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zbMath0084.02202MaRDI QIDQ3253828

Marshall jun. Hall

Publication date: 1959

Title: zbMATH Open Web Interface contents unavailable due to conflicting licenses.

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II, Progress in free associative algebras, On the Hughes conjecture, Bol quasi-fields of dimension two over their kernels, On Artin L-functions, Conditional identities in finite groups, Maximal subgroups of symmetric groups defined on projective spaces over finite fields, Local class field theory is easy, On perfect subnormal subgroups of finite groups, The effect of cross reactivity on immunological reaction matrices, Some counting theorems for finite groups, Factor groups of the lower central series for spherical free products, Groupes de permutations primitifs d'ordre impair et denombrement de tournois sommet-primitifs, Classifying patterns by automorphism group: An operator theoretic approach, Extremal edge problems for graphs with given hyperoctahedral automorphism group, Genus and cancellation for groups with finite commutator subgroups, Doubly transitive groups in which \(O(G_\alpha)\) is transitive, Algebraically closed groups, Automorphisms of 1-unary algebras, The Artin-Rees property and homology, Locally compact group topologies on an algebraic free product of groups, A note on multiply transitive permutation groups. 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Hall concerning the finiteness of the groups B(m,6), Verifying nilpotence, Which integral group rings are Bass orders?, Extending Witt's formula to free Abelian by nilpotent groups, Rotator design, On the Bott cannibalistic classes, A new characterization of \(L_2(r)\) by their Sylow numbers., The 2-(9,4,3) and 3-(10,5,3) designs, Determinants of Galois automorphisms of maximal commutative rings of \(2\times 2\) matrices, A characterization of \(\text{SL}(2,p^n)\), \(p\geq 5\)., The structure of the symmetry groups of perfect 1-factorizations of \(K_ 2n\), A characterization of achievable patterns of the MN-puzzle problem, Construction of defining relators for finite groups, Quasifields associated with an automorphism of the additive group of a finite field, On groups with almost perfect involution., A special class of non-solvable groups, Verallgemeinerung eines Satzes von B. Huppert und J. G. Thompson, Einfache Partitionen nicht-einfacher Gruppen, Partitionen endlicher Gruppen, Über ein Levisches Nilpotenzkriterium, On certain varieties of groups, Contributo allo studio del problema di Hughes sui gruppi, Lokal endliche Gruppen mit nicht-trivialer Partition, Gruppentheoretische Eigenschaften und charakteristische Untergruppen, Two collection formulas, Combinatorial problems connected with P. Hall's collection process, Lattice universality of locally finite 2-groups, Ruth Moufang, 1905-1977, On groups of squarefree order, Calculation of the Baer-invariant of certain groups, On groups of Baer collineations acting on cartesian and translation planes, A note on Seall's projective substitution, On the geometry of planar difference sets, A Meier-Wunderli theorem for \(H_ p\)-subgroups, On t-homogeneous permutation sets, Permutational symmetry of Clebsch-Gordan coefficients for the metacyclic groups, Gromov's theorem on groups of polynomial growth and elementary logic, Finite projective planes admitting a projective linear group \(\operatorname{PSL}(2, q)\), Finite \(2\)-groups admitting an automorphism of order \(4\) with few fixed points, On Ádám's conjecture for circulant graphs, Commutative \(L\)-sets and nilpotent \(TL\)-groups, Counting characters in blocks of \(M_{22}\), Commutative fuzzy sets and nilpotent fuzzy groups, Moufang trees and generalized octagons, Normal subgroups of \(SL_{1,D}\) and the classification of finite simple groups, A cohomological transfer map for profinite groups, Speeding up an algorithm to construct the Hall collection formula, Corrigendum to: On Ádám's conjecture for circulant graphs, Bases for primitive permutation groups and a conjecture of Babai, Symmetry groups of Boolean functions and constructions of permutation groups, A classification of fully residually free groups of rank three or less, On the normal subgroups of sharply 2- and sharply 3-transitive permutation groups, The Hering plane and associated designs, Solvable black-box group problems are low for PP, Artin exponent of finite groups, Finite groups with all subgroups isomorphic to quotient groups, Cohomology of split group extensions, Lower bounds for the \(\pi\)-length of (finite) \(\pi\)-solvable semigroups, Minimally nonassociative nilpotent Moufang loops., Crossed homomorphisms from rank-2 Abelian to exceptional \(p\)-groups., Cyclic symmetry classes, Finite hereditary near-field groups, Solvable subgroups of finite simple groups, The structure of SN groups, Identities of semigroup algebras of completely O-simple semigroups, Theorems of the Prüfer-Kulikov type, Infinite groups satisfying the normalizer condition for nonprimary subgroups, Soluble non-dispersive groups with finite Sylow subgroups having orders divisible by at most the cube of a prime, On tensor products of certain group \(C^*\)-algebras, The amalgamation of automata, Groups of automorphisms of finite p-groups, Nilpotency class of a free group of the product of certain varieties, Generalised semiplanes and certain divisible partial designs, The hypercenter of a finite group, Finite translation planes, an exposition, Linear groups containing an involution with two eigenvalues -1, Elementary properties of V-free products of groups, The residual nilpotency of the augmentation ideal and the residual nilpotency of some classes of groups, Inzidenzgruppen der Ordnung 3, Euklidischer Algorithmus und die Gruppe \(GL_2\), Eine metabelsche Gruppe vom Exponenten 8, Para primal algebras, Quelques théorèmes de base normale d'entiers, Linear transformations on matrices: The invariance of generalized permutation matrices. III, The isotrophisms of planar ternary rings. II, Linear groups of degree nine with no elements of order seven, On finite groups whose automorphism groups are nilpotent, Une caractérisation des fonctions séquentielles et des fonctions sous- séquentielles en tant que rélations rationnelles, Braid orientations and bundles with flat connections, Sufficient conditions for the existence in a group of infinite locally finite subgroups, Free ideal monoid rings, Failure of Nielsen's theorem in higher dimensions, Representations of certain verbal wreath