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zbMath0077.02101MaRDI QIDQ3241211

Emil Artin

Publication date: 1957

Title: zbMATH Open Web Interface contents unavailable due to conflicting licenses.

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I, Lineare Gruppen über verallgemeinerten Bewertungsringen, Similarities and conformal transformations, Pseudo-Hamiltonian mechanics, On derived groups of normal simple algebra, Affine geometry of modules over a ring with an invariant basis number, Rank and duality in representation theory, Some observations of the Hopf bundle \(H=(S^{4n-1},HP^{n-1},S^ 3,p)\), Decomposing \(p\)-groups via Jordan algebras., Structure theory for some classes of grade three perfect ideals, Torsion in the Abelianization of the Torelli group \(\mathcal T\) as an \(\mathrm{Sp}(\mathbb Z_2)\)-module., Quaternionic differential forms and symplectic Pontrjagin classes, Computational complementarity, A characterization of dilatations and a functional equation, A remark on the characterization of semi-isometries over skewfields, A characterization of the semi-isometries of a Minkowski plane over a field K, Sums of squares in division algebras, About full or injective lineations, Archimedeisation of some ordered geometric structures which are related to kinematic spaces, Minimal algebra resolutions for cyclic modules defined by Huneke-Ulrich ideals, Orthogonal Cayley-Klein groups, The genesis of geometric algebra: a personal retrospective, Doing Euclidean plane geometry using projective geometric algebra, Chow's theorem for linear codes, Unnamed Item, A Note on Regular Crossed Products and Galois Representations, Representations of polynomials over finite fields of characteristic two as \(A^2+A+BC+D^3\), Über die Gruppe einer projektiven Dualität, Klassische komplexe Liesche Gruppen und kovariante analytische Funktionen, The Sylow 2-subgroups of the finite classical groups, Ein spiegelungsgeometrischer Aufbau der Laguerre-Geometrie I, II, Can one design a geometry engine? Can one design a geometry engine? On the (un)decidability of certain affine Euclidean geometries, Matroid Representations and free Arrangements, On incidence structures of nonsingular points and hyperbolic lines of ovoids in finite orthogonal spaces, A Note on Skew-Hopf Fibrations, Dense expanders and pseudo-random bipartite graphs, Weak Bézout inequality for D-modules, Sur la norme réduite du déterminant de Dieudonné des matrices quaternioniennes. (On the reduced norm of the Dieudonné determinant of quaternion matrices), Triality principle for semisimilarities, Generation of local integral orthogonal groups, Equivariant Euler characteristics of symplectic buildings, The structure of symplectic groups over arbitrary commutative rings, Affine Geometry: A Lattice Characterization, Dimensions of some binary codes arising from a conic in \(\mathrm{PG}(2,q)\), Zur Axiomatik der Zahlen, Unnamed Item, Linear groups over local rings, Orthogonal groups over local rings, Codes and caps from orthogonal Grassmannians, Rational matrix pseudodifferential operators, Acyclicity criteria for complexes associated with an alternating map, Reflection groups and polytopes over finite fields. II., Polynomial identities and maximal subgroups of skew linear groups., Local-global principles for representations of quadratic forms, Symplectic Householder transformations for a QR-like decomposition, a geometric and algebraic approaches, On Rota's conjecture and excluded minors containing large projective geometries., Basic characters of the unitriangular group (for arbitrary primes), Embeddings of hermitian unitals into Pappian projective planes, On theoretical and numerical aspects of symplectic Gram-Schmidt-like algorithms, The projective geometry of Mario Pieri: a legacy of Georg Karl Christian von Staudt, Linearly generated singular superalgebras, On normal subgroups of the unit group of a quaternion algebra over a Pythagorean field, Applications of local algebras of differentiable manifolds, Modules over discrete valuation domains. II, Finite geometries, Affine Hjelmslev-Ebenen mit transitiver Translationsgruppe, Gruppen mit