DOI10.1137/1.9780898717464zbMath1122.65096OpenAlexW4254163830MaRDI QIDQ5483516
Kazufumi Ito, Zhilin Li
Publication date: 14 August 2006
Full work available at URL:
Solving elliptic interface problems with jump conditions on Cartesian grids,
A high-order immersed interface method free of derivative jump conditions for Poisson equations on irregular domains,
An immersed boundary method for the fluid-structure interaction of slender flexible structures in viscous fluid,
An ADI-Yee's scheme for Maxwell's equations with discontinuous coefficients,
A reconstruction-based Chebyshev-collocation method for the Poisson equation: an accurate treatment of the Gibbs-Wilbraham phenomenon on irregular interfaces,
An augmented immersed finite element method for variable coefficient elliptic interface problems in two and three dimensions,
A fourth order finite difference method for solving elliptic interface problems with the FFT acceleration,
A new parameter free partially penalized immersed finite element and the optimal convergence analysis,
New immersed finite volume element method for elliptic interface problems with non-homogeneous jump conditions,
An immersed interface-lattice Boltzmann method for fluid-structure interaction,
The local tangential lifting method for moving interface problems on surfaces with applications,
The smooth forcing extension method: a high-order technique for solving elliptic equations on complex domains,
Solving three-dimensional interface problems with immersed finite elements: a-priori error analysis,
Fully implicit and accurate treatment of jump conditions for two-phase incompressible Navier-Stokes equations,
A second order accuracy preserving method for moving contact lines with Stokes flow,
Efficient calculation of fully resolved electrostatics around large biomolecules,
An immersed hybrid difference method for the elliptic interface equation,
A high order compact finite difference scheme for elliptic interface problems with discontinuous and high-contrast coefficients,
A fourth-order compact implicit immersed interface method for 2D Poisson interface problems,
Optimal error bound for immersed weak Galerkin finite element method for elliptic interface problems,
Deep reinforcement learning of viscous incompressible flow,
A modified algorithm based on Haar wavelets for the numerical simulation of interface models,
High-order extended finite element methods for solving interface problems,
The method of difference potentials for the Helmholtz equation using compact high order schemes,
Numerical modeling of the acoustic wave propagation across a homogenized rigid microstructure in the time domain,
A non-iterative immersed boundary method for spherical particles of arbitrary density ratio,
An augmented method for 4th order PDEs with discontinuous coefficients,
Convergence analysis of finite element methods for \(H\) (curl; \(\Omega \))-elliptic interface problems,
An immersed finite element method for elliptic interface problems in three dimensions,
A fourth-order kernel-free boundary integral method for implicitly defined surfaces in three space dimensions,
Implicit mesh discontinuous Galerkin methods and interfacial gauge methods for high-order accurate interface dynamics, with applications to surface tension dynamics, rigid body fluid-structure interaction, and free surface flow. I,
An iteratively adaptive multiscale finite element method for elliptic interface problems,
Asymptotic boundary conditions with immersed finite elements for interface magnetostatic/electrostatic field problems with open boundary,
Analysis of a continuous finite element method for \(H(\mathrm{curl},\mathrm{div})\)-elliptic interface problem,
The influence of soluble fragments of extracellular matrix (ECM) on tumor growth and morphology,
A numerical method for osmotic water flow and solute diffusion with deformable membrane boundaries in two spatial dimension,
High resolution sharp computational methods for elliptic and parabolic problems in complex geometries,
Fast immersed interface Poisson solver for 3D unbounded problems around arbitrary geometries,
Gradient recovery for elliptic interface problem. III: Nitsche's method,
A level-set method for two-phase flows with soluble surfactant,
Error estimates for an augmented method for one-dimensional elliptic interface problems,
FEM-IDS for a second order strongly damped wave equation with memory,
A simplified reproducing kernel method for 1-D elliptic type interface problems,
A Cartesian grid method for modeling charge distribution on interfaces via augmented technique,
Discontinuous Galerkin immersed finite volume element method for anisotropic flow models in porous medium,
A Petrov-Galerkin finite element interface method for interface problems with Bloch-periodic boundary conditions and its application in phononic crystals,
A 2D immersed interface vortex particle-mesh method,
A coupled immersed interface and grid based particle method for three-dimensional electrohydrodynamic simulations,
