zbMath0959.55001MaRDI QIDQ4528987
John McCleary
Publication date: 15 February 2001
Title: zbMATH Open Web Interface contents unavailable due to conflicting licenses.
On Fredholm boundary conditions on manifolds with corners. I: Global corner cycles obstructions,
Equivariant basic cohomology of Riemannian foliations,
Quiver varieties and Frenkel-Kac construction,
Hopf-cyclic cohomology of the Connes-Moscovici Hopf algebras with infinite dimensional coefficients,
On the category weight of \(\mathrm{Spin}(n)\),
The genus and the category of configuration spaces,
On the splitting of infinitesimal Poisson automorphisms around symplectic leaves,
Chern-Weil homomorphism in twisted equivariant cohomology,
Homotopy moment maps,
Discrete Morse theory for computing cellular sheaf cohomology,
Motivic structures on higher homotopy groups of hyperplane arrangements,
The Serre spectral sequence of a noncommutative fibration for de Rham cohomology,
Normal form of Bogdanov-Takens: styles and a hypernormalization method,
Isometric group actions and the cohomology of flat fiber bundles,
Bott-Chern cohomology and \(q\)-complete domains,
Twisted submersions in nonnegative sectional curvature,
Homological stability for classical groups.,
Homological resolutions in problems about separating cycles,
Infinite loop spaces from operads with homological stability,
Cohomology of uniserial \(p\)-adic space groups with cyclic point group,
KV-cohomology and differential geometry of affinely flat manifolds. Information geometry,
The coalgebra structure of the cohomology of multiplicative fibrations,
Moment angle complexes and big Cohen-Macaulayness,
An operadic model for a mapping space and its associated spectral sequence,
Cohomologies of certain orbifolds,
Equivariant Khovanov-Rozansky homology and Lee-Gornik spectral sequence,
Cohomology algebra of orbit spaces of free involutions on lens spaces,
A Bousfield-Kan algorithm for computing the \textit{effective} homotopy of a space,
Topological structure of candidates for positive curvature,
The mod 2 cohomology rings of \(\mathrm{SL}_2\) of the imaginary quadratic integers. With an appendix by Aurel Page,
Derived string topology and the Eilenberg-Moore spectral sequence,
Accessing the cohomology of discrete groups above their virtual cohomological dimension,
Uniqueness of \(A_\infty\)-structures and Hochschild cohomology.,
Bott-Chern cohomology of solvmanifolds,
Homological identities for differential graded algebras.,
Pluripotential theory on quaternionic manifolds,
The Ekedahl invariants for finite groups,
Hodge numbers of a hypothetical complex structure on \(S^{6}\),
On the cellular decomposition and the Lusternik-Schnirelmann category of Spin(7).,
Normal form theory and spectral sequences.,
A new lower bound for LS-category,
Hyperplane sections for simple singularities and examples of variations of Hodge structures,
Optimal bounds for a colorful Tverberg-Vrećica type problem,
The BRST cohomology of the \(N=2\) string,
Twisted strong Macdonald theorems and adjoint orbits,
On the mapping space homotopy groups and the free loop space homology groups,
Characteristic classes for cohomology of split Hopf algebra extensions,
Homotopy theory of bicomplexes,
A complex analogue of Toda's theorem,
Spectral sequences and parametric normal forms,
On the obstructed Lagrangian Floer theory,
Discrete approximations for complex Kac-Moody groups,
Coniveau spectral sequence and \(t\)-structure homotopy,
Hodge spaces of real toric varieties,
Azumaya algebras without involution,
On the equivariant cohomology of rotation groups and Stiefel manifolds,
Localization of basic characteristic classes,
Computing the top Betti numbers of semialgebraic sets defined by quadratic inequalities in polynomial time,
Computing the first Betti number of a semi-algebraic set,
Homotopical interpretation of link invariants from finite quandles,
Topological data analysis and cosheaves,
Homology roses and the D(2)-problem,
Borsuk-Ulam theorems and their parametrized versions for \(\mathbb {F}P^m\times \mathbb {S}^3\),
