zbMath0835.32001MaRDI QIDQ5906689
Lars Hörmander
Publication date: 15 February 1995
Published in: Progress in Mathematics (Search for Journal in Brave)
Pluripotential theory on compact Hermitian manifolds,
Small-time reachable sets of linear systems with integral control constraints: birth of the shape of a reachable set,
Viscosity solutions to quaternionic Monge-Ampère equations,
Some generalized Hermite-Hadamard type integral inequalities for generalized \(s\)-convex functions on fractal sets,
(DFS)-spaces of holomorphic functions invariant under differentiation,
The Lee--Yang and Pólya--Schur programs. I: Linear operators preserving stability,
Heinz type inequalities for mappings satisfying Poisson's equation,
Polynomial hulls and an optimization problem,
An entropy-based uncertainty principle for a locally compact abelian group,
Holomorphic minorants of plurisubharmonic functions,
Hardy-Stein type characterization of harmonic Bergman spaces,
Extensions of convex and semiconvex functions and intervally thin sets,
Shadows. Convexity, regularity, and subharmonicity,
Local solvability of analytic pseudodifferential complexes in top degree,
The logarithm of the modulus of a holomorphic function as a minorant for a subharmonic function,
Algebraic projective descriptions and the Fantappiè transformation,
On the boundary behavior of Kähler-Einstein metrics on log canonical pairs,
Local property of a class of \(m\)-subharmonic functions,
Weak Runge pairs in \(\mathbb C^{n}\),
On a problem of Bremermann concerning Runge domains,
Integral representations of harmonic functions in half spaces,
An inequality for Fourier-Laplace transforms of entire functions, and the existence of exponential frames in Fock space,
Invariant holomorphic extension in several complex variables,
Fractal Weyl laws for asymptotically hyperbolic manifolds,
A note on strict \(\mathbb C\)-convexity,
Duality bounds in robustness analysis,
Polynomial convexity and Rossi's local maximum principle,
Asymptotic behavior for a class of modified \(\alpha \)-potentials in a half space,
Hölder continuity of solutions to the Monge-Ampère equations on compact Kähler manifolds,
\(\mathbb C\)-convexity in infinite-dimensional Banach spaces and applications to Kergin interpolation,
Perturbation theory of observable linear systems,
A viscosity approach to degenerate complex Monge-Ampère equations,
Integral representations of a class of harmonic functions in the half space,
The Cauchy integral in \(\mathbb{C}^n\) for domains with minimal smoothness,
Entire functions of exponential type represented by pseudo-random and random Taylor series,
Book review of: Lars Hörmander, The analysis of linear partial differential operators I--IV.,
Noncommutative uncertainty principles,
On the exit distribution of partially reflected Brownian motion in planar domains,
Near-boundary asymptotics for correlation kernels,
Uniqueness in rough almost complex structures, and differential inequalities,
Subharmonic functions in sub-Riemannian settings,
From integral estimates of functions to uniform and locally averaged ones,
On the \(\bar\partial\)-problem with \(L^2\)-estimates on a Riemann surface,
Compactness of classical operators on weighted Banach spaces of holomorphic functions,
Quaternionic Monge-Ampère equations,
On Riesz decomposition for super-polyharmonic functions in \({\mathbb R}^{n}\),
Intégrabilité uniforme semi-globale d'une classe de fonctions plurisousharmoniques. (Semi-global uniform integrability for a class of pluri-subharmonic functions),
On bulk singularities in the random normal matrix model,
Dimension in latent variable models.,
On Lipschitz continuity of solutions of hyperbolic Poisson's equation,
Stability of strongly Gauduchon manifolds under modifications,
Convexity of the joint numerical range: Topological and differential geometric viewpoints.,
Distribution of nodes on algebraic curves in \({\mathbb C}^N\).,
