Dieter Rautenbach

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zbMath Open rautenbach.dieterWikidataQ102224997 ScholiaQ102224997MaRDI QIDQ186196

List of research outcomes

PublicationDate of PublicationType
Irregularity of graphs respecting degree bounds2024-02-16Paper
FPT algorithms for packing \(k\)-safe spanning rooted sub(di)graphs2024-02-14Paper
On Conflict-Free Cuts: Algorithms and Complexity2023-11-02Paper
Bounding the Mostar index2023-10-30Paper
A bound on the dissociation number2023-10-10Paper
Relating the independence number and the dissociation number2023-10-09Paper
Vertex degrees close to the average degree2023-10-04Paper
On the maximum number of maximum independent sets in connected graphs2023-09-29Paper
Uniquely restricted matchings in subcubic graphs without short cycles2023-09-29Paper
Exact and Parameterized Algorithms for the Independent Cutset Problem2023-07-05Paper
Maximizing the Mostar index for bipartite graphs and split graphs2023-06-30Paper
Mostar index and bounded maximum degree2023-06-15Paper
Efficiently recognizing graphs with equal independence and annihilation numbers2023-06-05Paper
Non-monotone target sets for threshold values restricted to $0$, $1$, and the vertex degree2023-05-30Paper
Sparse vertex cutsets and the maximum degree2023-04-20Paper
Unbalanced spanning subgraphs in edge labeled complete graphs2023-03-21Paper
Majority edge-colorings of graphs2023-03-21Paper
Diameter, edge-connectivity, and \(C_4\)-freeness2023-03-10Paper
Efficiently finding low-sum copies of spanning forests in zero-sum complete graphs via conditional expectation2023-02-22Paper
Restricted matchings2022-12-21Paper
Relating dissociation, independence, and matchings2022-10-13Paper
On the computational complexity of the bipartizing matching problem2022-09-26Paper
Zero-sum copies of spanning forests in zero-sum complete graphs2022-08-08Paper
Factorially many maximum matchings close to the Erdős-Gallai bound2022-07-11Paper
Majority Edge-Colorings of Graphs2022-05-23Paper
Acyclic matchings in graphs of bounded maximum degree2022-05-17Paper
Identifying codes in the complementary prism of cycles2022-04-27Paper
Algorithmic aspects of broadcast independence2022-04-20Paper
Additive tree \(O(\rho \log n)\)-spanners from tree breadth \(\rho \)2022-04-19Paper
The hull number in the convexity of induced paths of order \(3\)2022-02-21Paper
Maximally distance-unbalanced trees2022-01-12Paper
On Hamiltonian cycles in claw-free cubic graphs2022-01-03Paper
Diameter, edge-connectivity, and $C_4$-freeness2021-12-16Paper
Reconfiguring dominating sets in minor-closed graph classes2021-11-30Paper
Almost color-balanced perfect matchings in color-balanced complete graphs2021-11-23Paper
Unbalanced spanning subgraphs in edge labeled complete graphs2021-07-20Paper
Exponential independence in subcubic graphs2021-06-14Paper
Geodetic convexity parameters for \((q, q - 4)\)-graphs2021-06-07Paper
Minimum distance-unbalancedness of trees2021-05-10Paper
Approximating maximum acyclic matchings by greedy and local search strategies2021-04-21Paper
Efficiently finding low-sum copies of spanning forests in zero-sum complete graphs via conditional expectation2021-02-22Paper
Low weight perfect matchings2021-01-29Paper
Bounding and approximating minimum maximal matchings in regular graphs2021-01-27Paper
Cubic graphs with equal independence number and matching number2021-01-21Paper
Linear programming based approximation for unweighted induced matchings -- breaking the \(\varDelta\) barrier2021-01-15Paper
Relating $2$-rainbow domination to weak Roman domination2020-11-12Paper
Domination versus edge domination2020-08-31Paper
Constant threshold intersection graphs of orthodox paths in trees2020-05-29Paper
