Publication | Date of Publication | Type |
Fritz and me -- perspectives in inverse spectral theory | 2024-11-04 | Paper |
Widom factors and Szegő-Widom asymptotics, a review | 2024-04-05 | Paper |
A Tale of Three Coauthors | 2023-11-16 | Paper |
Remembrances of Derek William Robinson, June 25, 1935–August 31, 2021 | 2023-10-16 | Paper |
A Useful Formula for Periodic Jacobi Matrices on Trees | 2023-09-01 | Paper |
Remembrances of Derek William Robinson (25 June 1935 - 31 August 2021) | 2023-08-22 | Paper |
Fritz and Me-Perspectives in Inverse Spectral Theory | 2023-08-20 | Paper |
Asymptotics of Chebyshev polynomials. V: Residual polynomials | 2023-05-31 | Paper |
The strong Gauss–Lucas theorem and analyticity of correlation functions via the Lee–Yang theorem | 2023-03-17 | Paper |
Twelve tales in mathematical physics: An expanded Heineman prize lecture | 2022-12-08 | Paper |
The \(P(\phi)_2\) Euclidean quantum field theory as classical statistical mechanics. I. | 2022-10-10 | Paper | | 2022-09-19 | Paper |
The \(P(\phi)_2\) Euclidean quantum field theory as classical statistical mechanics. II. | 2022-09-19 | Paper |
Remembrances of Harold Widom | 2022-08-31 | Paper | | 2022-06-17 | Paper |
Stanislav Alekseevich Molchanov | 2022-04-08 | Paper |
Comparison of Ising Models Under Change of Apriori Measure | 2022-01-25 | Paper |
The Strong Gauss Lucas Theorem and Analyticity of Correlation Functions via the Lee-Yang Theorem | 2021-10-31 | Paper |
Tosio Kato’s work on non-relativistic quantum mechanics, Part 2 | 2021-06-30 | Paper |
Proof of the Strong Scott Conjecture for Chandrasekhar Atoms | 2021-06-07 | Paper |
Remarks on periodic Jacobi matrices on trees | 2021-05-04 | Paper |
Asymptotics of Chebyshev polynomials. IV: Comments on the complex case | 2021-03-05 | Paper |
Twelve Tales in Mathematical Physics: An Expanded Heinemann Prize Lecture | 2020-11-24 | Paper |
Periodic Boundary Conditions for Periodic Jacobi Matrices on Trees | 2020-11-11 | Paper |
Curriculum Vitae | 2020-08-26 | Paper |
Pavlov’s Mathematics | 2020-08-26 | Paper |
Asymptotics of Chebyshev Polynomials, III. Sets Saturating Szegő, Schiefermayr, and Totik–Widom Bounds | 2020-08-26 | Paper |
Periodic Jacobi matrices on trees | 2020-06-15 | Paper |
Alexander Gordon | 2020-02-25 | Paper |
Periodic Jacobi Matrices on Trees | 2019-11-06 | Paper |
Loewner's Theorem on Monotone Matrix Functions | 2019-07-03 | Paper |
Poncelet's theorem, paraorthogonal polynomials and the numerical range of compressed multiplication operators | 2019-05-29 | Paper |
Asymptotics of Chebyshev polynomials. II: DCT subsets of \(\mathbb{R}\) | 2019-03-15 | Paper |
Bounds on Total Cross Sections in Atom-Atom and Atom-Ion Collisions by Geometric Methods | 2019-01-10 | Paper |
Decay of Correlations in Ferromagnets | 2019-01-10 | Paper |
Quantum Magnetic Hamiltonians with Remarkable Spectral Properties | 2019-01-10 | Paper |
Large deviations and the Lukic conjecture | 2018-11-21 | Paper |
Large deviations and sum rules for spectral theory: a pedagogical approach | 2018-11-15 | Paper |
Unitaries permuting two orthogonal projections | 2018-10-10 | Paper |
Tosio Kato's work on non-relativistic quantum mechanics. I | 2018-04-16 | Paper |
Similarity between two projections | 2018-01-31 | Paper |
Eigenvalue bounds for Schrödinger operators with complex potentials II | 2017-11-01 | Paper |
Tosio Kato's Work on Non-Relativistic Quantum Mechanics: An Outline | 2017-10-19 | Paper | | 2017-09-07 | Paper |
