scientific article; zbMATH DE number 3082934
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zbMath0052.11701MaRDI QIDQ5823790
Publication date: 1953
Title: zbMATH Open Web Interface contents unavailable due to conflicting licenses.
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Commutative \(L\)-algebras and measure theory ⋮ Polynomially and rationally convex sets ⋮ Su un criterio di convergenza uniforme per le successioni monotone di funzioni quasi-periodiche ⋮ Functions that operate on non-self-adjoint algebras ⋮ Caractères des algèbres de Banach involutives ⋮ Pure point diffraction and cut and project schemes for measures: the smooth case ⋮ Semigroups of quasi-compact operators ⋮ Sur les fonctionnelles analytiques et la transformation de Fourier-Borel ⋮ Quasi-invariance and analyticity of measures on compact groups ⋮ Questioni topologiche collegate con la quasi-periodicita nel campo reale ⋮ Einige Bemerkungen zur Theorie der fastperiodischen Funktionen ⋮ A moment problem on \(R^ n\) ⋮ Parameter estimation for stochastic processes ⋮ Darstellungs- und Stabilitätssätze für Funktionenkegel ⋮ Anneaux preordonnes ⋮ Extreme harmonic functions and boundary value problems ⋮ On certain homomorphisms of quotients of group algebras ⋮ Almost automorphy and Veech's relations of dynamics on compact \(T_2\)-spaces ⋮ Radial processes on \(\mathsf{RCD}^\ast(K,N)\) spaces ⋮ \(C^*\)-algebras, \(H^*\)-algebras and trace ideals of pseudo-differential operators on locally compact, Hausdorff and abelian groups ⋮ On Connes' trace formula for the Hankel transformation of order \(-1/2\) ⋮ Spectral theory of dynamical systems as diffraction theory of sampling functions ⋮ Closed operator functional calculus in Banach modules and applications ⋮ Dynamic programming and value-function approximation in sequential decision problems: error analysis and numerical results ⋮ Quaternionic quantum mechanics in real Hilbert space ⋮ Positive type and positive definite functions on matrix valued group algebras ⋮ Approximate dynamic programming for stochastic \(N\)-stage optimization with application to optimal consumption under uncertainty ⋮ Weighted composition operators and locally convex algebras ⋮ Discrepancy norm: approximation and variations ⋮ Cyclicity of bicyclic operators and completeness of translates ⋮ Every symmetric weakly-stable random vector is pseudo-isotropic ⋮ An adelic Hankel summation formula ⋮ Boundaries for spaces of holomorphic functions on \({\mathcal C}(K)\) ⋮ General regular variation, Popa groups and quantifier weakening ⋮ Weak continuity of the Cartan structural system and compensated compactness on semi-Riemannian manifolds with lower regularity ⋮ Multipliers on Abelian groups ⋮ Über einige Integralformeln in der Theorie der quadratischen Formen ⋮ Tensor products and harmonic analysis ⋮ Asymptotic decay of Besicovitch almost periodic entropy solutions to anisotropic degenerate parabolic-hyperbolic equations ⋮ The closed maximal ideals of algebras of functions holomorphic on a Riemann surface ⋮ Tauberian translation algebras ⋮ Real algebras with a Hilbert space structure ⋮ Heisenberg's commutation relations and Pontryagin's duality theorem ⋮ An approach to the theory of integration generated by Daniell functionals and representations of linear continuous functionals ⋮ Zur Reziprozität quadratischer Charaktersummen in algebraischen Zahlkörpern ⋮ Structure in simplexes ⋮ Necessary density conditions for sampling an interpolation of certain entire functions ⋮ Spaces generated by orbits of unitary representations: a tribute to Guido Weiss ⋮ The energy momentum spectrum