A new method for computing particle collisions in Navier-Stokes flows,
A conservative and non-dissipative Eulerian formulation for the simulation of soft solids in fluids,
An immersed interface method for discrete surfaces,
A level-set immersed interface method for simulating the electrohydrodynamics,
Robust modelling of implicit interfaces by the scaled boundary finite element method,
Solution of the Dirichlet problem by a finite difference analog of the boundary integral equation,
Error analysis of symmetric linear/bilinear partially penalized immersed finite element methods for Helmholtz interface problems,
A meshless finite difference method for elliptic interface problems based on pivoted QR decomposition,
Sixth order compact finite difference schemes for Poisson interface problems with singular sources,
A mass conservative scheme for fluid-structure interaction problems by the staggered discontinuous Galerkin method,
Spectral element method for parabolic interface problems,
A Nitsche-extended finite element method for distributed optimal control problems of elliptic interface equations,
A high-order source removal finite element method for a class of elliptic interface problems,
Fully discrete least-squares spectral element method for parabolic interface problems,
A fourth-order kernel-free boundary integral method for the modified Helmholtz equation,
An immersed interface method for a 1D poroelasticity problem with discontinuous coefficients,
An immersed finite volume element method for 2D PDEs with discontinuous coefficients and non-homogeneous jump conditions,
Projection methods for two velocity-two pressure models for flows of heterogeneous mixtures,
Error estimates for an immersed finite element method for second order hyperbolic equations in inhomogeneous media,
A fourth-order collocation scheme for two-point interface boundary value problems,
Accurate gradient preserved method for solving heat conduction equations in double layers,
Multimesh finite elements with flexible mesh sizes,
A multimesh finite element method for the Navier-Stokes equations based on projection methods,
Fast algorithms for the electromagnetic scattering by partly covered cavities,
Numerical integration over implicitly defined domains with topological guarantee,
Solving separable nonlinear least squares problems using the QR factorization,
Solving interface problems of the Helmholtz equation by immersed finite element methods,
Coupled mechanical and fluid flow analysis in fractured saturated porous media using the XFEM,
Complementary solutions of Nitsche's method,
Residual-based a posteriori error estimation for immersed finite element methods,
An Euler-Maruyama method for diffusion equations with discontinuous coefficients and a family of interface conditions,
Two-grid methods for semi-linear elliptic interface problems by immersed finite element methods,
Unfitted Nitsche's method for computing wave modes in topological materials,
A high order compact FD framework for elliptic BVPs involving singular sources, interfaces, and irregular domains,
A family of two-grid partially penalized immersed finite element methods for semi-linear parabolic interface problems,
High-order finite element methods for interface problems: theory and implementations,
An IB-LBM implementation for fluid-solid interactions with an MLS approximation for implicit coupling,
A cut finite element method for coupled bulk-surface problems on time-dependent domains,
Mixed isogeometric finite cell methods for the Stokes problem,
Interpolating stabilized moving least squares (MLS) approximation for 2D elliptic interface problems,
A stabilized immersed finite volume element method for elliptic interface problems,
An efficient, high-order method for solving Poisson equation for immersed boundaries: combination of compact difference and multiscale multigrid methods,
An adaptive high-order unfitted finite element method for elliptic interface problems,
An immersed weak Galerkin method for elliptic interface problems,
High degree discontinuous Petrov-Galerkin immersed finite element methods using fictitious elements for elliptic interface problems,
Semi-implicit second order schemes for numerical solution of level set advection equation on Cartesian grids,
Spectral analysis of matrices resulting from isogeometric immersed methods and trimmed geometries,
A new primal-dual weak Galerkin method for elliptic interface problems with low regularity assumptions,
Solving elliptic PDE's on domains with curved boundaries with an immersed penalized boundary method,
Stable generalized finite element method (SGFEM) for parabolic interface problems,
3D time-dependent scattering about complex shapes using high order difference potentials,
A meshfree point collocation method for elliptic interface problems,
Optimal convergence analysis of the energy-preserving immersed weak Galerkin method for second-order hyperbolic interface problems in inhomogeneous media,
A simple method for matrix-valued coefficient elliptic equations with sharp-edged interfaces,