products by matrices, Free subgroups of finitely presented groups, Groups with dihedral 3-normalizers of order 4k, II, Über Gruppenräume transitiver Permutationsgruppen, Character-theoretic transfer, Zur Verlagerungstheorie endlicher Gruppen, Totally categorical groups and rings, Quasi ring-semigroups, Finite groups with a cyclic maximal subgroup, Fixed points of \(p\)-automorphisms of finite \(p\)-groups., A Riemann-Roch type theorem for the Witt and Milnor rings of a field, Groups which admit a fixed-point-free automorphism of order \(p^2\), Finitely generated, connected groups, Computations of Witt groups of finite groups, Finite elementary factorizable groups, The Baer-invariant of a direct product, Die Nielsenäquivalenzklassen der metabelsch gemachten Torusknotengruppen, Integral representations of groups of square-free order, Limits of Abelian subgroups of finite \(p\)-groups, Classification of the Hopf Galois structures on prime power radical extensions, On classifying all full factorisations and multiple-factorisations of the finite almost simple groups, On graphs admitting arc-transitive actions of almost simple groups, Finite extensions of free pro-\(p\) groups of rank at most two, Asymptotic growth of finite groups, Characterization of generalized Chernikov groups among groups with involutions, A note on nonidentical Lie relators, Cardinality and nilpotency of localizations of groups and \(G\)-modules, Non-standard finite fields over \(I\Delta_0+\Omega_1\), The group of \(L\)-fuzzy homeomorphisms and the group of permutations of the ground set, Finitely determined members of varieties of groups and rings, Some conditions implying that an infinite group is Abelian, Numerical solution of integral equations of first and second kind in scalar and vector problems of diffraction on a cube, Exact learning via teaching assistants, The counting complexity of group-definable languages, Distributive modules and rings and their close analogs, A note on an equivalence relation on fuzzy subgroups, Automorphism groups with cyclic commutator subgroup and Hamilton cycles, Fast recognition of alternating and symmetric Galois groups, Association schemes of small order, Symmetry, invariants, topology. Basic tools, Protogroups generated by fuzzy sets, Automorphisms and nonabelian cohomology: An algorithm, Fuzzy subgroups as union of two fuzzy subgroups, Constructing faithful representations of finitely-generated torsion-free nilpotent groups, A question of L. A. Shemetkov, On row-cyclic codes with algebraic structure, Invariants for metabelian groups of prime power exponent, colorings, and stairs, The mutually normalizing regular subgroups of the holomorph of a cyclic group of prime power order, ON INDEPENDENT SYSTEMS OF DEFINING RELATIONS FOR FREE BURNSIDE GROUPS OF PERIOD 3, Modular group algebras whose group of unitary units is locally nilpotent, Extensions of Leibniz superalgebras, Understanding Wall's theorem on dependence of Lie relators in Burnside groups, Unnamed Item, Lattice characterization of some classes of groups by series of subgroups, Root estimation in Galton–Watson trees, On cubic vertex-transitive non-Cayley graphs of 2-power orders, SEMIRING AND INVOLUTION IDENTITIES OF POWER GROUPS, Permutation characters, On the connection between Hopf–Galois structures and skew braces, On the order of the Sylow subgroups of the automorphism group of a finite group, Necessary and sufficient conditions for the regularity of the Sylow \(p \)-subgroups of the Chevalley groups over \({ \mathbb{Z} }_p\) and \({ \mathbb{Z} }_{p^2} \), Binary subgroups of direct products, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Invariants of \(\mathbb{Z}/p\)-homology 3-spheres from the abelianization of the level-\(p\) mapping class group, On the metacyclic 2-groups whose abelianizations are of type \((2, 2^n)\), \(n\geq 2\) and applications, Groups of \(p\)-central type, A family of \(2\)-groups and an associated family of semisymmetric, locally \(2\)-arc-transitive graphs, \(CZ\)-groups with nonabelian normal subgroup of order \(p^4\), On Hamiltonian property of bi-Cayley graphs, A characterization of projective special unitary group \(\mathrm{PSU}(3,3)\) and projective special linear group \(\mathrm{PSL}(3,3)\) by NSE, Conjugacy growth in the higher Heisenberg groups, Groups with fewer than 15 involutions, Correlation of the renormalized Hilbert length for convex projective surfaces, Bounds for the generalization of Baer's type theorems, Periodic groups with one finite nontrivial Sylow 2-subgroup, On the normalizer of an iterated wreath product, Varieties of exponential \(R\)-groups, The multiplicator of a regular product of groups, On the units of a modular group ring, On a sublattice of the lattice of congruences on a simple regular ω-semigroup, Pseudo-fields and doubly transitive groups, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, n-QUASI-ISOTOPY I: QUESTIONS OF NILPOTENCE, Normal \(p\)-complements for finite groups, Group Algebras with a Solvable Group of Units#, Symplectic modules, Complementation of the Jacobson group in a matrix ring, On groups with Frobenius elements., The groups of order 128, Groups with finite periodic part, On infinite groups with a given strongly isolated 2-subgroup, An analog of the Frattini subgroup, On nilpotent Lie algebras, Group rings whose units form an FC-group, Characteristic subgroup lattices and Hopf–Galois structures, Alternative loop rings with solvable unit loops, On quasi-thin association schemes with odd number of points, A nonadaptive NC checker for permutation group intersection, On the structure of surface pure braid groups., Packing and covering groups with subgroups, On the supersolvability of finite groups, On the structure of surface pure braid groups., The index of coincidence Nielsen classes of maps between surfaces, Glauberman correspondence of \(p\)-blocks of finite groups, Groups with dense normal subgroups, Mappings of group shifts., Gruppentheoretische Kennzeichnungen der endlichen desarguesschen Ebenen., Groups with a characteristic cyclic series, On Frobenius groups, Intersections of primary powers of a group, Fixed point subgroups that contain centralizers of involutions, Intersections of primary powers of a group, On the construction and characterisation of a class of designs, Fixed point subgroups that contain centralizers of involutions, Group rings whose units form an FC-group, GROUP ALGEBRAS WHOSE GROUP OF UNITS IS POWERFUL, On Some Properties of Adjoint Groups of Associative Nil