abgeschwächter Normalteilertransitivität, Alternating Forms and One-Relator Groups, On Möbius-planes of even order, The inverse plane and hyperbolic space, $\mathrm A_2$-proof of structure theorems for Chevalley groups of type $\mathrm F_4$, Solvable flag transitive affine groups, Anwendungen der Homologietheorie der Gruppen auf Zentralreihen und auf Invarianten von Präsentierungen, Perfect codes and the Mathieu groups, On the structure of the \(GL_ 2\) of a ring, Irreduzibilität und Äquivalenz von Darstellungen, Minkowskische und absolute Geometrie. I, II, Mutationsinvariante Unteralgebren von Jordan-Algebren, Über Permutationsgruppen vom Grad 2p, Collineation groups containing elations. II, Collineation groups containing homologies, Twisted wreath products and Sylow 2-subgroups of classical simple groups, Über eine Charakterisierung der Determinante, Weakly closed elements of Sylow subgroups, The solvable length of a solvable linear group, Automorphisms of Cayley algebras, Planar algebraic systems: Some geometric interpretations, Isometrien über semilokalen Ringen, Involutions of projective spaces, Collineationsgroups containing elations. I, On the classification of the classical groups, A characterization theorem for the groups \(\mathrm{Sp}(2n,2)\), Produkte von Kongruenzklassengeometrien universeller Algebren, Borel subalgebras of alternative and Jordan algebras, A treatment of breakdowns and near breakdowns in a reduction of a matrix to upper \(J\)-Hessenberg form and related topics, Projectivities over local rings, Generalized convexity lattices, Homologies in collineation groups of finite projective planes. II, Euclidean, Hermitean and symplectic measures and external powers of a quaternionic vector space, On finite groups generated by odd transpositions. I, On factor representations and the \(C^ *\)-algebra of canonical commutation relations, Dérivées de Lie des spineurs. (Lie derivatives of spinors), Invariants of binary bilinear forms modulo two, Cross ratios and projectivities of the line, Galois properties of points of finite order of elliptic curves, Representations of symplectic groups, \(K\)-theory and stable algebra, The automorphisms of the symplectic congruence groups, A characterization of \(L_n(q)\) as a permutation group, Alcune proprieta gruppali invarianti per semi-isomorfismi, Rational recursion operators for integrable differential-difference equations, The all-associativity of octonions and its applications, Partitioning by means of maximal isotropic subspaces, Über ein gruppentheoretisches Axiomensystem für die ebene unitär- hyperbolische Geometrie, On the concept of code-isomorphy, On Automorphisms of Lie Algebras of Classical Type. II, Automorphisms of Mn, partially ordered by the star order, On the level of modular curves that give rise to isolated \(j\)-invariants, Finite groups and hyperbolic manifolds, Liftings of dissident maps, Extending the Zolotarev-Frobenius approach to quadratic reciprocity, On mappings of the Galois space, Factorization of transformations over a local ring, The metaplectic semigroup and related topics, The maximal subgroups of the finite 8-dimensional orthogonal groups \(P\Omega ^ +_ 8(q)\) and of their automorphism groups, On bireflectionality and trireflectionality of orthogonal groups, On products of two involutions in the orthogonal group of a vector space, Affine Relative. (Affine relatives), Projective planes over rings, Products of quasireflections and transvections over local rings, Points of order p of generic formal groups, An analogue of t-designs in the association schemes of alternating bilinear forms, On the automorphisms of normal subgroups of the collineation group of affine spaces, Collineations of projective planes with different numbers of fixed points and fixed lines, A Clifford algebra approach to general relativity, Normal subgroups of symplectic groups over rings, On the algebraic formulation of certain geometry statements and mechanical geometry theorem proving, Einbettung eines desarguesschen Ebenenkeimes in eine projektive Ebene, Elliptische Bewegungsgruppen und orthogonale Gruppen vom Index O, Über orthogonale