Approximating connected safe sets in weighted trees2020-05-29Paper
Equating \(\kappa\) maximum degrees in graphs without short cycles2020-04-28Paper
Biholes in balanced bipartite graphs2020-04-07Paper
The hull number in the convexity of induced paths of order 32020-02-25Paper
Partial immunization of trees2020-02-24Paper
On some hard and some tractable cases of the maximum acyclic matching problem2020-01-20Paper
Sandwiches missing two ingredients of order four2020-01-20Paper
A short proof for a lower bound on the zero forcing number2020-01-08Paper
On the equality of the induced matching number and the uniquely restricted matching number for subcubic graphs2019-12-27Paper
On some tractable and hard instances for partial incentives and target set selection2019-11-28Paper
Girth, minimum degree, independence, and broadcast independence2019-11-08Paper
Relating broadcast independence and independence2019-10-17Paper
Bipartizing with a matching2019-10-11Paper
Approximating maximum uniquely restricted matchings in bipartite graphs2019-09-05Paper
Upper bounds on the uniquely restricted chromatic index2019-08-15Paper
On matching numbers of tree and bipartite degree sequences2019-06-27Paper
Bounds and extremal graphs for degenerate subsets, dynamic monopolies, and partial incentives2019-06-18Paper
On the Kőnig‐Egerváry theorem for ‐paths2019-06-14Paper
Uniquely restricted matchings in subcubic graphs2019-05-23Paper
On the maximum number of minimum total dominating sets in forests2019-05-23Paper
Vaccinate your trees!2019-05-17Paper
Dynamic monopolies for interval graphs with bounded thresholds2019-05-03Paper
Lower bounds on the uniquely restricted matching number2019-03-21Paper
Forcing brushes2019-03-11Paper
On the maximum number of minimum dominating sets in forests2019-02-20Paper
On the maximum number of maximum independent sets2019-01-11Paper
Graphs in which some and every maximum matching is uniquely restricted2018-10-31Paper
On some graphs with a unique perfect matching2018-10-19Paper
Smallest domination number and largest independence number of graphs and forests with given degree sequence2018-07-13Paper
Dominating sets inducing large components in maximal outerplanar graphs2018-07-13Paper
Maximal determinants of combinatorial matrices2018-06-20Paper
And/or-convexity: a graph convexity based on processes and deadlock models2018-06-12Paper
Approximately locating an invisible agent in a graph with relative distance queries2018-06-07Paper
A lower bound on the acyclic matching number of subcubic graphs2018-06-07Paper
Relating domination, exponential domination, and porous exponential domination2018-05-24Paper
Robust recoverable perfect matchings2018-05-23Paper
Intersection graphs of orthodox paths in trees2018-04-09Paper
The geodetic hull number is hard for chordal graphs2018-04-09Paper
On the extremal graphs for degenerate subsets, dynamic monopolies, and partial incentives2018-04-06Paper
On the hardness of finding the geodetic number of a subcubic graph2018-04-05Paper
Degenerate matchings and edge colorings2018-03-21Paper
Locally searching for large induced matchings2018-03-12Paper
The Geodetic Hull Number is Hard for Chordal Graphs2018-03-05Paper
The cat and the noisy mouse2018-02-23Paper
How to determine if a random graph with a fixed degree sequence has a giant component2018-02-12Paper
Some bounds on the zero forcing number of a graph2018-01-11Paper
Hereditary equality of domination and exponential domination2018-01-10Paper
Uniquely restricted matchings and edge colorings2018-01-04Paper
Bounds on the burning number2017-12-06Paper
Corrigendum to ``Complexity analysis of \(P_{3}\)-convexity problems on bounded-degree and planar graphs2017-11-16Paper
The repeater tree construction problem2017-11-03Paper