The geometry of \(m\)-hyperconvex domains,
Bergman spaces with exponential weights,
Wiener regularity for large solutions of nonlinear equations,
Vector spaces of delta-plurisubharmonic functions and extensions of the complex Monge-Ampère operator,
Monge-Ampère measures on subvarieties,
Extreme harmonic functions on a ball,
Entire functions of exponential type and uniqueness conditions on their real part,
Asymptotic expansion of polyanalytic Bergman kernels,
Kähler-Einstein metrics on stable varieties and log canonical pairs,
Valuations and plurisubharmonic singularities,
Exponentially weighted \(L^p\)-estimates for \(\overline\partial\) on the unit disc,
Peak functions in \(\mathbb {C}\)-convex domains,
Norm of Berezin transform on \(L^p\) space,
On Hörmander's solution of the \(\bar{\partial}\)-equation. I,
The overdetermined Cauchy problem,
Plurisubharmonic functions on the octonionic plane and \(Spin (9)\)-invariant valuations on convex sets,
General restrictions of Wythoff-like games,
Lyapunov exponents for surface group representations,
Regularizing properties of complex Monge-Ampère flows,
Boundary Schwarz lemma for solutions to Poisson's equation,
A Hilbert lemniscate theorem in \(\mathbb C^{ 2 }\),
Extremal \(\omega \)-plurisubharmonic functions as~envelopes of disc functionals,
Random walks, Kleinian groups, and bifurcation currents,
Convex defining functions for convex domains,
On the curvature of some free boundaries in higher dimensions,
Exhausting domains of the symmetrized bidisc,
Sharp integral inequalities of the Hermite-Hadamard type,
A Paley-Wiener theorem for convex sets in \({\mathbb{C}}^{n}\),
The total variation flow in \(\mathbb R^N\),
Generic linear systems for projective CR manifolds,
On the positivity of symmetric polynomial functions. II: Lattice general results and positivity criteria for degrees 4 and 5,
An \(O(n)\) algorithm for weighted least squares regression by integer quasi-convex and unimodal or umbrella functions,
Structure properties of laminar currents on \(\mathbb{P}^2\),
On an integral inequality and application to Poisson's equation,
Complex Monge-Ampère equation for measures supported on real submanifolds,
The role of an integration identity in the analysis of the Cauchy-Leray transform,
Gromov hyperbolicity of the Kobayashi metric on \(\mathbb{C}\)-convex domains,
Potentials on a compact Riemann surface,
Geometric loci associated to certain minimal chords in convex regions,
Note on the Fourier-Laplace transform of \(\overline{\partial}\)-cohomology classes,
Kergin interpolation in Banach spaces,
On the Liouville property for fully nonlinear equations,
On certain quasiconformal and elliptic mappings,
Quasiplurisubharmonic Green functions,
Uniqueness of solutions of a \(H^\infty\) optimization problem and complex geometric convexity,
The Thouless formula for random non-Hermitian Jacobi matrices,
Analytic functionals and Cauchy problems.,
An effective estimate on Betti numbers,
Complex geodesics and complex Monge-Ampère equations with boundary singularity,
Lelong number and the log canonical thresholds of plurisubharmonic functions on analytic subsets,
Reverse inequalities for subelliptic functions,
Subharmonic test functions and the distribution of zero sets of holomorphic functions,
Asymptotics for Bergman projections with smooth weights: a direct approach,
Poisson type inequalities with respect to a cone and their applications,
Duality of large Fock spaces in several complex variables and compact localization operators,
Certain Fourier operators on \(\operatorname{GL}_1\) and local Langlands gamma functions,
A uniformly exponentially stable ADI scheme for Maxwell equations,
Higher Lelong numbers and convex geometry,
About Boltzmann's H theorem for the Landau equation,
Almost positive kernels on compact Riemannian manifolds,
Geometric properties of the pentablock,
Harmonic quasi-isometries of pinched Hadamard surfaces are injective,