of quantum fields ⋮ Spectra of generators in irreducible unitary representations of non- compact cemi-simple groups ⋮ Extensions of the Hausdorff-Young theorem ⋮ S-rings on compact transformation groups ⋮ On the existence of noncontinuous irreducible representations of a locally compact group ⋮ Positive linear functionals on \(^ *\)-algebras of unbounded operators ⋮ On a class metric linear spaces which are not locally convex ⋮ On certain homomorphisms of restriction algebras of symmetric sets ⋮ On hyponormal and Toeplitz operators ⋮ Twisted group algebras I, II ⋮ Remarks on Helson-Szegö problems ⋮ On closed ideals in convergence function algebras ⋮ Annihilator ideals in Banach algebras ⋮ On a duality for locally compact groups ⋮ Remarks on some variable domain problems in abstract evolution equations ⋮ Modules over commutative Banach algebras ⋮ A representation of Bayes invariant procedures in terms of Haar measure ⋮ The Stone-Weierstrass theorem in certain Banach algebras of Fourier type ⋮ Maximal algebras of continuous functions ⋮ Über das Spektrum konvexer Kombinationen von Operatoren ⋮ Generalized zeta-functions ⋮ Remarks on duality and semigroups ⋮ Zur harmonischen Analyse klassenkompakter Gruppen. II ⋮ Zur Reduktionstheorie in allgemeinen Hilbert-Räumen ⋮ The closure operator in partial algebras with distributive operations. Application to set algebra, measure theory and linear spaces ⋮ Studies on a convolution inequality ⋮ Semi-direct products and Haar measure on the space of oriented lines in \(E_ 3\) ⋮ Generators of certain radical algebras ⋮ Die erzeugte Algebra eines Markov-Verbandsoperators in \(C(X)\) ⋮ A note on product measures and representations of the canonical commutation relations ⋮ On some properties of embedding operators ⋮ Homomorphisms of tensor algebras ⋮ Group algebras ⋮ Unendlich oft teilbare Wahrscheinlichkeitsverteilungen auf kompakten Gruppen. (Infinitely divisible probability distributions on compact groups) ⋮ Projective limits of unitary representations ⋮ Rotatable random sequences in local fields ⋮ The extension property for compact convex sets ⋮ On framed cobordism classes representable on a fixed manifold ⋮ Some remarks on \(C^*\)-bigebras and duality ⋮ Characterizations of those ideals in \(L_1(R)\) which can be synthesized ⋮ Relativ-analytische Räume und die Kohärenz von Bildgarben ⋮ Espaces \(L^p\) rélatifs à une famille de mesures ⋮ Sulla teoria del prolungamento degli integrali ⋮ Applications of Choquet simplexes to elliptic and parabolic boundary value problems ⋮ Spectral analysis in weighted L\(^1\) spaces on R ⋮ Locally compact modules ⋮ Théoremes ergodiques de convergence en moyenne ⋮ Ditkin's theorem and [SIN-groups] ⋮ Statistical study of Navier-Stokes equations. I ⋮ Statistical study of Navier-Stokes equations. II ⋮ Applications of operator spaces to abstract harmonic analysis. ⋮ On representations with a separable spectrum ⋮ Vector Bundles and Projective Modules ⋮ Tensor Products and Related Questions ⋮ Asymptotically Stationary Processes on Amenable Groups ⋮ Unnamed Item ⋮ A Decomposition Theory for Unitary Representations of Locally Compact Groups ⋮ Topological Examples of Projective Modules ⋮ Unnamed Item ⋮ Uniformly Continuous Functionals on the Fourier Algebra of Any Locally Compact Group ⋮ Dynamical versus diffraction spectrum for structures with finite local complexity ⋮ Characterization of the Trace-Class ⋮ Decomposing isometric extensions using group extensions ⋮ A Representation Theorem and Applications to Topological Groups ⋮ Two counter-examples in nonseparable Banach spaces ⋮ Finite dimensional