Yang-Baxter equation and representation theory. I

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DOI10.1007/BF02285311zbMath0502.35074WikidataQ59722162 ScholiaQ59722162MaRDI QIDQ1172760

Petr P. Kulish, Nicolai Reshetikhin, Evgueni K. Sklyanin

Publication date: 1981

Published in: Letters in Mathematical Physics (Search for Journal in Brave)

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Yang-Baxter equation, Factorizing particles on a half-line and root systems, Duality for a Lorentz quantum group, Cyclic monodromy matrices for \(sl(n)\) trigonometric \(R\)-matrices, Solutions of the triangle equations with \({\mathbb{Z}}_ n\times {\mathbb{Z}}_ n\)-symmetry and matrix analogs of the Weierstrass zeta- and sigma- functions, Integrable fermion chiral models connected with the classical Lie algebras, Quantum deformation of classical groups, Some finite-dimensional representations of generalized Sklyanin algebras, Finite size spectrum of \(\operatorname{SU}(N)\) principal chiral field from discrete Hirota dynamics, A q-difference analogue of \(U({\mathfrak g})\) and the Yang-Baxter equation, Classical exchange algebras in the Wess-Zumino-Witten model, Mickelsson algebras and representations of Yangians, The diluteALmodels and the Φ1,2perturbation of unitary minimal CFTs, Nonsymmetric Macdonald polynomials via integrable vertex models, An elementary approach to 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equation, The spectrum properties of an integrable \(G_2\) invariant vertex model, Exact solution of the \(q\)-deformed \(D_3^{(1)}\) vertex model with open boundaries, Density matrix of a finite sub-chain of the Heisenberg anti-ferromagnet, Spectrum of the transfer matrices of the spin chains associated with the \(A^{(2)}_3\) Lie algebra, Baxter operators and Hamiltonians for ``nearly all integrable closed \(gl(n\)) spin chains, Completeness of the Bethe Ansatz for the Periodic Isotropic Heisenberg Model, Yangian symmetric correlators, The staggered six-vertex model: conformal invariance and corrections to scaling, Yang-Baxter operators and scattering amplitudes in \(\mathcal{N}=4\) super-Yang-Mills theory, On higher spin $U_q(\operatorname {sl}_2)$-invariant $R$-matrices, On separation of variables for reflection algebras, On the Yang-Baxter equation for the six-vertex model, Factorization of the \(\mathcal R\)-matrix for the quantum algebra \({U_q(s\ell_3)}\), Factorization of the R-matrix and Baxter's \(Q\)-operator, Yangian symmetry and bound states in AdS/CFT boundary scattering, Condensation of non-Abelian ${SU(3)_{N_f}}$ anyons in a one-dimensional fermion model, Truncation identities for the small polaron fusion hierarchy, Exterior integrability: Yang–Baxter form of non-equilibrium steady-state density operator, Duality and symmetry in chiral Potts model, GeneralizedTQrelations and the open spin-sXXZ chain with nondiagonal boundary terms, On the form factors of local operators in the lattice sine–Gordon model, Non-diagonal open spin-1/2XXZquantum chains by separation of variables: complete spectrum and matrix elements of some quasi-local operators, Bethe ansatz solution of the small polaron with nondiagonal boundary terms, Correlation functions of the integrable isotropic spin-1 chain: algebraic expressions for arbitrary temperature, Thermodynamics of quantum spin chains with competing interactions, Quantum group approach to steady states of boundary-driven open quantum systems, Singular solutions, repeated roots and completeness for higher-spin chains, Logarithmic superconformal minimal models, Computation of dynamical correlation functions of the spin-1 Babujan–Takhtajan chain, The nineteen-vertex model and alternating sign matrices, Kac boundary conditions of the logarithmic minimal models, The solution of an open XXZ chain with arbitrary spin revisited, Yang-Baxter \(\mathcal R\)-operators and parameter permutations, Quasi-local conserved charges and spin transport in spin-1 integrable chains, Symmetry classes of alternating sign matrices in a nineteen-vertex model, Exact solution of ansu(n) spin torus, Exact solution for the quench dynamics of a nested integrable system, Exact boundary free energy of the open XXZ chain with arbitrary boundary conditions, One-dimensional sums and finitized characters of 2 × 2 fused RSOS models, Integrable quenches in nested spin chains I: the exact steady states, Integrable quenches in nested spin chains II: fusion of boundary transfer matrices, Diagonal solutions to reflection equations in higher spin models, Quantum