scientific article; zbMATH DE number 3449344

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zbMath0286.47037MaRDI QIDQ4774620

Louis Nirenberg

Publication date: 1974

Title: zbMATH Open Web Interface contents unavailable due to conflicting licenses.

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Applications, Method of local linear approximation in the theory of nonlinear impulsive systems, Solvability of linear differential equations, Dynamics of two-species Holling type-II predator-prey system with cross-diffusion, Discrete breathers of nonlinear dimer lattices: bridging the anti-continuous and continuous limits, Stability of real solutions to nonlinear equations and its applications, Critical points of arbitrary energy for the Trudinger-Moser functional in planar domains, Lyapunov functionals and stability for FitzHugh-Nagumo systems, Degree for \(S^1\)-equivariant strongly indefinite functionals, Critical and bifurcation points of reaction-diffusion systems with conditions given by inclusions, The inverse boundary value problem: application in many-body perturbation theory, Unnamed Item, Regularization of the solution of a Cauchy problem for a hyperbolic equation, Topological charge conservation for continuous insulators, Multiplicity results for a semilinear boundary 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continuation problem for electrodynamic equations, About global solvability of a multidimensional inverse problem for an equation with memory, Unnamed Item, The rank theorem in infinite dimension, On Steady Flows of Quasi-Newtonian Fluids in Orlicz–Sobolev Spaces, Best \(L_{1}\) approximation of Heaviside-type functions from Chebyshev and weak-Chebyshev spaces, Unnamed Item, Multiple solutions of semilinear elliptic problems at resonance, A degree for S1-equavariant orthogonal maps and its applications to bifurcation theory, On the multiplicity of the solution set of some nonlinear boundary value problems, Rapidly rotating stars, The diagonalization and computation of some nonlinear integral operators, On a non-autonomous reaction–convection diffusion model to study the bacteria distribution in a river, Global fold maps in differential and integral equations, Uniqueness of bubbling solutions with collapsing singularities, Optimal control of fractional semilinear PDEs, Normal forms for parametrized vector fields and its application to bifurcations of some reaction diffusion equations, An application of singularity theory to nonlinear differentiable mappings between Banach spaces, On Some Class of Quasilinear Elliptic Systems with Weak Monotonicity, Instability of standing waves for Hamiltonian wave equations, Sharp estimates for solutions of mean field equations with collapsing singularity, Global bifurcation of solutions of certain nonlinear eigenvalue problems for ordinary differential equations of fourth order, Spatiotemporal dynamics in epidemic models with Lévy flights: a fractional diffusion approach, Curves of equiharmonic solutions, and problems at resonance, Stratified rotating Boussinesq equations in geophysical fluid dynamics: Dynamic bifurcation and periodic solutions, A note on solutions of Yamabe-type equations on products of spheres, Traveling waves for some biological systems with density dependent diffusion, Unnamed Item, Solution to a problem of Nirenberg concerning expanding maps, The majorant method and the fixed point principle in nonlocal theory of the Cauchy problem for normal partial differential systems, On the existence of solutions of a class of Monge-Ampére equations, Unnamed Item, Nontrivial solutions of operator equations and Morse indices of critical points of min-max type, Bifurcation of solutions to reaction-diffusion systems with conditions described by inequalities and inclusions, Fixed points of compact Kakutani maps with antipodal boundary conditions, Reaction-diffusion systems: destabilizing effect of unilateral conditions, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Approximation of solutions to operator equations in spaces of smooth functions and in spaces of distributions, Remarks on separation of convex sets, fixed-point theorem, and applications in theory of linear operators, Bifurcation for a free boundary problem modeling the growth of multi-layer tumors, Qualitative analysis of a diffusive predator–prey model with Allee and fear effects, Rothe and altman type coincidence theorems and applications to differential equations, The Cauchy problem for fractional differential equations with worsening right-hand sides, Dynamics of a quadratic map in two complex variables, On a singularly perturbed equation with neumann boundary condition, An Orlicz-space approach to superlinear elliptic systems, Certain inverse problems for parabolic equations, Global bifurcation of the \(p\)-Laplacian and related operators, On the existence of nonconstant periodic solutions I, Remarks on a free Boundary Value Problem Arising in Plasma Physics, Standing waves for nonlinear Klein-Gordon equations with nonnegative potentials, Secondary fluid flows driven electromagnetically in a two-dimensional extended duct, A degree theory for locally compact perturbations of Fredholm maps in Banach spaces, Solutions of Multiparameter Systems of Elliptic Differential Equations, Topological methods for finding nontrivial solutions of elliptic boundary value problems, Perturbations of second order linear elliptic problems by nonlinearities without landesman-lazer condition, Existence and stability of travelling wave solutions for a simplified bistable evolutionary ecology model, On a free boundary problem arising in plasma physics, Local solution manifolds for nonlinear equations, Ober die invaritanz konvexer teilmengen eines normierten raumes in bezug auf ellipische differentaialaleichungen, Локальная разрешимость задачи определения пространственной части многомерного ядра в интегро-дифференциальном уравнении гиперболического типа, On the estimate of lifetime for solutions of the Cauchy-Kovalevskaya system with examples in the hydrodynamics of an ideal fluid with a free surface, The Cauchy-Kovalevskaya theorem —Old and new, On a class of quasilinear elliptic systems, Some fixed point theorems and applications, Regularization of the Solution of the Cauchy Problem: The Quasi-Reversibility Method, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Finite element approximations of a class of highly nonlinear boundary-value problems in finite elasticity, Incompressible limit behaviour of slightly compressible nonlinear elastic materials, Global cusp maps in differential and integral equations, Examples of global normal forms for some simple nonlinear integral operators, Unnamed Item, On Von Kármán Equations and the Buckling of a Thin Circular Elastic Plate, Positive steady states of an elliptic system arising from biomathematics, Regularization of monotone variational inequalities with Mosco approximations of the constraint sets, Topological degree methods in multi-valued boundary value problems, Stability of discrete solitons in nonlinear Schrödinger lattices, Unnamed Item, On steady state solutions of a system of reaction-diffusion equations from biology, Sharp existence results for a class of semilinear elliptic problems, Convergence of solutions to cahn-hilliard equation