Avinash Khare

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zbMath Open khare.avinashMaRDI QIDQ202950

List of research outcomes

PublicationDate of PublicationType
A class of exactly solvable real and complex PT symmetric reflectionless potentials2024-04-08Paper
New solutions of coupled nonlocal NLS and coupled nonlocal mKdV equations2024-04-03Paper
New solutions of nonlocal NLS, mKdV and Hirota equations2024-01-05Paper
Superposed periodic kink and pulse solutions of coupled nonlinear equations2023-10-12Paper
New static solutions of symmetric \(\phi^4\) equation2023-07-13Paper
Novel superposed kinklike and pulselike solutions for several nonlocal nonlinear equations2023-03-29Paper
Behavior of solitary waves of coupled nonlinear Schrödinger equations subjected to complex external periodic potentials with odd- PT symmetry2023-02-03Paper
Coupled superposed solutions in nonlinear nonlocal equations2023-02-01Paper
Stability and response of trapped solitary wave solutions of coupled nonlinear Schrödinger equations in an external, $\mathcal{PT}$- and supersymmetric potential2023-01-25Paper
Wide class of logarithmic potentials with power-tower kink tails2023-01-19Paper
Parametrically driven nonlinear Dirac equation with arbitrary nonlinearity2023-01-09Paper
Connections between complex PT-invariant solutions and complex periodic solutions of several nonlinear equations2023-01-04Paper
Family of potentials with power law kink tails2022-12-23Paper
Stability of trapped solutions of a nonlinear Schrödinger equation with a nonlocal nonlinear self-interaction potential2022-11-11Paper
Solutions of (1+1)-dimensional Dirac equation associated with exceptional orthogonal polynomials and the parametric symmetry2022-11-04Paper
Nonlocal Superposed Solutions II: Coupled Nonlinear Equations2022-09-14Paper
Supersymmetry and shape invariance of exceptional orthogonal polynomials2022-08-25Paper
One parameter family of rationally extended isospectral potentials2022-01-11Paper
Novel deformation function creating or destroying any number of even kink solutions2022-01-05Paper
A minimal nonlinearity logarithmic potential: Kinks with super-exponential profiles2021-06-22Paper
Explicit Kink Solutions in Several One-Parameter Family of Higher Order Field Theory Models2021-03-08Paper
Nonparaxial elliptic waves and solitary waves in coupled nonlinear Helmholtz equations2020-09-19Paper
Solitary wave solutions of the 2+1 and 3+1 dimensional nonlinear Dirac equation constrained to planar and space curves2020-09-15Paper
A pedestrian introduction to coherent and squeezed states2020-04-19Paper
Rationally extended many-body truncated Calogero-Sutherland model2019-06-24Paper
Exact solutions of a generalized variant of the derivative nonlinear Schrödinger equation in a Scarff II external potential and their stability properties2019-02-28Paper
A class of exactly solvable rationally extended non-central potentials in two and three dimensions2018-07-16Paper
Higher-order field theories: $\phi^6$, $\phi^8$ and beyond2018-06-14Paper
Complex PT-invariant cnoidal and hyperbolic solutions of several real nonlinear equations2018-06-07Paper
Scattering amplitudes for the rationally extended \(PT\) symmetric complex potentials2018-02-22Paper
Stability of new exact solutions of the nonlinear Schrödinger equation in a Pöschl–Teller external potential2018-02-01Paper
Response of exact solutions of the nonlinear Schrödinger equation to small perturbations in a class of complex external potentials having supersymmetry and parity-time symmetry2018-01-18Paper
Truncated Calogero-Sutherland models on a circle2017-12-06Paper
A systematic construction of parity-time ($\mathcal{PT}$ )-symmetric and non-$\mathcal{PT}$ -symmetric complex potentials from the solutions of various real nonlinear evolution equations2017-11-14Paper
A class of exactly solvable rationally extended Calogero-Wolfes type 3-body problems2017-10-16Paper
Approximate analytic solutions to coupled nonlinear Dirac equations2017-10-16Paper
A short note on ``Group theoretic approach to rationally extended shape invariant potentials2017-07-11Paper
Novel PT-invariant solutions for a large number of real nonlinear equations2017-06-14Paper
Integrable oscillator type and Schrödinger type dimers2017-03-03Paper
Stability of exact solutions of the nonlinear Schrödinger equation in an external potential having supersymmetry and parity-time symmetry2017-03-02Paper