\(\Gamma\)-structures and symmetric spaces,
A rank inequality for the annular Khovanov homology of 2-periodic links,
Fiber-homotopy self-equivalences and a classification of fibrations in rational homotopy,
A connected sum formula for involutive Heegaard Floer homology,
Computing cobordism maps in link Floer homology and the reduced Khovanov TQFT,
A second cohomology class of the symplectomorphism group with the discrete topology,
Detecting periodic elements in higher topological Hochschild homology,
\(E_n\)-cell attachments and a local-to-global principle for homological stability,
Generalized deformations and holomorphic Poisson cohomology of solvmanifolds,
Cohomologies of generalized complex manifolds and nilmanifolds,
Local systems on the free loop space and finiteness of the Hofer-Zehnder capacity,
Chromatic homology, Khovanov homology, and torsion,
The degenerate distributive complex is degenerate,
A spectral sequence associated with a symplectic manifold,
A Borsuk-Ulam type theorem for the product of a projective space and 3-sphere,
Representations and cohomology for Frobenius-Lusztig kernels,
On homotopy groups of quandle spaces and the quandle homotopy invariant of links,
Orbit spaces of free involutions on the product of two projective spaces,
On the gauge orbit types for theories with classical compact gauge group,
Equivalences between GIT quotients of Landau-Ginzburg B-models,
The Chow rings of generalized Grassmannians,
A tight colored Tverberg theorem for maps to manifolds,
Topology of generalized complex quotients,
An application of semi-free resolutions,
Transgression and Clifford algebras,
Mixed Hodge polynomials of character varieties. With an appendix by Nicholas M. Katz.,
The equivariant cohomology theory of twisted generalized complex manifolds,
An exact sequence for contact- and symplectic homology,
Cohomology of the moduli space of rank two, odd degree vector bundles over a real curve,
Positive links,
On a spectral sequence for twisted cohomologies,
The weight filtration for real algebraic varieties. II: Classical homology,
Generalized Koszul properties for augmented algebras.,
Cohomology rings of multiplicative fibrations,
Characteristic classes of bundles of \(K3\) manifolds and the Nielsen realization problem,
Symplectic cohomology rings of affine varieties in the topological limit,
Quotients and invariants of \(\mathcal{AS}\)-sets equipped with a finite group action,
Multiplicativity and nonrealizable equivariant chain complexes,
Computing the Betti numbers of arrangements via spectral sequences,
Free involutions on odd dimensional Wall manifolds and cohomology of orbit spaces,
A spectral sequence for polynomially bounded cohomology,
Operations in the homology spectral sequence of a cosimplicial infinite loop space,
Normalizers of chains of discrete \(p\)-toral subgroups in compact Lie groups,
Compactly supported \(\mathbb{A}^1\)-Euler characteristic and the Hochschild complex,
Algebraic models of change of groups functors in (co)free rational equivariant spectra,
Fibrations with noncommutative fibers,
Estimates of covering type and minimal triangulations based on category weight,
Symplectic fillings of asymptotically dynamically convex manifolds II-\(k\)-dilations,
Order on the homology groups of Smale spaces,
\(\frac{n}{3}\)-neighbourly moment-angle complexes and their unstable splittings,
On the sheaf-theoretic \(\mathrm{SL}(2,\mathbb{C})\) Casson-Lin invariant,
Spectral sequences in smooth generalized cohomology,
The Borsuk-Ulam type theorems for finite-dimensional compact group actions,
A geometric construction of colored HOMFLYPT homology,
Unbranched cohomology of degree 3: cellular variances and del Pezzo surfaces of degree at least 5,
The Galois action on symplectic K-theory,
Spectral sequences, exact couples and persistent homology of filtrations,
The loop cohomology of a space with the polynomial cohomology algebra,
Another proof of the persistence of Serre symmetry in the Frölicher spectral sequence,
