Max F. Pitz

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zbMath Open pitz.max-fMaRDI QIDQ321407

List of research outcomes

PublicationDate of PublicationType
Eulerian Spaces2024-02-20Paper
Universal end-compactifications of locally finite graphs2024-02-09Paper
Ubiquity of graphs with nowhere‐linear end structure2023-10-12Paper
A note on minor antichains of uncountable graphs2023-10-06Paper
A strengthening of Halin's grid theorem2023-09-20Paper
End spaces and tree-decompositions2023-05-02Paper
Halin's end degree conjecture2023-04-24Paper
Constructing tree-decompositions that display all topological ends2023-01-23Paper
$n$-Arc connected graphs2022-11-28Paper
Topological ubiquity of trees2022-09-23Paper
Proof of Halin's normal spanning tree conjecture2022-04-25Paper
Graph‐like compacta: Characterizations and Eulerian loops2022-03-31Paper
Bounding the Cop Number of a Graph by Its Genus2021-11-04Paper
A new obstruction for normal spanning trees2021-10-01Paper
Quickly proving Diestel's normal spanning tree criterion2021-09-28Paper
Base partition for mixed families of finitary and cofinitary matroids2021-06-29Paper
A Cantor-Bernstein-type theorem for spanning trees in infinite graphs2021-06-18Paper
Approximating infinite graphs by normal trees2021-03-08Paper
Tangles and the Stone-Čech compactification of infinite graphs2021-02-03Paper
A unified existence theorem for normal spanning trees2020-09-24Paper
Partitioning edge-coloured infinite complete bipartite graphs into monochromatic paths2020-09-15Paper
Circuits through prescribed edges2020-05-21Paper
Hamilton decompositions of one-ended Cayley graphs2020-01-15Paper
Ends, tangles and critical vertex sets2019-12-05Paper
\(n\)-arc and \(n\)-circle connected graph-like spaces2019-03-13Paper
Non-reconstructible locally finite graphs2018-10-11Paper
Partitioning edge-coloured complete symmetric digraphs into monochromatic complete subgraphs2018-09-21Paper
Hamilton cycles in infinite cubic graphs2018-08-15Paper
Minimal obstructions for normal spanning trees2018-04-10Paper
A counterexample to the reconstruction conjecture for locally finite trees2017-09-13Paper
A counterexample to montgomery's conjecture on dynamic colourings of regular graphs2017-07-27Paper
Reconstructing topological graphs and continua2017-05-10Paper
Reconstructing compact metrizable spaces2016-11-14Paper
Self-maps under the compact-open topology2016-10-13Paper
The Stone-Cech compactifications of $\omega^*\setminus \{x\}$ and $S_\kappa\setminus\{x\}$2015-02-18Paper

Research outcomes over time

Doctoral students

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