The adaptive immersed interface finite element method for elliptic and Maxwell interface problems,
A sharp interface finite volume method for elliptic equations on Cartesian grids,
A numerical algorithm for viscous incompressible interfacial flows,
A sparse grid stochastic collocation method for elliptic interface problems with random input,
A new box iterative method for a class of nonlinear interface problems with application in solving Poisson-Boltzmann equation,
An immersed interface method for Stokes flows with fixed/moving interfaces and rigid boundaries,
Second order finite-difference ghost-point multigrid methods for elliptic problems with discontinuous coefficients on an arbitrary interface,
A source term method for Poisson problems on irregular domains,
A novel model for biofilm growth and its resolution by using the hybrid immersed interface-level set method,
Radial basis function (RBF)-based interpolation and spreading for the immersed boundary method,
Error analysis of the immersed interface method for Stokes equations with an interface,
A second-order stable explicit interface advancing scheme for FSI with both rigid and elastic structures and its application to fish swimming simulations,
The finite cell method: a review in the context of higher-order structural analysis of CAD and image-based geometric models,
A least squares augmented immersed interface method for solving Navier-Stokes and Darcy coupling equations,
A coupled immersed boundary and immersed interface method for interfacial flows with soluble surfactant,
On an new algorithm for function approximation with full accuracy in the presence of discontinuities based on the immersed interface method,
An isogeometric design-through-analysis methodology based on adaptive hierarchical refinement of NURBS, immersed boundary methods, and T-spline CAD surfaces,
High-order numerical schemes based on difference potentials for 2D elliptic problems with material interfaces,
Multidomain Legendre-Galerkin Chebyshev-collocation method for one-dimensional evolution equations with discontinuity,
A direct IIM approach for two-phase Stokes equations with discontinuous viscosity on staggered grids,
An efficient algorithm for the separable nonlinear least squares problem,
An implicit interface boundary integral method for Poisson's equation on arbitrary domains,
A kernel-free boundary integral method for implicitly defined surfaces,
A level-set method for two-phase flows with moving contact line and insoluble surfactant,
Accurate gradient approximation for complex interface problems in 3D by an improved coupling interface method,
A locally stabilized immersed boundary method for the compressible Navier-Stokes equations,
A semi-implicit augmented IIM for Navier-Stokes equations with open, traction, or free boundary conditions,
IIM-based ADI finite difference scheme for nonlinear convection-diffusion equations with interfaces,
Meshless analysis of elliptic interface boundary value problems,
The immersed interface method for axis-symmetric problems and application to the Hele-Shaw flow,
A numerical method for solving two-dimensional elliptic interface problems with nonhomogeneous flux jump condition and nonlinear jump condition,
Nonconforming least-squares method for elliptic partial differential equations with smooth interfaces,
Temperature and pressure dependence of the effective thermal conductivity of geomaterials: numerical investigation by the immersed interface method,
High-order numerical methods for 2D parabolic problems in single and composite domains,
Monotone finite volume schemes for diffusion equation with imperfect interface on distorted meshes,
Interior penalty bilinear IFE discontinuous Galerkin methods for elliptic equations with discontinuous coefficient,
Symmetric interior penalty Galerkin approaches for two-dimensional parabolic interface problems with low regularity solutions,
Accurate gradient computations at interfaces using finite element methods,
Augmented coupling interface method for solving eigenvalue problems with sign-changed coefficients,
Partially implicit motion of a sharp interface in Navier-Stokes flow,
A dimension by dimension splitting immersed interface method for heat conduction equation with interfaces,
A new weak Galerkin finite element method for elliptic interface problems,
An interface-fitted mesh generator and virtual element methods for elliptic interface problems,
Immersed boundary smooth extension (IBSE): a high-order method for solving incompressible flows in arbitrary smooth domains,
High order solution of Poisson problems with piecewise constant coefficients and interface jumps,
A full Eulerian finite difference approach for solving fluid-structure coupling problems,
High-order embedded finite difference schemes for initial boundary value problems on time dependent irregular domains,
A novel concept for the design of immersed interface methods,
A finite difference scheme for an interface problem,
A priori error estimates for some discontinuous Galerkin immersed finite element methods,