Large values of the clustering coefficient2017-10-24Paper
Burning a graph is hard2017-10-17Paper
Relating 2-rainbow domination to Roman domination2017-10-13Paper
Optimal colorings with rainbow paths2017-10-11Paper
Extremal values of the chromatic number for a given degree sequence2017-10-11Paper
Generalized threshold processes on graphs2017-09-07Paper
Exponential independence2017-09-05Paper
Decycling with a matching2017-06-13Paper
Some comments on the Slater number2017-05-10Paper
Locally Dense Independent Sets in Regular Graphs of Large Girth—An Example of a New Approach2017-04-07Paper
Complexity properties of complementary prisms2017-02-22Paper
Dynamic monopolies for degree proportional thresholds in connected graphs of girth at least five and trees2017-02-22Paper
Local connectivity, local degree conditions, some forbidden induced subgraphs, and cycle extendability2017-02-06Paper
Exponential domination in subcubic graphs2017-01-18Paper
Geodetic Convexity Parameters for Graphs with Few Short Induced Paths2016-12-22Paper
Bounds on the exponential domination number2016-12-22Paper
On graphs with induced matching number almost equal to matching number2016-10-17Paper
Extremal values and bounds for the zero forcing number2016-09-30Paper
On the geodetic hull number of \(P_{k}\)-free graphs2016-07-05Paper
Dominating sets inducing large components2016-07-05Paper
Slash and burn on graphs -- firefighting with general weights2016-06-22Paper
Near-linear-time algorithm for the geodetic Radon number of grids2016-06-22Paper
A lower bound on the independence number of a graph in terms of degrees and local clique sizes2016-06-21Paper
Strong equality of Roman and weak Roman domination in trees2016-05-18Paper
Largest domination number and smallest independence number of forests with given degree sequence2016-05-02Paper
Independence in uniform linear triangle-free hypergraphs2016-04-27Paper
Cycles Avoiding a Color in Colorful Graphs2016-04-15Paper
Induced 2-regular subgraphs in \(k\)-chordal cubic graphs2016-04-07Paper
Averaging 2-rainbow domination and Roman domination2016-04-07Paper
The cycle spectrum of claw-free Hamiltonian graphs2016-03-02Paper
Cycle lengths of Hamiltonian \(P_\ell\)-free graphs2015-12-17Paper
Complexity analysis of \(P_3\)-convexity problems on bounded-degree and planar graphs2015-12-08Paper
On the geodetic iteration number of distance-hereditary graphs2015-12-08Paper
Forbidden induced subgraphs for bounded \(p\)-intersection number2015-12-08Paper
Two greedy consequences for maximum induced matchings2015-09-25Paper
Distance \(k\)-domination, distance \(k\)-guarding, and distance \(k\)-vertex cover of maximal outerplanar graphs2015-09-01Paper
Brush your trees!2015-09-01Paper
Feedback vertex sets in cubic multigraphs2015-08-05Paper
Factor-critical graphs with the minimum number of near-perfect matchings2015-08-05Paper
Equality of distance packing numbers2015-08-05Paper
Cycles in complementary prisms2015-07-24Paper
Identifying Codes in the Complementary Prism of Cycles2015-07-17Paper
Maximum induced matchings close to maximum matchings2015-06-11Paper
On P 3-Convexity of Graphs with Bounded Degree2015-05-20Paper
Perfectly relating the domination, total domination, and paired domination numbers of a graph2015-04-29Paper
Asymptotic surviving rate of trees with multiple fire sources2015-04-28Paper
The Maximum Number of Dominating Induced Matchings2015-03-24Paper
Remarks on dynamic monopolies with given average thresholds2015-03-04Paper
New potential functions for greedy independence and coloring2015-02-06Paper
Badly-covered graphs2015-02-06Paper
The circumference of the square of a connected graph2015-01-07Paper
Forests and trees among Gallai graphs2014-11-20Paper