Algebras, On Divisibility of Some Sums of Binomial Coefficients Arising From Collection Formulas, Integral Representation and the Computation of Multiple Combinatorial Sums from Hall’s Commutator Theory, Non-Desarguesian planes and weak associativity, Latin square matrices and their inverses, On the average number of Sylow subgroups in finite groups, On a theorem of Manning, On the construction and characterisation of a class of designs, An exponential bound on the number of non-isotopic commutative semifields, Partial homogeneity in locally finite groups, Number of nonequivalent coverings over a nonorientable compact surface, The Deuring-Šafarevič formula revisited, The triviality of the multiplier of Thompson's group \(F_ 3\), Matrix fields, regular and irregular: A complete fundamental characterization, Class field towers of imaginary quadratic fields, Lokal endliche, scharf zweifach transitive Permutationsgruppen. (Locally finite sharply two-transitive permutation groups), Transitive Steiner triple systems of order 25, Computing short generator sequences, Translation complements of C-planes. IV, Difference basis systems, Fuzzy subgroups: some characterizations, Duality of finite Abelian groups and a Jordan normal form of integer matrices, Classification of 2-generator finite metabelian p-groups having a proper \(H_ p\)-subgroup, Self-routing control algorithms and the passability of random inputs by the base-line network, Über pseudoaffine Räume. (On pseudoaffine spaces), Locally finite groups with small normalizers, Completely bounded multilinear maps and \(C^ *\)-algebraic cohomology, On the diameter of Cayley graphs of the symmetric group, The groups of exponent p and order \(p^ 7\) (p any prime), On Feit's examples of intervals in subgroup lattices, Some properties of fuzzy groups, Algorithmic complexity of the problem of occurrence in commutants and members of the lower central series, Constructing normalisers in finite soluble groups, Automorphism groups and factor automata of strongly connected automata, Correction to: ``Algebraic topology of Peano continua [Topology Appl. 153, No. 2-3, 213--226 (2005; Zbl 1087.5501) and ``Fundamental groups having the whole information of spaces [Topology Appl. 146-147, 317--328 (2005; Zbl 1063.55011)]], Parallel algorithms for solvable permutation groups, Schur multipliers and power endomorphisms of groups., Artinian rings having a nilpotent group of units, Construction d'une famille de codes associés à certains groupes finis. (Construction of a family of codes associated to certain finite groups), Flocks of hyperbolic quadrics and translation planes admitting affine homologies, The origins of combinatorics on words, The relation between Burnside rings and combinatorial species, Computing in permutation and matrix groups. III: Sylow subgroups, Specializations of one-parameter families of polynomials, Engelsche Elemente endlicher Gruppen, Solvability length of uniform products of cyclic groups, Estimate of the rank of connected locally compact nilpotent groups, The generating function of the number of subpatterns of a DOL sequence, Finite non-abelian groups with complemented non-abelian subgroups, Relationship between combinatorics and O-simple semigroups, On regular graphs, VI, On the higher relation modules of a finite group, Nilpotente Gruppen \(T\) mit vorgeschriebener Faktorgruppe \(T/T_3\), On the definition of skew-fields, On elements of prime order in primitive permutation groups, Résidus de puissances et formes quadratiques, Simple groups with a Sylow normalizer of order 3p, When is a term point universal?, G-actions on disks and permutation representations. II, On the structure of free finite state machines, Imprimitive linear groups generated by elements containing an eigenspace of codimension two, Planes and ovals, On finite groups with almost nilpotent maximal subgroups, The irreducible imprimitive local Galois representations of prime dimension, Permutational characterization of certain Mathieu groups, Perfect congruences on bisimple \(\omega\)-semigroups., Finite groups with complemented normalizers of Sylow subgroups, Groups with C-closed noncyclic subgroups, Automorphismengruppen von freien nilpotenten Gruppen, Groups with projections and applications to homotopy theory, On varieties of groups satisfying an Engel type identity., A bound on the order of finitely generated nilpotent groups with an exponent, Groups with identities, Measures invariant under actions of \(F_ 2\), Lusternik-Schnirelman method for functionals invariant with respect to a finite group action, Doubly transitive permutation groups with Abelian stabilizers, The central series for Peiffer commutators in groups with operators, Collection from the left, Imbeddings into topological groups preserving dimensions, On generation of permutations through decomposition of symmetric groups into cosets, Examples of cohomology manifolds which are not homologically locally connected, On nilpotent multipliers of some verbal products of groups., \(p\)-groups with maximal elementary Abelian subgroups of rank 2., Vertex-transitive self-complementary uniform hypergraphs of prime order, Gbrds over groups of orders \(\leq 100\) or of order \(pq\) with \(p, q\) primes, Optimal configurations for peer-to-peer user-private information retrieval, Latin bitrades derived from groups, Cocyclic Hadamard matrices from forms over finite Frobenius rings, Diameters of 3-sphere quotients, On the non-persistence of Hamiltonian identity cycles, The enumeration of planar graphs via Wick's theorem, Contour integrals as Ad-invariant functions on the fundamental group, Hurwitz problem on the number of nonequivalent coverings of a compact Riemann surface, Association algebras for finite projective planes, Groups of higher dimensional satellite knots, Amalgamation bases for nil-2 groups, The geometry of binary systems, Generic polynomials, On the fuzziness of solutions of sigma-fuzzy relation equations on finite spaces, Hamiltonian cycles and paths in vertex-transitive graphs with abelian and nilpotent groups, Kummer subfields of Malcev-Neumann division algebras, The complexity of finding minimum-length generator sequences, Factors of the nilpotent series of certain metabelian groups of primary exponent, Planar ternary rings with zero of translation, Moufang and Desarguesian planes, Sylow's theorem in polynomial time, On finite permutation groups with the same orbits on unordered sets, Semidirect products of fuzzy subgroups, Confounding in relation to duality