An improved immersed boundary method with direct forcing for the simulation of particle laden flows,
A second order virtual node method for elliptic problems with interfaces and irregular domains in three dimensions,
A numerical method for solving elasticity equations with interface involving multi-domains and triple junction points,
A matched interface and boundary method for solving multi-flow Navier-Stokes equations with applications to geodynamics,
The IIM in polar coordinates and its application to electro capacitance tomography problems,
Spectral solutions of self-adjoint elliptic problems with immersed interfaces,
A fast immersed interface method for solving Stokes flows on irregular domains,
An augmented method for free boundary problems with moving contact lines,
An immersed boundary method based on the lattice Boltzmann approach in three dimensions, with application,
A numerical study of air-vapor-heat transport through textile materials with a moving interface,
A model of electrodiffusion and osmotic water flow and its energetic structure,
The immersed interface method for simulating prescribed motion of rigid objects in an incompressible viscous flow,
A weak formulation for solving elliptic interface problems without body fitted grid,
A boundary condition capturing immersed interface method for 3D rigid objects in a flow,
Efficient high-order immersed interface methods for heat equations with interfaces,
Solving partial differential equations on irregular domains with moving interfaces, with applications to superconformal electrodeposition in semiconductor manufacturing,
Piecewise-polynomial discretization and Krylov-accelerated multigrid for elliptic interface problems,
A symmetric and consistent immersed finite element method for interface problems,
A direct method for accurate solution and gradient computations for elliptic interface problems,
A domain decomposition solver for acoustic scattering by elastic objects in layered media,
An immersed interface method for solving incompressible viscous flows with piecewise constant viscosity across a moving elastic membrane,
Multi-symplectic Runge-Kutta-Nyström methods for nonsmooth nonlinear Schrödinger equations,
Optimal a priori estimates for higher order finite elements for elliptic interface problems,
A note on pressure accuracy in immersed boundary method for Stokes flow,
Numerical modeling of transient two-dimensional viscoelastic waves,
Numerical solution of a two-dimensional hyperbolic transmission problem,
On the immersed interface method for solving time-domain Maxwell's equations in materials with curved dielectric interfaces,
Optimal convergence analysis of an immersed interface finite element method,
A general implicit direct forcing immersed boundary method for rigid particles,
A hybridizable discontinuous Galerkin method for elliptic interface problems in the formulation of boundary integral equations,
A simple implementation of the immersed interface methods for Stokes flows with singular forces,
A second order virtual node method for elliptic problems with interfaces and irregular domains,
A 3D immersed finite element method with non-homogeneous interface flux jump for applications in particle-in-cell simulations of plasma-lunar surface interactions,
A hybrid immersed boundary and immersed interface method for electrohydrodynamic simulations,
Imposing the free-slip condition with a continuous forcing immersed boundary method,
Analysis of an immersed boundary method for three-dimensional flows in vorticity formulation,
A well-conditioned augmented system for solving Navier-Stokes equations in irregular domains,
A 3D immersed interface method for fluid-solid interaction,
Immersed-boundary-type models of intravascular platelet aggregation,
Simulation of elastic filaments interacting with a viscous pulsatile flow,
An explicit jump immersed interface method for two-phase Navier-Stokes equations with interfaces,
A velocity decomposition approach for moving interfaces in viscous fluids,
An additive Schwarz preconditioner for the mortar-type rotated \(Q_1\) FEM for elliptic problems with discontinuous coefficients,
Singular forces in the immersed interface method for rigid objects in 3D,
A sharp interface method for an immersed viscoelastic solid,
xGFM: recovering convergence of fluxes in the ghost fluid method,
Extended HDG methods for second order elliptic interface problems,
A robust multigrid method for one dimensional immersed finite element method,
Anisotropic immersed finite element methods for 1D elliptic interface systems,
High-order grid-characteristic method for systems of hyperbolic equations with piecewise constant coefficients,
An arbitrarily high order unfitted finite element method for elliptic interface problems with automatic mesh generation,
Adapting cubic Hermite splines to the presence of singularities through correction terms,
Energy-preserving methods for non-smooth nonlinear Schrödinger equations,
A compact sixth-order implicit immersed interface method to solve 2D Poisson equations with discontinuities,
