scientific article; zbMATH DE number 3338824

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zbMath0213.40401MaRDI QIDQ5615632

Theodore W. Gamelin

Publication date: 1969

Title: zbMATH Open Web Interface contents unavailable due to conflicting licenses.

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Density of certain polynomial modules, On Nörlund-Voronoi summability and instability of rational maps, On the existence of Kobayashi and Bergman metrics for model domains, Interpolation problems on the spectrum of \(H^{\infty}\), On pointwise bounded approximation, Multicyclicity of unbounded normal operators and polynomial approximation in \(\mathbb{C}\), Vector-valued characters on vector-valued function algebras, Presence or absence of analytic structure in maximal ideal spaces, Weak Runge pairs in \(\mathbb C^{n}\), Extension of the \(\nu\)-metric, The isoperimetric inequality via approximation theory and free boundary problems, Hardy type spaces associated with compact unitary groups, Approximation by rational functions on compact nowhere dense subsets of the complex plane, A principal function problem and the field of meromorphic functions, Thin sequences and their role in \(H^p\) theory, model spaces, and uniform algebras, Towards Oka-Cartan theory for algebras of holomorphic functions on coverings of Stein manifolds. I., Bishop's theorem and differentiability of a subspace of \(C_b(K)\), Generalizations of weakly peripherally multiplicative maps between uniform algebras, Spectrum of weighted composition operators. I: Weighted composition operators on \(C(K)\) and uniform algebras, The covering dimension of a distinguished subset of the spectrum \(M(H^\infty)\) of \(H^\infty\) and the algebra of real-symmetric and continuous functions on \(M(H^\infty)\), A note on some uniform algebra generated by smooth functions in the plane, On removable sets for holomorphic functions, Boundaries of weak peak points in noncommutative algebras of Lipschitz functions, Factorization of Blaschke products and ideal theory in \(H^{\infty }\), Dilations of \(\varGamma\)-contractions by solving operator equations, Cluster values of analytic functions on a Banach space, Finitely generated radical ideals in the Sarason algebra, Uniform algebras and approximation on manifolds, Partial regularity and \(t\)-analytic sets for Banach function algebras, Uniform approximation on manifolds, Strong uniqueness sets and \(t\)-analytic sets for \(H^\infty\) and \(H^\infty +C\), A solution to the Bézout equation in \(A(K)\) without Gelfand theory, Unital compact homomorphisms between extended analytic Lipschitz algebras, Weighted norm inequalities and uniform algebras. II, The Shilov boundary and the Gelfand spectrum of algebras of generalized analytic functions, On the closure of the sum of two uniform algebras on compact sets in \(\mathbb C\), Generalized stable ranks for commutative Banach algebras, Fibers of the \(L ^{\infty }\) algebra and disintegration of measures, On a characterization of compact Hausdorff space \(X\) for which certain algebraic equations are solvable in \(C(X)\), Shapiro's theorem for subspaces, The structure of certain spaces of analytic functions, Boundary behaviour of universal Taylor series on~multiply connected domains, Topological properties of path connected components in spaces of weighted composition operators into \(L^{1}\), Pseudo-hyperbolic distance and Gleason parts of the algebra of bounded hyper-analytic functions on the big disk, Toeplitz operators on the weighted Bergman space over the two-dimensional unit ball, Douglas algebras on the boundary of the big disk, On Bernstein classes of well approximable maps, Vector-valued spectra of Banach algebra valued continuous functions, Reducibility of invertible tuples to the principal component in commutative Banach algebras, Specification of topological spaces by algebraic systems of continuous functions, Peak point theorems for uniform algebras on smooth manifolds, Analytic structure on algebras of operator valued functions, Operator algebras with contractive approximate identities, Pluri-polarity in almost complex structures, The spectra of some algebras of analytic mappings, Local polynomial convexity of tangential unions of totally real graphs in \(\mathbb{C}^2\), A dual characterization of the \(\mathcal C^1\) harmonic capacity and applications, Ball remotality of \(M\)-ideals in some function spaces and function algebras, A Cantor set in the unit sphere in \(\mathbb C^2\) with large polynomial hull, Normed algebras of differentiable functions on compact plane sets, An abstract Nyquist criterion containing old and new results, Complementarity of representations in quantum mechanics, How to get universal inner functions, Analyticity and naturality of the multi-variable functional calculus, On polynomial convexity of compact subsets of totally-real submanifolds in \(\mathbb{C}^n\), An areal analog of Mahler's measure, A characterization