The following pages link to William Burnside (Q6481196):
Displaying 1 item.
- (Q1441634) (redirect page) (← links)
- Theory of probability. With a preface and memoir on Burnside by A. R. Forsyth. (Q1441635) (← links)
- On a group of order 25\(\,\)920 and the projective transformations of a cubic surface. (Q1445917) (← links)
- On a group of 1440 birational transformations of four variables that arises in considering the projective equivalence of double sixes. (Q1449021) (← links)
- On the idea of frequency. (Q1453843) (← links)
- On the phrase ``equally probable''. (Q1453920) (← links)
- On the approximate sum of selected terms from multinomial expansion. (Q1454325) (← links)
- On groups of linear substitutions which contain irreducible metacyclical subgroups. (Q1454496) (← links)
- On the representation of the modular group of order \(\dfrac 12 p (p^2-1)\) as a group of linear substitutions on \(\dfrac 12 (p-1)\) symbols, when \(p\) is a prime of the form \(4n+3\). (Q1454499) (← links)
- On the relation connecting the ten distances between five points in space. (Q1455267) (← links)
- On an integral connected with the theory of probability. (Q1457608) (← links)
- On a partial linear difference equation. (Q1457959) (← links)
- On the polygons inscribed in one conic and circumscribed to another. (Q1458235) (← links)
- The problems of random flight and conduction of heat. (Q1458547) (← links)
- On a spherical configuration of eight points. (Q1459266) (← links)
- On rational approximations to cyclical cubic irrationalities. (Q1460148) (← links)
- The solution of a certain partial difference equation. (Q1460592) (← links)
- On the representation of the simple group of order 660 as a group of linear substitutions on 5 symbols. (Q1464020) (← links)
- On certain simply-transitive permutation-groups. (Q1464021) (← links)
- On cyclical octosection. (Q1465345) (← links)
- On the probable regularity of a random distribution of points. (Q1468310) (← links)
- On a plane configuration of points and lines connected with the group of 168 plane collineations. (Q1468780) (← links)
- Determinants of cyclically repeated arrays. (Q1469998) (← links)
- A rapidly convergent series for \(\log N!\). (Q1470521) (← links)
- An approximate expression for \(\sum_{n=0}^\infty \frac{1}{(m+n)^r}\). (Q1470522) (← links)
- An expression for the remainder in the expansion of a function in a series of positive integral powers of the variables. (Q1470575) (← links)
- On rational approximations to \(\log x\). (Q1471107) (← links)
- On the rational solutions of the equation \(x^3+y^3+z^3=0\) in quadratic fields. (Q1474436) (← links)
- On cyclotomic quinquisection. (Q1474437) (← links)
- On a configuration of 21 points and 21 lines which arises from the complete quadrilateral and determines the group of 168 collineations. (Q1474723) (← links)
- On the steady motion of fluid under gravity. (Q1475610) (← links)
- On the modification of a train of waves as it advances into shallow water. (Q1475627) (← links)
- On groups of linear substitutions of finite order which possess quadratic invariants. (Q1476145) (← links)
- On some properties of groups whose orders are powers of primes. II (Q1476167) (← links)
- On some properties of groups whose orders are powers of primes. (Q1479753) (← links)
- On the outer isomorphisms of a group. (Q1479754) (← links)
- On the double-six which admits a group of 120 collineations into itself. (Q1482332) (← links)
- Theory of groups of finite order. 2nd edition. (Q1482882) (← links)
- The determination of all groups of rational linear substitutions of finite order which contain the symmetric group in the variables. (Q1482889) (← links)
- The condition that an irreducible group of linear substitutions on \(n\) variables of finite order may contain a substitution with \(n-1\) unit multipliers. (Q1482890) (← links)
- On the representation of a group of finite order as a group of linear substitutions with rational coefficients. (Q1485834) (← links)
- On the coefficients in groups of linear substitutions of finite order. (Q1485835) (← links)
- The most general metabelian group of finite order with two generators. (Q1485836) (← links)
- On double-sixes. (Q1486705) (← links)
- On the theory of groups of finite order. (Q1488809) (← links)
- On the arithmetical nature of the coefficients in a group of linear substitutions. (Q1488810) (← links)
- On the group of the twenty-seven lines of a cubic surface. (Q1490144) (← links)
- On a configuration of twenty-seven hyperplanes in fourdimensional spaces. (Q1490184) (← links)
- The alternating functions of three and of four variables. (Q1491568) (← links)
- An approximate quadrature formula. (Q1491932) (← links)
