Non-Gaussian Ornstein–Uhlenbeck-based Models and Some of Their Uses in Financial Economics

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DOI10.1111/1467-9868.00282zbMath0983.60028OpenAlexW2031817855WikidataQ105386500 ScholiaQ105386500MaRDI QIDQ2729107

Neil Shephard, Ole Eiler Barndorff-Nielsen

Publication date: 21 April 2002

Published in: Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series B: Statistical Methodology (Search for Journal in Brave)

Full work available at URL:

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Carr-Geman-Madan-Yor (CGMY) economy, On subexponential convergence to equilibrium of Markov processes, Robust mean change-point detecting through Laplace linear regression using EM algorithm, Non-Gaussian limit theorem for non-linear Langevin equations driven by Lévy noise, Fast simulation of tempered stable Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes, Exponential moments of affine processes, Symmetry and Bates' rule in Ornstein-Uhlenbeck stochastic volatility models, Testing for pure-jump processes for high-frequency data, Efficient simulation of \(p\)-tempered \(\alpha\)-stable OU processes, Tempered positive Linnik processes and their representations, Smile from the past: a general option pricing framework with multiple volatility and leverage components, The long and the short of the risk-return trade-off, Stochastic interest rate volatility modeling with a continuous-time GARCH(1,1) model, Quantile regression via the EM algorithm for joint modeling of mixed discrete and continuous data based on Gaussian copula, Bayesian semiparametric Wiener system identification, Unnamed Item, Mean–variance portfolio selection based on a generalized BNS stochastic volatility model, MONTE CARLO DERIVATIVE PRICING WITH PARTIAL INFORMATION IN A CLASS OF DOUBLY STOCHASTIC POISSON PROCESSES WITH MARKS, Discrete sine transform for multi-scale realized volatility measures, Computation of the Delta in Multidimensional Jump-Diffusion Setting with Applications to Stochastic Volatility Models, Fractal Activity Time Models for Risky Asset with Dependence and Generalized Hyperbolic Distributions, Multivariate location-scale mixtures of normals and mean-variance-skewness portfolio allocation, Activity signature functions for high-frequency data analysis, Infinite Variation Tempered Stable Ornstein–Uhlenbeck Processes with Discrete Observations, On non-negative modeling with CARMA processes, CGMM LASSO-type estimator for the process of Ornstein-Uhlenbeck type, Local asymptotic normality property for Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes with jumps under discrete sampling, Inference for Lévy-Driven Stochastic Volatility Models via Adaptive Sequential Monte Carlo, The Double Gaussian Approximation for High Frequency Data, Goodness-of-Fit based on Downsampling with Applications to Linear Drift Diffusions, Probing option prices for information, Fractional Lévy processes with an application to long memory moving average processes, Efficient Gibbs sampler for Bayesian analysis of a sample selection model, On the infinite divisibility of some skewed symmetric distributions, Integer-valued Trawl Processes: A Class of Stationary Infinitely Divisible Processes, Parameter estimation for reciprocal gamma Ornstein–Uhlenbeck type processes, High-frequency sampling of a continuous-time ARMA process, Schauder estimates for degenerate Lévy Ornstein-Uhlenbeck operators, A two-step test for the two-sample problem of processes of Ornstein-Uhlenbeck type, Consistent Pricing of Options on Leveraged ETFs, 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Correlation properties of continuous-time autoregressive processes delayed by the inverse of the stable subordinator, Maximum likelihood estimation for reflected Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes with jumps, The Pearson Diffusions: A Class of Statistically Tractable Diffusion Processes, Pricing multi-asset American option under Heston-CIR diffusion model with jumps, Modeling high frequency stock market data by