The following pages link to (Q5477922):
Displaying 50 items.
- Moduli spaces of framed symplectic and orthogonal bundles on \(\mathbb{P}^2\) and the \(K\)-theoretic Nekrasov partition functions (Q295776) (← links)
- Exact results for 't Hooft loops in gauge theories on \(S^4\) (Q332282) (← links)
- Generalized Whittaker states for instanton counting with fundamental hypermultiplets (Q339231) (← links)
- Five-dimensional AGT conjecture and the deformed Virasoro algebra (Q359273) (← links)
- Gauge theories as matrix models (Q376953) (← links)
- Instanton partition functions in \(\mathcal{N} = 2\) SU(\(N\)) gauge theories with a general surface operator, and their \(\mathcal{W}\)-algebra duals (Q407118) (← links)
- Vortex counting and Lagrangian 3-manifolds (Q409022) (← links)
- Integration over the \(u\)-plane in Donaldson theory with surface operators (Q457522) (← links)
- Instanton counting with a surface operator and the chain-saw quiver (Q466608) (← links)
- From SO/Sp instantons to W-algebra blocks (Q475976) (← links)
- On topological field theory representation of higher analogs of classical special functions (Q480533) (← links)
- Donaldson = Seiberg-Witten from Mochizuki's formula and instanton counting (Q533375) (← links)
- Perverse coherent sheaves on blowup. III: Blow-up formula from wall-crossing (Q542650) (← links)
- Affine \(sl(N)\) conformal blocks from \({\mathcal N} = 2\) \(SU(N)\) gauge theories (Q544418) (← links)
- Whittaker vectors of the Virasoro algebra in terms of Jack symmetric polynomial (Q651243) (← links)
- A finite analog of the AGT relation. I: Finite \(W\)-algebras and quasimaps' spaces (Q652263) (← links)
- Chiral rings for surface operators in 4d and 5d SQCD (Q667238) (← links)
- Affine \(SL(2)\) conformal blocks from 4d gauge theories (Q708921) (← links)
- On a complete solution of the quantum Dell system (Q780923) (← links)
- Non-planar topological 3-vertex formalism (Q980856) (← links)
- The Nekrasov conjecture for toric surfaces (Q982426) (← links)
- Blowup equations for refined topological strings (Q1627414) (← links)
- Wall-crossing between stable and co-stable ADHM data (Q1639941) (← links)
- Geometry of Uhlenbeck partial compactification of orthogonal instanton spaces and the \(K\)-theoretic Nekrasov partition functions (Q1644978) (← links)
- Quantum spectral curve for \((q,t)\)-matrix model (Q1696037) (← links)
- Splitting of surface defect partition functions and integrable systems (Q1710212) (← links)
- Classical deformations of noncompact surfaces and their moduli of instantons (Q1730883) (← links)
- New results in \(\mathcal N=2\) theories from non-perturbative string (Q1742402) (← links)
- On gauge theory and topological string in Nekrasov-Shatashvili limit (Q1795715) (← links)
- S-duality as a \(\beta\)-deformed Fourier transform (Q1795861) (← links)
- The \(\Omega \) deformed \(B\)-model for rigid \(N=2\) theories (Q1947177) (← links)
- Reconstructing GKZ via topological recursion (Q2007747) (← links)
- A combinatorial study on quiver varieties (Q2012900) (← links)
- Deformation-obstruction theory for diagrams of algebras and applications to geometry (Q2032775) (← links)
- Thermodynamic limit of Nekrasov partition function for 5-brane web with \(O5\)-plane (Q2044851) (← links)
- Quantum spectral problems and isomonodromic deformations (Q2147982) (← links)
- Virtual refinements of the Vafa-Witten formula (Q2181972) (← links)
- A-type quiver varieties and ADHM moduli spaces (Q2223724) (← links)
- Spectra of elliptic potentials and supersymmetric gauge theories (Q2225729) (← links)
- Elliptic lift of the Shiraishi function as a non-stationary double-elliptic function (Q2225796) (← links)
- \(\widehat{\mathfrak{sl}}(n)_N\) WZW conformal blocks from \(SU(N)\) instanton partition functions on \(\mathbb{C}^2/\mathbb{Z}_N\) (Q2230491) (← links)
- Localization of \( \mathcal{N} = 4 \) superconformal field theory on \(S^{1} {\times} S^{3}\) and index (Q2261065) (← links)
- Instantons from blow-up (Q2292510) (← links)
- Wild quiver gauge theories (Q2340656) (← links)
- The ABCDEFG of instantons and W-algebras (Q2340744) (← links)
- The \(\operatorname{SO}(3)\)-instanton moduli space and tensor products of ADHM data (Q2414535) (← links)
- Equivariant volumes of non-compact quotients and instanton counting (Q2517933) (← links)
- Stringy instanton counting and topological strings (Q2635617) (← links)
- Pure \( \mathcal{N}=2 \) super Yang-Mills and exact WKB (Q2635766) (← links)
- Limit shapes, real and imagined (Q2797788) (← links)