Similarity between two projections | 2017-05-24 | Paper |
Condensation of fermion pairs in a domain | 2017-05-15 | Paper |
Asymptotics of Chebyshev polynomials. I: Subsets of \({\mathbb {R}}\) | 2017-04-13 | Paper |
Unitaries Permuting Two Orthogonal Projections | 2017-03-15 | Paper |
Spectral Theory Sum Rules, Meromorphic Herglotz Functions and Large Deviations | 2016-08-16 | Paper |
Real Analysis | 2016-01-19 | Paper |
Harmonic Analysis | 2016-01-19 | Paper |
Operator Theory | 2016-01-19 | Paper |
Basic Complex Analysis | 2016-01-19 | Paper |
Advanced Complex Analysis | 2016-01-19 | Paper | | 2016-01-19 | Paper |
Cantor polynomials and some related classes of OPRL | 2015-02-09 | Paper |
Stability of asymptotics of Christoffel-Darboux kernels | 2014-08-01 | Paper |
Finite Gap Jacobi Matrices: A Review | 2014-05-19 | Paper |
On the removal of finite discrete spectrum by coefficient stripping | 2013-01-23 | Paper |
Finite gap Jacobi matrices. III: Beyond the Szegő class | 2012-04-26 | Paper |
Finite gap Jacobi matrices. II: The Szegő class | 2012-02-09 | Paper |
Bulk universality and clock spacing of zeros for ergodic Jacobi matrices with absolutely continuous spectrum | 2011-09-15 | Paper |
Asymptotics of the \(L^2\) norm of derivatives of OPUC | 2011-06-27 | Paper |
Critical Lieb-Thirring bounds in gaps and the generalized Nevai conjecture for finite gap Jacobi matrices | 2011-06-15 | Paper |
Natural boundaries and spectral theory | 2011-03-29 | Paper |
The Hilbert transform of a measure | 2011-03-10 | Paper |
Convexity | 2011-02-18 | Paper | | 2010-12-14 | Paper |
Finite gap Jacobi matrices. I: The isospectral torus | 2010-10-07 | Paper |
The Nevai condition | 2010-09-22 | Paper | | 2010-09-02 | Paper |
Equality of the spectral and dynamical definitions of reflection | 2010-07-06 | Paper |
Perturbations of orthogonal polynomials with periodic recursion coefficients | 2010-05-27 | Paper |
The Analytic Theory of Matrix Orthogonal Polynomials | 2010-02-16 | Paper | | 2009-11-11 | Paper |
Finite gap Jacobi matrices: An announcement | 2009-11-04 | Paper |
Sum rules and spectral measures of Schrödinger operators with \(L^2\) potentials | 2009-10-02 | Paper |
Schrodinger Operators with Purely Discrete Spectrum | 2009-08-08 | Paper |
A celebration of Jürg and Tom | 2009-06-22 | Paper |
Poisson brackets of orthogonal polynomials | 2009-05-28 | Paper |
Monotone Jacobi parameters and non-Szegő weights | 2009-05-28 | Paper |
Regularity and the Cesàro-Nevai class | 2009-03-30 | Paper |
Weak convergence of CD kernels and applications | 2009-02-03 | Paper |
The Christoffel-Darboux Kernel | 2009-01-28 | Paper |
Eigenvalue bounds for perturbations of Schrödinger operators and Jacobi matrices with regular ground states | 2008-11-25 | Paper |
On the Koplienko spectral shift function, I. Basics | 2008-11-10 | Paper |
Two extensions of Lubinsky's universality theorem | 2008-10-16 | Paper |
The essential spectrum of Schrödinger, Jacobi, and CMV operators | 2008-04-01 | Paper |
Fine structure of the zeros of orthogonal polynomials IV: A priori bounds and clock behavior | 2008-03-20 | Paper |
Equilibrium measures and capacities in spectral theory | 2008-02-15 | Paper |
Eigenvalue bounds in the gaps of Schrödinger operators and Jacobi matrices | 2008-02-14 | Paper | | 2008-01-17 | Paper |
Correlation inequalities and the mass gap in \(P(\phi)_2\). I: Domination by the two point function | 2008-01-06 | Paper | | 2007-11-27 | Paper |
Meromorphic Jost functions and asymptotic expansions for Jacobi parameters | 2007-10-31 | Paper |
