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zbMath0080.16201MaRDI QIDQ3247612

Roger Godement

Publication date: 1958

Title: zbMATH Open Web Interface contents unavailable due to conflicting licenses.

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Part 1, A Sheaf-Theoretic Perspective on Sampling, Some Global Results on Extension of CR-Objects in Complex Manifolds, Maximal rings of quotients of semi-simple commutative rings, Steenrod operations in homological algebra, The Euler class of generalized vector bundles, Riemannsche Hebbarkeitssätze für Cohomologieklassen mit kompaktem Träger, Das Weylsche Lemma in der Theorie der Hyperfunktionen, A generalization of the functorial calculus, The de Rham theorem for general spaces, Zur Theorie der Steinschen Algebren und Moduln, Okasche Paare von Garben nichtabelscher Gruppen, Su alcune proprieta coomologiche dei fasci coerenti su uno spazio complesso, Du prolongement des espaces fibrés et des structures infinitésimales, Abgeschlossenheit von Corandmoduln und Fortsetzbarkeit kohärenter analytischer Garben, Ein Kontinuitätssatz für die Fortsetzung kohärenter analytischer Garben, Halbeinfache Gruppenschemata über Dedekindringen, Théoreme de Lefschetz et critères de dégénérescence de suites spectrales, Eine Bemerkung zur Struktur der kohärenten analytischen Garben, Morphismen von Funktoren, Das topologische Tensorprodukt kohärenter analytischer Garben, Relative functor categories and categories of algebras, Die Homotopieerweiterungseigenschaft \((= HEP)\) ist eine lokale Eigenschaft, Salzmann-Ebenen mit hinreichend vielen Punkt- oder Geradenspiegelungen, Decompositions of von Neumann lattices, Über die Divisorenklassengruppen normaler komplex-analytischer Algebren, Ein Endlichkeitssatz in der analytischen Geometrie, The representation of biregular rings by sheaves, Dualität von Homologie- und Cohomologiegruppen in der Garbentheorie, Boundary value problems and the Poincaré-Lefschetz mapping, Ein Satz über topologische Urbildgarben, Fondements de la géométrie algébrique moderne, Kohomologiegruppen und Konstantenreduktion in Funktionenkörper, On flat families and complete families of analytic spaces onto complex manifold, On the exactness of a Kodaira-Spencer sequence on complex spaces, Eine Künnethformel für Frechetgarben, Sulla struttura algebrica delle trasformazioni tra parti di un insieme, Classifying spaces and spectral sequences, The divisor class groups of some rings of holomorphic functions, Gruppi di allacciamento: una generalizzazione funtoriale dell'invariante di Hopf, Sur une classe de complexes de cochaînes, On the boundary operator of differential modules, Théorie de Hodge. 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Catanese), The algebra of glued polynomials on an arrangement of hyperplanes, Cyclic cohomology of etale groupoids, Rank-one sheaves and stable pairs on surfaces, Explicit models for perverse sheaves, Stokes phenomenon, multisummability and differential Galois groups, Vanishing theorems for coherent automorphic cohomology, On flasque sheaves and flasque modules, Hodge realization of Voevodsky motives, On holomorphic convexity: Cohomology theory, Sheaves on subanalytic sites, On the comparison theorem for étale cohomology of non-Archimedean analytic spaces, Central extensions of simply connected algebraic groups and Galois cohomology, Symmetric resolutions, On the Reeb spaces of definable maps, A small and non-simple geometric transition, On index theorems for linear ordinary differential operators, The Borsuk-Ulam type theorems for finite-dimensional compact group actions, New model categories from old, On strong homology of compact spaces, A geometric example of non-trivially mixed Hodge structures, Quasi-connections on degenerate semi-Riemannian manifolds, Finite spaces and schemes, Cohomology of horizontal forms, Quasi-bimonads and their representations, Normal form theory and spectral sequences., On the Cauchy problem for the Einstein equation, Virtual Betti numbers of real algebraic varieties., Some computations on the characteristic variety of a line arrangement, Poincaré-Verdier duality in o-minimal structures, Euler characteristic in percolation theory., How strict is strictification?, Infinitesimal homogeneity and bundles, The real cycle class map, Generalising the étale groupoid-complete pseudogroup correspondence, Sheaves and duality, Homology of the complex of not 2-divisible partitions, De Rham cohomology with locally constant coefficients and the degree of maps between manifolds, Determinants of parabolic bundles on Riemann surfaces, Euler characteristics of