The Erdös-Pósa property for long circuits2014-11-17Paper
A Density Version of the Corradi-Hajnal Theorem2014-10-01Paper
Independent domination in subcubic bipartite graphs of girth at least six2014-09-12Paper
Domination and total domination in cubic graphs of large girth2014-08-22Paper
Graphs of interval count two with a given partition2014-06-23Paper
Transversals of Longest Paths and Cycles2014-06-19Paper
Induced Matchings in Subcubic Graphs2014-06-19Paper
The Erdős-Pósa property for long circuits2014-06-11Paper
Relating ordinary and total domination in cubic graphs of large girth2014-06-11Paper
The Carathéodory number of the \(P_3\) convexity of chordal graphs2014-05-06Paper
Irreversible conversion processes with deadlines2014-04-28Paper
More fires and more fighters2014-04-10Paper
On defensive alliances and strong global offensive alliances2014-02-07Paper
Matchings in graphs of odd regularity and girth2014-01-27Paper
Extending Berge's and Favaron's results about well-covered graphs2014-01-24Paper
Recognizing some complementary products2014-01-22Paper
On graphs with maximal independent sets of few sizes, minimum degree at least 2, and girth at least 72014-01-22Paper
Induced matchings in subcubic graphs without short cycles2014-01-16Paper
On the Carathéodory number of interval and graph convexities2014-01-13Paper
A short proof of the versatile version of Fleischner's theorem2013-12-06Paper
Cycles in squares of trees without generalized claws2013-12-06Paper
Ramsey Results for Cycle Spectra2013-10-21Paper
Geodetic Number versus Hull Number in $P_3$-Convexity2013-09-26Paper
Algorithmic and structural aspects of the \(P_3\)-Radon number2013-09-03Paper
On the cycle spectrum of cubic Hamiltonian graphs2013-07-19Paper
Integral mixed unit interval graphs2013-04-25Paper
Unit Interval Graphs of Open and Closed Intervals2013-04-19Paper
Open packing, total domination, and the \(P_3\)-Radon number2013-04-11Paper
Efficient Dominating and Edge Dominating Sets for Graphs and Hypergraphs2013-03-21Paper
Characterization and recognition of Radon-independent sets in split graphs2013-03-21Paper
On the Carathéodory Number for the Convexity of Paths of Order Three2013-01-04Paper
On the convexity number of graphs2012-12-27Paper
Pairs of disjoint dominating sets in connected cubic graphs2012-12-27Paper
Reversible iterative graph processes2012-11-27Paper
The potential of greed for independence2012-11-23Paper
On the geodetic Radon number of grids2012-11-22Paper
Immediate versus Eventual Conversion: Comparing Geodetic and Hull Numbers in P 3-Convexity2012-11-06Paper
Mixed unit interval graphs2012-10-26Paper
Integral Mixed Unit Interval Graphs2012-09-25Paper
Parameterized complexity of the weighted independent set problem beyond graphs of bounded clique number2012-09-13Paper
Cycle spectra of Hamiltonian graphs2012-08-14Paper
Greedy colorings of words2012-08-14Paper
An upper bound on the \(P_3\)-Radon number2012-08-10Paper
On the Radon Number for P 3-Convexity2012-06-29Paper
Independent sets and matchings in subcubic graphs2012-06-18Paper
Unit and single point interval graphs2012-06-18Paper
On subbetweennesses of trees: hardness, algorithms, and characterizations2012-04-22Paper
Dominating sets, packings, and the maximum degree2011-10-21Paper
Finite Sholander trees, trees, and their betweenness2011-10-21Paper
Connectivity and diameter in distance graphs2011-08-16Paper
Average distance and domination number revisited2011-08-10Paper
Irreversible conversion of graphs2011-07-14Paper
Recolouring-resistant colourings2011-06-28Paper
Independence, odd girth, and average degree2011-06-07Paper
Parameterized Algorithms for the Independent Set Problem in Some Hereditary Graph Classes2011-05-19Paper