Connectedness of the isospectral manifold for one-dimensional half-line Schrödinger operators | 2007-10-12 | Paper |
CMV matrices: Five years after | 2007-09-18 | Paper |
Zeros of OPUC and long time asymptotics of Schur and related flows | 2007-09-03 | Paper |
Critical Lieb-Thirring bounds for one-dimensional Schrodinger operators and Jacobi matrices with regular ground states | 2007-05-24 | Paper |
Jost functions and Jost solutions for Jacobi matrices, II. Decay and analyticity | 2007-03-27 | Paper |
Fine structure of the zeros of orthogonal polynomials. I: A tale of two pictures | 2007-03-16 | Paper |
Rank one perturbations and the zeros of paraorthogonal polynomials on the unit circle | 2007-02-26 | Paper |
Meromorphic Szegő functions and asymptotic series for Verblunsky coefficients | 2006-12-12 | Paper |
Aizenman's theorem for orthogonal polynomials on the unit circle | 2006-09-28 | Paper |
Eigenvalue estimates for non-normal matrices and the zeros of random orthogonal polynomials on the unit circle | 2006-09-13 | Paper |
Jost functions and Jost solutions for Jacobi matrices. I: A necessary and sufficient condition for Szegő asymptotics | 2006-09-12 | Paper |
Fine structure of the zeros of orthogonal polynomials III: Periodic recursion coefficients | 2006-09-06 | Paper | | 2006-01-16 | Paper |
Limits of zeros of orthogonal polynomials on the circle | 2005-12-08 | Paper | | 2005-12-08 | Paper |
Schrödinger operators with few bound states | 2005-11-01 | Paper |
OPUC on one foot | 2005-10-06 | Paper | | 2005-10-05 | Paper |
Fine structure of the zeros of orthogonal polynomials. II: OPUC with competing exponential decay | 2005-09-29 | Paper | | 2005-09-24 | Paper |
On a theorem of Kac and Gilbert | 2005-06-30 | Paper | | 2005-06-21 | Paper |
Higher-order Szegő theorems with two singular points | 2005-06-10 | Paper |
Jost functions and Jost solutions for Jacobi matrices, III. Asymptotic series for decay and meromorphicity | 2005-03-18 | Paper | | 2005-02-16 | Paper | | 2005-02-16 | Paper | | 2005-02-04 | Paper |
A canonical factorization for meromorphic Herglotz functions on the unit disk and sum rules for Jacobi matrices | 2004-10-01 | Paper |
A diamagnetic inequality for semigroup differences | 2004-08-17 | Paper |
Analogs of the \(m\)-function in the theory of orthogonal polynomials on the unit circle | 2004-08-10 | Paper |
Ratio asymptotics and weak asymptotic measures for orthogonal polynomials on the real line | 2004-08-10 | Paper |
Sum rules and the Szegő condition for orthogonal polynomials on the real line | 2004-03-07 | Paper |
Bound states and the Szegő condition for Jacobi matrices and Schrödinger operators. | 2004-02-03 | Paper | | 2003-11-18 | Paper |
Sum rules for Jacobi matrices and their applications to spectral theory | 2003-10-27 | Paper |
An optimal \(L^p\)-bound on the Krein spectral shift function. | 2003-09-11 | Paper |
Variational estimates for discrete Schrödinger operators with potentials of indefinite sign | 2003-09-01 | Paper |
Zeros of orthogonal polynomials on the real line | 2003-05-27 | Paper |
Stability of singular spectral types under decaying perturbations | 2003-04-28 | Paper |
Lieb-Thirring inequalities for Jacobi matrices | 2003-04-02 | Paper |
Approach to equilibrium for a forced Burgers equation | 2002-11-02 | Paper |
A new approach to inverse spectral theory. III: Short-range potentials | 2002-02-22 | Paper |