integrability and quantum groups: a special issue in memory of Petr P Kulish, Fusion procedure for the Brauer algebra, TWISTED YANGIANS AND FOLDED ${\mathcal W}$ -ALGEBRAS, INTEGRABILITY IN QCD AND BEYOND, General solution of the Yang–Baxter equation with symmetry group $\mathrm {SL}(\mathit {n},\mathbb {C})$, On quantum separation of variables, THERMODYNAMIC BETHE ANSATZ EQUATION FROM FUSION HIERARCHY OF osp(1|2) INTEGRABLE SPIN CHAIN, Bethe ansatz solution of a closed spin 1 XXZ Heisenberg chain with quantum algebra symmetry, A tale of two Bethe ansätze, Higher spin vertex models with domain wall boundary conditions, Associative Yang-Baxter equation for quantum (semi-)dynamical R-matrices, Grigori Iosifovich Olshanski, The scattering matrix for a generalgl(2) spin chain, Integrable boundary conditions for the B 2 model, Quantum inverse scattering and the lambda deformed principal chiral model, EXTENDED HUBBARD HAMILTONIAN WITH (SUPER)SYMMETRIES: ADDITIVE POLYNOMIAL R-MATRIX FOR SOME INTEGRABLE CASES, On the domain wall partition functions of level-1 affineso(n) vertex models, The thermodynamical limit of generalgl(N) spin chains: the vacuum state and densities, A complete Bethe ansatz solution for the open spin-s XXZchain with general integrable boundary terms, The transfer matrix of a superintegrable chiral Potts model as theQoperator of root-of-unity XXZ chain with cyclic representation of U_{\mathsf {q}}(sl_2), The thermodynamical limit of generalgl(N) spin chains: II. Excited states and energies, YANG–BAXTER FIELD FOR SPIN HALL–LITTLEWOOD SYMMETRIC FUNCTIONS, Quantum anisotropic sigma and lambda models as spin chains, Universal quantization of curvature jump at the roughening transition, Commuting quantum traces for quadratic algebras, SYMMETRIES OF THE BFKL EQUATION, Boundary Effects on the Supersymmetric Sine-Gordon Model Through Light-Cone Lattice Regularization, Spin chains and Gustafson’s integrals, Integrable heat conduction model, On the partition function of the Sp(2n) integrable vertex model, Colored fermionic vertex models and symmetric functions, 't Hooft loops and integrability, Hexagonalization of fishnet integrals. II: Overlaps and multi-point correlators, The loom for general fishnet CFTs, Shift‐invariance for vertex models and polymers, A lattice model for super LLT polynomials, Transition probability and total crossing events in the multi-species asymmetric exclusion process, A large twist limit for any operator, Flag integrable models and generalized graded algebras, Jordan blocks and the Bethe ansatz III: class 5 model and its symmetries, A QUANTIZATION OF BOX-BALL SYSTEMS, BETHE ANSATZ FOR NON-COMPACT GROUPS: THE PAIRING MODELS FOR BOSONS, Form factors and complete spectrum of XXX antiperiodic higher spin chains by quantum separation of variables, Quantum groups, Yang-Baxter algebras, integrable theories and quantum groups., Superconformal models and the supersymmetric Coulomb gas, Exact solution of the supersymmetric sinh-Gordon model with boundary., Chirally stabilized critical state in marginally coupled spin and doped systems., On the quantum inverse scattering problem., The exact \(S\)-matrix for an \(\text{osp}(2| 2)\) disordered system., Heisenberg spin chains based on \(\text{sl}(2|1)\) symmetry, The many faces of Ocneanu cells, The Baxter equation for quantum discrete Boussinesq equation, On the construction of trigonometric solutions of the Yang-Baxter equation, Fusion, mass, and representation theory of the Yangian algebra, New link polynomial obtained from octet representation of quantum sl (3) enveloping algebra, Noncompact Heisenberg spin magnets from high-energy QCD. I: Baxter Q-operator and separation of variables, Solving the open \(XXZ\) spin chain with nondiagonal boundary terms at roots of unity, Bethe ansatz solution for quantum spin-1 chains with boundary terms, Boundary quantum Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov equations and fusion, INTRODUCTION TO YANGIAN SYMMETRY IN INTEGRABLE FIELD THEORY, A recursion formula for the correlation functions of an inhomogeneous XXX model, R matrices of three-state Hamiltonians solvable by coordinate Bethe ansatz, Quantifying algebraic asymmetry of Hamiltonian systems, The open XXX spin chain in the SoV framework: scalar product of separate states, Correlation functions for open XXZ spin 1/2 quantum chains with unparallel boundary magnetic fields, Non relativistic limit of integrable QFT with fermionic excitations

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