convolution algebras ⋮ The ideal structure of some Banach algebras ⋮ A Simple Condition Ensuring the Arens Regularity of Bilinear Mappings ⋮ Diagrammatic duality ⋮ Randomized consistent statistical inference for random processes and fields ⋮ 𝐻*-algebras and quantization of para-Hermitian spaces ⋮ The noncommutative Wiener lemma, linear independence, and spectral properties of the algebra of time-frequency shift operators ⋮ Stationary processes and pure point diffraction ⋮ On Bernstein type theorems concerning the growth of derivatives of entire functions ⋮ Sur la représentation linéaire des groupes topologiques ⋮ Some theorems concerning function algebras ⋮ On Theorems of Kawada and Wendel ⋮ Fourier transform of Banach algebra valued functions on group ⋮ Measure algebras on abelian groups ⋮ Translation-invariant function algebras on abelian groups ⋮ Characterization of probability measures on locally compact Abelian groups via Q-independence ⋮ L'intégration dans les espaces généraux ⋮ On the role of L-Baire functions in abstract measure and integration ⋮ Algebraic Criterion on Quasiconformal Equivalence of Riemann Surfaces ⋮ Sur le calcul symbolique dans quelques algèbres de Banach ⋮ Sur les algèbres dont les éléments non négatifs admettent des racines carrées ⋮ Sur les applications qui laissent stable l'ensemble des fonctions presque-périodiques ⋮ The Second Conjugate Algebra of the Fourier Algebra of a Locally Compact Group ⋮ Discontinuous homomorphisms from Banach *-algebras ⋮ Einige Untersuchungen des Raumes der maximalen Ideale eines Vektorverbandes mit Hilfe finiter Elemente I (Topologische Charakterisierung der finiten Elemente) ⋮ Asymmetry of Cantorian Mathematics from a Categorial Standpoint: Is It Related to the Direction of Time? ⋮ On weakly almost periodic measures ⋮ Linear functionals which are integrals ⋮ Aut(inline) – Its Haar Measure and a unitary representation: a constructive approach ⋮ On Segal's postulates for general quantum mechanics ⋮ Almost Periodic Potentials in Higher Dimensions ⋮ Joint ergodicity for group actions ⋮ AN EXTENSION OF A THEOREM OF HLAWKA ⋮ Function algebras ⋮ A measure invariant under group endomorphisms ⋮ Functions on multipliers of 𝑝-Fourier algebras ⋮ The left Hilbert algebra associated to a semi-direct product ⋮ A transfer principle in harmonic analysis ⋮ The sector condition implies that semipolar sets are quasi-polar ⋮ On the kernel of the maximal flat Radon transform on symmetric spaces of compact type ⋮ A unified approach to infinite-dimensional integration ⋮ Discrete Fourier Analysis for Quotient Multipliers ⋮ Thoughts on Numerical and Conceptual Harmonic Analysis ⋮ Strong Laws of Large Numbers for Products of Random Matrices ⋮ Insiemi lacunari nei gruppi non commutativi ⋮ Semigroups of Scalar Type Operators on Banach Spaces ⋮ Ideals in A Certain Banach Algebra ⋮ Fourier transformations of hypergraphs and graphs ⋮ A note on Whittaker's cardinal series in harmonic analysis ⋮ Some Banach Algebras ⋮ An Irreducible Unitary Representation of a Compact Group is Finite Dimensional ⋮ On Absolutely Convergent Dirichlet Series ⋮ On a Theorem of Magnus ⋮ Generalized Analytic Functions ⋮ Spectral Theory for Operators on a Banach Space ⋮ Regular Banach Algebras with a Countable Space of Maximal Regular Ideals ⋮ Note on Absolutely Convergent Dirichlet Series ⋮ On the Spectra of Certain Laurent Matrices ⋮ Orbit equivalence rigidity of equicontinuous systems ⋮ Boundary Behavior of Generalized Analytic Functions ⋮ Integration Theorems For Gages and Duality for Unimodular Groups ⋮ Some Boundary Properties of Function Algebras ⋮ Relation