- On simply transitive groups of prime degree. (Q1496684) (← links)
- On the arithmetical nature of the coefficients in a group of linear substitutions of finite order. (Q1496685) (← links)
- On the figure consisting of a regular pentagon and the line at infinity. (Q1496686) (← links)
- On the simple group of order 25920. (Q1496687) (← links)
- On the Hessian configuration and its connection with the group of 360 plane collineations. (Q1497394) (← links)
- On finite groups on which all the \textit{Sylow} groups are cyclical. (Q1500895) (← links)
- On a general property of finite irreducible groups of linear substitutions. (Q1500896) (← links)
- On groups of order \(p^\alpha q^\beta\) (second paper). (Q1500897) (← links)
- On the complete reduction of any transitive permutation-group; and on the arithmetical nature of the coefficients in its irreducible components. (Q1500898) (← links)
- On the condition of reducibility of any group of linear substitutions. (Q1500899) (← links)
- On criteria for the finiteness of the order of a group of linear substitutions. (Q1500900) (← links)
- On the reductions of a group of homogeneous linear substitutions of finite order. (Q1502423) (← links)
- On groups of order \(p^{\alpha} q^{\beta}\). (Q1502424) (← links)
- On linear substitutions of determinant unity with integral coefficients. (Q1502480) (← links)
- On the coordinates of the eighth point common to a system of quadrics through seven given points. (Q1504714) (← links)
- On groups in which every two conjugate operations are permutable. (Q1505001) (← links)
- On groups which are linear and homogeneous in both variables and parameters. (Q1505002) (← links)
- On an arithmetical theorem connected with roots of unity, and its application to group-characteristics. (Q1505003) (← links)
- On the representation of a group of finite order an irreducible group of linear substitutions and the direct establishment of the relations between the group-characteristics. (Q1505004) (← links)
- On soluble irreducible groups of linear substitutions in a prime number of variables. (Q1505005) (← links)
- On reciprocal linear homogeneous groups. (Q1505006) (← links)
- On groups which admit certain isomorphisms. (Q1505007) (← links)
- On composite inversion and allied transformations. (Q1505603) (← links)
- On the representation of a group of finite order as a permutation group, and on the composition of permutation groups. (Q1506820) (← links)
- On an unsettled question in the theory of discontinuous groups. (Q1506821) (← links)
- On soluble groups of linear substitutions. (Q1506822) (← links)
- On the four rotation which displace one orthogonal system of axes into another. (Q1507822) (← links)
- On the charakteristic equations of certain linear substitutions. (Q1509189) (← links)
- On group characteristics. (Q1509213) (← links)
- On some properties of groups of odd order. (Q1509214) (← links)
- On some properties of groups of odd order. (Second paper.) (Q1509215) (← links)
- On the composition of group-characteristics. (Q1509216) (← links)
- On groups which contain \(1+2p\) or \(1+4p\) subgroups of order \(p^a\). (Q1509218) (← links)
- On the general projective transformation. (Q1509219) (← links)
- Two notes on the projective invariants of systems of points. (Q1509220) (← links)
- On the roots of the Hessian of a binary quartic. (Q1509288) (← links)
- On the lines of curvature of inverse surfaces. (Q1511103) (← links)
- Sketch of the late Prof. Sophus Lie's mathematical work. (Q1512739) (← links)
- On the reduction of a linear substitution to the canonical form. (Q1513059) (← links)
- Note on the simple group of order 504. (Q1513097) (← links)
- On cyclotomic trisection. (Q1513279) (← links)
- On transitive groups of degree \(n\) and class \(n-1\). (Q1513323) (← links)
- Solution of questions 3967, 5237. (Q1514443) (← links)
- The construction of the straight line joining two given points. (Q1516816) (← links)
- The trigonometry of a rectangular gauche hexagon. (Q1517217) (← links)
- On the continuous group that is defined by any given group of finite order. (Q1517796) (← links)
- On linear homogeneous continuous groups whose operations are permutable. (Q1517797) (← links)
- Correction to the paper on the representation of a group of finite order as a substitution group (pp. 102-103). (Q1517813) (← links)
- On the canonical form of a linear substitution of finite order. (Q1517821) (← links)
- On plane equipotential surfaces. (Q1518286) (← links)
- Theory of groups of finite order. (Q1519217) (← links)
- On the isomorphism of a group with itself. (Q1520654) (← links)
- On doubly transitive groups of degree \(n\) and order \(n(n-1)\). (Q1520655) (← links)
- On doubly transitive groups of degree \(2^m\) and order \(2^m(2^m-1)\). (Q1520656) (← links)
