-and-cheap conic relaxation for the optimal reactive power dispatch problem | 2018-10-06 | Paper |
A Bilevel Approach to Optimal Price-Setting of Time-and-Level-of-Use Tariffs | 2018-09-03 | Paper |
Computational study of valid inequalities for the maximum \(k\)-cut problem | 2018-08-13 | Paper |
Improved exact approaches for row layout problems with departments of equal length | 2018-07-12 | Paper |
Announcement: Howard Rosenbrock Prize 2016 | 2018-06-18 | Paper |
Mathematical optimization approaches for facility layout problems: the state-of-the-art and future research directions | 2018-05-29 | Paper |
Exact separation of \(k\)-projection polytope constraints | 2018-02-06 | Paper |
Convergence and polynomiality of primal-dual interior-point algorithms for linear programming with selective addition of inequalities | 2017-12-15 | Paper |
Optimization for Power Systems and the Smart Grid | 2017-08-29 | Paper |
Announcement: Howard Rosenbrock Prize 2015 | 2017-06-21 | Paper |
Announcement: Inaugural Howard Rosenbrock Prize | 2017-06-20 | Paper |
On semidefinite least squares and minimal unsatisfiability | 2017-03-15 | Paper |
An improved two-stage optimization-based framework for unequal-areas facility layout | 2016-10-27 | Paper |
A semidefinite optimization-based approach for global optimization of multi-row facility layout | 2016-10-06 | Paper |
Optimal design of bilateral contracts for energy procurement | 2016-10-06 | Paper |
Solution Approaches for the Double-Row Equidistant Facility Layout Problem | 2016-05-19 | Paper |
Introduction to Semidefinite, Conic and Polynomial Optimization | 2016-04-26 | Paper |
Global Approaches for Facility Layout and VLSI Floorplanning | 2016-04-26 | Paper |
A dynamic inequality generation scheme for polynomial programming | 2016-04-04 | Paper |
Solving k-Way Graph Partitioning Problems to Optimality: The Impact of Semidefinite Relaxations and the Bundle Method | 2015-07-22 | Paper |
Modified orbital branching for structured symmetry with an application to unit commitment | 2015-04-16 | Paper |
An Exact Approach for the Combined Cell Layout Problem | 2015-02-12 | Paper |
Recent Progress in Modeling Unit Commitment Problems | 2015-02-06 | Paper |
Lattice preconditioning for the real relaxation branch-and-bound approach for integer least squares problems | 2014-07-04 | Paper |
Semidefinite resolution and exactness of semidefinite relaxations for satisfiability | 2014-04-23 | Paper |
Engineering Branch-and-Cut Algorithms for the Equicut Problem | 2013-09-13 | Paper |
Constraint selection in a build-up interior-point cutting-plane method for solving relaxations of the stable-set problem | 2013-08-05 | Paper |
Computing Globally Optimal Solutions for Single-Row Layout Problems Using Semidefinite Programming and Cutting Planes | 2012-07-28 | Paper |
A New Mathematical-Programming Framework for Facility-Layout Design | 2012-06-18 | Paper |
On handling cutting planes in interior-point methods for solving semi-definite relaxations of binary quadratic optimization problems | 2012-05-23 | Paper |
An Improved Interior-Point Cutting-Plane Method for Binary Quadratic Optimization | 2012-05-13 | Paper | | 2012-01-26 | Paper |
A branch-and-cut algorithm based on semidefinite programming for the minimum \(k\)-partition problem | 2011-11-17 | Paper |
A convex optimisation framework for the unequal-areas facility layout problem | 2011-08-10 | Paper |
An Iterative Scheme for Valid Polynomial Inequality Generation in Binary Polynomial Programming | 2011-06-24 | Paper |
Second-Order Cone Relaxations for Binary Quadratic Polynomial Programs | 2011-06-06 | Paper |
Euclidean distance matrices, semidefinite programming and sensor network localization | 2011-04-27 | Paper |
On Interior-Point Warmstarts for Linear and Combinatorial Optimization | 2010-12-03 | Paper |
Provably near-optimal solutions for very large single-row facility layout problems | 2009-09-18 | Paper |
A nonlinear optimization methodology for VLSI fixed-outline floorplanning | 2009-05-04 | Paper |
On Handling Free Variables in Interior-Point Methods for Conic Linear Optimization | 2008-12-05 | Paper | | 2008-07-29 | Paper |
An explicit semidefinite characterization of satisfiability for Tseitin instances on toroidal grid graphs | 2007-08-23 | Paper | | 2007-03-30 | Paper | | 2007-01-22 | Paper |
A semidefinite optimization approach for the single-row layout problem with unequal dimensions | 2005-10-10 | Paper |
On semidefinite programming relaxations for the satisfiability problem | 2005-08-22 | Paper |
Optimal pricing policies for perishable products | 2005-06-01 | Paper |
An improved semidefinite programming relaxation for the satisfiability problem | 2005-04-29 | Paper | | 2005-04-19 | Paper |
Maximizing revenue in the airline industry under one-way pricing | 2005-04-04 | Paper |
An attractor-repeller approach to floorplanning | 2003-07-14 | Paper |
Semidefinite programming for discrete optimization and matrix completion problems | 2002-09-17 | Paper |
Geometry of semidefinite Max-Cut relaxations via matrix ranks | 2002-08-20 | Paper |
Strengthened semidefinite relaxations via a second lifting for the Max-Cut problem | 2002-06-24 | Paper | | 2001-01-01 | Paper |
A Modified Broyden Update with Interpolation | 1994-01-19 | Paper |
Cuts and semidefinite liftings for the complex cut polytope | N/A | Paper |