Between Right and Left Involutions of a Hilbert Algebra ⋮ A Functional Calculus Using Singular Laplace Integrals ⋮ Spaces of Functions with Values in a Banach Algebra ⋮ Inverse-Producing Extensions of Normed Algebras ⋮ Borel Structure in Groups and Their Duals ⋮ Unnamed Item ⋮ A theorem on abstract Segal algebras over some commutative Banach algebras ⋮ A Maximum Modulus Property of Maximal Subalgebras ⋮ Generalized Weyl-Wigner-Moyal-Ville Formalism and Topological Groups ⋮ Generalized Eigenfunction Expansions for Operator Algebras ⋮ Note on a Theorem of Fuglede and Putnam ⋮ On Generalized Group Algebras ⋮ Generalized Local Integrability ⋮ Spectrum of periodically correlated fields ⋮ On finite approximations of topological algebraic systems ⋮ A Paley-Wiener Theorem for Locally Compact Abelian Groups ⋮ Ergodic Properties of Infinitely Divisible Stochastic Point Processes ⋮ Translation-Invariant Functionals ⋮ Fourier Transforms of Certain Classes of Integrable Functions ⋮ The Stability of Weighted Lebesgue Spaces ⋮ Free Topological Groups ⋮ Uniqueness of the trace and simplicity ⋮ Probabilities on a Compact Group ⋮ Weak Structural Synthesis for Certain Banach Algebras ⋮ Unconditional integrability for dual actions ⋮ Injectivity of the Pompeiu transform in the Heisenberg group ⋮ A note on generalized Weyl-Heisenberg frames ⋮ Homomorphisms from functional equations: the Goldie equation ⋮ Cylindrical Wigner measures ⋮ Relative cohomological index theories ⋮ Asymptotic behaviour of the quaternion linear canonical transform and the Bochner-Minlos theorem ⋮ Continuity of eigenfunctions of uniquely ergodic dynamical systems and intensity of Bragg peaks ⋮ Coboundaries of irreducible Markov operators on \(C(K)\) ⋮ Approximation in \(L^p\) by linear combinations of the indicators of balls ⋮ Compactifications of discrete quantum groups. ⋮ Theoretical implications involved in the DDRP method ⋮ The states of the character ring of a compact group ⋮ Ergodic endomorphisms of compact Abelian groups ⋮ Asymptotic law for the distribution of prime numbers in the context of free abelian semigroups ⋮ An application of ultrafilters to the Haar measure ⋮ Theory of \(x\)-ideals ⋮ Über das Koeffizientenproblem der beschränkten Funktionen von zwei Veränderlichen ⋮ Order theoretic foundations of integration ⋮ Funktionswerte als Randintegrale in komplexen Räumen ⋮ Banach-Algebren stetiger Funktionen auf kompakten Räumen ⋮ The group of isometries of \(H^p\) ⋮ Über benachbarte multiplikative zahlentheoretische Funktionen mehrerer Variabler ⋮ Reconstructing Bohr's reply to EPR in algebraic quantum theory ⋮ Une approche nouvelle de la presque-périodicité faible ⋮ Integraltheorie ohne Verbandspostulat ⋮ Wiener's lemma and memory localization ⋮ A complete classification of continuous fractional operations on \(\mathbb C\) ⋮ Memory estimation of inverse operators ⋮ Compact operators on a Banach space into the space of almost periodic functions ⋮ Weak compactness in the classes of strengthened \(\sigma\)-order continuous linear functionals of Riesz spaces ⋮ Prolate spheroidal wave functions, Sonine spaces, and the Riemann zeta function ⋮ Theoretical aspects of ill-posed problems in statistics ⋮ \(J\)-holomorphic discs and real analytic hypersurfaces ⋮ Uniform operator continuity of the stationary Riccati equation in Hilbert space ⋮ Kolmogorov's abstract theorem: application to metric spaces and topological groups ⋮ On existence of finite universal Korovkin sets in the centre of group algebras ⋮ System theoretic properties of a class of spatially invariant systems ⋮ Topologically invariant linear