The Neumann problem for the \(k\)-Cauchy-Fueter complex over \(k\)-pseudoconvex domains in \(\mathbb{R}^4\) and the \(L^2\) estimate,
Properties of the moduli set of complete connected projective special real manifolds,
Liouville theorem for poly-harmonic functions on \(\mathbb{R}^n_+ \),
Lelong numbers of bidegree \((1, 1)\) currents on multiprojective spaces,
An analogue of the squeezing function for projective maps,
Estimates of solutions of second-order linear elliptic inequalities,
Szegő type asymptotics for the reproducing kernel in spaces of full-plane weighted polynomials,
Stein spaces with plurisubharmonic bounded exhaustion functions,
The Stokes resolvent problem: optimal pressure estimates and remarks on resolvent estimates in convex domains,
On the uniqueness of Cournot equilibrium in case of concave integrated price flexibility,
Regularity of mappings into classical domains,
Controllability of two coupled wave equations on a compact manifold,
A comparison principle for singular diffusion equations with spatially inhomogeneous driving force for graphs,
Hayman theorem in \(\mathcal{R}_+^{n+1}\) with the Clifford analysis setting,
Inequalities for quermassintegrals on \(k\)-convex domains,
Distribution of zeros of exponential-type entire functions with constraints on growth along a line,
Lipschitz-type spaces and Hardy spaces on some classes of complex-valued functions,
Nuclear global spaces of ultradifferentiable functions in the matrix weighted setting,
On boundary confinements for the Coulomb gas,
Hyperbolic Polynomials and Convex Analysis,
Entire functions with separated zeros and 1-points,
Unbounded components of the singular set of the distance function in $\mathbb R^n$,
Plurisubharmonic functions and Monge-Ampère operators on complex varieties in bounded domains of \(\mathbb{C}^n\),
Weighted Bergman kernel, directional Lelong number and John-Nirenberg exponent,
Comparison geometry for an extension of Ricci tensor,
Positivity aspects of the Fantappiè transform,
On higher-rank Khovanskii-Teissier inequalities,
Radially distributed values and normal families. II.,
Convexity of level lines of Martin functions and applications,
Tropical dynamics of area-preserving maps,
Domains of definition of Monge-Ampère operators on compact Kähler manifolds,
Mass equidistribution for random polynomials,
Existence and uniqueness of Lipschitz continuous graphs with prescribed Levi curvature,
The equation of complex Monge-Ampère type and stability of solutions,
On the Lipschitz continuity of certain quasiregular mappings between smooth Jordan domains,
A theorem on the approximation of plurisubharmonic functions in Lelong classes,
Convex bodies of constant width and constant brightness,
Euclidean lattices, theta invariants, and thermodynamic formalism,
On self-adjointness of symmetric diffusion operators,
Positive definite holomorphic functions on tube domains.,
A comparison theorem for subharmonic functions,
On a numerical shape optimization approach for a class of free boundary problems,
On asymptotically sharp bi-Lipschitz inequalities of quasiconformal mappings satisfying inhomogeneous polyharmonic equations,
Estimates of level sets of holomorphic functions and applications to the weighted log canonical thresholds,
Real Paley-Wiener theorems in spaces of ultradifferentiable functions,
Holomorphic projection and duality for domains in complex projective space,
On the size of attractors in \(\mathbb P^k\),
Geometry of Kantorovich polytopes and support of optimizers for repulsive multi-marginal optimal transport on finite state spaces,
To the theory of semilinear equations in the plane,
On a quasilinear Poisson equation in the plane,
Transcendental versions in \(\mathbb{C}^n\) of the Nagata conjecture,
Complex geodesics in convex domains and \(\mathbb{C}\)-convexity of semitube domains,
Solution concepts, well-posedness, and wave breaking for the Fornberg-Whitham equation,
Mixed Hodge-Riemann bilinear relations and \(m\)-positivity,