discrete groups and G-spaces, Sharp Hodge decompositions, Maxwell's equations, and vector Poisson problems on nonsmooth, three-dimensional Riemannian manifolds, Limits of Hodge structures, Positivity in \(T\)-equivariant \(K\)-theory of flag varieties associated to Kac-Moody groups, Higher Čech theory, Local properties of entanglement and application to collapse, Cohomology of the Lie algebra of vector fields on a complex manifold, Cohomology and the resolution of the nilpotent variety, Ultrafilters, ultrapowers and finiteness in a topos, The Artin-Rees property and homology, The global homological dimensions of trivial extensions of rings, Whitney numbers of geometric lattices, Traces of commutators of integral operators, Théories cohomologiques, On the higher homotopy groups of a finite CW-complex, Spinors and the tangent groupoid, On relative and overconvergent de Rham-Witt cohomology for log schemes, An approximate nerve theorem, Enden von beschränkten Gebieten, Galois connections and the Leray spectral sequence, Banachian differentiable spaces, Composing dinatural transformations: towards a calculus of substitution, Brauer groups and Amitsur cohomology for general commutative ring extensions, Artin-Mazur-Milne duality for fppf cohomology, Die Kohomologie S-arithmetischer Gruppen über Funktionenkörpern, The Grothendieck-Cousin complex of an induced representation, Monads and moduli of vector bundles, Sur les fonctions \(C^\infty\) et les distributions qui appartiennent à la classe de Bernstein, Semi-simplicial Weil algebras and characteristic classes, The finiteness obstructions for nilpotent spaces lie in \(D(Z\pi)\), The cohomology of nets over Minkowski space, Le langage des schemas pour les demi-groupes commutatifs, Primitive multiple schemes, log Betti cohomology, log étale cohomology, and log de Rham cohomology of log schemes over \(\mathbb{C}\), Top-degree global solvability in CR and locally integrable hypocomplex structures, On sheaf cohomology and natural expansions, Geometric quantization and derived functor modules for semisimple Lie groups, On algebraic isomorphisms of rational cohomology of a Künnemann compactification of the Néron minimal model, A vanishing theorem for formal cohomology of perverse sheaves, About derivations and vector-valued differential forms, Filtrations in hyperhomology, Vanishing theorems for constructible sheaves. II, Witt differentials in the h-topology, Cohomology and toric varieties and local cohomology with monomial supports, Local cohomology at monomial ideals, Infinitesimal gluing equations and the adjoint hyperbolic Reidemeister torsion, On an irregular analogue of the Gauss-Manin connection, The Levi problem for cohomology classes, Reduction of the Hermitian-Einstein equation on Kählerian fiber bundles, The theory of primary measurements after Poincaré-Ehrenfest for the nonstationary Schrödinger equation, On the construction of standard complexes, Two conjectures in the homology of local rings, A complexity theory of constructible functions and sheaves, On cohomology and vector bundles over monoid schemes, Neron-Severi group for nonalgebraic elliptic surfaces. I: Elliptic bundle case, On some formality criteria for DG-Lie algebras, Local degeneration of the moduli space of vector bundles and factorization of rank two theta functions. I, Infinite CW-complexes, Brauer groups and phantom cohomology, Étale cohomology for non-Archimedean analytic spaces, Combinatorial covers and vanishing of cohomology, Holomorphy bundles and Hausdorff cohomology groups, Fuzzy terms, The affine scheme associated to a non-Noetherian prime PI algebra, Spectral theory and sheaf theory. II, Cohen-Macaulay rings of sections, Sheaf representations and graded manifolds, Equivariant cohomology over Lie groupoids and Lie-Rinehart algebras, Polynomial deformations and cohomology of Calabi-Yau manifolds, On graded bundles and their moduli spaces, Sur la théorie de Hodge-Deligne. (On the Hodge-Deligne theory), Vanishing theorems for tensor powers of an ample vector bundle, Locally residual currents and Dolbeault cohomology on projective manifolds, A model structure à la Thomason on 2-Cat, K-theory and intersection theory revisited, Local cohomology and quasicoherent sheaves, A class of non-Kähler complex manifolds, Bounding the equivariant Betti numbers of symmetric semi-algebraic sets, Algebraic dimension of twistor spaces, Localization of the K-theory of polynomial extensions, Fuzzy sets and sheaves. I: Basic concepts, On the formal definition of categories, Pathologies in cohomology of non-paracompact Hausdorff spaces, Zur Cohomologietheorie in der