using stochastic models, Gibbs sampling for mixture quantile regression based on asymmetric Laplace distribution, Stochastic delay differential equations and related autoregressive models, Semi-parametric estimation of the autoregressive parameter in non-Gaussian Ornstein–Uhlenbeck processes, Stationary increments reverting to a Tempered Fractional Lévy Process (TFLP), Moment estimators for parameters of Lévy‐driven Ornstein–Uhlenbeck processes, An application of the Malliavin calculus for calculating the precise and approximate prices of options with stochastic volatility, On the 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Evidence from the British Cohort Study, EXPLORING MULTI-RESOLUTION AND MULTI-SCALING VOLATILITY FEATURES, A FORWARD LOOKING, SINGULAR PERTURBATION APPROACH TO PRICING OPTIONS UNDER MARKET UNCERTAINTY AND TRADING NOISE, THE PRICING OF EXOTIC OPTIONS BY MONTE–CARLO SIMULATIONS IN A LÉVY MARKET WITH STOCHASTIC VOLATILITY, Spatio-temporal variograms and covariance models, Robust mixtures of factor analysis models using the restricted multivariate skew-t distribution, INFORMATION FLOW DEPENDENCE IN FINANCIAL MARKETS, APPROXIMATING EXPECTED VALUE OF AN OPTION WITH NON-LIPSCHITZ PAYOFF IN FRACTIONAL HESTON-TYPE MODEL, Additive Processes with Bilateral Gamma Marginals, Exact Simulation of Variance Gamma-Related OU Processes: Application to the Pricing of Energy Derivatives, Model verification for Lévy-driven CARMA(2,1) processes, Maximum likelihood estimation for symmetric α-stable Ornstein–Uhlenbeck processes, A NON‐GAUSSIAN FAMILY OF STATE‐SPACE MODELS WITH EXACT MARGINAL LIKELIHOOD, On the exponential process associated with a CARMA-type process, HETEROSKEDASTIC TIME SERIES WITH A UNIT ROOT, Large deviations and stochastic volatility with jumps: asymptotic implied volatility for affine models, The Lamperti Transforms of Self-Similar Gaussian Processes and Their Exponentials, Fast Pricing of Energy Derivatives with Mean-Reverting Jump-diffusion Processes, Optimal portfolio choice and stochastic volatility, Modeling and Pricing Longevity Derivatives Using Stochastic Mortality Rates and the Esscher Transform, Approximation of the fractional Brownian sheetVIAOrnstein-Uhlenbeck sheet, A Note on Non‐Negative Arma Processes, Parametric Estimation for Subordinators and Induced OU Processes, PRICING OF EXOTIC ENERGY DERIVATIVES BASED ON ARITHMETIC SPOT MODELS, Efficient simulation of Lévy-driven point processes, OU models based on positive and negative subordinate processes applying in SHIBOR time series analysis and derivative pricing – through discrete differential method, NEWS‐GENERATED DEPENDENCE AND OPTIMAL PORTFOLIOS FOR n STOCKS IN A MARKET OF BARNDORFF‐NIELSEN AND SHEPHARD TYPE, Time-Varying Periodicity in Intraday Volatility, Bayesian Model Comparison with the Hyvärinen Score: Computation and Consistency, Valuing Volatility and Variance Swaps for a Non‐Gaussian Ornstein–Uhlenbeck Stochastic Volatility Model, On the Structure and Estimation of Reflection Positive Processes, PRICING AND HEDGING OF VIX OPTIONS FOR BARNDORFF-NIELSEN AND SHEPHARD MODELS, Absolute Moments of Generalized Hyperbolic Distributions and Approximate Scaling of Normal Inverse Gaussian Lévy Processes, Bayesian Tobit quantile regression usingg-prior distribution with ridge parameter, Continuous processes derived from the solution of generalized Langevin equation: theoretical properties and estimation, A Note on Non-Negative Continuous Time Processes, Bayesian analysis for zero-or-one inflated proportion data using quantile regression, Bayesian Additive Machine: classification with a semiparametric discriminant function, Predictor Selection for Positive Autoregressive Processes, On the estimation of missing values in AR(1) model with exponential innovations, Approximate Pricing of Call Options on the Quadratic Variation in Lévy Models, Improved robust model selection methods for a Lévy nonparametric regression in continuous time, Unnamed Item, Existence and Uniqueness of Viscosity Solutions of an Integro-differential