of \(C(K)\) among function algebras on a Riemann surface, Xia's analytic model of a subnormal operator and its applications, Ordered spaces, metric preimages, and function algebras, A note on common range of a class of co-analytic Toeplitz operators, Theory of iterations of polynomial families in the complex plane, Helson-Szegö-Sarason theorem for Dirichlet algebras, Some invariant subspaces for subnormal operators, Imbedding of power series spaces and spaces of analytic functions, The Corona theorem on the complement of certain square Cantor sets, Mathematical work of Franciszek Hugon Szafraniec and its impacts, Extensions of bounded holomorphic functions on the tridisk, Eigenvectors and cyclic vectors of bilateral weighted shifts. II: Simply invariant subspaces, On analytic centers of compact sets, Caratheodory distances and Banach algebras, Topologies on measured groupoids, Internal-external factorization in Lumer's Hardy spaces, Rational approximation and weak analyticity. I, Weak-star continuous homomorphisms and a decomposition of orthogonal measures, Division in Douglas algebras and some applications, Tight uniform algebras and algebras of analytic functions, Hankel operators and uniform algebras, Annihilating measures of the algebra R(X), Polynomial approximation on graphs, Compact perturbations of nest algebras, index obstructions, and a problem of Arveson, Mergelyan's approximation theorem for rational modules, Bounded modules, extremal problems, and a curvature inequality, Completely bounded modules and associated extremal problems, Inner \(M\)-ideals in Banach algebras, Generalized analytic functions and analytic subalgebras, Moduli and arguments of analytic functions from subspaces in \(H^ p\) that are invariant for the backward shift operator, QC-level sets and quotients of Douglas algebras, A characterization of \(P^ 2(\mu)\neq L^ 2(\mu)\), On the multiplicity of T\(\oplus T\oplus \cdot \cdot \cdot \oplus T\), Carleman approximation on Riemann surfaces, Approximation of analytic functions in some function spaces and the rational approximation of functions in Hardy classes, Factorization of homomorphisms through \(H^{\infty}\)(\(D\)), Sequences separating fibers in the spectrum of \(H^{\infty}\), Semi-infinite multi-index perturbed block Toeplitz systems, Minimal kernels of weakly complete spaces, The structure of Banach algebras of bounded continuous functions on the open disk that contain \(H^ \infty\), the Hoffman algebra, and nontangential limits, Rational approximation on the unit sphere in \(\mathbb{C}^2\), Compactifications of Banach spaces and construction of diffusion processes, Meromorphic tangential approximation on the boundary of closed sets in Riemann surfaces, Relative asymptotics for polynomials orthogonal with respect to a discrete Sobolev inner product, Some remarks concerning holomorphically convex hulls and envelopes of holomorphy, A classification of \(n\)-tuples of commuting shifts of finite multiplicity, Spectral factorization of bi-infinite multi-index block Toeplitz matrices, Subnormal operators and quadrature domains, Gleason parts in uniform Fréchet algebras, Uniform \(n\)-analytic polynomial approximations of functions on rectifiable contours in \(\mathbb{C}\), Analytic geometry on compacta in \(\mathbb{C}^ n\), The Pełczyński property for tight subspaces, Alling's conjecture on closed prime ideals in \(H^ \infty\), Rings and sheaves, Bourgain algebras on the maximal ideal space of \(H^ \infty\), Approximation in the mean by rational functions, The commutant of rationally cyclic subnormal operators and rational approximation, Approximation in the mean by bounded analytic functions, Commutative lmc algebras with discrete spectrum, Approximation in weighted Hardy spaces, Bounded point evaluations for rationally multicyclic subnormal operators, On the thickness of the Shilov boundary, Some new results on domains in complex space with non-compact automorphism group., Extremal functions as divisors for kernels of Toeplitz operators., Isometries and maps compatible with inverted Jordan triple products on groups, On the structure of a commutative Banach algebra generated by Toeplitz operators with quasi-radial quasi-homogeneous symbols, Choquet and Shilov boundaries, peak sets, and peak points for real Banach function algebras, The polynomial cluster value problem, Norm conditions on maps between certain subspaces of continuous functions, Banach spaces with no proximinal subspaces of codimension 2, Bass and topological stable ranks of complex and real algebras of measures, functions and sequences, Best approximation in the supremum norm by analytic and harmonic functions, A Rudin-de Leeuw type theorem for functions with spectral gaps, A note on simultaneous approximation on Vitushkin sets, Dilation theory: a guided tour, Logarithms and exponentials in the matrix algebra \({\mathcal M}_2(A)\), Gleason parts for algebras of holomorphic functions in infinite