A fully nonlinear partial differential equation and its application to the \(\sigma_k\)-Yamabe problem,
Weak solutions to degenerate complex Monge-Ampère flows. I,
On localization properties of Fourier transforms of hyperfunctions,
Nuclearity of rapidly decreasing ultradifferentiable functions and time-frequency analysis,
Order versions of the Hahn-Banach theorem and envelopes. II: Applications to function theory,
Characterizations of Lipschitz-type, Bloch-type and Dirichlet-type spaces,
A problem of Stanislaw Saks,
Microscopic densities and Fock-Sobolev spaces,
A right inverse of Cauchy-Riemann operator \(\bar{\partial}^k+a\) in the weighted Hilbert space \(L^2(\mathbb{C},e^{-|z|^2})\),
Equilibrium measures on a compact Riemann surface,
On a lower bound of the Kobayashi metric,
Quantitative unique continuation for hyperbolic and hypoelliptic equations,
Shortest closed curve to inspect a sphere,
Unification of generalized and \(p\)-convexity,
The distance function in the presence of an obstacle,
Rescaling Ward identities in the random normal matrix model,
Lengths, area and modulus of continuity of some classes of complex-valued functions,
The Schwarz type lemmas and the Landau type theorem of mappings satisfying Poisson's equations,
Hölder continuous solutions to quaternionic Monge-Ampère equations,
On some Schwarz type inequalities,
Triangles and triple products of Laplace eigenfunctions,
Annealed Ising model on configuration models,
Cauchy-type integrals in several complex variables,
On different extremal bases for ℂ-convex domains,
A new characterization of convexity in free Carnot groups,
One more proof of the Alexandrov-Fenchel inequality,
Schwarz lemmas for mappings satisfying Poisson's equation,
Valuative analysis of planar plurisubharmonic functions,
Quantitative localization and comparison of invariant distances of domains in \(\mathbb{C}^n\),
Geometric properties of domains related to \(\mu\)-synthesis,
Random normal matrices and Ward identities,
Global boundedness of functions of finite order that are bounded outside small sets,
Strips Are the Only Open Convex Sets that Disconnect the Plane,
The minimizing vector theorem in symmetrized max-plus algebra,
Breaking the Curse of Dimension in Multi-Marginal Kantorovich Optimal Transport on Finite State Spaces,
𝐿^{𝑝}→𝐿^{𝑞} regularity of Fourier integral operators with caustics,
Viscosity solutions, almost everywhere solutions and explicit formulas,
Hardy Spaces of Holomorphic Functions for Domains in ℂ n with Minimal Smoothness,
Tangents to subsolutions: existence and uniqueness, Part I,
Hodge-Index Type Inequalities, Hyperbolic Polynomials, and Complex Hessian Equations,
The Hilbert Transform and Orthogonal Martingales in Banach Spaces,
Condition Number Minimization in Euclidean Jordan Algebras,
Distribution of zeros of polynomials with positive coefficients,
Siciak’s Theorem on Separate Analyticity,
Unnamed Item,
Unnamed Item,
Unnamed Item,
Entire functions with two radially distributed values,
The convexity of radially symmetric m-subharmonic functions,
Semiclassical Gevrey operators in the complex domain,
Moser-Trudinger inequalities and complex Monge-Ampère equation,
On the viscosity approach to a class of fully nonlinear elliptic equations,
A geometric approach to second-order differentiability of convex functions,
On the positivity of direct image bundles,
Convergence of the Hesse-Koszul flow on compact Hessian manifolds,
The Heinz type inequality, Bloch type theorem and Lipschitz characteristic of polyharmonic mappings,
Convex geometry of finite exchangeable laws and de Finetti style representation with universal correlated corrections,
On numerical study of constrained coupled shape optimization problems based on a new shape derivative method,
Impulse null approximate controllability for heat equation with dynamic boundary conditions,
Global viscosity solutions of generalized Kähler-Ricci flow,