Equation Arising in Option Pricing, A structural Heath–Jarrow–Morton framework for consistent intraday spot and futures electricity prices, Is the Variance Swap Rate Affine in the Spot Variance? Evidence from S&P500 Data, Sequential Hypothesis Testing in Machine Learning, and Crude Oil Price Jump Size Detection, INFERENCE FOR OPTION PANELS IN PURE-JUMP SETTINGS, Exact simulation of Ornstein–Uhlenbeck tempered stable processes, Stackelberg equilibria in a continuous-time vertical contracting model with uncertain demand and delayed information, Pricing discrete barrier options and credit default swaps under Lévy processes, Gradient-based simulated maximum likelihood estimation for Lévy-driven Ornstein–Uhlenbeck stochastic volatility models, Adaptive Wick--Malliavin Approximation to Nonlinear SPDEs with Discrete Random Variables, FORWARD PRICES AS FUNCTIONALS OF THE SPOT PATH IN COMMODITY MARKETS MODELED BY LEVY SEMISTATIONARY PROCESSES, Volatility prediction based on scheduled macroeconomic announcements, Multivariate continuous-time modeling of wind indexes and hedging of wind risk, Efficient simulation methods for the Quasi-Gaussian term-structure model with volatility smiles: practical applications of the KLNV-scheme, A Least Squares Estimator for Lévy-driven Moving Averages Based on Discrete Time Observations, Asymptotic expansion of the transition density of the semigroup associated to a SDE driven by Lévy noise, Long-Time Trajectorial Large Deviations and Importance Sampling for Affine Stochastic Volatility Models, Nonintrusive Polynomial Chaos Expansions for Sensitivity Analysis in Stochastic Differential Equations, Optimal convergence rates for the invariant density estimation of jump-diffusion processes, Numerical aspects of integration in semi-closed option pricing formulas for stochastic volatility jump diffusion models, Unnamed Item, SELF-DECOMPOSABILITY AND OPTION PRICING, Sequential Monte Carlo Methods for Option Pricing, MULTIVARIATE ECOGARCH PROCESSES, Natural gas storage valuation and optimization under time-inhomogeneous exponential Lévy processes, The Minimal Entropy Martingale Measure and Numerical Option Pricing for the Barndorff–Nielsen–Shephard Stochastic Volatility Model, Integrating Volatility Clustering Into Exponential Lévy Models, On the Transition Law of Tempered Stable Ornstein–Uhlenbeck Processes, Stochastic Volatility for Lévy Processes, Multifractal scenarios for products of geometric Lévy-based stationary models, Jumps and stochastic volatility in crude oil prices and advances in average option pricing, Forecasting and trading high frequency volatility on large indices, A dynamic equilibrium model for U-shaped pricing kernels, Gradient-based simulated maximum likelihood estimation for stochastic volatility models using characteristic functions, Geometric Asian option pricing in general affine stochastic volatility models with jumps, Long-memory continuous-time correlation models, Modelling Electricity Futures by Ambit Fields, Stationarity and Ergodicity for an Affine Two-Factor Model, REALIZED VOLATILITY WHEN SAMPLING TIMES ARE POSSIBLY ENDOGENOUS, A non-Gaussian Ornstein–Uhlenbeck model for pricing wind power futures, Power variation and stochastic volatility: a review and some new results, Representations of continuous-time ARMA processes, Option Pricing in Stochastic Volatility Models of the Ornstein‐Uhlenbeck type, A density function connected with a non-negative self-decomposable random variable, Likelihood analysis of a first‐order autoregressive model with exponential innovations, Integrated OU Processes and Non‐Gaussian OU‐based Stochastic Volatility Models, Conditional Likelihood Estimators for Hidden Markov Models and Stochastic Volatility Models, A Simple Stochastic Rate Model for Rate Equity Hybrid Products, Pricing timer options and variance derivatives with closed-form partial transform under the 3/2 model, MALLIAVIN CALCULUS FOR THE ESTIMATION OF TIME-VARYING REGRESSION MODELS USED IN FINANCIAL APPLICATIONS, QUADRATIC HEDGING FOR THE BATES MODEL, Detrended