Group theoretic approach to rationally extended shape invariant potentials2016-08-29Paper
Solitary waves in the nonlinear Dirac equation in the presence of external driving forces2016-08-02Paper
Parametric symmetries in exactly solvable real and PT symmetric complex potentials2016-07-11Paper
\(\mathcal{PT}\)-symmetric dimer in a generalized model of coupled nonlinear oscillators2016-01-14Paper
Response to “Comment on ‘Superposition of elliptic functions as solutions for a large number of nonlinear equations’” [J. Math. Phys. 56, 084101 (2015)]2015-12-10Paper
The scattering amplitude for one parameter family of shape invariant potentials related to \(X_m\) Jacobi polynomials2015-05-19Paper
Periodic and hyperbolic soliton solutions of a number of nonlocal nonlinear equations2015-04-07Paper
The scattering amplitude for rationally extended shape invariant Eckart potentials2015-02-03Paper
Rationally extended shape invariant potentials in arbitrary D-dimensions associated with exceptional $X_m$ polynomials2014-12-16Paper
Linear superposition for a class of nonlinear equations2014-12-08Paper
Elliptic waves in two-component long-wave-short-wave resonance interaction system in one and two dimensions2014-11-11Paper
Superposition of elliptic functions as solutions for a large number of nonlinear equations2014-05-07Paper
Novel symmetries in \(\mathcal N=2\) supersymmetric quantum mechanical models2014-04-03Paper
Successive phase transitions and kink solutions in $\phi^{8}$, $\phi^{10}$, and $\phi^{12}$ field theories2014-02-26Paper
Exact solutions of a two-dimensional cubic–quintic discrete nonlinear Schrödinger equation2013-05-22Paper
The scattering amplitude for a newly found exactly solvable potential2013-04-29Paper
Supersymmetric quantum mechanics on non-commutative plane2012-09-09Paper
A proof of the nodal structure of the wave functions of supersymmetric partner potentials2012-07-06Paper
Effect of damping on kink ratchets in the Klein-Gordon lattice free of the Peierls-Nabarro potential2012-04-30Paper
Exceptional orthogonal polynomials, QHJ formalism and SWKB quantization condition2012-03-05Paper
New QES Hermitian as well as non-Hermitian PT invariant Potentials2011-12-16Paper
Solutions of Several Coupled Discrete Models in terms of Lame Polynomials of Arbitrary Order2011-11-26Paper
Exact static solutions of a two-dimensional discrete ϕ4model2011-10-10Paper
An approximate shape-independent relation at Feshbach resonance2011-09-27Paper
Exotic atoms in two dimensions2011-07-25Paper
Translationally invariant kink solutions of discrete \(\varphi^4\) models2011-01-24Paper
Exact solutions of the two-dimensional discrete nonlinear Schrödinger equation with saturable nonlinearity2010-10-07Paper
Solitary wave in the Nonlinear Dirac Equation with arbitrary nonlinearity2010-07-19Paper
Mapping between generalized nonlinear Schrödinger equations and neutral scalar field theories and new solutions of the cubic–quintic NLS equation2010-02-02Paper
Exceptional Discretizations of the NLS: Exact Solutions and Conservation Laws2010-01-11Paper
Higher order periodic solutions of coupled φ4and φ6models2009-12-01Paper
An explicit realization of fractional statistics in one dimension2009-05-19Paper
Exact static solutions of a generalized discrete φ4model including short-periodic solutions2009-04-29Paper
Staggered and short-period solutions of the saturable discrete nonlinear Schrödinger equation2009-03-06Paper
Domain wall and periodic solutions of a coupled ϕ6 model2009-01-23Paper
Compactons in PT-symmetric generalized Korteweg-de Vries Equations2008-10-20Paper
Analytically solvable PT-invariant periodic potentials2007-12-04Paper
Exact moving and stationary solutions of a generalized discrete nonlinear Schrödinger equation2007-10-05Paper
A PT-invariant potential with complex QES eigenvalues2007-08-07Paper
Exact static solutions to a translationally invariant discrete phi4model2007-06-21Paper
PT-invariant periodic potentials with a finite number of band gaps2007-05-16Paper
Complex periodic potentials with a finite number of band gaps2007-05-16Paper
Domain wall and periodic solutions of coupled ϕ4 models in an external field2007-05-16Paper
Domain wall and periodic solutions of coupled asymmetric double well models2007-05-16Paper
Asymptotic calculation of discrete non-linear wave interactions2007-04-13Paper
Periodic potentials and PT symmetry2006-08-30Paper
Statistical mechanics of Lamé solitons2006-08-30Paper