Zerlegungen metrischer G-Moduln, Mathematical expectations for probability distributions on compact groups, Quadratic spaces over finite fields and codes, Ideals generated by Pfaffians, Necessary and sufficient conditions for the simultaneous diagonality of two quadratic forms, On the characterization of plane affine isometries, On the characterization of affine isometries, Eine Axiomatik ovoidaler Laguerre-Geometrien, Semigroups of length increasing transformations, Jordan splittings of almost unimodular integral quadratic forms, A characterization of 3-nets, Die Automorphismengruppe der Möbiusgeometrie einer Körpererweiterung, Conformal spaces, Monomial characters and normal subgroups, On equiaffine planes, Hermitian geometries in projective space, A generalized weight for linear codes and a Witt-MacWilliams theorems, Orbits of Euclidean frames under discrete linear groups, Generators, relations and coverings of algebraic groups. II, Über gemeinsame Lote windschiefer Geraden in elliptischen Räumen, Determination of the finite primitive reflection groups over an arbitrary field of characteristic not two. II, Zur Darstellung der klassischen Gruppen durch Clifford-Algebren, On the category of normal embeddings of a group, Quotients of infinite reflection groups, On normal subgroups of multiplicative group of skew fields generated by a polycyclic-by-finite group, The friendly giant, 4-dimensionale Quasikompositionsalgebren, Isomorphism between sharply 2-transitive permutation groups and between collineation groups of affine spaces, Subgroups of a spinor group containing a maximal split torus. I, Quasigroups and translation planes, An approach to automorphisms of free groups and braids via transvections, Finite groups with Sylow 2-subgroups of type .3, The unitary group over the integers of an unramified local field, Local orthogonal groups over 2-adic fields. II, The structure of the symplectic group over an unramified dyadic field, On the geometry of Lorentz orbit spaces, Coordinate theorems for affine Hjelmslev planes, Maximal subgroups of symmetric groups defined on projective spaces over finite fields, Orthogonal groups of three-dimensional anisotropic quadratic forms, Corrections to 'Applications of the Dieudonne determinant', The structure of the symplectic groups over semilocal domains, On the planarity of rings, Alternating bilinear forms over GF(q), The generation of \(\text{Sp}(\mathbb F_2)\) by transvections, On the subgroups of the group \(PSL_4(2^m)\), Kreisgeometrie und konforme Interpretation des mehrdimensionalen metrischen Raumes, An operator approach to Poisson brackets, On some arithmetic properties of odd dimensional complete intersections, A geometric characterization of orthogonal groups for characteristic 2, Ein Sylowsatz für endliche \(p\)-Untergruppen von \(GL(n,Z)\), Algèbre de Clifford symplectique. Revetements du groupe symplectique. Indices de Maslov et Spineurs symplectiques, Integral orthogonal groups over R((pi sub(1))) ((pi sub(2))) - ((pi sub(n))), A general isomorphism theory for linear groups, Symplectic groups over principal ideal domains, On the Morse index in variational calculus, Cayley algebras and the isomorphisms of the orthogonal groups over arithmetic and local domains, Orthogonal groups over semilocal domains, The structure of a symplectic group over the integers of a dyadic field, Unitary groups over semilocal domains. I, Decomposition of orthogonal, symplectic, and unitary isometries into simple isometries, A characterization of isometries of rational euclidean spaces, Isomorphism theory for orthogonal groups over arbitrary integral domains, The isomorphisms of unitary groups over noncommutative domains, Some lattices over \(Q(\sqrt{-3})^*\), Affine Klingenbergsche Strukturen, Cayley's anticipation of a generalised Cayley-Hamilton theorem, On permutation groups containing \(O_{2n}\)(2) as a subgroup, Poincaré and Clifford algebras, Factorization of involutions in characteristic two orthogonal groups: An application of the Jordan form to group theory, Products of two involutory matrices over skewfields, Conjugacy relations in subgroups of the mapping class