fluctuation analysis of the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process: Stationarity versus nonstationarity, Local Risk-Minimization for Barndorff-Nielsen and Shephard Models with Volatility Risk Premium, A Lévy-Driven Asset Price Model with Bankruptcy and Liquidity Risk, Non-parametric estimation of historical volatility, Realized wavelet-based estimation of integrated variance and jumps in the presence of noise, Implicit expectiles and measures of implied volatility, The Volatility of Realized Volatility, Distinguishing short and long memory volatility specifications, DYNAMIC MEAN–VARIANCE OPTIMIZATION PROBLEMS WITH DETERMINISTIC INFORMATION, Wavelet compression of anisotropic integrodifferential operators on sparse tensor product spaces, The estimation of the Barndorff-Nielsen and Shephard model from daily data based on measures of trading intensity, A non-iterative posterior sampling algorithm for linear quantile regression model, Functional Relationships Between Price and Volatility Jumps and Their Consequences for Discretely Observed Data, Scaling and Multiscaling in Financial Series: A Simple Model, DECOMPOSITION FORMULA FOR JUMP DIFFUSION MODELS, Transient anomalous sub-diffusion on bounded domains, Some recent developments in stochastic volatility modelling, Dynamics of implied volatility surfaces, Semi-parametric modelling in finance: theoretical foundations, A semi-parametric approach to risk management, Variance-Optimal Hedging in General Affine Stochastic Volatility Models, Inverse Realized Laplace Transforms for Nonparametric Volatility Density Estimation in Jump-Diffusions, THE MULTIVARIATE supOU STOCHASTIC VOLATILITY MODEL, A PARSIMONIOUS CONTINUOUS TIME MODEL OF EQUITY INDEX RETURNS: INFERRED FROM HIGH FREQUENCY DATA, The use of the variogram in construction of stationary time series models, UTILITY MAXIMIZATION IN AFFINE STOCHASTIC VOLATILITY MODELS, Bayesian quantile regression for longitudinal data models, Bayesian Inference for Non-Gaussian Ornstein–Uhlenbeck Stochastic Volatility Processes, Derivative-free Greeks for the Barndorff-Nielsen and Shephard stochastic volatility model, A continuous-time GARCH process driven by a Lévy process: stationarity and second-order behaviour, Econometric Analysis of Realized Volatility and its Use in Estimating Stochastic Volatility Models, Inference in Lévy-type stochastic volatility models, Stochastic Integrals and Conditional Full Support, VASIČEK BEYOND THE NORMAL, A Skew Extension of the T-Distribution, with Applications, Merton's portfolio optimization problem in a Black and Scholes market with non‐Gaussian stochastic volatility of Ornstein‐Uhlenbeck type, Inference for Observations of Integrated Diffusion Processes, Pricing of Spread Options on a Bivariate Jump Market and Stability to Model Risk, Using information quality for volatility model combinations, Multifractality of products of geometric Ornstein-Uhlenbeck-type processes, Structure-preserving equivalent martingale measures for ℋ-SII models, The Heston stochastic volatility model in Hilbert space, Pricing a class of exotic commodity options in a multi-factor jump-diffusion model, FRACTIONAL BROWNIAN MOTION WITH STOCHASTIC VARIANCE: MODELING ABSOLUTE RETURNS IN STOCK MARKETS, From local volatility to local Lévy models, Convergence of integrated superpositions of Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes to fractional Brownian motion, EFFICIENT ESTIMATION OF INTEGRATED VOLATILITY FUNCTIONALS UNDER GENERAL VOLATILITY DYNAMICS, Wavelet Galerkin pricing of American options on Lévy driven assets, Tail asymptotics of an infinitely divisible space-time model with convolution equivalent Lévy measure, Frailty models based on Lévy processes, Estimation and filtering by reversible jump MCMC for a doubly stochastic Poisson model for ultra-high-frequency financial data, Stochastic volatility models for ordinal-valued time series with application to finance, GLM-methods for volatility models, Backward simulation of multivariate mixed Poisson processes, Semiparametric