zbMath0589.06008MaRDI QIDQ3717102
Kenneth R. Goodearl
Publication date: 1986
Title: zbMATH Open Web Interface contents unavailable due to conflicting licenses.
States on quantum and algebraic structures and their integral representation,
Effect algebras with state operator,
Ordered group-valued probability, positive operators, and integral representations,
Correction to: ``On the topological mass lattice groups, The state space of the \(K_ 0\)-group of a simple separable \(C^*\)- algebra, Riesz decomposition in inductive limit \(C^*\)-algebras, Multi-posets in algebraic logic, group theory, and non-commutative topology, Guaranteed scoring games, Averaging the truth-value in Łukasiewicz logic, Spectral resolution in a Rickart comgroup, Flat dimension growth for \(C^{*}\)-algebras, Quasi-divisor theories and generalizations of Krull domains, Every state on semisimple MV-algebra is integral, A \(K_{0}\)-avoiding dimension group with an order-unit of index two, Stone duality for Dedekind \(\sigma\)-complete \(\ell\)-groups with order-unit, Intrinsic metric preserving maps on partially ordered groups, Transition to effect algebras, The universal group of a Heyting effect algebra, Compression bases in unital groups, Interval and scale effect algebras, Chain tensor products and interval effect algebras, Homology for operator algebras. IV. On the regular classification of limits of 4-cycle algebras, Block characters of the symmetric groups., Bookmaking over infinite-valued events, Removing the torsion from a unital group., Word problems in Elliott monoids, Traces, unitary characters and crossed products by \(\mathbb{Z}\), Test groups and effect algebras, The classification problem for simple unital finite rank dimension groups, Generalized Bosbach states. II, \(K_ 0\) of multiplier algebras of \(C^*\)-algebras with real rank zero, The lexicographic product of po-groups and \(n\)-perfect pseudo effect algebras, \(\mathbf K_0\) of semiartinian von Neumann regular rings. Direct finiteness versus unit-regularity, The range of a class of classifiable separable simple amenable \(C^{*}\)-algebras, Atomic effect algebras with the Riesz decomposition property, Proper scoring rules with arbitrary value functions, Abelian extensions of partially ordered partial monoids, Affine representations of \(\ell\)-groups and MV-algebras, Hull determination and type decomposition for a generalized effect algebra, Pseudo-BCK algebras as partial algebras, Lexicographic product vs \(\mathbb Q\)-perfect and \(\mathbb H\)-perfect pseudo effect algebras, Measures, states and de Finetti maps on pseudo-BCK algebras, Tame and wild refinement monoids, Representation of states on effect-tribes and effect algebras by integrals, Decompositions of measures on pseudo effect algebras, Torsion elements in effect algebras, Hyper effect algebras, Observables on quantum structures, Unitary groups as a complete invariant, Quantum structures versus partially ordered groups, State operators on generalizations of fuzzy structures, The corona algebra of the stabilized Jiang-Su algebra, States on quantum structures versus integrals, Lexicographic pseudo effect algebras, A distributive semilattice not isomorphic to the maximal semilattice quotient of the positive cone of any dimension group, Lifting defects for nonstable \(K_{0}\)-theory of exchange rings and \(C^*\)-algebras, Some model-theoretic correspondences between dimension groups and AF algebras, Tracial state space with non-compact extreme boundary, States on pseudo effect algebras and integrals, Revisiting the Farey AF algebra, Corrigendum to: ``Towards a probability theory for product logic: states, integral representation and reasoning,
Towards a probability theory for product logic: states, integral representation and reasoning,
Finitely presented lattice-ordered abelian groups with order-unit,
Representable effect algebras and observables,
Abelian \(C^*\)-subalgebras of \(C^*\)-algebras of real rank zero and inductive limit \(C^*\)-algebras,
Stone duality above dimension zero: axiomatising the algebraic theory of \(\mathrm{C}(X)\),
States and synaptic algebras,
A Loomis-Sikorski theorem and functional calculus for a generalized Hermitian algebra,
Pseudo MV-algebras and lexicographic product,
On monoids in the category of sets and relations,
On orders of observables on effect algebras,
Extending states on preordered semigroups and the existence of quasitraces on \(C^ \ast\)-algebras,