A Fourth-Order Kernel-Free Boundary Integral Method for Interface Problems,
Second order convergence of a modified MAC scheme for Stokes interface problems,
Construction of discontinuous enrichment functions for enriched or generalized FEM's for interface elliptic problems in 1D,
Addressing discontinuous root-finding for subsequent differentiability in machine learning, inverse problems, and control,
Sixth-order hybrid finite difference methods for elliptic interface problems with mixed boundary conditions,
Critical local well‐posedness for the fully nonlinear Peskin problem,
High-Order Enriched Finite Element Methods for Elliptic Interface Problems with Discontinuous Solutions,
Unfitted mixed finite element methods for elliptic interface problems,
High-order unfitted characteristic finite element methods for moving interface problem of Oseen equations,
A hybrid immersed interface and phase-field-based lattice Boltzmann method for multiphase ferrofluid flow,
An interface/boundary-unfitted eXtended HDG method for linear elasticity problems,
A simple augmented IIM for 3D incompressible two-phase Stokes flows with interfaces and singular forces,
The Peskin problem with viscosity contrast,
A source term method for Poisson problems with a discontinuous diffusion coefficient,
The random feature method for solving interface problems,
Multidomain Legendre-Galerkin Chebyshev collocation least squares method for one-dimensional problems with two nonhomogeneous jump conditions,
A fast high-order algorithm for the multiple cavity scattering,
Robust residual- and recovery-based a posteriori error estimators for interface problems with flux jumps,
High Order Compact Schemes for Flux Type BCs,
Direct Lagrangian Forcing Methods Based on Moving Least Squares,
A Jacobian-free-based IIM for incompressible flows involving moving interfaces with Dirichlet boundary conditions,
A decoupled augmented IIM strategy for incompressible two-phase flows with interfaces on irregular domains,
An efficient meshfree point collocation moving least squares method to solve the interface problems with nonhomogeneous jump conditions,
Solving elliptic problems with discontinuities on irregular domains -- the Voronoi interface method,
Computing jump conditions for the immersed interface method using triangular meshes,
The ghost solid methods for the elastic-plastic solid-solid interface and the \(\vartheta\)-criterion,
Effective matrix-free preconditioning for the augmented immersed interface method,
A second-order changing-connectivity ALE scheme and its application to FSI with large convection of fluids and near contact of structures,
Immersed boundary smooth extension: a high-order method for solving PDE on arbitrary smooth domains using Fourier spectral methods,
Vesicle electrohydrodynamic simulations by coupling immersed boundary and immersed interface method,
An immersed discontinuous finite element method for Stokes interface problems,
Numerical method for solving matrix coefficient elliptic equation with sharp-edged interfaces,
Meshless and Multi-Resolution Collocation Techniques for Steady State Interface Models,
Deep Unfitted Nitsche Method for Elliptic Interface Problems,
An improved non-traditional finite element formulation for solving three-dimensional elliptic interface problems,
A Cartesian grid nonconforming immersed finite element method for planar elasticity interface problems,
Gradient preserved method for solving heat conduction equation with variable coefficients in double layers,
The direct method of lines for elliptic problems in star-shaped domains,
Exponential finite difference scheme for transport equations with discontinuous coefficients in porous media,
The immersed interface method for Helmholtz equations with degenerate diffusion,
Analysis of a Fully Discrete Finite Element Method for Parabolic Interface Problems with Nonsmooth Initial Data,
Immersed boundary-conformal isogeometric method for linear elliptic problems,
A condensed generalized finite element method (CGFEM) for interface problems,
Uniform Error Estimates for Navier--Stokes Flow with an Exact Moving Boundary Using the Immersed Interface Method,
An exact-interface-fitted mesh generator and linearity-preserving finite volume scheme for anisotropic elliptic interface problems,
A Fourth-Order Unfitted Characteristic Finite Element Method for Solving the Advection-Diffusion Equation on Time-Varying Domains,
An immersed interface method for the 2D vorticity-velocity Navier-Stokes equations with multiple bodies,
Accurate Solution and Gradient Computation for Elliptic Interface Problems with Variable Coefficients,
A shallow Ritz method for elliptic problems with singular sources,
A discontinuity capturing shallow neural network for elliptic interface problems,
Nonconforming spectral element method: a friendly introduction in one dimension and a short review in higher dimensions,
An adaptive immersed finite element method for linear parabolic interface problems with nonzero flux jump,