dimensions, The bistability of higher-order differences of discrete periodic signals, Canonical decomposition of operators associated with the symmetrized polydisc, A certain rational function and operator theory on the symmetrized polydisc, Spectral picture for rationally multicyclic subnormal operators, Product set phenomena for countable groups, Alice in Switzerland: the life and mathematics of Alice Roth, On the hyperinvariant subspace problem. III, A functionalanalytic characterization of pure-dimensional and regular Stein algebras, Invariant subspaces and translation invariant cocycles, Automorphism group actions in complex analysis, Subspaces of \(L^p(G)\) spanned by characters: \(0<p<1\), Toeplitz operators for uniform algebras, Uniform approximation by meromorphic functions having prescribed poles, On multicyclic operators, Some questions on \(L^1\)-approximation in Bergman spaces, Helson's existence theorem of function algebras, Maximal elements of the maximal ideal space of a measure algebra, Operators of discrete convolution type and their Noetherianess, Invariant algebras of functions on Lie groups, Lipschitz approximation on closed sets, The method of Cauchy-type integrals in discontinuous boundary value problems of the theory of holomorphic functions of a complex variable, Toeplitz operators on generalised \(H^ 2\) spaces, Szegő and Widom theorems for finite codimensional subalgebras of a class of uniform algebras, Transcendental equations in commutative Banach algebras, Algebras of continuous functions on locally connected compact spaces, Finite codimensional invariant subspaces of Banach spaces of analytic functions, Spectral domains in several complex variables, A remark on a theorem by F. Forstnerič, Orthogonal measures on the boundary of a Riemann surface and polynomial hull of compacts of finite length, Generalized Douglas algebras and the corona theorem, Bounded point derivations on \(R(X)\) and approximation with simultaneous interpolation, Linear maps between \(C^*\)-algebras whose adjoints preserve extreme points of the dual ball, Uniform estimates with weights for the \(\overline{\partial}\)-equation, Sets of simple invariance, Spectral properties of homomorphisms with weight in algebras of continuous functions and their applications, The divisor of a generalized analytic function, Approximation by ratios of bounded analytic functions, Convergence generated by analytic functionals and isomorphism of algebras of analytic functions, Banach algebras, 1939--1989, Compactness of the \(\overline{\partial}\)-Neumann problem on convex domains, Integration over a fractal curve and the jump problem, On multicyclic operators and the Vasjunin-Nikol'skii discotheca, The Helson-Szegoe theorem and A//p-functions for Brownian motion and several variables, Pervasive algebras of analytic functions, On bounded functions in the abstract Hardy space theory, Some spaces in which best uniform approximation is never possible, Central measures on compact simple Lie groups, Adhérence faible étoilé d'algèbres de fractions rationnelles, Invariant subspaces of certain subnormal operators, The numerical range of products of normal matrices, On limits of sequences of rational functions., Compact products of Hankel operators, Bishop decompositions for vector function spaces, Polynomially convex orbits of compact Lie groups, Bases of functions, generated by iterations of polynomials, Completely contractive Hilbert modules and Parrott's example, Weighted Sobolev spaces on curves, Analytic and harmonic maps into a topological space, Maximality theorems for some closed subalgebras between A and \(H^{\infty}\), A characterization of C(X) among algebras on planar sets by the existence of a finite universal Korovkin system, Index of convolution operators with slowly varying coefficients on abelian groups, Two-dimensional Mikhlin-Calderon-Zygmund operators and bisingular operators, Some remarks on the Bohr compactification of the number line, Some properties of the multidimensional complex cepstrum and their relationship to the stability of multidimensional systems, Hardy classes and related spaces of analytic functions in the unit circle, polydisc, and the ball, Bounded analytic functions and closed ideals, Strong extreme points and ideals in uniform algebras, Some non-trivial cocycles, The generalized Wold decomposition for subnormal operators, Rigid and zero reducing linear transformations, Blaschke products satisfying the Carleson-Newman conditions and ideals of the algebra \(H^{\infty}\), Jensen measures of uniform algebras, Spectral properties of certain operators on Hardy spaces of planar regions, Classical Dirichlet forms on topological vector spaces - the construction of the associated diffusion process, Multiplicity, calculuses, and multiplication operators, F. and M. Riesz theorem, analytic balayage, and problems in rational approximation, Outer functions of several complex variables, The spectral representation