of finite Abelian groups, On the admissibility of finite groups over global fields of finite characteristic, The mathematical life of Cauchy's group theorem, Cantor and generalized continuum hypotheses may be false, Fractional parts of dense additive subgroups of real numbers, Cyclic sieving, necklaces, and branching rules related to Thrall's problem, Unipotent centralizers in algebraic groups., Arborescences of covering graphs, The isomorphism problem for Cayley digraphs on groups of prime-squared order, Quotients of abelian surfaces, An algebraic analysis of the connectivity of De Bruijn and shuffle- exchange digraphs, On the distribution of numbers of a special form, Ádám's conjecture is true in the square-free case, Moufang trees and generalized hexagons, Mutually normalizing regular permutation groups and Zappa-Szép extensions of the holomorph, The symmetric genus of metacyclic groups, Centrally essential group algebras, Determination of all imaginary quadratic fields for which their Hilbert 2-class fields have 2-class groups of rank 2, From relation to emulation: The covering lemma for transformation semigroups, Continuous fuzzy groups, `Nobody could possibly misunderstand what a group is': a study in early twentieth-century group axiomatics, Cryptanalysis of a combinatorial public key cryptosystem, The subgroup graph of a group, Generalized groups that distribute over stars, Metacyclic groups as automorphism groups of compact Riemann surfaces, A new characterization of \(\operatorname{PSL}(2,q)\) for some \(q\), NSE characterization of the Chevalley group \(G_2(4)\), Power groups., The Schur multiplier of pairs of groups of order \(p^2 q\), On groups close to metacyclic groups, Structure of finite nondispersive groups each nonmetacyclic subgroup of which is normal, Structure of separative Dedekind groups, A complementability condition in groups, Extending partial projective planes, Almost-crystallographic groups as quotients of Artin braid groups, Complete classification of finite semigroups for which the inverse monoid of local automorphisms is a permutable semigroup, The chromatic number of finite group Cayley tables, On sums of Sylow numbers of finite groups, Large automorphism groups of ordinary curves in characteristic 2, Weighted-inversion statistics and their symmetry groups, The subgroups of finite metacyclic groups, The logarithmic Sarnak conjecture for ergodic weights, On linear groups with the property of order finiteness of all primitive words in generators, Cayley graphs of order \(30p\) are Hamiltonian, Multilinear commutators in residually finite groups., Fundamental groups having the whole information of spaces, Some periodic groups admitting a finite regular automorphism of even order, The pro-\(p\) group of upper unitriangular matrices, Nilpotent primer hypermaps with hypervertices of valency a prime, On a divisibility property involving the sum of element orders, Isoperimetric inequalities, shapes of Følner sets and groups with Shalom's property \(H_{\mathrm{FD}}\), Forbidden subgraphs of power graphs, Frobenius groups of low rank, On some groups of 2-rank 1, On periodic groups with a regular automorphism of order 4, On the maximal unramified pro-2-extension of certain cyclotomic \(\mathbb{Z}_2\)-extensions, Power structures, Independent axiomatizability of quasi-varieties of soluble groups, Distributive semigroup rings and related topics, Spatially-periodic steady solutions to the three-dimensional Navier-Stokes equation with the \(ABC\)-force, A generalized cyclotomic identity, Distance-transitive graphs of type \(q.K_{q,q}\) and projective planes, Groups of automorphisms of finite regular cubic graphs, Solvable Lie foliations, Nielsen numbers and pullbacks, On TDP permutations, Ramsey varieties of finite groups, Towers of fibrations and homotopical wreath products, Backtrack search with isomorph rejection and consistency check, Ordinary graphs and subplane partitions, Robinson's conjecture on Abelian groups, Lambda-finite actions and their automorphism groups, On the transformation semigroups of finite automata, Near-fields and linear transformations of finite fields, Subcomplete generalizations of graph isomorphism, An addressable machine as the interpretation of a free group, Sur les couples Fischeriens de largeur 1, Colour groups and phase transitions, Each invertible sharply \(d\)-transitive finite permutation set with \(d\geq 4\) is a group, An example of \(p\)-groups with identical character tables and different derived lengths, Finite basing of the identities of a matrix algebra of second order over a field of characteristic zero, Coproducts and decomposable machines, Rationally represented characters and permutation characters of nilpotent groups, Modules over group algebras and their application in the study of semi- simplicity, On automorphisms of finite simple Chevalley groups, Representations of the automorphism groups of free groups, Induktive Systeme in der Kombinatorik, Index two simple groups, On the respective terms of the lower central series of a free group and a normal subgroup, Embedding semigroups in congruence-free semigroups, Reduced inverse semigroups, Factorizations of general polynomials, Finite groups with 2-decomposable centralizers of involutions, A duality between locally compact groups and certain Banach algebras, Cohomological characterization of amalgamated products of groups, Milnor's concordance invariants for knots on surfaces, The expected number of random elements to generate a finite group., Generic pairs of SU-rank 1 structures, 2-groups and approximate fibrations, Explicit universal minimal constants for polynomial growth of groups, Locally primitive Cayley graphs of finite simple groups, The \(\pi \)-radical and Hall's theorems for residually thin and \(\pi \)-valenced hypergroups, table algebras, and association schemes, Ternärbereiche affiner Ebenen, Zur Kompositionsstruktur endlicher Gruppen mit Halluntergruppen, Über Blockpläne mit transitiver Dilatationsgruppe, Endliche zweifach transitive Möbiusebenen ungerader Ordnung, A generalization of André's systems, Über die Gruppe der Projektivitäten in nichtgeschlossenen Ebenen, Vector spaces and construction of finite projective planes, Topological planes, On loops of odd order. II, On product varieties, Gruppen, deren Kommutatorstrukturen gewisse Abschlußeigenschaften haben, A wreath tower construction of countably infinite, locally finite groups, On doubly transitive permutation groups of degree \(1+p+p^ 2\) where p is a