Spectral sequences associated to deformations,
Families of superelliptic curves, complex braid groups and generalized Dehn twists,
Rational cohomology of the free loop space of a simply connected 4-manifold,
Heegaard-Floer homology of broken fibrations over the circle,
Derived representation schemes and cyclic homology,
Finite generation of the cohomology of quotients of PBW algebras.,
Parametrized ring-spectra and the nearby Lagrangian conjecture,
Quandle homotopy invariants of knotted surfaces,
Fibrations of topological stacks,
On null cobordism classes of quasitoric manifolds and their small covers,
Helly numbers of acyclic families,
Morse inequalities for orbifold Borel homology,
Products of real equivariant weight filtrations,
Topological T-duality, automorphisms and classifying spaces,
Rasmussen's spectral sequences and the \(\mathfrak{sl}_N\)-concordance invariants,
\(K\)-theory for topological algebroids,
On the topology of Kac-Moody groups,
Computing the first few Betti numbers of semi-algebraic sets in single exponential time,
Computing invariants for multipersistence via spectral systems and effective homology,
Computing higher Leray-Serre spectral sequences of towers of fibrations,
Knight move in chromatic cohomology,
The action of Young subgroups on the partition complex,
New approaches to finite generation of cohomology rings,
A faithful braid group action on the stable category of tricomplexes,
Counting periodic trajectories of Finsler billiards,
The loop-product spectral sequence,
Morphisms between complete Riemannian pseudogroups,
Index of Grassmann manifolds and orthogonal shadows,
On projections of semi-algebraic sets defined by few quadratic inequalities,
The Frölicher spectral sequence of certain solvmanifolds,
Analogues of the central point theorem for families with \(d\)-intersection property in \(\mathbb R^d\),
Cartan-Leray spectral sequence for Galois coverings of linear categories,
A cohomology attached to a function,
Homology of Lagrangian submanifolds in cotangent bundles,
Geometric two-dimensional duality groups,
A freeness theorem for \(RO(\mathbb Z/2)\)-graded cohomology,
Knaster's problem for almost \((\mathbb Z_p)^k\)-orbits,
Character on a homogeneous space,
Equivariant de Rham cohomology: theory and applications,
An approximate nerve theorem,
Morel homotopy modules and Milnor-Witt cycle modules,
IIB flux non-commutativity and the global structure of field theories,
Equivariant Khovanov homology of periodic links,
WZW orientifolds and finite group cohomology,
Chiral SUSY theories with a suppressed SUSY charge,
Homological algebra related to surfaces with boundary,
Non-formality in PIN(2)-monopole Floer homology,
Extended manifolds and extended equivariant cohomology,
Computational tools in weighted persistent homology,
Milnor-Witt cycle modules,
Fixed point free actions of spheres and equivariant maps,
Hodge-Deligne polynomials of character varieties of free abelian groups,
Morita theory and singularity categories,
Moduli spaces of vector bundles with fixed determinant over a real curve,
A five-term exact sequence for Kac cohomology,
Schottky groups acting on homogeneous rational manifolds,
Exponential growth of colored HOMFLY-PT homology,
The stable converse soul question for positively curved homogeneous spaces,
Gaps in the Milnor-Moore spectral sequence and the Hilali conjecture,
Curved Koszul duality of algebras over unital versions of binary operads,
An \(\mathfrak{sl}_n\) stable homotopy type for matched diagrams,
Indices of a finitistic space with \(\bmod 2\) cohomology \(\mathbb{R} P^n \times \mathbb{S}^2\),
On the cohomology of the Ree groups and kernels of exceptional isogenies,
Pontryagin algebras and the LS-category of moment-angle complexes in the flag case,
On the homotopy decomposition for the quotient of a moment-angle complex and its applications,
Equivariant cohomology of moment-angle complexes with respect to coordinate subtori,
A classifying space for commutativity in Lie groups,
The integral cohomology of toric manifolds,