of stable processes: Harmonizability and regularity, Gleason parts and COP, On quotients and restrictions of generalized scalar operators, Subharmonicity for uniform algebras, The absence of unconditional bases in factor spaces generated by Dirichlet algebras, Reflexive subspaces of the space \(C^*_A\), A Wiener test for integrals of Brownian motion and the existence of smooth curves in nowhere dense sets, A theorem of Helson and Sarason in uniform algebras, Extensions and selections in subspaces of C(K), Invariant function algebras on Lie groups, Jensen measures and a theorem of Rado, Spectre de \(A(\bar\Omega)\) pour des domaines bornes faiblement pseudoconvexes réguliers, Some function algebras with common spectrum, Principal functions, index theory, geometric measure theory and function algebras, Approximation by polynomials in two complex variables, Uniform polynomial approximation, Analytic set-valued functions and spectra, A remark on nonlocal algebras, Holomorphic approximation of ultradifferentiable functions, The dual of a space of vector measures, Isometries of ergodic Hardy spaces, A spectral mapping theorem for generating operators in second-order linear differential equations, A local property of L-regular sets, A generalization of Hartog's theorem relating to the subalgebras of continuous functions on the \(n\)-dimensional torus, Approximation by minimum norm interpolants in uniform algebras, C(alpha) preserving operators on separable Banach spaces, Inner divisors and composition operators, Rational approximation and Swiss cheeses of positive area, Extension results in the Hardy space associated with a logmodular algebra, A constructive method for \(L^p\)-approximation by analytic functions, The algebra of bounded holomorphic martingales, Extension of analytic functional calculus mappings and duality by (partial d)--closed forms with growth, Abstrakte Hardy-Algebren und Konjugation, Algebras containing a divisible unimodular sequence with dense self adjoint span, Banach algebras, logarithms, and polynomials of convolution type, Closed subalgebras of the Banach algebra of continuously differentiable functions on an interval, Fatou's theorem on nontangential limits and problems of extension to an ideal boundary, Weak solutions for the Levi equation and envelope of holomorphy, Corona problem and flows, Topologies on the Smirnov class, A class of seminorms on function algebras, Least plurisuperharmonic majorant and multipliers of entire functions. I, Pick conditions on a uniform algebra and von Neumann inequalities, Bourgain algebras of the disk, polydisk, and ball algebras, Douglas algebras which are invariant under the Bourgain map, Corrections to: ``Closed subalgebras of the Banach algebra of continuously differentiable functions on an interval, Gradient approximation of vector fields, On bounded functions in the abstract Hardy space theory. II, On bounded functions in the abstract Hardy space theory. III, Calcul symbolique sur la frontière de Silov de certaines algèbres de fonctions holomorphes, Annihilators of rational modules, Union de compacts d'interpolation: Calcul symbolique, Uncomplemented uniform algebras, Ein Satz über abstrakte analytische Funktionen, A class of subnormal operators related to multiply-connected domains, On systems of imprimitivity on locally compact Abelian groups with dense actions, Gleason parts separated by smooth curves, Banach algebra methods in renewal theory, Orthogonal measures for uniform algebras of finite type, On badly approximable functions, Random walks on compact groups and the existence of cocycles, Zum Satz von Mooney für abstrakte analytische Funktionen, Algebras generated by inner functions, A spectral mapping theorem for holomorphic functions, A Dunford-Pettis theorem for \(L^1/H^{\infty\perp}\), The relationship between a commutative Banach algebra and its maximal ideal space, On uniform and asymptotic approximation, Weakly compact operators on the disc algebra, M. Riesz's theorem in the abstract Hardy space theory, On systems of imprimitivity on locally compact abelian groups with dense actions, Commutative Abelian Galois extensions of a Banach algebra, Peak points for algebras on circled sets, Aspects of approximation theory for functions of one complex variable, Boundary properties of holomorphic functions of several complex variables, On badly approximable functions and uniform algebras, Characterization of quasi-disks and Teichmüller spaces, The uniform algebra associated with a cyclic subnormal operator, The minimal normal extension problem for subnormal operators, Krieger factors isomorphic to their tensor square and pure point spectrum flows, Function theory and M-ideals, On vector-valued Banach function algebras, Szegö's theorem on Hardy spaces induced by rotation-invariant Borel measures, Rigged modules. I: Modules over dual operator algebras and the Picard group, The algebras of bounded and essentially bounded Lebesgue