forms on spaces of abstract distributions on a locally compact Abelian group ⋮ On groups of automorphisms of operator algebras ⋮ The Hewitt extension of proximity and uniform spaces ⋮ On identifying the maximal ideals in Banach algebras ⋮ A spectral interpretation for the explicit formula in the theory of prime numbers ⋮ Ergodische Eigenschaften der Automorphismen p-adischer Zahlen ⋮ Some results on Kronecker, Dirichlet and Helson sets. II ⋮ The center of the convolution algebra \(C_u(G)\) ⋮ Holomorphic versions of the Fabrey-Glimm representations of the canonical commutation relations ⋮ Die unzerlegbaren Charaktere einiger diskreter Gruppen ⋮ Zum Hauptsatz fastperiodischer Vektoren ⋮ On the construction of invariant measure over the orthogonal group on the Hilbert space by the method of Cayley transformation ⋮ The evolution of a spatial stochastic network ⋮ A local comparison theorem with applications to approximation in certain group and multiplier algebras ⋮ Banach algebra methods in renewal theory ⋮ Fourier analysis of arithmetical functions ⋮ The Plancherel measure in nilpotent Lie groups as a limit of point measures ⋮ Annihilator Banach *-algebras and the Peter-Weyl theorem ⋮ Über benachbarte multiplikative Funktionen ⋮ Banach algebra methods in prediction theory ⋮ Wiener-Levy-Sätze für absolut konvergente Reihen ⋮ A functional realization of the Lebesgue extension ⋮ Weak convergence and weak compactness in the space of almost periodic functions on the real line ⋮ Bimeasures and measures induced by planar stochastic integrators ⋮ A generalization of Macaev's theorem to non-commutative \(L^ p\)-spaces ⋮ The automorphisms and the endomorphisms of the group algebra of the unit circle ⋮ Harmonic analysis based on certain commutative Banach algebras ⋮ On integration with respect to a measure ⋮ The calculation of the ergodic projection for Markov chains and processes with a countable infinity of states ⋮ Zur Reduktionstheorie Hilbertscher Räume ⋮ A short proof of Zorn's lemma ⋮ Die unitaeren Darstellungen der universellen Überlagerungsgruppe der Bewegungsgruppe des R 2 ⋮ Prediction theory and Fourier series in several variables ⋮ Reduktion linearer Funktionale auf Operatorringen ⋮ Some subreflexive Banach spaces ⋮ Vaguely normal operators on a Banach space ⋮ A generalized Stone-Weierstrass theorem ⋮ Die Charakterisierung Rungescher Gebiete durch pluri-subharmonische Funktionen ⋮ The functions which operate on Fourier transforms ⋮ Étude de quelques algèbres tayloriennes ⋮ Functions of restricted variation ⋮ Estimates for translation invariant operators in \(L^p\) spaces ⋮ A note on the Daniell integral ⋮ Cônes convexes et pyramides convexes ⋮ On the representation of averaging operators ⋮ Über imprimitive Darstellungen lokal-kompakter Gruppen ⋮ Eigenfunktion-Entwicklungen und allgemeine Fastperiodizität ⋮ Entwicklungen nach Eigenfunktionen und allgemeine Fastperiodizität. II ⋮ Einige Bemerkungen zur Theorie der maximalen Ideale ⋮ Applications of almost periodic compactifications ⋮ Almost periodic functions on semigroups ⋮ Entwicklungen verallgemeinerter fastperiodischer Funktionen nach Eigenfunktionen ⋮ Analytic functions and logmodular Banach algebras ⋮ Spectral theory for infinitesimal generators of one-parameter groups of isometries: The min-max principle and compact perturbations ⋮ A generalization of A. Connes' trace formula ⋮ Unimodularity and atomic Plancherel measure ⋮ Methods of abstract harmonic analysis in the perturbation theory of linear operators ⋮ Toeplitz operators on symmetric Siegel domains ⋮ On representability of linear functionals on *-algebras ⋮ Methods of abstract harmonic analysis in the perturbation of linear operators ⋮ Spectral set functions and scalar operators ⋮ An application of Banach algebra techniques to multiplicative functions ⋮ Totally bounded topological group topologies on the integers ⋮ Function Values as Boundary Integrals ⋮ Haar Measure and the Semigroup of Measures on a Compact Group ⋮ A Note on Fourier-Stieltjes Transforms ⋮ A note on a theorem by Aldo Ghizzetti ⋮ Uniform cross norms and tensor products of Banach algebras ⋮ Hausdorff operators on compact abelian groups ⋮ Iséki spaces of semirings ⋮ Projective freeness and Hermiteness of complex function algebras ⋮ Invariant measures for stochastic conservation laws with Lipschitz flux in the space of almost periodic functions ⋮ Ideal spaces: An extension of structure spaces of rings ⋮ \(\mu\)-Hankel operators on compact abelian groups ⋮ Representations and Bochner's theorem for matrix valued group algebras ⋮ Invariant measures for stochastic parabolic–hyperbolic equations in the space of almost periodic functions: Lipschitz flux case ⋮ Hoffman type theorems on continuous maps in the maximal ideal space of $\mathbf{H}^\infty$ ⋮ Almost everywhere convergence of nets of operators and weak type maximal inequalities ⋮ Minimal ideals in group algebras and their biduals ⋮ Tensor products of commutative Banach algebras ⋮ A nontrivial normal sup norm algebra ⋮ On the Šilov boundaries of function algebras ⋮ Analytic functions and Dirichlet problem ⋮ On the Ideal Structure of Banach Algebras ⋮ Multipliers of sequence spaces ⋮ Semigroups with Positive Definite Structure ⋮ Covariance function and ergodicity of asymptotically stationary random fields ⋮ The Structure of Ideals and Point Derivations in Banach Algebras of Lipschitz Functions ⋮ Cohomology Groups of Commutative Banach Algebras ⋮ On Bounded Functions with Almost-Periodic Differences ⋮ Isomorphisms and Isometric Multipliers ⋮ Unnamed Item ⋮ [ Station�re zuf�llige Ma�e auf lokalkompakten Abelschen Gruppen] ⋮ On a characterization of probability distributions on locally compact abelian groups ⋮ Isomorphisms between commutative Banach algebras with an application to rings of analytic functions ⋮ Completeness of discrete translates in the Hardy space 𝐻¹(ℝ) ⋮ L'algèbre de Fourier d'un groupe localement compact ⋮ The Theory of Linear Continuous systems. II ⋮ Quantum regression in dephasing phenomena ⋮ On Dirichlet spaces and Dirichlet rings ⋮ On some properties of $A^P \left( G \right)$-algebras ⋮ Limit theorems for probabilities of large deviations of a Galton–Watson process ⋮ Zur Verallgemeinerung der abstrakten Integrationstheorie ⋮ Tensor Products Over Banach Algebras ⋮ A Characterization of Commutative Group Algebras and Measure Algebras ⋮ Couples spectraux et faisceaux associés. Applications aux anneaux de fonctions ⋮ The Theory of Linear Continuous Systems. I† ⋮ Remark on the $A^p \left( G \right)$-algebras ⋮ On Matrices Over the Ring of Continuous Complex Valued Functions on a Stonian Space ⋮ Algebraic Extensions of Continuous Function Algebras ⋮ Poids et espérances conditionnelles dans les algèbres de von Neumann ⋮ On a Realization of a Complemented Algebra ⋮ Analytic Functions in Banach Spaces ⋮ On the Integral Representation of Positive Linear Functionals ⋮ Fourier transforms of unbounded measures ⋮ Discrete Complemented Algebra ⋮ Uniform Approximation on Noncompact Spaces ⋮ Caractérisation des ensembles normaux ⋮ Compactification and Duality of Topological Groups ⋮ Convolution Measure Algebras with Group Maximal Ideal Spaces ⋮ A Description of the Topology on the Dual Spaces of