Partitioning a graph into a dominating set, a total dominating set, and something else2011-05-09Paper
On finite convexity spaces induced by sets of paths in graphs2011-05-06Paper
On Hamiltonian paths in distance graphs2011-05-03Paper
Powers of cycles, powers of paths, and distance graphs2011-04-19Paper
Edge-Injective and Edge-Surjective Vertex Labellings2011-04-15Paper
Strict betweennesses induced by posets as well as by graphs2011-03-31Paper
Characterization and representation problems for intersection betweennesses2011-03-10Paper
Lower bounds on the independence number of certain graphs of odd girth at least seven2011-01-21Paper
Independence in connected graphs2011-01-14Paper
On the Hull Number of Triangle-Free Graphs2010-12-03Paper
Cycle length parities and the chromatic number2010-11-10Paper
Disjoint dominating and total dominating sets in graphs2010-11-05Paper
Long cycles and paths in distance graphs2010-10-28Paper
Minimum degree and density of binary sequences2010-10-18Paper
Interpolating between bounds on the independence number2010-10-11Paper
Pairs of disjoint dominating sets and the minimum degree of graphs2010-10-07Paper
On packing shortest cycles in graphs2010-08-20Paper
An \(\Omega (n\log n)\) lower bound for computing the sum of even-ranked elements2010-08-20Paper
Binary trees with choosable edge lengths2010-08-20Paper
Random procedures for dominating sets in graphs2010-08-12Paper
Exact leaf powers2010-07-07Paper
Packing disjoint cycles over vertex cuts2010-05-28Paper
On F-independence in graphs2010-05-14Paper
Packing edge-disjoint cycles in graphs and the cyclomatic number2010-05-05Paper
Some remarks on the geodetic number of a graph2010-04-27Paper
Edge colouring by total labellings2010-03-29Paper
Cycles, Paths, Connectivity and Diameter in Distance Graphs2010-01-21Paper
An independent dominating set in the complement of a minimum dominating set of a tree2010-01-08Paper
Lower bounds on treespan2009-12-18Paper
Remarks about disjoint dominating sets2009-12-15Paper
On spanning tree congestion2009-12-10Paper
A generalization of Dijkstra's shortest path algorithm with applications to VLSI routing2009-12-10Paper
Edge irregular total labellings for graphs of linear size2009-12-09Paper
A forbidden induced subgraph characterization of distance-hereditary 5-leaf powers2009-12-09Paper
A class of problems for which cyclic relaxation converges linearly2009-10-09Paper
Note on the connectivity of line graphs2009-07-21Paper
Some results on graphs without long induced paths2009-07-09Paper
On the existence of edge cuts leaving several large components2009-06-17Paper
On the OBDD size for graphs of bounded tree- and clique-width2009-04-09Paper
Some remarks on \(\lambda _{p,q}\)-connectedness2009-01-28Paper
The independence number in graphs of maximum degree three2009-01-28Paper
Domination in bipartite graphs2009-01-28Paper
Domination in Cubic Graphs of Large Girth2009-01-13Paper
Cyclic sums, network sharing, and restricted edge cuts in graphs with long cycles2008-12-17Paper
\(\alpha \)-domination perfect trees2008-07-11Paper
A conjecture of Borodin and a coloring of Grünbaum2008-06-12Paper
On the OBDD Size for Graphs of Bounded Tree- and Clique-Width2008-06-03Paper
On a conjecture about edge irregular total labelings2008-05-14Paper
A note on domination, girth and minimum degree2008-04-28Paper
Domination in graphs of minimum degree at least two and large girth2008-04-16Paper
On the cost of optimal alphabetic code trees with unequal letter costs2008-02-25Paper
Dominating and large induced trees in regular graphs2007-12-06Paper
New bounds on the \(k\)-domination number and the \(k\)-tuple domination number2007-12-06Paper
The relative clique-width of a graph2007-08-20Paper