- On a class of groups defined by congruences. (Q1523424) (← links)
- On certain composite groups. (Q1523425) (← links)
- Note on the theory of groups. (Q1523426) (← links)
- On an application of the theory of groups to Kirkman's problem. (Q1523427) (← links)
- On the kinematics of non-Euclidean space. (Q1523500) (← links)
- On two theorems in elementary kinematics. (Q1524044) (← links)
- On a class of groups defined by congruences. II (Q1524662) (← links)
- Correction to a former note. (Q1524698) (← links)
- Note on linear substitutions. (Q1525207) (← links)
- Note on functions of a real variable. (Q1525208) (← links)
- Note on the equation \(y^2=x(x^4-1)\). (Q1525318) (← links)
- On the curve of intersection of two quadrics. (Q1526253) (← links)
- On the finite displacement of a rigid body. (Q1526449) (← links)
- On Green's function for a system of non-intersecting spheres. (Q1526765) (← links)
- Note on ternary substitutions of determinant unity with integral coefficients. (Q1526961) (← links)
- On a property of certain determinants. (Q1526991) (← links)
- On a system of linear congruences. (Q1527129) (← links)
- On a class of automorphic functions. (2 Noten). (Q1529127) (← links)
- Note on pseudo-elliptic integrals. (Q1529170) (← links)
- On the linear transformation of the elliptic differential. (Q1529171) (← links)
- On the application of Abel's theorem to elliptic integrals of the first kind. (Q1529172) (← links)
- On the division of the periods of elliptic functions by 9. (Q1529186) (← links)
- On the form of hyperelliptic integrals of the first order, which are expressible as the sum of two elliptic integrals. (Q1529209) (← links)
- Note on a paper relating to the theory of functions. (Q1529576) (← links)
- Prof. Burnside's paper on the partition of energy, R. S. E., July 1887. (Q1530364) (← links)
- On the form of closed curves of the third class. (Q1530875) (← links)
- On a property of linear substitutions. (Q1531027) (← links)
- On a case of streaming motion. (Q1531190) (← links)
- Algebraical notes. (Q1531680) (← links)
- On functions determined from their discontinuities, and a certain form of boundary condition. (Q1532122) (← links)
- Note on the addition theorem for hyperbolic functions. (Q1532166) (← links)
- On a certain Riemann's surface. (Q1532187) (← links)
- Two notes on Weierstrass's \(\wp(u)\). (Q1532194) (← links)
- On a property of plane isothermal curves. (Q1533251) (← links)
- On the differential equation of confocal sphero-conics. (Q1533336) (← links)
- On the surfaces whose lines of curvature are all plane. (Q1533807) (← links)
- The lines of zero length on a surface as curvilinear coordinates. (Q1535758) (← links)
- On the resultant of two finite displacements of a rigid body. (Q1536001) (← links)
- On deep-water waves resulting from a limited original disturbance. (Q1536047) (← links)
- On the small wave-motions of a heterogeneous fluid under gravity. (Q1536048) (← links)
- Propagation of energy in the electromagnetic field. (Q1536291) (← links)
- Note on the potential of an elliptic cylinder. (Q1537220) (← links)
- On a simplified proof of Maxwell's theorem. (Q1537549) (← links)
- On the partition of energy between the translatory and rotational motions of a set of nonhomogeneous elastic spheres. (Q1539502) (← links)
- On the trisection of the periods for Weierstrass's elliptic functions. (Q1540294) (← links)
- On certain spherical harmonics. (Q1545724) (← links)
- The elliptic functions of \(\frac{1}{3}K\) etc. (Q1546381) (← links)
- Note on the centre of pressure of a plane polygon. (Q1546973) (← links)
- Solution of the question 2630. (Q1562803) (← links)
- Solution of the question 2732. (Q1562854) (← links)
- Solutions of the questions 2718, 2737. (Q1563005) (← links)
- (Q3260834) (← links)
- (Q4596184) (← links)
- (Q4793807) (← links)
- Further Note on Automorphic Functions (Q5364851) (← links)
- (Q5848209) (← links)
- On errors of observation. (Q5908711) (← links)
- On errors of observation. (Q5908884) (← links)
- Convex solids in higher space. (Q5909031) (← links)
- Convex solids in higher space. (Q5909176) (← links)
- On periodic irrotational waves at the surface of deep water. (Q5909341) (← links)
- Note on the symmetric group. (Q5911802) (← links)
- On the representation of a group of finite order as a substitution group. (Q5912316) (← links)
- Note on the symmetric group. (Q5912437) (← links)
- Notes on the theory of groups of finite order. (Q5912770) (← links)
- Notes on the theory of groups of finite order. (Q5912890) (← links)
- On a problem of conformal representation. (Q5913029) (← links)
- Mathematical notes. (Q5913603) (← links)
- Theory of functions. (Q5968566) (← links)