prime number, A cohomological characterization of finite nilpotent groups, Degrees of modular irreducible representations of \(p\)-solvable groups, Normalisatorreiche Gruppen, A prime Baer group, Groups with p-length 1, M-groups and 2-groups, On certain \(d\)-groups of algebra automorphisms and antiautomorphisms, Freie Präsentierungen endlicher Gruppen und zugehörige Darstellungen, On two theorems of Lüneburg, The coexistence of involutory elations and homologies, Zusammenhänge zwischen Fastbereichen, scharf zweifach transitiven Permutationsgruppen und 2-Strukturen mit Rechtecksaxiom, The uniqueness of the harmonic construction, Bol quasi-fields and Pappus' theorem, Parastrophic planar ternary rings, Planes of order \(n\) with collineation groups of order \(n^ 2\), On multiplay transitive groups. VI, Algebraic aspects of crystallography. II: Non-primitive translations in space groups, Extensions of certain linear groups, On the isomorphism of group algebras, Zum Satz von Sylow. II, H-split translations of groups, Moufang Veblen-Wedderburn systems, Prime-power factor groups of finite groups, Finite soluble groups with an Engel condition, Sylow intersections and fusion, Power automorphisms of a group, The non-existence of finite projective planes of Lenz-Barlotti class III 2, The algebra of group kinship, Endliche zweifach transitive Permutationsgruppen, deren Involutionen keine Fixpunkte haben, Weakly closed elements of Sylow subgroups, The simple group of order 604,800, Basic p-groups, Projective planes over Bol quasi-fields, Subfields of division rings. I, On the number of Sylow subgroups in a finite group, Simple groups having p-nilpotent 2nd-maximal subgroups, On centre-extended-by-metabelian groups, On Brauer's second main theorem, Metric semilattices, A characterization of the groups \(G_2(2^{n})\), Doubly transitive groups in which involutions fix one or three points, A note on Bol projective planes, The simple groups related to \(M_{24}\), Tensor representation of finite groups, Generic approach to the Galois embedding and extension problem, Maximal subgroups of the semigroup of relations, Quasi-isotopy of ternary rings, Frequency of decomposability among machines with a large number of states, Sylow's theorem is a sharp partial converse to Lagrange's theorem, A counter-example in ring theory and homological algebra, The characterization of generalized wreath products, Planar algebraic systems: Some geometric interpretations, The lower central series of groups of a special class, Nondistrict semi-translation planes, The stability group of a descending invariant series of subgroups, On the classification of the classical groups, Prime-power factor groups of finite groups. II, Lagrangian monoids, On multiply transitive groups V, 2-groups with normal noncyclic subgroups, A remark on cyclic matrices, Supersoluble and locally supersoluble linear groups, The translational hull in semigroups and rings, Isomorphism of p-adic group rings, A new class of finite translation planes obtained from the exceptional near-fields, Congruences et automorphismes des automates finis, Groups with automorphisms inverting most elements, A characterization of \(\mathrm{PSL}(2,8)\), A characterization of \(A_ 6\) and \(M_{11}\), Über die Berechnung der Schurschen Indizes von Charakteren endlicher Gruppen, Characterization of the simple groups \(PSL(2,2^ n)\) and \(Sz(q)\) by biprimary subgroups, Fixed point free linear groups, rank three planes, and Bol quasifields, Zur Theorie der (nicht notwendig assoziativen) Fastringe, A class of three-Engel groups, Zur Konstruktion von Fastringen. I, Generalizations of the Bellavitis partition identities, Nonperiodic groups with systems of invariant subgroups, Remarks on centrality and cyclicity in linear groups, t-designs and t-ply homogeneous groups, The trivalent symmetric graphs of girth at most six, Frattini subgroups, Über projektive Ebenen, in denen jede Projektivität mit sechs Fixpunkten die Identität ist. (Projective planes, in which each projectivity with six fixed points is the identity), On the splitting by subalgebras of algebras with involution traces, On the theory of polycyclic groups, Non-existence of collineations equivalent to some loop laws, On the action of non-Abelian groups on graphs, Finite primary groups, \(p \neq 2\), with invariant not completely splittable subgroups, Symmetry methods in collisionless many-body problems, On supersimple groups, Groups of order \(4p\), twisted wreath products and Hopf-Galois theory., Multiplicative Dedekind \(\eta\)-function and representations of finite groups, GBRDs over supersolvable groups and solvable groups of order prime to 3, Nilpotenz- und Verstreutheitskriterien für artinsche Gruppen, \(p\)-normality and \(p\)-length of a finite group, Eine Klassifikation der Möbius-Ebenen, Nilpotent height of finite groups admitting fixed-point-free automorphisms, Finite semifields and projective planes, A characterization of the Mathieu group \(M_{12}\), Die Sternbedingung: Eine Erweiterung der Engelbedingung, Gruppen beschränkt Engelscher Automorphismen, Some p-solvable groups, On groups with abelian Sylow 2-groups, Semi-braces and the Yang-Baxter equation, Finite groups of even orders all of whose fourth maximal subgroups are weakly \(s_2\)-permutable, On the structure of the power graph and the enhanced power graph of a group, On the Galois groups of some recursive polynomials, Block designs signed over groups of order \(2^n 3^m\), Centrally essential semirings, OD-characterization of alternating groups \(A_{p+d}\), On the connectivity and independence number of power graphs of groups, A sharply 2-transitive group without a non-trivial abelian normal subgroup, Automorphisms of descending mod-\(p\) central series, Mackey algebras which are Gorenstein, On the exponent of Bogomolov multipliers, Improved asymmetric cipher based on matrix power function with provable security, Closed subgroups of compactly generated LCA groups are compactly generated, Finite structurally uniform groups and commutative nilsemigroups, Algebraic curves with many automorphisms, Computation of irreducible decompositions of permutation representations of wreath products of finite groups, Subgroups of direct products of groups invariant under the action of permutations on factors, Exploiting symmetry in integer convex optimization using core points, Multiple genome rearrangement by swaps and by element duplications, Some Baer invariants of free nilpotent groups., Nilpotent fusion categories, On Baer's theorem and its generalizations, Existence of normal subgroups in finite \(p\)-groups., Isotopy and geotopy for ternary rings of projective planes, Walks on groups, counting reducible matrices, polynomials, and surface and free group automorphisms, Finite quantum models: constructive approach to description of quantum behavior, Recognition of \(L_2(q)\) by its group order and largest irreducible character degree., Collineation groups of finite projective planes whose Sylow 2-subgroups contain at most three involutions, Groups with many conjugate elements, Direct factors of Sylow 2-subgroups. I, On p-groups with odd order automorphism groups, Classification of semifields of order 64, Engel words and the restricted Burnside problem., Normally monomial \(p\)-groups., Varieties of finite supersolvable groups with the M.