Publication | Date of Publication | Type |
Distributed Nash equilibrium seeking for quadratic games in discrete-time systems with bounded control inputs | 2025-01-22 | Paper |
Identification of Hammerstein-Wiener systems with state-space subsystems based on the improved PSO and GSA algorithm | 2024-09-30 | Paper |
Finite-time stability and stabilization of discrete-time hybrid systems | 2024-07-24 | Paper |
Finite-time reliable dissipative control of neutral-type switched artificial neural networks with non-linear fault inputs and randomly occurring uncertainties | 2024-07-10 | Paper |
Disorder-resistant fusion estimator design for nonlinear stochastic systems in the presence of measurement quantization | 2024-04-30 | Paper |
Parameter estimation of multivariable Wiener nonlinear systems by the improved particle swarm optimization and coupling identification | 2024-04-10 | Paper |
Observability and Detectability of Stochastic Labeled Graphs | 2024-02-29 | Paper |
Stabilization of Markovian Jump Boolean Control Networks via Event-Triggered Control | 2023-09-06 | Paper |
Bias-compensated least squares and fuzzy PSO based hierarchical identification of errors-in-variables Wiener systems | 2023-07-06 | Paper | | 2022-11-17 | Paper | | 2022-11-17 | Paper | | 2022-11-17 | Paper |
Sampled-Data Set Stabilization of Impulsive Boolean Networks Based on a Hybrid Index Model | 2022-09-09 | Paper |
Leader-following consensus of nonlinear singular multi-agent systems under signed digraph | 2022-02-08 | Paper |
Synchronisation analysis for stochastic T–S fuzzy complex networks with coupling delay | 2022-02-07 | Paper | | 2021-08-26 | Paper |
The stability and control of fractional nonlinear system with distributed time delay | 2020-01-28 | Paper |
Event-triggered bipartite leader-following consensus of second-order nonlinear multi-agent systems under signed digraph | 2019-08-06 | Paper |
Event-Triggered Control of Continuous-Time Switched Linear Systems | 2019-07-18 | Paper |
Finite-time outer-synchronization for complex networks with Markov jump topology via hybrid control and its application to image encryption | 2018-10-17 | Paper |
Modified function projective lag synchronization of chaotic systems with disturbance estimations | 2018-08-30 | Paper |
Robust Stability of Singularly Perturbed Descriptor Systems With Nonlinear Perturbation | 2017-08-25 | Paper |
Generalized quadratic stability for continuous-time singular systems with nonlinear perturbation | 2017-07-27 | Paper |
Saturated Feedback Stabilization of Discrete-Time Descriptor Bilinear Systems | 2017-07-27 | Paper |
Synchronization of fractional chaotic complex networks with distributed delays | 2016-10-26 | Paper | | 2016-03-15 | Paper |
Lyapunov stability theorem about fractional system without and with delay | 2015-01-29 | Paper |
Detection of singular systems via a limited communication channel with missing measurements | 2014-08-01 | Paper |
Dissipative synchronization of nonlinear chaotic systems under information constraints | 2014-08-01 | Paper |
Exponential stability and stabilization for nonlinear descriptor systems with discrete and distributed delays | 2014-01-24 | Paper | | 2013-05-24 | Paper | | 2013-01-24 | Paper |
The hybrid adaptive control of T-S fuzzy system based on niche | 2012-11-15 | Paper |
Simultaneous semi-global \(L_p\)-stabilization and asymptotical stabilization for singular systems subject to input saturation | 2012-09-14 | Paper |
Synchronization for time-delay Lur'e systems with sector and slope restricted nonlinearities under communication constraints | 2012-04-04 | Paper |
On the model-based networked control for singularly perturbed systems with nonlinear uncertainties | 2011-11-10 | Paper |
Network-based control of discrete-time descriptor systems with random delays | 2011-10-18 | Paper |
Impulsive synchronization of discrete-time chaotic systems under communication constraints | 2011-09-23 | Paper |
A note on the existence of a solution and stability for Lipschitz discrete-time descriptor systems | 2011-08-01 | Paper |
Asymptotic stability and stabilization for a class of nonlinear descriptor systems with delay | 2011-07-27 | Paper | | 2010-11-05 | Paper |
Detection and stabilization for discrete-time descriptor systems via a limited capacity communication channel | 2010-01-08 | Paper |
CHAOTIC SYNCHRONIZATION WITH LIMITED INFORMATION | 2009-07-21 | Paper | | 2008-11-24 | Paper |
Observer design for descriptor Markovian jumping systems with nonlinear perturbations | 2008-06-10 | Paper |
Continuous stabilization controllers for singular bilinear systems: the state feedback case | 2006-05-29 | Paper |
An approach to \(H_\infty\) controller synthesis of piecewise linear systems | 2006-03-16 | Paper |
On robust \(H_\infty\) control for nonlinear uncertain systems | 2006-03-16 | Paper |
Strict positive realness for linear time-delay systems | 2004-11-19 | Paper | | 2004-02-15 | Paper |
Robust stabilization for a class of discrete-time non-linear systems via output feedback: The unified LMI approach | 2003-12-07 | Paper |
\(H_{\infty}\)-control problem for linear systems with multiple time-delays via dynamic output feedback | 2002-12-02 | Paper | | 2002-03-04 | Paper | | 2002-01-01 | Paper |
Nonlinear robust \(H_{\infty}\) control via dynamic output feedback | 2000-06-04 | Paper | | 1996-07-15 | Paper | | 1993-04-01 | Paper |