DOI10.1007/JHEP08(2010)042zbMath1291.81328arXiv1004.2025WikidataQ59253385 ScholiaQ59253385MaRDI QIDQ2248168
Niclas Wyllard, Sara Pasquetti, Can Kozçaz
Publication date: 30 June 2014
Published in: Journal of High Energy Physics (Search for Journal in Brave)
Full work available at URL:
Two-dimensional field theories, conformal field theories, etc. in quantum mechanics (81T40)
Completely integrable infinite-dimensional Hamiltonian and Lagrangian systems, integration methods, integrability tests, integrable hierarchies (KdV, KP, Toda, etc.) (37K10)
Yang-Mills and other gauge theories in quantum field theory (81T13)
String and superstring theories; other extended objects (e.g., branes) in quantum field theory (81T30)
Topological field theories in quantum mechanics (81T45)
Semiclassical techniques, including WKB and Maslov methods applied to problems in quantum theory (81Q20)
Non-Lagrangian theories from brane junctions,
Holomorphic blocks in three dimensions,
On integrable structure and geometric transition in supersymmetric gauge theories,
Super-quantum curves from super-eigenvalue models,
Orbifolds, defects and sphere partition function,
Toda 3-point functions from topological strings. II,
Symmetry enhancements via 5d instantons, \( q\mathcal{W} \)-algebrae and \((1,0)\) superconformal index,
Toda 3-point functions from topological strings,
Topological vertex for higgsed 5d \(T_N\) theories,
Five-dimensional gauge theories and the local B-model,
The condensate from torus knots,
Line operators in theories of class \( \mathcal{S} \), quantized moduli space of flat connections, and Toda field theory,
Quiver ${\text{W}}_{{\boldsymbol{{\epsilon}}}_{\mathbf{1}},{\boldsymbol{{\epsilon}}}_{\mathbf{2}}}$ algebras of 4D $\boldsymbol{\mathcal{N}}\mathbf{=}\mathbf{2}$ gauge theories,
Surface operators in 5d gauge theories and duality relations,
From CFT to Ramond super-quantum curves,
M5-branes, toric diagrams and gauge theory duality,
Refined Hopf link revisited,
Deformed planar topological open string amplitudes on Seiberg-Witten curve,
Factorisation of \( \mathcal{N} = 2 \) theories on the squashed 3-sphere,
Quantum Hitchin systems via \(\beta\)-deformed matrix models,
An elliptic Virasoro symmetry in 6d,
\(3d\) dualities from \(2d\) free field correlators: recombination and rank stabilization,
Instanton partition functions in \(\mathcal{N} = 2\) SU(\(N\)) gauge theories with a general surface operator, and their \(\mathcal{W}\)-algebra duals,
A direct proof of AGT conjecture at {\(\beta\)} = 1,
Holomorphic blocks and the 5d AGT correspondence,
Exact eigenfunctions and the open topological string,
Affine Laumon spaces and iterated \(\mathcal{W}\)-algebras,
Modular and duality properties of surface operators in \( \mathcal{N}={2}^{\star} \) gauge theories,
Deformed prepotential, quantum integrable system and Liouville field theory,
2D CFT blocks for the 4D class \( {\mathcal{S}}_k \) theories,
Refined toric branes, surface operators and factorization of generalized Macdonald polynomials,
Instanton counting with a surface operator and the chain-saw quiver,
Classical conformal blocks from TBA for the elliptic Calogero-Moser system,
Generalized matrix models and AGT correspondence at all genera,
Surface operator, bubbling Calabi-Yau and AGT relation,
Brezin-Gross-Witten model as ``pure gauge limit of Selberg integrals, From SO/Sp instantons to W-algebra blocks, On W-algebras and the symmetries of defects of 6d \(\mathcal{N} = \left( {2,0} \right)\) theory, The Liouville side of the vortex, Non-perturbative topological strings and conformal blocks, 3d and 5d gauge theory partition functions as \(q\)-deformed CFT correlators, \(T[ \mathrm{SU} (N)\) duality webs: mirror symmetry, spectral duality and gauge/CFT correspondences], Towards a 4d/2d correspondence for Sicilian quivers, Quantization of integrable systems and a \(2d/4d\) duality, Chiral rings for surface operators in 4d and 5d SQCD, Refined geometric transition and \(qq\)-characters, \(q\)-difference Kac-Schwarz operators in topological string theory, Macdonald topological vertices and brane condensates, The matrix model version of AGT conjecture and CIV-DV prepotential, Trinion conformal blocks from topological strings, Uniformization, Calogero-Moser/Heun duality and Sutherland/bubbling pants, Seiberg-Witten curve via generalized matrix model, Affine \(sl(N)\) conformal blocks from \({\mathcal N} = 2\) \(SU(N)\) gauge theories, The volume conjecture, perturbative knot