algebraischen Geometrie. I, II, Topological methods in moduli theory, Singularities of vector fields on the plane with pointed direction, Invariance of o-minimal cohomology with definably compact supports, Un modello riducibile per somma diretta d'un dato A-modulo localmente libero, con \(A\in P.E\), Der invariante Kontinuitätssatz für meromorphe Funktionen, Cohen-Macaulay ordered sets, A remark on injectivity of sheaves of abelian groups, Chow rings and decomposition theorems for \(K3\) surfaces and Calabi-Yau hypersurfaces, Noncharacteristic hypersurfaces for complexes of differential operators, Combinatorial Hodge theory and signature operator, Absolute algebra and Segal's \(\gamma\)-rings: au dessous de \(\overline{\operatorname{Spec}(\mathbb{Z})}\), Hilbert series of nearly holomorphic sections on generalized flag manifolds, Representation theory of MV-algebras, Topological invariants of classification problems, Cohomological uniqueness of the Cauchy problem solutions for the Einstein equation, Duality of mixed Hodge structures of algebraic varieties, Linear representations of posets, their cohomology and a bilinear form, Le théorème de Tate-Poitou pour les corps de fonctions des courbes définies sur les corps locaux de dimension N. (The Tate-Poitou theorem for function fields of curves defined over local fields of dimension N), Sur la convexité holomorphe. Théorie locale. (About holomorphic convexity. Local theory), Cohen-Macaulay seminormalizations of unions of linear subspaces, Local equivalence relations, A complex analogue of Toda's theorem, Projective modules over rings of global sections of flasque sheaves, Complete Euler characteristics and fixed-point theory, On the Cauchy problem for the Einstein-Maxwell equation, Cohomology of semi 1-coronae and extension of analytic subsets, Infinitesimally complete deformations over nonsingular bases, A class of fuzzy theories, Irregularity of hypergeometric systems via slopes along coordinate subspaces, Differential invariance of multiplicity on analytic varieties, Local properties of Taylor's analytic functional calculus, Generalized local cohomology and quasicoherent sheaves, Riemann-Roch theorem for higher bivariant \(K\)-functors, A globalization of the Hahn-Banach theorem, Deformations of groups of gauge transformations, On the Cauchy problem in complex analysis, Theory of spectral sequences. II, Betti realization of Voevodsky motives, Dimension-raising theorems for cohomological and extension dimensions, Dynamical systems in categories, Nicolas Bourbaki and the concept of mathematical structure, Coherence for modalities, A cellular nerve for higher categories, Vanishing theorem for the cohomology of line bundles on Bott-Samelson varieties, Cohomology of restricted Lie-Rinehart algebras and the Brauer group, Invariant tubular neighborhoods in infinite-dimensional Riemannian geometry, with applications to Yang-Mills theory, Kolchin schemes, The Weil-étale topology for number rings, Weakly 1-complete surfaces with singularities and applications, Cobordism of singular maps, Cohomological uniqueness of the Cauchy problem solutions for the Einstein-Maxwell equation, Gerbes, 2-gerbes and symplectic fibrations, Compact ringed spaces, A geometric construction of a resolution of the fundamental series, Universal exactness in algebraic K-theory, Zur Homotopietheorie der Kettenkomplexe, Homotopical cohomology and Čech cohomology, Quotienten komplexer Räume, Homologie nicht-additiver Funktoren. Anwendungen, Homotopy theory in general categories, Local cohomology groups with closed supports, Homologiebedingungen zweiter und dritter Ordnung für die Wesentlichkeit einer Abbildung, Standard constructions in Abelian categories, On Cartan's theorems A and B in several complex variables, Deformations of smooth complete toric varieties: obstructions and the cup product, Higher coherent cohomology and \(p\)-adic modular forms of singular weights, Tropical complexes, Cohomology of induced representations for algebraic groups, Intersection homology. II, Stabile reflexive Garben vom Rang 3 auf \(P^ 3\) mit kleinen Chernklassen, Spectral categories and varieties of preadditive categories, Integral representations of Cauchy type with conical singular sets, The \({\mathcal C}\)-spectral sequence, Lagrangian formalism, and conservation laws. II: The nonlinear theory, Compactifications of \({\mathbb{C}}^ 3\). III, Generalized cohomological dimension, Linearisation of tautological control systems, Topological properties of the sets of solutions for functional differential inclusions, Analysis on Analytic Spaces and Non-Self-Dual Yang-Mills