Resonances in one dimension and Fredholm determinants | 2002-01-07 | Paper | | 2001-11-18 | Paper | | 2001-09-03 | Paper |
Schrödinger operators in the twentieth century | 2001-08-30 | Paper | | 2001-08-29 | Paper |
Operators with singular continuous spectrum, V. Sparse potentials | 2001-07-30 | Paper |
A new approach to inverse spectral theory. II: General real potentials and the connection to the spectral measure | 2001-05-14 | Paper | | 2001-04-02 | Paper |
On local Borg-Marchenko uniqueness results | 2000-10-08 | Paper |
A new approach to inverse spectral theory. I: Fundamental formalism | 2000-09-19 | Paper |
Inverse spectral analysis with partial information on the potential, II. The case of discrete spectrum | 2000-05-22 | Paper |
Eigenfunctions, transfer matrices, and absolutely continuous spectrum of one-dimensional Schrödinger operators | 2000-02-14 | Paper |
\(m\)-functions and inverse spectral analysis for finite and semi-infinite Jacobi matrices | 1999-11-07 | Paper | | 1999-10-03 | Paper |
Effective perturbation methods for one-dimensional Schrödinger operators | 1999-09-23 | Paper | | 1999-09-02 | Paper |
Modified Prüfer and EFGP transforms and deterministic models with dense point spectrum | 1999-05-18 | Paper |
The classical moment problem as a self-adjoint finite difference operator | 1999-04-12 | Paper |
The Thomas-Fermi theory of atoms, molecules and solids | 1999-02-22 | Paper |
Modified Prüfer and EFGP transforms and the spectral analysis of one-dimensional Schrödinger operators | 1998-11-29 | Paper | | 1998-11-02 | Paper |
Duality and singular continuous spectrum in the almost Mathieu equation | 1998-10-19 | Paper |
Spectral averaging and the Krein spectral shift | 1998-03-24 | Paper |
Point spectrum and mixed spectral types for rank one perturbations | 1997-12-11 | Paper |
The \(\xi\) function | 1997-11-05 | Paper |
Spectral deformations of one-dimensional Schrödinger operators | 1997-07-20 | Paper |
A trace formula for multidimensional Schrödinger operators | 1997-06-15 | Paper |
Weakly coupled bound states in quantum waveguides | 1997-05-13 | Paper |
Zeros of the Wronskian and Renormalized Oscillation Theory | 1997-03-25 | Paper | | 1997-03-18 | Paper |
Operators with singular continuous spectrum. IV: Hausdorff dimensions, rank one perturbations, and localization | 1997-02-25 | Paper |
Some Schrödinger operators with dense point spectrum | 1997-01-09 | Paper |
Bounded eigenfunctions and absolutely continuous spectra for one-dimensional Schrödinger operators | 1996-12-10 | Paper |
The Lyapunov exponents for Schrödinger operators with slowly oscillating potentials | 1996-11-24 | Paper |
Operators with singular continuous spectrum. I: General operators | 1996-11-03 | Paper |
Operators with singular continuous spectrum. VII: Examples with borderline time decay | 1996-10-01 | Paper |
Uniqueness theorems in inverse spectral theory for one-dimensional Schrödinger operators | 1996-09-22 | Paper |
Singular continuous spectrum for palindromic Schrödinger operators | 1996-06-19 | Paper |
Operators with singular continuous spectrum, VI. Graph Laplacians and Laplace-Beltrami operators | 1996-04-24 | Paper |
L p Norms of the Borel Transform and the Decomposition of Measures | 1996-04-21 | Paper |
Operators with singular continuous spectrum. III: Almost periodic Schrödinger operators | 1996-01-28 | Paper | | 1996-01-17 | Paper |
Rank one perturbations at infinite coupling | 1996-01-08 | Paper |
Stability of spectral types for Sturm-Liouville operators | 1996-01-08 | Paper |
