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Georges Gras - MaRDI portal

Georges Gras

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Available identifiers

zbMath Open gras.georgesWikidataQ95293211 ScholiaQ95293211MaRDI QIDQ194733

List of research outcomes

PublicationDate of PublicationType
Exceptional case of the non semi-simple Real Abelian Main Conjecture2023-08-09Paper
On the Real Abelian Main Conjecture in the non semi-simple case2023-06-22Paper
New characterization of the norm of the fundamental unit of $\mathbb{Q}(\sqrt M)$2023-05-30Paper
The Chevalley-Herbrand formula and the real abelian Main Conjecture (new criterion using capitulation of the class group)2023-04-06Paper
Algebraic norm and capitulation of p-class groups in ramified cyclic p-extensions2022-11-22Paper
On the λ-stability of p-class groups along cyclic p-towers of a number field2022-08-18Paper
The Chevalley-Herbrand formula and the real abelian Main Conjecture2022-07-28Paper
Unlimited lists of fundamental units of quadratic fields -- Applications to some arithmetic properties2022-06-28Paper
Algorithmic complexity of Greenberg's conjecture2021-08-04Paper
Tate-Shafarevich groups in the cyclotomic \(\hat{\mathbb{Z}} \)-extension and Weber's class number problem2021-08-02Paper
On the $\lambda$-stability of p-class groups along cyclic p-towers of a number field2021-03-02Paper
New criteria for Vandiver's conjecture using Gauss sums -- heuristics and numerical experiments2020-05-26Paper
The p-rank $\epsilon$-conjecture on class groups is true for towers of p-extensions2020-01-21Paper
Successive maxima of the non-genus part of class numbers2019-11-29Paper
Genus theory and \(\varepsilon\)-conjectures on \(p\)-class groups2019-10-17Paper
Note on some p-invariants of Q(N^{1/p}) using reflection theorem2019-10-01Paper
Ideal norms in the cyclotomic tower and Greenberg's conjecture2019-09-05Paper
Practice of incomplete p-ramification over a number field -- History of abelian p-ramification2019-04-24Paper
Heuristics and conjectures in the direction of a $p$-adic Brauer–Siegel Theorem2019-03-22Paper
On the order modulo p of an algebraic number2019-01-31Paper
Annihilation of tor\_p(G\_S^ab) for real abelian extensions2018-06-08Paper
Probabilistic study of Fermats quotients2018-04-20Paper
The p-adic Kummer–Leopoldt constant: Normalized p-adic regulator2018-02-13Paper
\(p\)-adic approach of Greenberg's conjecture for totally real fields2018-01-31Paper
A program to test the p-rationality of any number field2017-09-19Paper
On the Bertrandias-Payan module in a p-extension -- capitulation kernel2017-07-24Paper
Invariant generalized ideal classes -- structure theorems for \(p\)-class groups in \(p\)-extensions2017-06-14Paper
Local theta-regulators of an algebraic number -- p-adic Conjectures2017-01-10Paper
No general Riemann-Hurwitz formula for relative \(p\)-class groups2016-10-26Paper
Lesθ-régulateurs locaux d'un nombre algébrique : Conjecturesp-adiques2016-06-03Paper
On the structure of the Galois group of the abelian closure of a number field2016-03-30Paper
Notion de $\theta$-r\'egulateurs d'un nombre alg\'ebrique. Conjectures p-adiques2014-01-27Paper
Some works of Furtw\"angler and Vandiver revisited and Fermat's last theorem2011-03-24Paper
Stickelberger's congruences for absolute norms of relative discriminants2011-03-07Paper
Analysis of the classical cyclotomic approach to fermat's last theorem2011-01-03Paper
On the \(T\)-ramified, \(S\)-split \(p\)-class field towers over an extension of degree prime to \(p\)2009-09-15Paper
Note on 2-rational fields2009-02-10Paper
Minimal ramifications2001-07-30Paper
Reflexion theorems1999-06-23Paper
Interprétation et Calcul du Groupe de Défaut d'un Principe de Hasse1998-10-01Paper
Effective criteria for \(p\)-th powers in a Galois extension1998-07-13Paper
Making ideals principal by absolute abelian extensions1997-09-01Paper
Generalized invariant classes1995-07-23Paper
On the structure of relative class groups. With an appendix of numerical examples1993-06-13Paper
Sur la norme du groupe des unités d'extensions quadratiques relatives1993-02-10Paper
On regular number fields1989-01-01Paper
Relations congruentielles linéaires entre nombres de classes de corps quadratiques1989-01-01Paper
Pseudo-mesures p-adiques associées aux fonctions L de \({\mathbb{Q}}\). (p- adic pseudo-measures associated to L-functions of \({\mathbb{Q}})\)1987-01-01Paper
Théories des genres analytique des fonctions \(L\) \(p\)-adiques des corps totalement réels1986-01-01Paper
Remarks on \(K_ 2\) of number fields1986-01-01Paper
Decomposition and inertia groups in \({\mathbb{Z}}_ p\)-extensions1986-01-01Paper
Sur les \(Z_2\)-extensions d'un corps quadratique imaginaire1983-01-01Paper
Logarthme p-adique et groupes de Galois.1983-01-01Paper
Groupe de Galois de la p-extension abélienne p-ramifiée maximale d'un corps de nombres.1982-01-01Paper
Annulation du groupe des \(\ell\)-classes généralisées d'une extension abélienne réelle de degré premier à \(\ell\)1979-01-01Paper
Nombre de $\varphi$-classes invariantes. Application aux classes des corps abéliens1978-01-01Paper
Classes d'idéaux des corps abéliens et nombres de Bernoulli généralisés1977-01-01Paper
Signature des unités cyclotomiques et parité du nombre de classes des extensions cycliques de \(Q\) de degré premier impair1975-01-01Paper
Critère de parité du nombre de classes des extensions abéliennes réelles de $Q$ de degré impair1975-01-01Paper
Sur les \(l\)-classes d'ideaux des extensions non galoisiennes de Q de degré premier impair \(l\) à cloture galoisienne diedrale de degré 2\(l\)1974-01-01Paper
Sur les \(\ell\)-classes d'idéaux dans les extensions cycliques rélatives de degré premier \(\ell\). I1973-01-01Paper
Sur les \(\ell\)-classes d'idéaux dans les extensions cycliques rélatives de degré premier \(\ell\). II1973-01-01Paper
Extensions abéliennes non ramifiées de degré premier d'un corps quadratique1972-01-01Paper
Genus theory of p-adic pseudo-measures -- Tame kernels and abelian p-ramificationN/APaper
On the Zp-extensions of a totally p-adic imaginary quadratic field -- With an appendix by Jean-Fran\c{c}ois JaulentN/APaper

Research outcomes over time

This page was built for person: Georges Gras