Fields, Enumeration and Asymptotic Formulas for Rectangular Partitions of the Hypercube, Sur la connexion de Gauss-Manin en homotopie rationnelle, Unnamed Item, Residues and Hyperfunctions, On the dynamics of polynomial-like mappings, Unnamed Item, The spectral sequence relating algebraic K-theory to motivic cohomology, Unnamed Item, Interaction de strates consécutives pour les cycles évanescents, Algebraic $K$-theory and etale cohomology, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Une théorie de l'intersection dans un espace singulier, Algèbres de Hecke quasi-ordinaires universelles, Cohomologie des fibrés en droites sur les compactifications des groupes réductifs, Boundary cohomology of Shimura varieties. I. Coherent cohomology on toroidal compactifications, Free and Locally Free Arrangements with a Given Intersection Lattice, Duality in twistor theory without Minkowski space, Unnamed Item, Champs continus d'espaces hilbertiens et de $C^*$-algèbres, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Dualité plate pour les surfaces à coefficients dans un groupe de type multiplicatif, Coefficient Systems on the Bruhat-Tits Building and Pro-𝑝 Iwahori-Hecke Modules, Unnamed Item, On the structure of flat families of complete homogeneous varieties, Reachable sheaves on ribbons and deformations of moduli spaces of sheaves, Some computations of stable twisted homology for mapping class groups, Simplicial Endomorphisms, Sur les opérations de Steenrod, Sur les variétés complexes compactes localement symétriques, Spaces of Complex Null Geodesics in Complex-Riemannian Geometry, Unnamed Item, On the standard conjecture for a -dimensional variety fibred by curves with a non-injective Kodaira–Spencer map, La classe d'homologie fondamentale d'un espace analytique, COHOMOLOGICAL DIMENSION OF UNIFORM SPACES, Théorèmes de finitude pour la cohomologie des espaces complexes, Stable real cohomology of arithmetic groups, The cohomological structure of fixed point set for pro-torus actions on compactspaces, Extremal length functions are log-plurisubharmonic, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Cohomology of Local Sheaves on Arrangement Lattices, Cohen-Macaulay Section Rings, Unnamed Item, Operations on Resolutions and the Reverse Adams Spectral Sequence, On the Picard group of a compact flat projective variety, Sur un théorème d'intégralité de B. Kostant, Category-valued sheaves, Cosheaves, On the étale cohomology of hensel rings, Locally toric manifolds and singular Bohr-Sommerfeld leaves, Unnamed Item, A compact group which is not Valdivia compact, Sur la cohomologie des fibrés associés au fibré quotient universel sur la grassmannienne, Sur les topologies naturelles du complexe dualisant, Unnamed Item, On cohomology of simple sheaves, Pluripotential theory on Teichmüller space I: Pluricomplex Green function, On the Global Dimension of Fixed Rings, The First Two Obstructions to the Freeness of Arrangements, Boardman–Vogt tensor products of absolutely free operads, Complex manifolds and mathematical physics, On the homotopy of finite $ {CW}$-complexes with polycyclic fundamental group, Unnamed Item, Symmetric Homology over Rings Containing the Rationals, On the standard conjecture for a fibre product of three elliptic surfaces with pairwise-disjoint discriminant loci, Global Residues and Intersections on a Complex Manifold, Unnamed Item, Intersection Homology and Torus Actions, Several-variable p-adic families of Siegel-Hilbert cusp eigensystems and their Galois representations, Derived Hecke Algebra for Weight One Forms, The decomposition theorem, perverse sheaves and the topology of algebraic maps, Algebraic Geometry over 𝐶^{∞}-rings, An Australian Conspectus of Higher Categories, A direct proof of the theorem on formal functions, Unnamed Item, Representations, sheaves and Legendrian (2,m) torus links, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Variation of mixed Hodge structures arising from family of logarithmic deformations, Unnamed Item, Groupoid cohomology and extensions, Unnamed Item, Relative Seminormalization. 1, Deforming 𝑙-adic representations of the fundamental group of a smooth variety, On Phi-Families, Intégration de classes de cohomologie méromorphes et diviseurs d'incidence, Commutative Torsion Theory, Unnamed Item, Sheaves of 𝐸-infinity algebras and applications to algebraic varieties and singular spaces, Intersection Homology, Unnamed Item, Positivity in 𝑇-equivariant 𝐾-theory of flag varieties associated to Kac-Moody groups II, Unnamed Item, RIGIDIFIED TORSOR COCYCLES, HYPERCOVERINGS AND BUNDLE GERBES, Topological Objects and Sheaves