A localized reduced basis approach for unfitted domain methods on parameterized geometries,
A kernel-free boundary integral method for the nonlinear Poisson-Boltzmann equation,
Improved enrichments and numerical integrations in SGFEM for interface problems,
A unified approach for embedded boundary conditions for fourth-order elliptic problems,
An augmented Cartesian grid method for Stokes-Darcy fluid-structure interactions,
A locally anisotropic fluid-structure interaction remeshing strategy for thin structures with application to a hinged rigid leaflet,
An enriched immersed finite element method for interface problems with nonhomogeneous jump conditions,
An immersed finite element method for elliptic interface problems on surfaces,
Kernel-free boundary integral method for two-phase Stokes equations with discontinuous viscosity on staggered grids,
A reconstructed discontinuous approximation on unfitted meshes to \(H(\mathrm{curl})\) and \(H(\mathrm{div})\) interface problems,
A weak Galerkin finite-element method for singularly perturbed convection-diffusion-reaction problems with interface,
A FFT accelerated fourth order finite difference method for solving three-dimensional elliptic interface problems,
Gradient recovery for elliptic interface problem. II: Immersed finite element methods,
Revealing electrical stresses acting on the surface of protoplast cells under electric field,
A continuous energy-based immersed boundary method for elastic shells,
A Discontinuous Galerkin Method by Patch Reconstruction for Elliptic Interface Problem on Unfitted Mesh,
Numerical Method for Solving Free Boundary Problem Arising from Fixed Rate Mortgages,
Numerical approximation based on immersed finite element method for elliptic interface optimal control problem,
Scaling laws for drag of a compliant body in an incompressible viscous flow,
Numerical methods for two-dimensional stem cell tissue growth,
Stabilized Cut Discontinuous Galerkin Methods for Advection-Reaction Problems,
Unnamed Item,
Solving separable nonlinear equations using LU factorization,
On MultiScale ADI Methods for Parabolic PDEs with a Discontinuous Coefficient,
Unnamed Item,
Unnamed Item,
Interaction of two tandem deformable bodies in a viscous incompressible flow,
Numerical Solution of 3D Exterior Unsteady Wave Propagation Problems Using Boundary Operators,
A kernel-free boundary integral method for elliptic boundary value problems,
A Weak Formulation for Solving the Elliptic Interface Problems with Imperfect Contact,
An Immersed Discontinuous Galerkin Method for Acoustic Wave Propagation in Inhomogeneous Media,
Gradient Recovery for Elliptic Interface Problem: I. Body-Fitted Mesh,
A Cartesian Grid-Based Boundary Integral Method for an Elliptic Interface Problem on Closely Packed Cells,
The Immersed Interface Method for Non-Smooth Rigid Objects in Incompressible Viscous Flows,
A Simple 3D Immersed Interface Method for Stokes Flow with Singular Forces on Staggered Grids,
A proof that a discrete delta function is second-order accurate,
A selective immersed discontinuous Galerkin method for elliptic interface problems,
On convergence of the immersed boundary method for elliptic interface problems,
Unnamed Item,
Unnamed Item,
A study of spectral element method for elliptic interface problems with nonsmooth solutions in $\mathbb{R}^{2}$,
Some new analysis results for a class of interface problems,
A cut finite element method for a Stokes interface problem,
A new augmented immersed finite element method without using SVD interpolations,
Development of high intensity focused ultrasound simulator for large-scale computing,
Finite Element Approximation of an Elliptic Boundary Value Problem with Interface,
A Coupling Interface Method for a Nonlinear Parabolic-Elliptic Problem,
Immersed Interface Difference Schemes for a Parabolic-Elliptic Interface Problem,
A Second-Order Cartesian Grid Finite Volume Technique for Elliptic Interface Problems,
Augmented immersed finite element methods for some elliptic partial differential equations,
On the Jump Conditions for an Immersed Interface Method,
A Higher Degree Immersed Finite Element Method Based on a Cauchy Extension for Elliptic Interface Problems,
Simplified immersed interface methods for elliptic interface problems with straight interfaces,
A level set‐based immersed interface method for solving incompressible viscous flows with the prescribed velocity at the boundary,
Meshless and multi-resolution collocation techniques for parabolic interface models,
Partially Penalized Immersed Finite Element Methods For Elliptic Interface Problems,
High-order difference potentials methods for 1D elliptic type models,
High-order accurate difference potentials methods for parabolic problems,
The Immersed Interface Hybridized Difference Method for Parabolic Interface Problems,
A Higher Order Immersed Discontinuous Galerkin Finite Element Method for the Acoustic Interface Problem,
Semi-implicit finite volume level set method for advective motion of interfaces in normal direction