A classification of finite rank dimension groups by their representations in ordered real vector spaces,
Orbit equivalence of Cantor minimal systems: a survey and a new proof,
Weak commutative pseudoeffect algebras,
When graded domains are Schreier or pre-Schreier,
Simple Riesz groups of rank one having wild intervals,
Loomis-Sikorski theorem and Stone duality for effect algebras with internal state,
Lattice-ordered reduced special groups,
Ranks of operators in simple \(C^{*}\)-algebras,
Crossed products of the Cantor set by free minimal actions of \(\mathbb Z^d\),
On varieties of MV-algebras with internal states,
Isomorphism and Morita equivalence classes for crossed products of irrational rotation algebras by cyclic subgroups of \(SL_2(\mathbb{Z})\),
Effect algebras as presheaves on finite Boolean algebras,
Zigzag diagrams and Martin boundary,
Spectral resolution in an order-unit space,
Convex polytopes and factorization properties in generalized power series domains,
Simple \(C^*\)-algebras with perforation,
Orbit equivalence, flow equivalence and ordered cohomology,
Spin factors as generalized Hermitian algebras,
The lattice and simplex structure of states on pseudo effect algebras,
Non-measurability properties of interpolation vector spaces,
State-morphism MV-algebras,
Lifting, \(n\)-dimensional spectral resolutions, and \(n\)-dimensional observables,
Recognizing the Farey-Stern-Brocot AF algebra,
Tensor products and the Loomis-Sikorski theorem for MV-algebras,
Spectral resolutions and observables in \(n\)-perfect MV-algebras,
Phase transition in the CAR algebra,
Filter and weak link topologies,
Weakly divisible MV-algebras and product,
Stone Duality Type Theorems for MV-Algebras with Internal State,
Quotients of interval effect algebras,
Examples, problems, and results in effect algebras,
Polar decomposition in e-rings,
Simplicial and dimension groups with group action and their realization,
Recasting the Elliott conjecture,
Lexicographic effect algebras,
On Monoids of Finite Real Character,
Unnamed Item,
Unnamed Item,
De Finetti theorem and Borel states in \([0, 1\)-valued algebraic logic],
A finite axiomatization of positive MV-algebras,
Remarks on effect-tribes,
Generalized Hermitian algebras,
E-perfect effect algebras,
Geometrical aspects of possibility measures on finite domain MV-clans,
Smearing of observables and spectral measures on quantum structures,
Homogeneous effect algebras and observables vs spectral resolutions,
Purely infinite corona algebras of simple C\(^*\)-algebras,
Measures on Cantor sets: The good, the ugly, the bad,
Riesz decomposition properties and the lexicographic product of po-groups,
Compatibility of observables on effect algebras,
The differential of probabilistic entailment,
When the lexicographic product of two po-groups has the Riesz decomposition property,
Tensor product of dimension effect algebras,
How Do $$\ell $$-Groups and Po-Groups Appear in Algebraic and Quantum Structures?,
Ranks of operators in simple \(C^*\)-algebras with stable rank one,
Supercharacters of discrete algebra groups,
Spectral order unit spaces and JB-algebras,
Two-dimensional observables and spectral resolutions,
Perfect GMV-Algebras,
Spectral resolutions and quantum observables,
Unnamed Item,
Malcolmson semigroups,
On EMV-algebras with square roots,
Logics for belief functions on MV-algebras,
Invariant Measures in Free MV-Algebras,
On a desingularization of the moduli space of noncommutative tori,
Ideal Structure of Multiplier Algebras of Simple C*-algebras With Real Rank Zero,
The center of a generalized effect algebra.,
Commutators and linear spans of projections in certain finite \(C^\ast\)-algebras,
Every Abelian \(\ell\)-group is ultrasimplicial,
States on wEMV-algebras,
Square roots and inverses in e-rings,
The structure of countably generated projective modules over regular rings,
Hyperstates of Involutive MTL-Algebras that Satisfy $$(2x)^2=2(x^2)$$,
Unnamed Item,
Unnamed Item,
Effects, observables, states, and symmetries in physics,
Interpolations in posets and effect algebras,
Spectral spaces of countable Abelian lattice-ordered groups,
Unnamed Item,
Unnamed Item,
Unnamed Item,
Tensor products and regularity properties of Cuntz semigroups,
Regular elements in generalized hermitian algebras,
Metric completions of ordered groups and 𝐾₀ of exchange rings,
On the exactness of Lasserre relaxations and pure states over real closed fields,