Quasi-Periodic Solutions of Heun's Equation2005-05-29Paper
Periodic potentials and supersymmetry2005-03-21Paper
Exact solutions of the saturable discrete nonlinear Schrödinger equation2005-03-10Paper
On some classes of mKdV periodic solutions2005-02-28Paper
Soliton lattice and single soliton solutions of the associated Lamé and Lamé potentials2004-12-15Paper
Cyclic identities involving Jacobi elliptic functions2004-12-14Paper
Cyclic identities for Jacobi elliptic and related functions2004-12-14Paper
Periodic solutions of nonlinear equations obtained by linear superposition2004-06-10Paper
Cyclic Identities Involving Ratios of Jacobi Theta Functions2004-03-27Paper
Generalized Landen Transformation Formulas for Jacobi Elliptic Functions2003-12-31Paper
Local Identities Involving Jacobi Elliptic Functions2003-06-10Paper
Complex optical potentials and pseudo-Hermitian Hamiltonians2003-01-22Paper
Relating Linearly Superposed Periodic Solutions of Nonlinear Equations to One Soliton Solutions2002-12-24Paper
Anti-isospectral transformations, orthogonal polynomials, and quasi-exactly solvable problems2002-12-15Paper
Relationship between the energy eigenstates of Calogero-Sutherland models with oscillator and coulomb-like potentials2002-06-17Paper
A Generalization of Landen's Quadratic Transformation Formulas for Jacobi Elliptic Functions2002-04-30Paper
Complete Energy Spectrum of a N-Body Problem in One Dimension2002-02-27Paper
Some exact results for mid-band and zero band-gap states of associated Lamé potentials2002-02-26Paper
Testing Hall-Post inequalities with exactly solvableN-body problems2002-01-27Paper
Linear Superposition in Nonlinear Equations2001-11-30Paper
A QES band-structure problem in one dimension2001-09-25Paper
A class ofN-body problems with nearest- and next-to-nearest-neighbour interactions2001-06-20Paper
Stability of compacton solutions of fifth-order nonlinear dispersive equations2000-11-20Paper
New solvable and quasiexactly solvable periodic potentials2000-08-16Paper
Off-diagonal long-range order in a one-dimensional many-body problem2000-08-13Paper
Exact Thermodynamics of the Double sinh-Gordon Theory in<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mn>1</mml:mn><mml:mo>+</mml:mo><mml:mn>1</mml:mn></mml:math>Dimensions2000-07-16Paper
An exactly solvable many-body problem in one dimension and the short-range Dyson model.2000-04-10Paper
Do quasi-exactly solvable systems always correspond to orthogonal polynomials?2000-03-08Paper
Exact solution of a class of three-body scattering problems in one dimension2000-03-08Paper
Coherent states for isospectral Hamiltonians2000-03-07Paper
A class of exact solutions for \(N\) anyons in an \(N\)-body potential2000-03-07Paper
Stationary solitons of the fifth order KdV-type. Equations and their stabilization.2000-03-07Paper
A quantum many-body problem in two dimensions: ground state.2000-03-07Paper
Cyclic shape invariant potentials.2000-03-07Paper
Methods for generating quasi-exactly solvable potentials2000-02-08Paper
Statistical mechanics of double sinh-Gordon kinks2000-02-06Paper
Berry phase for supersymmetric shape-invariant potentials2000-02-06Paper
A number of quasiexactly solvable N-body problems1999-11-21Paper
Exact ground state of several N-body problems with an N-body potential1999-11-21Paper
The Riemann zeta function and the inverted harmonic oscillator1999-10-31Paper
Exact solution of anN-body problem in one dimension1999-07-15Paper
Negaton and positon solutions of the KdV and mKdV hierarchy1999-06-14Paper
Reply to comment `Exact solution of anN-body problem in one dimension'1999-01-19Paper
New class of conditionally exactly solvable potentials in quantum mechanics1996-08-12Paper
Some algebraically solvable three-body problems in one dimension1996-01-23Paper
New shape-invariant potentials in supersymmetric quantum mechanics1994-12-18Paper
Parasupersymmetry in quantum mechanics1993-09-06Paper
Parasupersymmetric quantum mechanics of arbitrary order1993-01-17Paper
Chaos in gauge theories possessing vortices and monopole solutions1989-01-01Paper
Supersymmetry and the Dirac equation1988-01-01Paper
The accidental degeneracy problem in nonrelativistic quantum mechanics1983-01-01Paper
The effect of viscosity on the stability of incompressible magnetohydrodynamic systems1959-01-01Paper
PT invariant Non-Hermitian Potentials with Real QES Eigenvalues0001-01-03Paper

Research outcomes over time

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