\(p\)-adic analytic groups

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zbMath0139.02302MaRDI QIDQ2522116

Michel Lazard

Publication date: 1965

Published in: Publications Mathématiques (Search for Journal in Brave)

Full work available at URL: http://www.numdam.org/item?id=PMIHES_1965__26__5_0

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II. Properties, Asymptotic growth patterns for class field towers, Unnamed Item, Contracting extensions and contractible groups, Arithmetic Chern–Simons Theory II, On the cohomology of integral p-adic unipotent radicals, On group rings of linear groups, Zeta function of representations of compact 𝑝-adic analytic groups, Analytic lie extensions of number fields with cyclic fixed points and tame ramification, Nilpotent lie algebras having the Schur multiplier of maximum dimension, Hausdorff dimension, pro-𝑝 groups, and Kac-Moody algebras, Zero divisors and units with small supports in group algebras of torsion-free groups, Group rings, Euler characteristics for \(p\)-adic Lie groups, On the growth of subalgebras in Lie \(p\)-algebras, Prime decomposition and the Iwasawa MU-invariant, A note on finitely generated nilpotent groups, Infinitesimally PI radical algebras, Duality for admissible locally analytic representations, A non-commutative Weierstrass preparation theorem and applications to Iwasawa theory, Finitely generated groups, 𝑝-adic analytic groups, and Poincaré series, Free Ideals of One-Relator Graded Lie Algebras, Auslander Regularity of 𝑝-adic Distribution Algebras, The Dimension Subalgebra Problem for Enveloping Algebras of Lie Superalgebras, Profinite groups and the fixed points of coprime automorphisms., Koszul duality for Iwasawa algebras modulo 𝑝, Globally Analytic p-adic Representations of the Pro–p Iwahori Subgroup of GL(2) and Base Change, II: A Steinberg Tensor Product Theorem, Unnamed Item, Continuous cohomology of groups and classifying spaces, $3$-Manifold Groups are Virtually Residually $p$, A VARIANT OF HARISH-CHANDRA FUNCTORS, ON THE SELMER GROUP OF A CERTAIN -ADIC LIE EXTENSION, Profinite groups with an automorphism whose fixed points are right Engel, The centralizer resolution of the 𝐾(2)-local sphere at the prime 2, Valued modules on skew polynomial rings and Bézout domains, Bounded Engel elements in residually finite groups satisfying an identity, Uncountably many non-commensurable pro-p groups of homological type FPk but not FPk+1, 𝑝-central groups and Poincaré duality, Iwasawa Modules Arising from Deformation Spaces of p-Divisible Formal Group Laws, Compact groups with countable Engel sinks, Coates–Wiles Homomorphisms and Iwasawa Cohomology for Lubin–Tate Extensions, Oriented pro-\(\ell\) groups with the Bogomolov-Positselski property, On the self-similarity index of \(p\)-adic analytic pro-\(p\) groups, The torsion-free rank of homology in towers of soluble pro-\(p\) groups, Detecting fast solvability of equations via small powerful Galois groups, Chromatic splitting for the \(K(2)\)-local sphere at \(p=2\), Differential equations and Lie group representations, On hereditarily self-similar \(p\)-adic analytic pro-\(p\) groups, On profinite groups with automorphisms whose fixed points have countable Engel sinks, Primitive ideals in rational, nilpotent Iwasawa algebras, Multiplicity theorems modulo \(p\) for GL\(_2\)(Q\(_p\)), The \(\text{GL}_2\) main conjecture for elliptic curves without complex multiplication, Finiteness theorems for deformations of complexes, Dualizing spheres for compact \(p\)-adic analytic groups and duality in chromatic homotopy, Finiteness conditions on subgroups of profinite \(p\)-Poincaré duality groups., A footnote on residually finite groups, Weak commutativity for pro-\(p\) groups, \(\ell\)-adic perverse sheaves over a torus, Height four formal groups with quadratic complex multiplication, Prime ideals in nilpotent Iwasawa algebras., Book Review: Groups of prime power order. Vol. 1 (with a foreword by Zvonimir Janko); Groups of prime power order. Vol. 2, Hausdorff dimensions in \(p\)-adic analytic groups, Representation zeta functions of compact \(p\)-adic analytic groups and arithmetic groups, A control theorem for primitive ideals in Iwasawa algebras, Infinite class field towers of number fields of prime power discriminant, Reflexive ideals in Iwasawa algebras., On the catenarity of virtually nilpotent mod-\(p\) Iwasawa algebras, On the Galois structure of some pro-\(p\)-extensions of number fields, A note on asymptotically good extensions in which infinitely many primes split