Bounded eigenfunctions and absolutely continuous spectra for one-dimensional Schrödinger operators | 1996-01-01 | Paper |
Rank one perturbations with infinitesimal coupling | 1995-11-05 | Paper |
Charge deficiency, charge transport and comparison of dimensions | 1995-10-25 | Paper |
The index of a pair of projections | 1995-10-22 | Paper |
Operators with singular continuous spectrum. II: Rank one operators | 1995-07-03 | Paper | | 1995-06-14 | Paper |
Absolute summability of the trace relation for certain Schrödinger operators | 1995-05-04 | Paper | | 1995-03-05 | Paper | | 1994-12-11 | Paper |
Singular continuous spectrum is generic | 1994-11-03 | Paper |
On the Toda and KAC-VAN Moerbeke Systems | 1994-06-13 | Paper |
Spectral properties of random Schrödinger operators with unbounded potentials | 1994-06-01 | Paper |
Trace formulae and inverse spectral theory for Schrödinger operators | 1994-01-31 | Paper | | 1993-12-12 | Paper | | 1993-11-11 | Paper |
Large Time Behavior of the Heat Kernel: On a Theorem of Chavel and Karp | 1993-08-23 | Paper |
Asymptotic series for the ground state energy of Schrödinger operators | 1993-08-18 | Paper |
The ground state energy of Schrödinger operators | 1993-05-16 | Paper |
A Short Proof of Zheludev's Theorem | 1993-05-16 | Paper |
The Weyl Transform and L p Functions on Phase Space | 1993-03-01 | Paper |
Best constants in some operator smoothness estimates | 1993-01-16 | Paper |
Spectral properties of Neumann Laplacian of horns | 1992-09-27 | Paper |
Eigenvalue asymptotics of the Neumann Laplacian of regions and manifolds with cusps | 1992-08-03 | Paper |
The Neumann Laplacian of a Jelly Roll | 1992-06-28 | Paper |
\(L^ p\) norms of non-critical Schrödinger semigroups | 1992-06-27 | Paper |
The essential spectrum of Neumann Laplacians on some bounded singular domains | 1992-06-27 | Paper |
Chern numbers, quaternions, and Berry's phases in Fermi systems | 1992-06-25 | Paper |
Erratum: On the measure of the spectrum for the almost Mathieu operator | 1992-06-25 | Paper |
Fifty years of eigenvalue perturbation theory | 1992-06-25 | Paper | | 1992-06-25 | Paper |
Explicit construction of solutions of the modified Kadomtsev-Petviashvili equation | 1991-01-01 | Paper |
Commutation Methods Applied to the mKdV-Equation | 1991-01-01 | Paper |
Random Hamiltonians ergodic in all but one direction | 1990-01-01 | Paper |
Relativistic Schrödinger operators: Asymptotic behavior of the eigenfunctions | 1990-01-01 | Paper |
On the measure of the spectrum for the almost Mathieu operator | 1990-01-01 | Paper |
Absence of ballistic motion | 1990-01-01 | Paper |
Adiabatic theorems for dense point spectra | 1990-01-01 | Paper |
Constructing solutions of the mKdV-equation | 1990-01-01 | Paper |
Trace class perturbations and the absence of absolutely continuous spectra | 1989-01-01 | Paper |
L p spectral theory of Kleinian groups | 1988-01-01 | Paper |
Corrections to the classical behavior of the number of bound states of Schrödinger operators | 1988-01-01 | Paper |
On a theorem of Deift and Hempel | 1988-01-01 | Paper |
Topological invariance of the Witten index | 1988-01-01 | Paper |
Trapping and cascading of eigenvalues in the large coupling limit | 1988-01-01 | Paper |
Internal Lifschitz tails | 1987-01-01 | Paper |
Krein's spectral shift function and Fredholm determinants as efficient methods to study supersymmetric quantum mechanics | 1987-01-01 | Paper |
Localization for off-diagonal disorder and for continuous Schrödinger operators | 1987-01-01 | Paper |