measurable functions, Nearly outer functions as extreme points in punctured Hardy spaces, Representing measures and infinite-dimensional holomorphy, On stable rank of \(H^\infty\) on coverings of finite bordered Riemann surfaces, On the analyticity of the trajectories of the particles in the planar patch problem for some active scalar equations, Dirichlet series from the infinite dimensional point of view, Toeplitz-composition algebras generated by piecewise quasicontinuous symbols and a linear fractional non-automorphism fixing a boundary point, Deconstructing functions on quadratic surfaces into multipoles, Szegö theorem, Carathéodory domains, and boundedness of calculating functionals, Commutative Toeplitz algebras and their Gelfand theory: old and new results, Uniform algebras on the sphere invariant under group actions, On nontangential limits and shift invariant subspaces, Bounded point evaluations for certain polynomial and rational modules, One-sided extendability and \(p\)-continuous analytic capacities, Commutative algebras generated by Toeplitz operators on the unit sphere, The Hoffman-Rossi theorem for operator algebras, Multiplication operators on Hardy and weighted Bergman spaces over planar regions, Spectrum of weighted composition operators. V: Spectrum and essential spectra of weighted rotation-like operators, Toeplitz kernels and the backward shift, Uniform approximation by \(\square _b\)-harmonic functions, Interpolation for intersections of Hardy-type spaces, Blaschke \(C^\ast\)-algebras, Function algebras with a strongly precompact unit ball, Banach algebras generated by Toeplitz operators with parabolic quasi-radial quasi-homogeneous symbols, On the structure of commutative Banach algebras generated by Toeplitz operators on the unit ball. Quasi-elliptic case. I: Generating subalgebras., Parametric argument principle and its applications to CR functions and manifolds, Capacities on a compact Riemann surface, Algebras of holomorphic mappings in (DF)-spaces, The Sylvester equation in Banach algebras, A characterization of coherence of the algebra of bounded uniformly continuous functions on a metric space and the spectrum of general self-adjoint Banach function algebras, Linear combinations of composition operators on \(H^{\infty }\), Uniform estimates in the Poincaré-Aronszajn theorem on the separation of singularities of analytic functions, Boundary vs. interior conditions associated with weighted composition operators, Bounded universal functions in one and several complex variables, Boundary behavior of generalized analytic functions, Interpolation sets for the algebra of generalized analytic functions, Reflexivity of the shift operator on some BK spaces, On existence sets for Markov-Bernshtein estimates for rational functions, Dual algebras and A-measures, Invariant subspaces and weighted polynomial approximation, Les A-mesures sur le tore de deux dimensions et le calcul symbolique de deux contractions permutables, Function algebras and flows. II, Certain characterizations of Carathéodory domains, Dense invariant sets of common cyclic vectors for Jordan operators, A Rudin-Carleson theorem for planar vector fields, On one-point Gleason parts of Blaschke algebras, Stochastic differential equations in infinite dimensions: Solutions via Dirichlet forms, Transitivity and structure of operator algebras with a metric property, The Borel map for compact sets in the plane, Almost squareness and strong diameter two property in tensor product spaces, Homomorphisms between algebras of holomorphic functions on the infinite polydisk, Norm compactness of representing measures for \(R(K)\), Invertibles in topological rings: a new approach, A characterization of real holomorphic chains and applications in representing homology classes by algebraic cycles, Bounded approximation and Dirichlet sets, Some remarks on ideals in function algebras, Ein abstrakter Mergelyan Satz, The uniform algebra generated by z and a smooth even function, Holomorphic convexity and analytic structures in Banach algebras, Pointwise bounded approximation and Dirichlet algebras, Representing measures for R(X) and their Green's functions, Optimal polynomial prediction measures and extremal polynomial growth, Holomorphic approximation near strictly pseudoconvex boundary points, On certain applications of the Hahn-Banach and minimax theorems, On \(k\)-pseudoflat complex spaces, An extension of Mel'nikov's theorem, M-ideals in complex function spaces and algebras, Von Neumann algebra conditional expectations with applications to generalized representing measures for noncommutative function algebras, A note on extremum problems in abstract Hardy spaces, Bounded approximation by analytic functions, A-measures on complex manifolds and some applications, Subalgebras of C\(^*\)-algebras. II, Resolvent vectors, invariant subspaces, and sets of zero capacity, Ein Grenzwertsatz für annulierende Maße, Uniform estimates for the \(\bar\partial\)-equation on domains with piecewise smooth strictly pseudoconvex boundaries, Algebras of bounded functions invariant under the restricted backward shift, On \(\Gamma_n\)-contractions and their conditional dilations, Quasianalytic Banach function algebras, Projections of polynomial hulls, Compact groups operating on Banach algebras, Connecting invertible analytic Toeplitz operators in \(G(\mathcal{T}(\mathcal{P}^\bot))\), Exposed faces of dual cones and peak-set criteria for function spaces, Uniqueness of complex representing measures on the Choquet boundary, Spectral synthesis and the Pompeiu problem, Bounded point evaluations and capacity, Function algebras and flows. III, Generalized Hausdorff-Zhu operators on Möbius invariant spaces, \(k\)-spectral sets and invariant subspaces, Uniform approximation by meromorphic functions on Riemann surfaces, Quasicompact and Riesz endomorphisms of Banach algebras, Extensions of uniform algebras, Bounded analytic structure of the Banach space of formal power series, On the dynamics near infinity of some polynomial mappings in \(\mathbb C^2\), Multiplication by finite Blaschke factors on a general class of Hardy spaces, Uniform approximation by polynomial solutions of second-order elliptic equations, and the corresponding Dirichlet problem, Envelopes of holomorphy of Jordan curves in \(\mathbb{C}^{n}\), An analog of Wiener's theorem for infinite-dimensional Banach spaces, Corona theorem for strictly pseudoconvex domains, Logmodularity and isometries of operator algebras, Notions of boundaries for function spaces, Isomorphisms of function modules, and generalized approximation in modulus, Examples of Infinitely Generated Function Algebras, Behavior of the Bergman kernel and metric near convex boundary points, A counterexample to a conjecture of S. E. Morris, The corona conjecture for a class of infinitely connected domains, Some exact sequences for Toeplitz algebras of spherical isometries, Norms of Hankel Operators and Uniform Algebras, The classical limit of a state on the Weyl algebra, Pointwise bounded approximation and hypodirichlet algebras, Summability condition and rigidity for finite type maps, A Weak-Star Rational Approximation Problem Connected with Subnormal Operators, Point Evaluations and Polynomial Approximation in the Mean with Respect to Harmonic Measure, Toeplitz operators in multiply connected regions, Strongly compact normal operators, Separating Function Algebras, WEIERSTRASS' THEOREM IN THE TWENTIETH CENTURY: A SELECTION, Path connected components in the space of weighted composition operators on the $QA$ space, On nonlinear Rudin–Carleson type theorems, Analytic Functions, Ideals, and Derivation Ranges, Unnamed Item, A survey of some recent results on truncated Toeplitz operators, Pick and peak interpolation, Envelopes of Holomorphy and Holomorphic Convexity, Remarks on the String of Beads, Volumes of Images of Varieties in Projective Space and In Grassmannians, Maximal left ideals in Banach algebras, Ideals in a multiplier algebra on the ball, Weak-Polynomial Convergence on a Banach Space, Rational Approximation on Product Sets, Bounded Analytic Functions on Domains of Infinite Connectivity, Constructive Techniques in Rational Approximation, One condition for $R\left( K \right) = A\left( K \right)$, Some results on separating function algebras, Gleason parts and point derivations for uniform algebras with dense invertible group, Bounded Point Derivations on Certain Function Algebras, The algebra of almost periodic functions has infinite topological stable rank, An Example Concerning Core Measures, A general method for constructing essential uniform algebras, Almost normal operators, their spectra and invariant subspaces, An Algorithm for Real and Complex Rational Minimax Approximation, Analytic discs and uniform algebras generated by real-analytic functions, Holomorphic chains and the support hypothesis conjecture, Isolated point theorems for uniform algebras on smooth manifolds, Interpolating Blaschke products and angular derivatives, Rational Approximation on the Union of Sets, Description of invariant subspaces in terms of Berezin symbols, On the Cauchy transform vanishing outside a compact, Localizing algebras and diagonal operators, The Local Spectral Behavior of Completely Subnormal Operators, On a method of approximation by gradients, Real Positive Maps and Conditional Expectations on Operator Algebras, Carathéodory sets and analytic balayage of measures, On Rationally Convex Hulls, Approximation in the Mean by Analytic Functions, Bounded Limits of Analytic Functions, Fixed points of the Ruelle–Thurston operator and the Cauchy transform, Bohr’s inequality for non-commutative Hardy spaces, A Note on Enveloped Measures, Inverting Sets for Function Algebras, On the Reflexivity of Pairs of Contractions, Some Uncomplemented Uniform Algebras, On the Ideal Structure of Banach Algebras, Distance Estimates and Pointwise Bounded