completely, The homotopy of the \(K(2)\)-local Moore spectrum at the prime 3 revisited, On locally analytic Beilinson-Bernstein localization and the canonical dimension, Globally analytic principal series representation and Langlands base change, On the Mumford-Tate conjecture for 1-motives, Profinite groups with a cyclotomic \(p\)-orientation, Exponent of a finite group with a fixed-point-free four-group of automorphisms., Galois cohomology of completed link groups, On the cohomology of Galois groups determined by Witt rings, On the Fontaine-Mazur conjecture for number fields and an analogue for function fields, On a conjecture of O. ~I. ~Tavgen', Centralizers of elementary Abelian \(p\)-subgroups and mod-\(p\) cohomology of profinite groups, Euler systems, Iwasawa theory, and Selmer groups, Cutting towers of number fields, On \(p\)-saturable groups., Admissible unitary completions of locally ℚ_{𝕡}-rational representations of 𝔾𝕃₂(𝔽), Pro-finite \(p\)-adic Lie algebras, A 𝑝-adic regulator problem in algebraic 𝐾-theory and group cohomology, A cohomological Tamagawa number formula, Cohomology of Metacyclic Groups, On profinite groups with Engel-like conditions., On linearity of finitely generated \(R\)-analytic groups., On the interpolation of systems of eigenvalues attached to automorphic Hecke eigenforms, Smooth duality in natural characteristic, Unnamed Item, Stable flatness of nonarchimedean hyperenveloping algebras, Homotopy fixed points for \(L_{K(n)}(E_{n}\land X)\) using the continuous action, Bounded Engel elements in residually finite groups, The \(p\)-adic regulator., Unnamed Item, On a theory of the \(b\)-function in positive characteristic, Normal elements in the mod-\(p\) Iwasawa algebra over \(\mathrm{SL}_n(\mathbb{Z}_p)\): a computational approach, Differential \((\varphi,\tau)\)-modules and potentially semi-stable representations, SEPARABLY CLOSED FIELDS AND CONTRACTIVE ORE MODULES, The Zassenhaus filtration, Massey products, and representations of profinite groups, Similarity classes of integral p-adic matrices and representation zeta functions of groups of type A2, On the irreducibility of locally analytic principal series representations, A p-adic analogue of the Borel regulator and the Bloch–Kato exponential map, Normal elements in the Iwasawa algebras of Chevalley groups, Arithmetic families of \((\varphi,\Gamma)\)-modules and locally analytic representations of \(\mathrm{GL}_2(\mathbb Q_p)\), On the quotients of the maximal unramified 2-extension of a number field, A FEW HOMOLOGICAL CHARACTERIZATIONS OF COMPACT SEMISIMPLE RINGS, On the numerology of ramification data for power series in characteristic \(p\), On the Tits alternative for \(PD(3)\) groups, Fitting invariants in equivariant Iwasawa theory, A sharper Tits alternative for 3-manifold groups, Engel-like conditions in fixed points of automorphisms of profinite groups, Some thin pro-\(p\)-groups, On pro-p-groups with a single defining relator, Compact groups in which all elements have countable right Engel sinks, Finite presentations of pro-\(p\) groups and discrete groups, Relative deformation theory, relative Selmer groups, and lifting irreducible Galois representations, Abstract commensurators of profinite groups, Explicit presentation of an Iwasawa algebra: the case of pro-\(p\) Iwahori subgroup of \(\mathrm{SL}_n (\mathbb{Z}_p)\), On reducibility of 𝑝-adic principal series representations of 𝑝-adic groups, Algèbres de Lie et pro-p-groupes définis par une seule relation, Free pro-\b C-groups, Integrality of the group ring of an almost solvable torsion-free subgroup of \(GL_ n(Q)\), Non-residually finite extensions of arithmetic groups, Bézout domains and lattice-valued modules, Endomorphism algebras of admissible 𝑝-adic representations of 𝑝-adic Lie groups, Unnamed Item, Completed group algebras of abelian-by-procyclic groups, A vanishing result for higher smooth duals, On pro-\(p\) groups with quadratic cohomology, Equidimensional adic eigenvarieties for groups with discrete series, On the second cohomology of the norm one group of a \(p\)-adic division algebra, Primeness, semiprimeness and localisation in Iwasawa algebras, Cohomological characterization of amalgamated products of groups, On the codimension of modules over skew power series rings with applications to Iwasawa algebras., On a conjecture of E. Rapaport Strasser about knot-like groups and its pro-\(p\) version., Duality for \(K\)-analytic group cohomology of \(p\)-adic Lie groups, Groups of \(p\)-absolute Galois type that are not absolute Galois groups