group and a group- theoretic description of the Rochlin invariant, On some algebraic problems in connection with general eigenvalue algorithms, Ordering epic R-fields, Translational hulls and block designs, Symmetry of hypersurfaces of constant mean curvature with symmetric boundary, Arrangements in unitary and orthogonal geometry over finite fields, A note on projectivities, Products of half-turns, Generation of special linear groups by transvections, Sur la théorie des suites presque-périodiques. I, II. (On the theory of almost-periodic sequences. I, II), Quaternionic supergroups and \(D=4\) Euclidean extended supersymmetries, Normal subgroups of the general linear groups over Banach algebras, Non-commutative linear algebra and plurisubharmonic functions of quaternionic variables., An algebraic interpretation of the Laplace transform and of transfer matrices, Linear preservers of balanced singular inertia classes, A birational anabelian reconstruction theorem for curves over algebraically closed fields in arbitrary characteristic, A characterization of \(L_ n(K)\) as a permutation group, Reflection groups and polytopes over finite fields. I., Asymptotic distribution of values of isotropic here quadratic forms at \(S\)-integral points, Morphisms of projective geometries and semilinear maps, A comparison of two lower-bound methods for communication complexity, NC solving of a system of linear ordinary differential equations in several unknowns, Lifting images of standard representations of symmetric groups, The generic irreducibility of the numerator of the zeta function in a family of curves with large monodromy, Chromatic invariants for finite graphs: Theme and polynomial variations, Spreads, ovoids and \(S_ 5\), On the unit groups of rings with involution, Commutator lengths in general linear group over a skew-field, Strongly prime alternative triple systems with nonzero socle, Quaternionic determinants, On Lie algebras with wild automorphisms, H.S.M. Coxeter's theory of accessibility: from Mario Pieri to Marvin Greenberg, On subgroups in the special linear group over a division algebra that contain the subgroup of diagonal matrices, Double cosets of stabilizers of totally isotropic subspaces in a special unitary group. I, Linear structure, evolutions and phases, Algorithms in linear algebraic groups, Increasing the minimum distance of codes by twisting, Classification of finite commutative semigroups for which the inverse monoid of local automorphisms is a \(\Delta\)-semigroup, Clifford algebras and geometric algebra, A remark on Berezin's quantization and cut locus, Quadratic residue codes and symplectic groups, Local orthogonal groups over 2-adic fields. I, Cohomology of split group extensions, Symplectic orthogonality spaces, Divisor matrices in the Cayley ring, A note on Laurent series of the octonionic analytic functions, Topological classification of \(\mathbb{Z}_ p^ m\) actions on surfaces., Cellular decomposition of quaternionic spherical space forms, Realization of discrete-time nonlinear input-output equations: polynomial approach, Path integration over closed loops and Gutzwiller's trace formula, The real spectrum of a noncommutative ring and the Artin-Lang homomorphism theorem, Quaternionic Monge-Ampère equations, Message randomization and strong security in quantum stabilizer-based secret sharing for classical secrets, Unique representability and matroid reconstruction, Automorphisms of Witt rings of local type, Geometrical maps in ring affine geometries, An upper \(J\)-Hessenberg reduction of a matrix through symplectic Householder transformations, Finite Hurwitz braid group actions on sequences of Euclidean reflections., The modulo 2 structure of rank 3 permutation modules for odd characteristic symplectic groups., Poincaré duality algebras mod two, On classifying finite edge colored graphs with two transitive automorphism groups., An elementary construction of the geometric algebra, Stability of self-adjoint square roots and polar decompositions in indefinite scalar product spaces, Hyperbolic plane reflections and the Hall-Janko group, Primitive ovoids in \(O_8^+ (q)\), Groups