~Hall property., Projective planes, loops, and groups., The concept of primitivity in group theory and the second memoir of Galois, The spectra of lamplighter groups and Cayley machines., The Frattini subalgebra of restricted Lie superalgebras, The distinguishing number of the direct product and wreath product action., Characterization of simple \(K_4\)-groups., Cayley properties of merged Johnson graphs, On groups in which every subgroup is subnormal, Minimal nicht überauflösbare, endliche Gruppen, Doubly-transitive groups, nearfields and geometry, Some remarks concerning the Ree groups of type \((G_2)\), Plans projectifs à voides pascaliens, Supersolvable wreath products, Transitivity of finite permutation groups on unordered sets, Gruppen mit abgeschwächter Normalteilertransitivität, Gruppen mit nichttrivialer Trofimovzahl, Collineation groups of finite projective planes, Schwachnormale Untergruppen: eine gemeinsame Verallgemeinerung der normalen und normalisatorgleichen Untergruppen, On class numbers of finite algebraic number fields, Linear representations of projective planes in projective spaces, Locally finite groups embeddable in stability groups, On semigroups of polynomial mappings of residue class rings, Eine Bemerkung über Automorphismengruppen von endlichen projektiven Ebenen und Möbiusebenen, On groups without Abelian composition factors, Polynompermutations on groups. I, II, A caracterization of nilpotent groups of class 2, Solvable flag transitive affine groups, Pseudo planes and pseudo ternaries, On generalizations of isoparity, The product of powers in a finite p-group, On a class of finite simple groups of Ree, Central elements in core-free groups, On extending Witt's formula, Mehrdimensionale Polynompermutationen auf endlichen Gruppen, Transitive subgroups of transitive p-groups, The automorphism group of finite p-groups, \(c\)-nilpotent multiplier of finite \(p\)-groups, Primitive elements and automorphisms of the free metabelian group of rank 3, Automorphisms of types and their applications, Groups whose word problems are not semilinear, Bielliptic intermediate modular curves, On the finiteness of the classifying space for the family of virtually cyclic subgroups, On the multiple holomorph of groups of squarefree or odd prime power order, Hardness of learning problems over Burnside groups of exponent 3, Incompressibility of products of Weil transfers of generalized Severi-Brauer varieties, Verbally and existentially closed subgroups of free nilpotent groups., Existentially closed subgroups of free nilpotent groups., Self-embeddings of Hamming Steiner triple systems of small order and APN permutations, About the length of laws for finite groups, Primitive and Non Primitive Finite Semifields, DODECIC 3-ADIC FIELDS, DISTORTION IN FREE NILPOTENT GROUPS, Eine Charakterisierung der endlichen zweidimensionalen projektiven Gruppen, On quotient groups of finite groups, The construction of translation planes from projective spaces, Scharf transitive und scharf fahnentransitive Kollineationsgruppen, On finite groups with p-nilpotent subgroups, Über projektive Ebenen vom Lenz-Barlotti-Typ III, On the maximal subgroups of finite simple group, Sharp triply transitive permutation groups, Answer to a question of R. Brauer, Identical relations in finite groups, A class of finite groups with abelian 2-Sylow subgroups, On loops of odd order, The Sylow 2-subgroups of the finite classical groups, Sul gruppo delle proiettivita di una retta in se nei piani liberi e nei piani aperti, Quadratische Formen und Kollineationsgruppen, Quantum Fourier transform over symmetric groups -- improved result, A Moufang loop, the exceptional Jordan algebra, and a cubic form in 27 variables, Groups and fuzzy subgroups, Jet bundles as manifolds over algebras, Linear time algorithms for Abelian group isomorphism and related problems, Induced orthogonal representations of Galois groups, Unnamed Item, Inverse semi-braces and the Yang-Baxter equation, On the Possible Automorphism Groups of a Steiner Quintuple System of Order 21, The existence of Fano subplanes in generalized Hall planes, On the structure of some minimax-antifinitary modules, Unnamed Item, Positive elements and sufficient conditions for solvability of the submonoid membership problem for nilpotent groups of class two, On the subgroup perfect codes in Cayley graphs, On Constructive Nilpotent Groups, On the structure of some infinite dimensional linear groups, Finite groups of global breadth four in the sense of Frobenius, GROUP ALGEBRAS WHOSE UNIT GROUP IS LOCALLY NILPOTENT, ON VERBAL SUBGROUPS IN RESIDUALLY FINITE GROUPS, COMMUTATIVE ALTERNATIVE RINGS: A CONSTRUCTION, On a C–plane of order 25, Stein quasigroups II: algebraic aspects, Restricted lie dimension subgroups, Integral Representation and Algorithms for Closed Form Summation, A Condition for the Supersolvability of Finite Groups, Finite groups with each non-normal subgroup having maximal normal cores, Orbits of crystallographic embedding of non-crystallographic groups and applications to virology, The Orders of Vertices of a Character-degree Graph, On the capability and Schur multiplier of nilpotent Lie algebra of class two, Generalized Learning Problems and Applications to Non-commutative Cryptography, Alternating units as free factors in the group of units of integral group rings, Automorphisms of a 3-dimensional handlebody, On the automorphism group of a finite group having no non-identity normal subgroups of odd order, Arcs and ovals in derivable planes, Bemerkungen über Fastbereiche und scharf zweifach transitive Gruppen. (Remarks on near-domains and sharply 2-transitive groups.), Simple groups of order \(17 \cdot 3^ a \cdot 2^ b\), Finite groups with centralizers of involutions, Complementarity in finite groups, Fluctuation and periodicity, On finite groups with 2-closed or 2'-closed centralizer of involutions, Finite 2-groups having invariant non-completely partitionable subgroups, Infinite nonabelian groups in which all infinite nonabelian subgroups are invariant, Über Automorphismengruppen endlicher \(p\)-Gruppen, A note on finite Bol quasi-fields, Alternierende Produkte in freien Gruppen. II, Über die Mächtigkeit einer periodischen Gruppe mit abelschen 2- Untergruppen endlicher Ränge, Construction of association schemes and designs from finite groups, Finite unsolvable nonsimple (A)-groups, Finite translation planes with collineation groups doubly transitive on the points at infinity, Finite groups with a split BN-pair of rank 1. I, Spreads and a conjecture of Bruck and Bose, A Generalized Drinfeld Quantum Double Construction Based on Weak Hopf Algebras, A characterization of Conway's group .3, Some properties of a Magnus embedding, On regular graphs. IV, Doubly transitive groups in which the maximum number of fixed points of involutions is four, \(p\)-groups, diagonalizable automorphisms and loops, Finite 2-groups with three involutions., Incidence axioms for affine geometry, On simple groups of order \(2^a \cdot 3^b7^c \cdot p\), Subgroups of the power semigroup of a group, Rank 3 extensions of Frobenius groups, Supersolvable lattices, \(\aleph_0\)-categoricity of groups, A characterization of \(L_n(q)\) as a permutation group, Group theoretic characterization of linear permutation automata, The (56,11,2) design of Hall, Lane, and Wales, 2-transitive groups in which the stabilizer of two points is cyclic, Addendum to ``The lower central series of groups of a special class, Influence of properties of maximal subgroups on the structure of a finite group, Graphs and finite permutation groups. II, A generalization of a theorem of Z. Janko and J. G. Thompson, The enumeration of subgroups in finite p-groups, k-auflösbare Gruppen, On finite groups with a certain Sylow normalizer. I, On finite groups with a certain Sylow normalizer. II, Elements of minimal breadth in finite p-groups and lie algebras, A theorem of the Sylow type for infinite groups, Automorphisms of types in certain type theories and representation of finite groups, Unit Groups of Commutative Group Rings, Algebraic topology of Peano continua, 4-MOVES AND THE DABKOWSKI–SAHI INVARIANT FOR KNOTS, Complementation in the group of units of a ring, Henselian valued quasi-local fields with totally indivisible value groups, Loops whose loop rings are alternative, Heteroclinic cycles and wreath product symmetries, s-semipermutability and abnormality in finite groups*, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Multiple Holomorphs of Dihedral and Quaternionic Groups, Generation of Colourings and Distinguishing Colourings of Graphs, On the ramification breaks, Groups of Wielandt length two, On primitive subgroups of full affine groups of finite semi-fields, A general coordinatization principle for projective planes with comparison of Hall and Hughes frames and with examples of generalized oval frames, A note on groups with non-central norm, Translation complements of C-planes: (I), Unnamed Item, Finite metacyclic groups acting on bordered surfaces, A note on central idempotents in group rings II, Local endomorphism near-rings, A new random number generator from permutation groups, Unions of Cockcroft two-complexes, The crossed structure of Hopf bimodules, SYMMETRY AND SYNCHRONY IN COUPLED CELL NETWORKS 2: GROUP NETWORKS, PRIMITIVITY OF FINITE SEMIFIELDS WITH 64 AND 81 ELEMENTS, CENTRALISER DIMENSION OF FREE PARTIALLY COMMUTATIVE NILPOTENT GROUPS OF CLASS 2, Finite groups generated by subnormalT-subgroups, Supersolvable M*-groups, Simple Formulae for the Number of Quadrics and Symmetric Forms of Modules Over Local Rings, Metanilpotent fitting classes, Symmetric words in metabelian groups, Ordered products of topological groups, Gröbner–Shirshov Bases for Schreier Extensions of Groups, Linear and Multilinear Aspects of Isomorph Rejection, On the embedding of a group in a join of given groups, RESTRICTING GLOBALLY-DEFINED MACKEY FUNCTORS TO NILPOTENT FINITE GROUPS, SYMMETRY AND SYNCHRONY IN COUPLED CELL NETWORKS 3, The integral cohomology ring of, Some new results on Gröbner–Shirshov bases for Lie algebras and around, A Schreier theorem for free topological groups, Exotic Patterns of Synchrony in Planar Lattice Networks, Locally compact groups: maximal compact subgroups and N-groups, Almost all Cayley graphs are hamiltonian, Linear groups of degreencontaining an element with exactly n–2 equal eigenvalues, Unnamed Item, Finite semifields with 74elements, Enumerating finite groups and their defining relations, New Turaev Braided Group Categories Over Entwining Structures, Some commutativity results for periodic rings, Chief Factors and Fitting Series, Unnamed Item, Genus and cancellation, Nilpotent Products of Cyclic Groups and Classification ofp-Groups, Unnamed Item, Normal π—complements in finite groups, ON GROUPS ADMITTING A WORD WHOSE VALUES ARE ENGEL, Burnside rings which are gorenstein, Inverse semigroups determined by their lattices of inverse subsemigroups, MAPS FROM THE MINIMAL GROPE TO AN ARBITRARY GROPE, Inverse semigroups generated by a pair of subgroups, A computer application to finite p-groups, A note on free inverse semigroups, A special embedding of Bol loops in groups, Use of computers in solving well-known algebra problems, The lien-engel property in group rings, Product networks:a family of symmetric interconnection networks from a group model, A generalization of the bracketing process applied in the commutator calculus, Why the nth-root function is not a rational function, Principal series representation of finite groups with split bn pairs∗, On faithful permutation representations of small degree, On the Solvability of Finite Groups, The restricted Burnside problem for multilinear commutators, Reversible hypergroups, Finite nonabelian subgroups of SU(n) with analytic expressions for the irreducible representations and the Clebsch–Gordan coefficients, REPRESENTATION THEORY OF LIFTINGS OF QUANTUM PLANES, On the decomposition of a field as a tensor product, On a Commuting Graph on Conjugacy Classes of Groups, Injectors of finite solvable groups, Unnamed Item, An embedding theorem for free inverse semigroups, On central automorphisms of finite-by-nilpotent groups, The elements of finite order in