Invariant theory of finite group actions on down-up algebras,
Topological structure of non-contractible loop space and closed geodesics on real projective spaces with odd dimensions,
Global anomalies in \(8d\) supergravity,
Semitopologization in motivic homotopy theory and applications,
Homotopy-theoretically enriched categories of noncommutative motives,
Erratum to: ``An exact sequence for contact- and symplectic homology, An incompatibility between spectrification and the Szabó spectral sequence, Cohomology algebra of orbit spaces of free involutions on some Wall manifolds, Quadratic cohomology, Relations among characteristic classes of manifold bundles, Lower central series and free resolutions of hyperplane arrangements, Twisted analytic torsion and adiabatic limits, Lusternik-Schnirelmann category of the configuration space of complex projective space, On the homology of independence complexes, Relative BGG sequence. I: Algebra, The Role of the Legendre Transform in the Study of the Floer Complex of Cotangent Bundles, Minimal two-spheres of low index in manifolds with positive complex sectional curvature, FREE ACTION OF FINITE GROUPS ON SPACES OF COHOMOLOGY TYPE (0, b), Bihamiltonian cohomology of KdV brackets, Chiral algebras of class \( \mathcal{S} \), On Hopf Algebras and Their Generalizations, Conjugation spaces and edges of compatible torus actions, On Morse-Bott degenerations with $Crit(\pi ) \simeq \mathbb {C}P^k$ and Floer homology, Torsion in Khovanov homology of homologically thin knots, A Poincaré-Birkhoff-Witt criterion for Koszul operads, A spectral sequence for theK-theory of tiling spaces, Equivariant cohomology, syzygies and orbit structure, The cohomology of coalgebras in species, Computation of cohomology of vertex algebras, Torsion in thin regions of Khovanov homology, Conic decomposition of a toric variety and its application to cohomology, Cohomological finite generation for restricted Lie superalgebras and finite supergroup schemes, Equivariant basic cohomology under deformations, Schubert presentation of the cohomology ring of flag manifolds, Successive spectral sequences, Singularities of mappings on ICIS and applications to Whitney equisingularity, Central theorems for cohomologies of certain solvable groups, The geometric realization of a normalized set-theoretic Yang–Baxter homology of biquandles, Vector bundles over classifying spaces of p‐local finite groups and Benson–Carlson duality, Sutured annular Khovanov-Rozansky homology, The cohomology ring of certain families of periodic virtually cyclic groups, A moment angle complex whose rank of double cohomology is 6, Computing a spectral sequence of finite Heisenberg groups of prime power order, Grothendieck–Neeman duality and the Wirthmüller isomorphism, Derived Poincaré-Birkhoff-Witt theorems. With an appendix by Vladimir Dotsenko, Framed symplectic sheaves on surfaces, Locally standard torus actions and sheaves over Buchsbaum posets, Beyond the Borsuk–Ulam Theorem: The Topological Tverberg Story, The topological period-index problem over $8$-complexes, II, Novikov homology and non-commutative Alexander polynomials, THE COHOMOLOGY RING OF ORBIT SPACES OF FREE -ACTIONS ON SOME DOLD MANIFOLDS, The toral rank conjecture and variants of equivariant formality, Desingularization of Kontsevich's compactification of twisted cubics in \(V_5\), Equivariant Maps from Stiefel Bundles to Vector Bundles, Spectral sequences via examples, Equivariant Jones polynomials of periodic links, Tau invariants for balanced spatial graphs, An algebraic chain model of string topology, The homotopy Leray spectral sequence, The cohomological structure of fixed point set for pro-torus actions on compactspaces, Hermitian periodicity and cohomology of infinite orthogonal groups, KV-COHOMOLOGY OF KOSZUL–VINBERG ALGEBROIDS AND POISSON MANIFOLDS, On the cohomology of the classifying spaces of projective unitary groups, Representation stability for pure braid group Milnor fibers, Relative group homology theories with coefficients and the comparison