On a Shape Derivative Formula in the Brunn--Minkowski Theory,
On the convergence in capacity on compact Kahler manifolds and its applications,
Projective logarithmic potentials,
A universal bound in the dimensional Brunn-Minkowski inequality for log-concave measures,
Geometry of Hermitian symmetric spaces under the action of a maximal unipotent group,
The forbidden region for random zeros: Appearance of quadrature domains,
Minimal entropy conditions for scalar conservation laws with general convex fluxes,
Weak solutions of complex Hessian equations on compact Hermitian manifolds,
Equidistribution for weakly holomorphic sections of line bundles on algebraic curves,
On linearized versions of matrix inequalities,
Convexity properties of area integral means over the annuli,
Tropical and non-Archimedean Monge-Ampère equations for a class of Calabi-Yau hypersurfaces,
Analysis and applications: The mathematical work of Elias Stein,
Extension and approximation ofm-subharmonic functions,
Unnamed Item,
Multilinear Singular Integral Forms of Christ-Journé Type,
About a conjecture regarding plurisubharmonic functions,
On some inequalities for generalized s-convex functions and applications on fractal sets,
An algebraic approach to the openness conjecture of Demailly and Kollár,
Cournot equilibrium uniqueness via demi-concavity,
Bi-Lipschitz characteristic of quasiconformal self-mappings of the unit disk satisfying bi-harmonic equation,
Convexity of Hessian integrals and Poincaré type inequalities,
Growth of Schrödingerian Subharmonic Functions Admitting Certain Lower Bounds,
On quasiconformal self-mappings of the unit disk satisfying Poisson’s equation,
Kelvin transform and multi-harmonic polynomials,
Unnamed Item,
Cauchy–Riemann meet Monge–Ampère,
Cutting the loss of derivatives for solvability under condition $(\Psi )$,
Dual of the function algebra 𝐴^{-∞}(𝐷) and representation of functions in Dirichlet series,
Eigenvalue pinching on convex domains in space forms,
The pluricomplex Poisson kernel for strongly convex domains,
Isolated singularities for fully nonlinear elliptic equations,
On Lelong-Bremermann Lemma,
An index for gauge-invariant operators and the Dixmier-Douady invariant,
Balayage of measures and subharmonic functions to a system of rays. I. The classical case,
Locally pluripolar sets are pluripolar,
Semi-linear equations and quasiconformal mappings,
Local singularities of plurisubharmonic functions,
Inverse spectral problem for normal matrices and the Gauss-Lucas theorem,
Negative dependence and the geometry of polynomials,
Singular Kähler-Einstein metrics,
Subsequences of zeros for classes of holomorphic functions, their stability, and the entropy of arcwise connectedness. I,
A geometric characterization of interpolation in ℰ̂′(ℝ),
Remarks on the area theorem in the theory of univalent functions,
Polynomial inequalities in L^p norms with generalized Jacobi weights,
Unnamed Item,
Tube structures, Hardy spaces and extension of CR distributions,
A proof of Bochner’s tube theorem,
Estimates for invariant metrics on $\mathbb C$-convex domains,
Complex singularities and contact topology,
Comparison of the Bergman kernel and the Carathéodory–Eisenman volume,
A Simple Counterexample to the Monge Ansatz in Multimarginal Optimal Transport, Convex Geometry of the Set of Kantorovich Plans, and the Frenkel--Kontorova Model,
On the best constant for Hardy’s inequality in $\mathbb {R}^n$,
Stability of an Inverse Problem in Potential Scattering on The Real Line,
The Closure and the Interior of C-convex Sets,
Interior estimates for solutions of linear elliptic inequalities,
Bas du spectre et delta-hyperbolicité en géométrie de Hilbert plane,
On a problem of Chirka,
On Regularity and Irregularity of Certain Holomorphic Singular Integral Operators,
Inequalities and Convexity,
Coherent Distortion Risk Measures and Higher-Order Stochastic Dominances,
Hyperconvexity and Bergman completeness