invariants, and recursion relations for topological strings, Seiberg-Witten theory, matrix model and AGT relation, (de)tails of Toda CFT, A Review on Instanton Counting and W-Algebras, Refined topological branes, Condensates and instanton - torus knot duality. Hidden Physics at UV scale, \( \mathcal{N} = 2 \) superconformal blocks and instanton partition functions, Vertices, vortices \& interacting surface operators, S-duality as a \(\beta\)-deformed Fourier transform, Conformal blocks of chiral fields in \( \mathcal{N}=2 \) SUSY CFT and affine laumon spaces, Quantum geometry of refined topological strings, On the integrability of four dimensional \( \mathcal{N}=2 \) gauge theories in the omega background, From \(3d\) dualities to \(2d\) free field correlators and back, Dessins d'enfants, Seiberg-Witten curves and conformal blocks, Wilson surface central charge from holographic entanglement entropy, Central charges of 2d superconformal defects, Wild quiver gauge theories, 3d \(\mathcal{N} = 2\) brane webs and quiver matrices, The uses of the refined matrix model recursion, A slow review of the AGT correspondence
- Unnamed Item
- Unnamed Item
- Unnamed Item
- Unnamed Item
- Loop and surface operators in \( \mathcal{N} = 2 \) gauge theory and Liouville modular geometry
- Five-dimensional AGT conjecture and the deformed Virasoro algebra
- Gauge theory loop operators and Liouville theory
- Penner type matrix model and Seiberg-Witten theory
- Gauge theory Wilson loops and conformal Toda field theory
- Topological expansion of the \(\beta\)-ensemble model and quantum algebraic geometry in the sectorwise approach
- Correlation functions in conformal Toda field theory. I
- The virtue of defects in 4D gauge theories and 2D CFTs
- A holomorphic and background independent partition function for matrix models and topological strings
- Matrix models as CFT: genus expansion
- Method of generating q-expansion coefficients for conformal block and \({\mathcal N}=2\) Nekrasov function by \(\beta \)-deformed matrix model
- Check of AGT relation for conformal blocks on sphere
- Conformal blocks and generalized Selberg integrals
- Cubic curves from instanton counting
- Crystal model for the closed topological vertex geometry
- Seiberg-Witten prepotential from instanton counting
- Topological strings and integrable hierarchies
- Remodeling the B-model
- Nonpertubative effects and the large-order behavior of matrix models and topological strings
- Topological open strings on orbifolds
- Invariants of algebraic curves and topological expansion
- Topological strings and (almost) modular forms
- Instanton partition functions and M-theory
- Infinite conformal symmetry in two-dimensional quantum field theory
- Two- and three-point functions in Liouville theory
- The gravity duals of \( \mathcal{N}=2 \) superconformal field theories
- Surface operators in \( \mathcal{N} = 2\) 4d gauge theories
- An \(N=2\) superconformal fixed point with \(E_6\) global symmetry
- Higher genus correlators for the Hermitian matrix model with multiple cuts
- Matrix models, topological strings, and supersymmetric gauge theories
- Null vectors, 3-point and 4-point functions in conformal field theory
- Conformal bootstrap in Liouville field theory
- A quantum deformation of the Virasoro algebra and the Macdonald symmetric functions
- On AGT relation in the case of \(U(3)\)
- The superconformal index of the \(E_{6}\) SCFT
- The omega deformation, branes, integrability and Liouville theory
- Liouville correlation functions from four-dimensional gauge theories
- The vertex on a strip
- Mirror symmetry and supermanifolds
- The local Gromov-Witten invariants of configurations of rational curves
- \(\text{SU}(N)\) geometries and topological string amplitudes
- The topological vertex
- Refined, motivic, and quantum
- Quantization of Integrable Systems and Four Dimensional Gauge Theories
- Selberg Integrals and Hypergeometric Functions Associated with Jack Polynomials
- Quantum Integrability and Supersymmetric Vacua
- Nonrational Conformal Field Theory
- A differential equation for a four-point correlation function in Liouville field theory and elliptic four-point conformal blocks
- Introduction to Classical Integrable Systems
- $q$-Selberg integrals and Macdonald polynomials
- Topological recursion in enumerative geometry and random matrices
- An Ar threesome: Matrix models, 2d conformal field theories, and 4d N=2 gauge theories
- Disk Instantons, Mirror Symmetry and the Duality Web