homomorphism, Commutative d-torsion K-theory and its applications, Homological algebra for the representation Green functor for abelian groups, Relative Group Cohomology and The Orbit Category, Cohomological uniqueness of some p-groups, Unnamed Item, THE VAN EST SPECTRAL SEQUENCE FOR HOPF ALGEBRAS, On a twisted Reidemeister torsion, Twisted equivariantK-theory with complex coefficients, DEFINING EQUATIONS OF THE REES ALGEBRA OF CERTAIN PARAMETRIC SURFACES, Chern rank of complex bundle, Massey products, toric topology and combinatorics of polytopes, Unnamed Item, Étale motives, An application of Hochschild cohomology to the moduli of subalgebras of the full matrix ring II, THE INTEGRAL COHOMOLOGY OF THE HILBERT SCHEME OF TWO POINTS, COHOMOLOGY AND HOMOLOGY OF ABELIAN GROUPS GRADED KOSZUL–VINBERG ALGEBRAS, On the mod 𝑝 cohomology of 𝐵𝑃𝑈(𝑝), Stable Stems, Model category structures and spectral sequences, A Fox–Milnor theorem for knots in a thickened surface, Topological obstructions to certain Lie group actions on manifolds, Geometry and Topology of String Junctions, Operations in étale and motivic cohomology, The Batalin–Vilkovisky Algebra in the String Topology of Classifying Spaces, A flexible construction of equivariant Floer homology and applications, FREE ACTIONS OF SOME COMPACT GROUPS ON MILNOR MANIFOLDS, The Rasmussen invariant and the Milnor conjecture, The low-dimensional algebraic cohomology of the Witt and the Virasoro algebra with values in natural modules, A LERAY SPECTRAL SEQUENCE FOR NONCOMMUTATIVE DIFFERENTIAL FIBRATIONS, Defect via differential forms with logarithmic poles, A guide for computing stable homotopy groups, Unnamed Item, Commuting elements, simplicial spaces and filtrations of classifying spaces, Some torsion classes in the Chow ring and cohomology of BPGLn, Bilinear-form invariants of Lefschetz fibrations over the 2-sphere, On prolongations of contact manifolds, GENERIC VANISHING THEORY VIA MIXED HODGE MODULES, Differentials in the homological homotopy fixed point spectral sequence, Conjugation spaces, Unnamed Item, Extension of maps into nilpotent spaces. III., The Witten top Chern class via 𝐾-theory, Dynamic homotopy and landscape dynamical set topology in quantum control, Sheaves of 𝐸-infinity algebras and applications to algebraic varieties and singular spaces, Four-manifolds up to connected sum with complex projective planes, Filtrations of moduli spaces of tropical weighted stable curves, Free circle actions on Dold and Wall manifolds, Distributing persistent homology via spectral sequences, Massey products and elliptic curves, Branes and symmetries for \(\mathcal{N} = 3\) S-folds, Toric 2-group anomalies via cobordism, Cohomology algebra of orbit spaces of free involutions on the product of projective space and 4-sphere, On the cohomology of pro-fusion systems, Loop-by-loop differential equations for dual (elliptic) Feynman integrals, Cohomology classes of the \(Qd (p)\) groups, Cohomology classes of \(Qd(3)\), String topology in three flavors, Fixed point sets and orbit spaces of wedge of three spheres, Higher differentials of the bicomplex corresponding to the double cohomology of the moment angle complex, Free rank of symmetry of products of Dold manifolds, Dimensional reduction of cobordism and K-theory, Derived homotopy algebras, Proper Equivariant Stable Homotopy Theory, Colored Tverberg theorem with new constraints on the faces, Bounding the Betti numbers of real hypersurfaces near the tropical limit, \(C^{\star}\)-algebras of higher-rank graphs from groups acting on buildings, and explicit computation of their \(K\)-theory, A Multiplicative Tate Spectral Sequence for Compact Lie Group Actions, Unnamed Item, The integral cohomology of the Bianchi groups, Knaster's problem for \((\mathbb Z _{2})^{k }\)-symmetric subsets of the sphere \(S^{2^{k}-1}\), String^{𝑐} structures and modular invariants, New lower bounds on the number of intersections of monotone Lagrangian submanifolds, Hochschild cohomology of certain Koszul Sullivan Extensions