and semigroups generated by a single unitary orbit, Modules over discrete valuation domains. III, On the universal embedding of dual polar spaces of type \(Sp_{2n}(2)\), Chevalley groups of types \(B_n\), \(C_n\), \(D_n\) over certain fields do not possess the \(R_{\infty}\)-property, Affine extensions of loops., Sharp homogeneity in affine planes, and in some affine generalized polygons, Characterizing finite subspaces, Odd-order extensions of some orthogonal groups, Automorphisms of orthogonal groups in characteristic 2, Cohomology mod p of the 4-connective fibre space of the classifying space of classical Lie groups, Irreducibility criteria for skew polynomials., Background independent action for double field theory, Reflection fusion categories, Generalised Manin transformations and QRT maps, Applications of metaplectic cohomology and global-local contact holonomy, Chevalley groups over commutative rings. I: Elementary calculations, Scale functions on linear groups over local skew fields, Der Satz von Benz-Rado. (The theorem of Benz-Rado), Do different deformations lead to the same spectrum?, Geometric algebra for combinatorial geometries, Conjugacy classes of involutions in the Lorentz group \(\Omega(V)\) and in \(\text{SO}(V)\), \(\mathbb G\)-reflectors: Analogues of Householder transformations in scalar product spaces, On the Abelianized multiplicative group of a universal field of fractions, Zur Struktur der vierdimensionalen quadratischen Algebren, The geometric content of the electron theory. II: Theory of the electron from start, Zur algebraischen Darstellung fastaffiner Räume, Homology of tangent groups considered as discrete groups and scissors congruence, Maximal orthogonality and pseudo-orthogonality with applications to generalized inverses, Aspetti geometrici delle forme esterne in uno spazio vettoriale quaternionale, Epimorphisms of Demushkin groups, On the Grassmanian of lines in PG(4,q) and R(1,2) reguli, The structure of dilation groups of generalized affine planes, Schur-like forms for matrix Lie groups, Lie algebras and Jordan algebras, Arguesian identities in linear lattices, Elementary equivalence of infinite-dimensional classical groups, Two-sided fundamental theorem of affine geometry, Automorphisms of spine spaces, On the determinant, Frege on axioms, indirect proof, and independence arguments in geometry: Did Frege reject independence arguments?, Structure theorem for the rotation group over \(\mathbb{Q}\), Orbits of \(Spin^ +(3,1)\), wave packets and asymptotic lepton symmetries, The geometry of null systems, Jordan algebras and von Staudt's theorem., The quantum groups \(U_q(\text{sl}(k))\) in the representation theory of the full linear groups \(\text{GL}(n,q)\), Valuations and filtrations, Necessary conditions for hyperbolic systems, Invariants of \(2\times 2\)-matrices over finite fields, Symplectic groups and permutation polynomials. II, PRODUCTS OF INVOLUTIONS IN THE FINITE CHEVALLEY GROUPS OF TYPE, A an algebraic analogue of Zeeman's theorem, Mixing and localization in random time-periodic quantum circuits of Clifford unitaries, Cycle indices for the finite classical groups, Planarity in algebraic systems, Unnamed Item, Chevalley Bases for Lie Modules, Plane Geometries in Terms of Projections, Finite Power-Associative Division Rings, On the Homotopy Groups of the Exceptional Lie Groups, Igusa-type functions associated to finite formed spaces and their functional equations, The Quaternion Group in Plane Geometry, Symplectic groups over discrete valuation rings, Free subgroups in almost subnormal subgroups of general skew linear groups, The connectedness of degeneracy loci in positive characteristic, On bisectors in quaternionic hyperbolic space, Dyck fundamental group on arcwise-connected polygon cycles, Unnamed Item, An ordered tuple construction of geometric algebras, Artin's theorem on alternative rings, Arithmetic and topology of classical structures associated with plane quartics, Solvable Primitive Permutation Groups of Low Rank, Moduli of triples of points in quaternionic hyperbolic geometry, Permutable subgroups in \(\mathrm{GL}_n (D)\) and applications to