Certain Locally Compact Groups ⋮ Me\fehler und Information ⋮ Tensor Products of Banach Algebras with Involution ⋮ Abstract integral spaces and minimal extensions ⋮ Prediction Theory Over Discrete Abelian Groups ⋮ Banach algebra structure on simple extensions ⋮ A Remark on Regular Banach Algebras ⋮ Maximal ideals in the group algebra of an extension, with applications ⋮ A Bounded Difference Property for Classes of Banach-Valued Functions ⋮ Uniformly Distributed Sequences in Locally Compact Groups. II ⋮ A note on strong Ditkin algebras ⋮ Unnamed Item ⋮ Choosing Function Spaces in Harmonic Analysis ⋮ Groups of Automorphisms of Borel Spaces ⋮ Zur mathematischen Theorie der Druckverbreiterung von Spektrallinien ⋮ Representation Theory of Central Topological Groups ⋮ Unnamed Item ⋮ Unnamed Item ⋮ Closed Subalgebras of Group Algebras ⋮ Unnamed Item ⋮ Unnamed Item ⋮ Topological conjugacy and structural stability for discrete dynamical systems ⋮ A Riesz Representation Theorem ⋮ Unnamed Item ⋮ Functional Analytic Properties of Extremely Amenable Semigroups ⋮ Measures with Bounded Convolution Powers ⋮ Unnamed Item ⋮ Vanishing Algebras ⋮ Weak Eigenvectors and the Functional Calculus ⋮ Simple C*-crossed products with a unique trace ⋮ Entropy for Group Endomorphisms and Homogeneous Spaces ⋮ Quasiconformal Mappings and Royden Algebras in Space ⋮ Quasiconformal Mappings and Royden Algebras in Space ⋮ Unnamed Item ⋮ Harmonic Analysis on Central Topological Groups ⋮ Unnamed Item ⋮ Invariant and Reducing Subalgebras of Measure Preserving Transformations ⋮ A computable figure of merit for quasi-Monte Carlo point sets ⋮ One-Sided Invariant Subspaces and Domains of Uniqueness for Hyperbolic Equations ⋮ Unnamed Item ⋮ Generalized Positive Linear Functionals on a Banach Algebra with an Involution ⋮ Unnamed Item ⋮ Unnamed Item ⋮ Regular Representations of Dirichlet Spaces ⋮ Characterization of Fourier-Stieltjes transforms of vector and operator valued measures ⋮ Dirichlet Spaces and Strong Markov Processes ⋮ Integral as a Certain Type of a Positive Definite Function ⋮ Unnamed Item ⋮ The two-sided closed ideals of the algebra of bounded linear operators of a Hilbert space ⋮ Unnamed Item ⋮ A spectral integral representation for decomposable operators ⋮ Some algebraic and homological properties of Lipschitz algebras and their second duals ⋮ Pure point/continuous decomposition of translation-bounded measures and diffraction ⋮ ON ALGEBRA ISOMORPHISMS BETWEEN p-BANACH BEURLING ALGEBRAS ⋮ Hilbertian (function) algebras ⋮ Homage to A. M. Gleason and I. J. Schark ⋮ Gordon's conjectures 1 and 2: Pontryagin-van Kampen duality in the hyperfinite setting ⋮ Isomorphisms of Group Algebras ⋮ Unnamed Item ⋮ Unnamed Item ⋮ Unnamed Item ⋮ On The Construction of Semigroups from Substochastic Resolvents ⋮ Abstract Bochner-Weil-Raikov theorem in topological algebras ⋮ Random Tempered Distributions on Locally Compact Separable Abelian Groups ⋮ Application of the Local Fractional Fourier Series to Fractal Signals ⋮ The harmonic analysis associated to the Heckman-Opdam's theory and its application to a root system of type $BC_d$ ⋮ Conservation relations for local theta correspondence ⋮ An autocorrelation and a discrete spectrum for dynamical systems on metric spaces ⋮ An approach to the theory of integration generated by positive linear functionals and existence of minimal extensions ⋮ Characterizations of a commutative semisimple modular annihilator Banach algebra through its socle ⋮ Gordon's Conjecture 3: Fourier transforms in the hyperfinite setting ⋮ Representations of normed algebras with minimal left ideals