estimation of Value at Risk, ARMA representation of integrated and realized variances, Exact discrete sampling of finite variation tempered stable Ornstein–Uhlenbeck processes, A COMPARISON OF PRICING KERNELS FOR GARCH OPTION PRICING WITH GENERALIZED HYPERBOLIC DISTRIBUTIONS, CONSTANT PROPORTION PORTFOLIO INSURANCE IN THE PRESENCE OF JUMPS IN ASSET PRICES, Modelling Electricity Prices with Forward Looking Capacity Constraints, THE STOCHASTIC VOLATILITY MODEL OF BARNDORFF-NIELSEN AND SHEPHARD IN COMMODITY MARKETS, PRICING OPTIONS ON VARIANCE IN AFFINE STOCHASTIC VOLATILITY MODELS, Option pricing with Lévy-Stable processes generated by Lévy-Stable integrated variance, Well-balanced Lévy driven Ornstein–Uhlenbeck processes, Tail behavior of multivariate lévy-driven mixed moving average processes and supOU Stochastic Volatility Models, Portfolio optimization and a factor model in a stochastic volatility market, Particle Markov Chain Monte Carlo Methods, Regression Properties for Asymmetric Generalized Scale Mixtures of Multivariate Gaussian Variables, Simultaneity and non-linear variability in financial markets: simulation and forecasting, Monitoring parameter change for time series models with application to location-Scale heteroscedastic models, IN-SAMPLE ASYMPTOTICS AND ACROSS-SAMPLE EFFICIENCY GAINS FOR HIGH FREQUENCY DATA STATISTICS, Normal Tempered Stable Processes and the Pricing of Energy Derivatives, On the exponential ergodicity of \((2+2)\)-affine processes in total variation distances, Analysis of stock index with a generalized BN-S model: an approach based on machine learning and fuzzy parameters, The Alpha‐Heston stochastic volatility model, On Families of Distributions with Shape Parameters, Vector Stochastic Processes with Pólya‐Type Correlation Structure, Permutation‐based tests for discontinuities in event studies, Time averaging, ageing and delay analysis of financial time series, A unified construction for series representations and finite approximations of completely random measures, Bayesian inference for quantile autoregressive model with explanatory variables, A GMM approach to estimate the roughness of stochastic volatility, Unnamed Item, Multivariate continuous-time autoregressive moving-average processes on cones, Strong approximation of a two-factor stochastic volatility model under local Lipschitz condition, Bayesian Quantile Regression for Big Data Analysis, Flexible Bayesian quantile regression for nonlinear mixed effects models based on the generalized asymmetric Laplace distribution, Noncausal affine processes with applications to derivative pricing, Improving the asymmetric stochastic volatility model with ex-post volatility: the identification of the asymmetry, Quantile regression in random effects meta-analysis model, Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process driven by \(\alpha\)-stable process and its gamma subordination, Bayesian scale mixtures of normals linear regression and Bayesian quantile regression with big data and variable selection, Weak well-posedness for a class of degenerate Lévy-driven SDEs with Hölder continuous coefficients, VIX MODELING FOR A MARKET INSIDER, Point process simulation of generalised hyperbolic Lévy processes, Controlling the flexibility of non-Gaussian processes through shrinkage priors, Unnamed Item, Bayesian Analysis of Single-Molecule Experimental Data, Double Hierarchical Generalized Linear Models (With Discussion), A forward started jump-diffusion model and pricing of cliquet style exotics, A generalized Goodwin business cycle model in random environment, Bayesian quantile regression for partially linear additive models, The effects of asymmetric volatility and jumps on the pricing of VIX derivatives, Tail of a linear diffusion with Markov switching, Option pricing under stochastic volatility: the exponential Ornstein–Uhlenbeck model, Efficient Bayesian inference in generalized inverse gamma processes for stochastic volatility, Monte Carlo Maximum Likelihood Estimation for Generalized Long-Memory Time Series Models