Density, Characterization of Mergelyan Sets, A general form of Green’s Formula and the Cauchy Integral Theorem, Analytic Capacity and Approximation Problems, Separation of singularities of analytic functions with preservation of boundedness, Algebras of Analytic Germs, A tetrachotomy for certain algebras containing the disc algebra, Banach function algebras with dense invertible group, Unnamed Item, Two-Dimensional Representations of Uniform Algebras, Unperforated pairs of operator spaces and hyperrigidity of operator systems, An extension theorem of holomorphic functions on hyperconvex domains, Ends of varieties, Unnamed Item, Approximation by random complex polynomials and random rational functions, Unnamed Item, Hankel Operators on Bounded Analytic Functions, Gelfand transforms and boundary representations of complete Nevanlinna–Pick quotients, On the fixed points of the Ruelle operator, Single generator problem, Isomorphism of uniform algebras on the 2-torus, Subspaces of $H^{p}$ linearly homeomorphic to $\ell ^{p}$, Thomson’s theorem on mean square polynomial approximation, Duality relations in the theory of analytic capacity, Beurling–Malliavin multiplier theorem: The seventh proof, No topological condition implies equality of polynomial and rational hulls, Uniform algebras invariant under every homeomorphism, An algebra of polyanalytic functions, Immersions of open Riemann surfaces into the Riemann sphere, The Maximal Ideal Space of Extended Di erentiable Lipschitz Algebras, Toeplitz operators on the Hardy space with generalized pseudo-homogeneous symbols, Prime Ideals in Uniform Algebras, Analytic Centers and Analytic Diameters of Planar Continua, Linear maps determining the norm topology, Free outer functions in complete Pick spaces, On a Theorem of P. S. Muhly, A Class of Infinitely Connected Domains and the Corona, Approximation in the Mean by Solutions of Elliptic Equations, A Construction of Hilbert Spaces of Analytic Functions, Spectral Theory for Subnormal Operators, Polynomial Approximation in the Mean with Respect to Harmonic Measure on Crescents, Generic behavior of classes of Taylor series outside the unit disk, The Strong Conclusion of the F. and M. Riesz Theorem on Groups, Towards Oka-Cartan theory for algebras of holomorphic functions on coverings of Stein manifolds. II, Spectra and Measure Inequalities, On Dominated Extensions in Function Algebras, Approximation by Quotients of Rational Inner Functions, A Mergelyan-Vitushkin approximation theorem for rational modules, Best Approximation in Certain Douglas Algebras, On boundaries on the predual of the Lorentz sequence space, Relations between Banach Function Algebras and their Uniform Closures, Analytic Extensions and Selections, Carleson measures on planar sets, Lacunary polynomials in \(L^1\): geometry of the unit sphere, A function algebra providing new Mergelyan type theorems in several complex variables, Unnamed Item, The algebra of bounded analytic functions, Multipliers for certain convolution measure algebras, Unnamed Item, Around \(L^1\)(un)boundedness of Bergman and Szegö projections, Noninvariance of an Approximation Property for Closed Subsets of Riemann Surfaces, On degenerate nonlinear parabolic equations on the Bohr compactum, Spectra of Invariant Uniform and Transform Algebras, On Measures of Analytic Type, Peak set without peak points, Cauchy transform and uniform approximation by polynomial modules, Algebras Generated by a Subnormal Operator, Equivalence of Certain Representing Measures, Applications of the Fuglede-Kadison determinant: Szegö’s theorem and outers for noncommutative $H^p$, Simple proofs of local conjugacy theorems for diffeomorphisms of the circle with almost every rotation number, Invariant Subspaces on Riemann Surfaces of Parreau-Widom Type, A Generalization of Szego's Theorem and the Power Theorem for Complex Interpolation, The local maximum modulus principle for function spaces, Boundary values of holomorphic distributions in negative Lipschitz classes, Holomorphic Approximation: The Legacy of Weierstrass, Runge, Oka–Weil, and Mergelyan, Hardy Spaces and Jensen Measures, Isometries in Semisimple, Commutative Banach Algebras, Uniform Algebras Generated by Holomorphic and Pluriharmonic Functions, A Commutative Banach Algebra with Factorization of Elements but not of Pairs, Approximation by harmonic functions, Towards a Functional Calculus for Subnormal Tuples: The Minimal Normal Extension, A Cauchy-Riemann equation for generalized analytic functions, Existence and Weak-Type Inequalities for Cauchy Integrals of General Measures on Rectifiable Curves and Sets, Weak infinite products of Blaschke products, On the norm properties on function spaces, Bernstein-type inequalities for the derivatives of rational functions in $L\_\{p\}$-spaces, $0<p<1$, on Lavrent{’}ev curves, Opérateurs intégraux singuliers sur certaines courbes du plan complexe, Une extension d'un résultat de W. Rudin, Invariant Subspaces with