Observables on lexicographic effect algebras,
Invariant measures and orbit equivalence for generalized Toeplitz subshifts,
Representation and extension of states on MV-algebras,
States of finite GBL-algebras with monoidal sum,
Loomis-Sikorski representation of monotone \(\sigma\)-complete effect algebras,
Unnamed Item,
Generalized continuous and left-continuous t-norms arising from algebraic semantics for fuzzy logics,
Probabilistic averaging in bounded commutative residuated \(\ell\)-monoids,
Rota's Fubini lectures: the first problem,
\(K_0\)-group of absolute matrix order unit spaces,
Kolmogorov-Sinaj entropy on MV-algebras,
Symmetries on partially ordered Abelian groups,
Pseudo effect algebras are algebras over bounded posets,
Perfect effect algebras and spectral resolutions of observables,
The two-sorted algebraic theory of states, and the universal states of MV-algebras,
Synaptic algebras,
Perfect residuated lattice ordered monoids,
Semilattices of finitely generated ideals of exchange rings with finite stable rank,
Order continuity from a topological perspective,
Unital topology on a unital \(l\)-group,
On directed interpolation groups,
Infinitary lattice and Riesz properties of pseudoeffect algebras and po-groups,
On some classes of state-morphism MV-algebras,
Betting on continuous independent events,
States on EMV-algebras,
\(C^*\)-algebras of stable rank one and their Cuntz semigroups,
Conditional probability on \(\sigma\)-MV-algebras,
Observables on perfect MV-algebras,
On the topological mass lattice groups,
Simple archimedean dimension groups,
Spectral resolutions in Dedekind \(\sigma\)-complete \(\ell\)-groups,
C*-algebras associated with interval maps,
Good and bad infinitesimals, and states on pseudo MV-algebras,
Partial algebras for Łukasiewicz logics and its extensions,
Measures Induced by Units,
Perfect effect algebras are categorically equivalent with Abelian interpolation po-groups,
Lexicographic MV-algebras and lexicographic states.,
State BCK-algebras and state-morphism BCK-algebras.,
Positive filters and links in an ℓ-group,
Cancellation and stable rank for direct limits of recursive subhomogeneous algebras,
Cohomology of Effect Algebras,
Prime \(L\)-algebras and right-angled Artin groups,
Spectrality in convex sequential effect algebras,
\(n\)-dimensional observables on \(k\)-perfect MV-algebras and \(k\)-perfect effect algebras. I: Characteristic points,
\(n\)-dimensional observables on \(k\)-perfect MV-algebras and \(k\)-perfect effect algebras. II: One-to-one correspondence,
Three‐space type Hahn‐Banach properties,
On the Boolean algebra induced by a unital \(\ell\)-group,
Cones of traces arising from AF \(C^\ast\)-algebras,
\(\mathcal{K}_1\) and \(\mathcal{K}\)-groups of absolute matrix order unit spaces,
Resource convertibility and ordered commutative monoids,
Separable MV-algebras and lattice-ordered groups,
On topologically zero-dimensional morphisms,
Tracial oscillation zero and \(\mathcal{Z}\)-stability,
Unnamed Item,
Unnamed Item,
Refinement monoids with weak comparability and applications to regular rings and $C*$-algebras,
Unnamed Item,
C*-algebras of a Cantor system with finitely many minimal subsets: structures, K-theories, and the index map,
Classification of spatial Lp AF algebras,
Unnamed Item,
Bratteli diagrams via the De Concini–Procesi theorem,
Topological orbit equivalence classes and numeration scales of logistic maps,
Simple commutative semirings,
Recovering the Elliott invariant from the Cuntz semigroup,
Semicrossed products of operator algebras by semigroups,
Functorial representation theorems for MV\(_\Delta\) algebras with additional operators,
Cantor–Bernstein Property for MV-Algebras,
Top Varieties of Generalized MV-Algebras and Unital Lattice-Ordered Groups,
MV-observables and MV-algebras,
Boundaries from Inhomogeneous Bernoulli Trials,
Central elements and Cantor-Bernstein's theorem for pseudo-effect algebras,
Boolean Algebras, Generalized Abelian Rings, and Grothendieck Groups,
Loomis-Sikorski theorem for monotone σ-complete effect algebras,
Indecomposable Supercharacters of the Infinite Unitriangular Group,
Unnamed Item,
Unnamed Item,
Edwards' condition for quasitraces on C*-algebras,
Unnamed Item,
Belief Functions on MV-Algebras of Fuzzy Sets: An Overview,
Every state on interval effect algebra is integral,
On finiteness properties of Noetherian (Artinian) C*-algebras