locally finite group algebras, On Ring Structures Determined by Groups, Isomorphisms of quadratic quasigroups, Emil Artin, A lower bound for proving hardness of learning with rounding with polynomial modulus, Intersection de sous-variétés lagrangiennes, fonctionnelles d'action et indice des systèmes hamiltoniens, PRODUCTS OF ROTATIONS BY A GIVEN ANGLE IN THE ORTHOGONAL GROUP, Unnamed Item, The Axiomatic Destiny of the Theorems of Pappus and Desargues, Structure Theory for a Class of Grade Four Gorenstein Ideals, Orthomodularity in infinite dimensions; a theorem of M. Solèr, Generators of an orthogonal group over a finite field, Profinite invariants of arithmetic groups, Isomorphism Theorems for Octonion Planes Over Local Rings, On the Solvability of Unit Groups of Group Algebras, Groups normalized by the odd unitary group, Unnamed Item, Linear maps between C*-algebras that are *-homomorphisms at a fixed point, Toward the recognition of PGLn via a high degree of generic transitivity, Unit Triangular Factorization of the Matrix Symplectic Group, Quantic manifolds with para-cōKählerian structures, Unnamed Item, A Henrici Theorem for Joint Spectra of Commuting Matrices, New Lower Bounds for Binary Constant-Dimension Subspace Codes, On the convexity of the interior of the domain of an m-accretive operator in a Banach space, The determinant of matrices of pseudo-differential operators, The sphericity of the Phan geometries of type $B_n$ and $C_n$ and the Phan-type theorem of type $F_4$, A Fixed-Point Formula for the Classical Groups Over a Finite Field, Emil Artin (1898-1962), Norms of sums of squares, Covariant mutually unbiased bases, A Geometric Interpretation of the Simplicity of SO(3), Degree of Dieudonné determinant defines the order of nonlinear system, All self-complementary symmetric graphs, On \(\text{Spin}(8)\) and triality: A topological approach, Rational critical points of the reduced norm of an algebra, Commensurability of automorphism groups, Automorphism groufs and subgroups of sl2over division rings, Representations by Quadratic Forms in a Finite Field of Characteristic Two, Constructive ways for generating (generalized) real orthogonal matrices as products of (generalized) symmetries, On the Classification of Metabelian Lie Algebras, Semiendomorphisms of Simple Near-Rings, On representations of integers by indefinite ternary quadratic forms., The geometry of 1-based minimal types, On Square-Preserving Isometries of Convolution Algebras, Quaternionic plurisubharmonic functions and their applications to convexity, The closure ordering of adjoint nilpotent orbits in \(\mathfrak{so}(p,q)\), Unnamed Item, Totally isotropic subspaces, complementary subspaces, and generalized inverses, A complete solution to the polynomial 3-primes problem, Reducts of Hrushovski's constructions of a higher geometrical arity, Enumerating isoclinism classes of semi-extraspecial groups, Stable Finitely Homogeneous Structures, Unnamed Item, On the construction and characterisation of a class of designs, The Critical Set of the Reduced Norm, as an Algebraic Set, Constructibilité et modération uniformes en cohomologie étale, Linear groups of degree 3 over a field that contain a one-parametric group of elements with minimal polynomial (x−1)3, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Cusp forms for congruence subgroups of $Sp_n(\mathbb {Z})$ and theta functions, An Inverse Function Theorem for Free Groups, On the Representation of Lattices by Modules, Galois embeddings for linear groups, Representations of Anisotropic Unitary Groups, Dieudonné's Determinants and Structure of General Linear Groups Over Division Rings Revisited, Endomorphism Algebras of Abelian Varieties with Special Reference to Superelliptic Jacobians, Whitehead torsion, Signatures Through Approximate Representations by Quadratic Forms, On the Alexander Polynomials of Certain Three-Component Links, Isomorphisms of the Lattice of Inner Ideals of Certain Quadratic Jordan Algebras, The normal complement problem in group algebras, Lipschitz graphs and currents in Heisenberg groups, On the construction and characterisation of a class of designs