Finite Codimension in Bergman Spaces, Approximating Continuous Functions by Holomorphic and Harmonic Functions, Flows in Fibers, Functions not Vanishing on Trivial Gleason Parts of Douglas Algebras, Countably Generated Douglas Algebras, Some Remarks on the Daugavet Equation, The corona problem with two pieces of data, Spectral subspaces of $L^p$ for $p<1$, A Note on a Theorem of Ahern and Sarason, Cluster values of holomorphic functions of bounded type, On the Reflexivity of Operators on Function Spaces, Failure of rational approximation on some Cantor type sets, Density of the Polynomials in the Hardy Space of Certain Slit Domains, Spectral Pictures of Hyponormal Bilateral Operator Weighted Shifts, An inductive proof of the Feinstein-Heath Swiss cheese “Classicalisation” theorem, A Uniform Algebra of Analytic Functions on a Banach Space, Restricted Left Invertible Toeplitz Operators on Multiply Connected Domains, Algebras on the Disk and Doubly Commuting Multiplication Operators, Characteristic Principal Bundles, Characterization of Privileged Polydomains, Analytic Structure in Some Analytic Function Algebras, A Geometric Property of Certain Plane Sets, Dense Morphisms in Commutative Banach Algebras, Gleason Parts and Certain Counterexamples in the Big Disc Context, $L^{p}$-bounded point evaluations for polynomials and uniform rational approximation, Holomorphic approximation to boundary value algebras, Isolated point theorems for uniform algebras on two- and three-manifolds, Interpolating Sequences in Polydisks, BMO Rational Approximation and One-Dimensional Hausdorff Content, Factorization in commutative Banach algebras, A Generalization of the Rudin-Carleson Theorem, A note on 𝐿^{𝑝}-bounded point evaluations for polynomials, A Local Result for Systems of Riemann-Hilbert Barrier Problems, Topological radicals, VI. Scattered elements in Banach Jordan and associative algebras, Unnamed Item, Path connected components in weighted composition operators on $h^\infty $ and $H^\infty $ with the operator norm, A Lifting Theorem and Uniform Algebras, A prediction problem in $L^2 (w)$, Distant Future and Analytic Measures, Composition operators on uniform algebras, essential norms, and hyperbolically bounded sets, Pointwise Bounded Approximation and Analytic Capacity of Open Sets, Holomorphic Convexity of Compact Sets in Analytic Spaces and the Structure of Algebras of Holomorphic Germs, 𝐶*-algebras generated by a subnormal operator, The corona problem on finitely sheeted covering surfaces, Weighted Norm Inequalities and Uniform Algebras, A Dense Set of Operators with Tiny Commutants, Cocycles and Local Product Decomposition, A refined nc Oka–Weil theorem, Non-commutative measure theory: Henkin and analytic functionals on \(\mathrm{C}^*\)-algebras, Projective freeness and stable rank of algebras of complex-valued BV functions, Invertibility in weak-star closed algebras of analytic functions, Projective freeness and Hermiteness of complex function algebras, On the electric impedance tomography problem for nonorientable surfaces with internal holes, Generation of the special linear group by elementary matrices in some measure Banach algebras, Polynomial convexity and polynomial approximations of certain sets in \(\mathbb{C}^{2n}\) with non-isolated CR-singularities, Uniform approximation on disc, Questions about extreme points, Minimal boundaries for operator algebras, Uniform approximation by polynomial solutions of elliptic systems on boundaries of Carathéodory domains in \(\mathbb{R}^2\), Totally null sets and capacity in Dirichlet type spaces, Boundary values in spaces spanned by rational functions and the index of invariant subspaces, Submultiplicative norms in \(\mathcal{C}_{\mathbb{C}}(\mathcal{K})\) spaces with applications to uniform algebras, On properness of uniform algebras, Interpolation and duality in algebras of multipliers on the ball, On Shimoda's Theorem, \(L^p\) regularity of Szegő projections on quotient domains, Hoffman type theorems on continuous maps in the maximal ideal space of $\mathbf{H}^\infty$, On a Banach algebra of entire functions with a weighted Hadamard multiplication, On algebras of Hausdorff operators on the real line, On the certain function algebras on disks, Necessary density conditions for sampling and interpolation in spectral subspaces of elliptic differential operators, Algebras on the unit disk and Toeplitz operators on the Bergman space, Complex geometry and operator theory, An extension of E. Bishop's localization theorem, Uniform approximations by holomorphic functions, Uniform approximations by holomorphic functions, Iterates and the boundary behavior of the Berezin transform, Non-finitely generated function algebras, The spectrum of an algebra of weakly continuous holomorphic mappings, Invariant subspaces with no generator and a problem of H. Helson, Abstract swiss cheese space and classicalisation of swiss cheeses, On a characterization of absolute continuity