The following pages link to William Thomson (Q1475653):
Displaying 50 items.
- Über die dynamische Theorie der Wärme. Ins deutsche übertragen und herausgegeben von \textit{W. Block}. (Q1475654) (← links)
- Mathematical and physical papers. Volume V. Thermodynamics, cosmical and geological physics, molecular and crystalline theory, electrodynamics. Arranged and revised, with brief annotations, by Sir Joseph Larmor. (Q1481655) (← links)
- Mathematical and physical papers. Arranged and revised, with brief annotations by Sir Joseph Larmor. Volume VI. Voltaic theory, radioactivity, electrions, Navigation and tides. Miscellaneous. (Q1481656) (← links)
- Mathematical and Physical Papers, -- Volume IV, Hydrodynamics and General Dynamics. Arranged and revised, with brief annotations, by Sir \textit{Joseph Larmor}. (Q1484546) (← links)
- Vorlesungen über Molekulardynamik und die Theorie des Lichts. Deutsch herausgegeben von \textit{B. Weinstein}. (Q1490473) (← links)
- On the formatio of concrete matter from atomic origins. (Q1493089) (← links)
- Über Ätherbewegungen, hervorgerufen durch Kollision von Atomen oder Molekülen mit oder ohne Elektronen. (Q1493453) (← links)
- On the formation of concrete matter form atomic origins. (Q1493602) (← links)
- On the initiation of deep-sea waves of three classes: (1) from a single displacement; (2) from a group of equal and similar displacements; (3) by a periodically varying surface-pressure. (Q1495580) (← links)
- On the motions of ether produced by collisions of atoms or molecules containing or not containing electrons. (Q1495890) (← links)
- Initiation of deep-sea waves of three classes: (1) from a single displacement; (2) from a group of equal and similar displacements; (3) by a periodically varying surface pressure. (Q1498939) (← links)
- The initiation and continuel growth of two-dimensional waves due to the sudden commencement of a stationary periodically varying forcive. (Q1498940) (← links)
- A form of initiational disturbance more convenient than that of \(\S\S\) 3-31 of previous papers on waves. (Q1498941) (← links)
- Illustrations of the indefinite extension and multiplication of a group of two-dimensional deep-sea waves, initially finite. (Q1498942) (← links)
- On deep-sea ship waves. (Q1498943) (← links)
- Plan of an atom to be capable of storing an electrion with enormous energy for radioactivity. (Q1499213) (← links)
- Deep water ship-waves. (Q1500772) (← links)
- Deep sea ship-waves. (Q1500773) (← links)
- On deep-water two-dimensional waves produced by any given initiating disturbance. (Q1503123) (← links)
- On the front and rear of a free procession of waves in deep water. (Continued from Phil. Mag. June 1904.). (Q1503124) (← links)
- Baltimore lectures on molecular dynamics and the wave theory of light, founded on Mr. A. S. Hathaway's stenographic report of twenty lectures delivered in Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, in October 1884: Followed by twelve appendices on allied subjec (Q1503183) (← links)
- Plan of a combination of atoms to have the properties of polonium or radium. (Q1503228) (← links)
- Lord Kelvin and his first teacher in natural philosophy. (Q1503952) (← links)
- On electro-ethereal theory of the velocity of light in gases, liquids, and solids. (Q1506105) (← links)
- On the weights of atoms. (Q1508299) (← links)
- Molecular dynamics of a crystal. (Q1508305) (← links)
- A new specifying method for stress and strain in an elastic solid. (Q1508318) (← links)
- Professor \textit{Tait}. (Q1508891) (← links)
- On ether and gravitational matter through infinite space. (Q1509912) (← links)
- Nineteenth century clouds over the dynamical theory of heat and light. (Q1509994) (← links)
- Aepinus atomized. (Q1510047) (← links)
- (Q1512142) (redirect page) (← links)
- On the motion produced in an infinite elastic solid by the motion through the space occupied by it of a body acting on it only by attraction or repulsion. (Q1512143) (← links)
- Sur le mouvement d'un solide élastique traversé par un corps, agissant sur lui par attraction ou par répulsion. (Q1512144) (← links)
- On the reflection and refraction of solitary plane waves at a plane interface between two isotropic elastic mediums --- fluid, solid or ether. (Q1515387) (← links)
- On the application of force within a limited space required to produce spherical solitary waves or trains of periodic waves of both species, equivoluminal and irrotational, in an elastic solid. (Q1515388) (← links)
- Application of Sellmeier's dynamical theory to the dark lines \(D_1\), \(D_2\), produced by sodium-vapour. (Q1515423) (← links)
- The dynamical theory of refraction, dispersion and anomalous disperion. (Q1515907) (← links)
- Contact electricity and electrolysis according to father Boscovich. (Q1516485) (← links)
- On osmotic pressure against an ideal semi-permeable membran. (Q1519051) (← links)
- Velocity of propagation of electrostatic force. (Q1521446) (← links)
- The age of the Earth. (Q1522802) (← links)
- Isoperimetric problems. (Q1523103) (← links)
- On homogeneous division of space. (Q1525456) (← links)
- On the resistance of a fluid to a plane kept moving uniformly in a direction inclined to it at a small angle. (Q1526720) (← links)
- On the doctrine of discontinuity of fluid motion in connection with the resistance against a solid moving through a liquid. (Q1526721) (← links)
- On the elasticity of a crystal according to Boscovich. (Q1526879) (← links)
- Sur la théorie de la pyro-électricité et de la piézo-électricité. (Q1528030) (← links)
- Generalization of Mercator's projection performed by aid of electrical instruments. (Q1529846) (← links)
- To draw a Mercator chart on one sheet representing the whole of any complexly continuous closed surface. (Q1529847) (← links)