The delay of circuits whose inputs have specified arrival times2007-06-26Paper
A Conjecture of Borodin and a Coloring of Grünbaum2007-05-29Paper
Distance-Hereditary 5-Leaf Powers2007-05-29Paper
On the irregularity of bipartite graphs2007-04-26Paper
Small step-dominating sets in trees2007-03-15Paper
Reconstructing graphs from size and degree properties of their induced \(k\)-subgraphs2007-03-02Paper
Delay optimization of linear depth Boolean circuits with prescribed input arrival times2007-02-14Paper
Some remarks about leaf roots2006-08-04Paper
Extremal problems for imbalanced edges2006-06-16Paper
A note on the least number of edges of 3-uniform hypergraphs with upper chromatic number 22006-05-16Paper
On the maximum number of cycles in a Hamiltonian graph2005-12-29Paper
The numbers of shared upper bounds determine a poset2005-11-09Paper
Cuts leaving components of given minimum order2005-04-28Paper
Rectilinear spanning trees versus bounding boxes2005-04-25Paper
Propagation of mean degrees2005-04-25Paper
Some remarks on alpha-domination2005-04-19Paper
Graphs with small additive stretch number2005-04-15Paper
On the Band-, Tree-, and Clique-Width of Graphs with Bounded Vertex Degree2005-02-28Paper
A note on the number of matchings and independent sets in trees2005-02-23Paper
Competition polysemy2004-08-06Paper
The solution of two problems on bound polysemy2004-08-06Paper
Chordal bipartite graphs of bounded tree- and clique-width2004-08-06Paper
A note on the reconstruction of sets of finite measure2003-12-14Paper
A note on trees of maximum weight and restricted degrees2003-09-25Paper
Closed formulas for the numbers of small independent sets and matchings and an extremal problem for trees2003-09-22Paper
On \(\alpha_{r}\gamma_{s}(k)\)-perfect graphs2003-09-04Paper
A linear-programming approach to the generalized Randić index2003-06-10Paper
Extremal subgraphs with respect to vertex degree bounds2003-04-09Paper
On a reconstruction problem of Harary and Manvel2003-03-26Paper
On the reconstruction of the degree sequence2003-03-16Paper
Independent domination and matchings in graphs2003-03-16Paper
Reconstruction up to isometries2003-03-16Paper
Remarks on the bondage number of planar graphs2003-03-16Paper
Maximum graphs with a unique minimum dominating set2003-03-16Paper
Wagner's conjecture and the graph-minor project2003-03-06Paper
On the Randić index2002-12-02Paper
Reconstructing finite sets of points in \(R^n\) up to groups of isometries2002-12-02Paper
How local irregularity gets global in a graph2002-09-29Paper
Reconstructing infinite sets of integers2002-09-12Paper
Wiener index versus maximum degree in trees2002-08-29Paper
Weighted domination in triangle-free graphs2002-08-29Paper
Reconstructing infinite objects2002-08-29Paper
On Kelly's lemma for infinite sets of integers2002-05-15Paper
\(i\gamma(1)\)-perfect graphs2002-05-07Paper
On vertex orderings and the stability number in triangle-free graphs2002-04-21Paper
The Erdős-Pósa property for odd cycles in highly connected graphs2002-02-13Paper
A characterization of \(\Gamma\alpha(k)\)-perfect graphs2001-12-10Paper
On domination and annihilation in graphs with claw-free blocks2001-11-28Paper
Perfect graphs of strong domination and independent strong domination2001-11-07Paper
The domatic number of block-cactus graphs2000-11-02Paper
Bounds on the strong domination number2000-08-28Paper
The influence of special vertices on strong domination1999-12-05Paper
On the differences between the upper irredundance, upper domination and independence numbers of a graph1999-09-12Paper
A linear vizing-like relation between the size and the domination number of a graph1999-09-01Paper

Research outcomes over time

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