the group of units of group rings of free products of groups, Unnamed Item, On the normaliser of a group in the Cayley representation, Generators for the bounded automorphisms of infinite-rank free nilpotent groups, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Sur une classe de $p$-groupes, Hopf Algebras on Schurian Quivers, Remarkable Phase Oscillations Appearing in the Lattice Dynamics of Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen States, Spacetime Foam and the Cosmological Constant, Conditions for subnormality of a join of subnormal subgroups, Towards a characterization of smooth braids, Unnamed Item, Metacyclic groups, Augmentation quotients and dimension subgroups of semidirect products, On the supersolvability of finite groups. I, On the semigroups of linear sequential machines, Collineation groups which are sharply transitive on an oval, The laws of some nilpotent groups of small rank, Doubly transitive groups of type pm(pm?1) and maximal nonbinary codes generated by them, Conformality and p-isomorphism in finite nilpotent groups, Induction theorems for Grothendieck groups and Whitehead groups of finite groups, A covering‐space approach to theorems of greenberg in fuchsian, kleinian and other groups, Lower bounds for the radical of the group algebra of a finite p-soluble group, Some properties of locally compact groups, On a new finite non–abelian simple group of Janko, Common Transversals, ON THE SET K3(G) OF FINITE GROUPS’ ELEMENTS COMMUTING EXACTLY WITH THREE ELEMENTS, Cayley graphs of order 6pq and 7pq are Hamiltonian, On hamiltonian cycles in Cayley graphs of order pqrs, ON THE SET Kp IN FINITE GROUPS, A bound for the class of certain nilpotent groups, Maximal sum-free sets of elements of finite groups, Critère de décomposition d'une extension de Kummer sur un sous-corps du corps de base, On the commuting probability for subgroups of a finite group, The Hughes Problem and others, Some group laws equivalent to the commutative law, On the Mathieu groups M22 and M11, An Outer Commutator Multiplier and Capability of Finitely Generated Abelian Groups, Generating groups of nilpotent varieties, Some product varieties of groups, A Characterization of the finite simple group L4(3), Free products of topological groups, On finite groups whose 2-Sylow subgroups have cyclic subgroups of index 2, Generalization of Hall planes of odd order, ELEMENTS OF PRIME POWER ORDER IN RESIDUALLY FINITE GROUPS, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, On the Intersection of Maximal Subalgebras in a Lie Superalgebra, THE LOWER CENTRAL AND DERIVED SERIES OF THE BRAID GROUPS OF THE FINITELY-PUNCTURED SPHERE, On non-cross varieties of groups, The Loewy series of an FCP (distributive) ring extension, A characterization of generalized Hall planes, Une caractérisation des groupes $\pi$-résolubles, Structure of maximal sum-free sets in groups of order $3p$, Theory and Application of Plane Partitions: Part 1, Theory and Application of Plane Partitions. Part 2, Unnamed Item, A characterization of the Hall planes of odd order, The sub-near-field structure of finite near-fields, On the laws of certain finite groups, Some Properties of the semigroup PGY (X): Green’s relations, ideals, isomorphism theorems and ranks, On the classification of finite-dimensional semisimple Hopf algebras, Supersimple structures with a dense independent subset, A MINIMAL CONGRUENCE LATTICE REPRESENTATION FOR, Intersection growth in groups, On the Hilbert 2-class field of some quadratic number fields, Classification of Sylow classes of parabolic and reflection subgroups in unitary reflection groups, On groups whose self-centralizing subgroups are normal, SOME INEQUALITIES FOR POLYNILPOTENT MULTIPLIER OF POWERFULL p-GROUPS, On critical groups, Involutory automorphisms of groups of odd order, HOMOMORPHIC STABILITY OF FINITE GROUPS, Which group algebras cannot be made zero by imposing a single non-monomial relation?, On a theorem by Vl. Dlab, Unnamed Item, Catenarian Numbers, Generalization of the basis property on finite groups, Graphs defined on groups, The complexity of ascendant sequences in locally nilpotent groups, Characterization of the Chevalley group $G_{2}(5)$ by the set of numbers of the same order elements, Connection between Markov chains on finite simple groups and fundamental groups, A note on groups generated by involutions and sharply 2-transitive groups, A new characterization of Ree group $mathbf{{}^2G_2(q)}$ by the order of group and the number of elements with the same order, Adders for the patterned starter in some non-abelian groups, The Projective Planarity Question for Matroids of $3$-Nets and Biased Graphs, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, A characterization of $mathbf{L_2(81)}$ by nse, Finite groups of the same type as Suzuki groups, Unnamed Item, Most rigid representations and Cayley index, Chunikhin's existence theorem for subgroups of a finite group, Enumeration of subgroups in the fundamental groups of orientable circle bundles over surfaces, Unnamed Item, Moufang loops with nonnormal commutative centre, On the Order of Nilpotent Multipliers of Finitep-Groups, Classifying uniformly generated groups, On the solvability of regular subgroups in the holomorph of a finite solvable group, Symmetries of Quotient Networks for Doubly Periodic Patterns on the Hexagonal Lattice, On quantitative structure of small Ree groups, Commuting graphs of groups and related numerical parameters, Graph isomorphism is low for PP, On Polynilpotent Multipliers of Free Nilpotent Groups, Set-theoretic solutions to the Yang–Baxter equation, skew-braces, and related near-rings, Symmetries of Quotient Networks for Doubly Periodic Patterns on the Square Lattice, Simple right conjugacy closed loops, Normalizers of finite subgroups in homogenous symmetric groups and automorphisms, NSE characterization of some alternating groups, On Modules with Few Minimax Cocentralizers, Schwinger–Dyson operators as invariant vector fields on a matrix model analog of the group of loops, On a theorem of Wielandt, Finite groups with a nilpotent maximal subgroup, On identities in the products of group varieties, On Groups with the Second Largest Value of the Sum of Element Orders, Recent developments on the power graph of finite groups – a survey, Finite solvable c-groups, The virtually generating graph of a profinite group, Verbal wreath products and certain product varieties of groups, Lösung eines Problems bezüglich einer Charakterisierung des Jacobsonschen Radikals