Comparison theorems for the gap of Schrödinger operators | 1987-01-01 | Paper | | 1987-01-01 | Paper | | 1987-01-01 | Paper |
Witten index, axial anomaly, and Krein’s spectral shift function in supersymmetric quantum mechanics | 1987-01-01 | Paper |
\(L^ 1\)-properties of intrinsic Schrödinger semigroups | 1986-01-01 | Paper |
Schrödinger semigroups on the scale of Sobolev spaces | 1986-01-01 | Paper |
Lifshitz tails for periodic plus random potentials | 1986-01-01 | Paper |
Singular continuous spectrum under rank one perturbations and localization for random hamiltonians | 1986-01-01 | Paper | | 1986-01-01 | Paper |
Harmonic analysis on SL(2,R) and smoothness of the density of states in the one-dimensional Anderson model | 1985-01-01 | Paper |
Universal lower bounds on eigenvalue splittings for one dimensional Schrödinger operators | 1985-01-01 | Paper |
Almost periodic Schrödinger operators. IV. The Maryland model | 1985-01-01 | Paper |
Localization in general one dimensional random systems. I: Jacobi matrices | 1985-01-01 | Paper |
Semiclassical analysis of low lying eigenvalues. IV. The flea on the elephant | 1985-01-01 | Paper |
On the Selfadjointness of Dirac Operators with Anomalous Magnetic Moment | 1985-01-01 | Paper | | 1985-01-01 | Paper | | 1985-01-01 | Paper |
Stability of gaps for periodic potentials under variation of a magnetic field | 1985-01-01 | Paper |
Semiclassical analysis of low lying eigenvalues. II: Tunneling | 1984-01-01 | Paper |
The mathematical theory of resonances whose widths are exponentially small. II | 1984-01-01 | Paper |
Ultracontractivity and the heat kernel for Schrödinger operators and Dirichlet Laplacians | 1984-01-01 | Paper |
Semiclassical analysis of low lying eigenvalues. III: Width of the ground state band in strongly coupled solids | 1984-01-01 | Paper | | 1984-01-01 | Paper | | 1984-01-01 | Paper |
Almost periodic Schrödinger operators. III: The absolutely continuous spectrum in one dimension | 1983-01-01 | Paper |
Nonclassical eigenvalue asymptotics | 1983-01-01 | Paper |
Schrödinger operators with an electric field and random or deterministic potentials | 1983-01-01 | Paper |
Log Hölder continuity of the integrated density of states for stochastic Jacobi matrices | 1983-01-01 | Paper |
Kotani theory for one dimensional stochastic Jacobi matrices | 1983-01-01 | Paper |
Almost periodic Schrödinger operators. II: The integrated density of states | 1983-01-01 | Paper |
Some quantum operators with discrete spectrum but classically continuous spectrum | 1983-01-01 | Paper |
Subharmonicity of the Lyapunov index | 1983-01-01 | Paper | | 1983-01-01 | Paper |
Instantons, double wells and large deviations | 1983-01-01 | Paper |
Shorter Notes: Schrodinger Operator Methods in the Study of a Certain Nonlinear P.D.E. | 1983-01-01 | Paper |
A multiparticle Coulomb system with bound state at threshold | 1983-01-01 | Paper |
Large coupling behaviour of the Lyapunov exponent for tight binding one-dimensional random systems | 1983-01-01 | Paper | | 1983-01-01 | Paper |
Almost periodic Schrödinger operators: A review | 1982-01-01 | Paper |
Some Jacobi matrices with decaying potential and dense point spectrum | 1982-01-01 | Paper |
Cantor spectrum for the almost Mathieu equation | 1982-01-01 | Paper |
The codimension of degenerate pencils | 1982-01-01 | Paper |
Schrödinger semigroups | 1982-01-01 | Paper | | 1982-01-01 | Paper | | 1982-01-01 | Paper |
Brownian motion and harnack inequality for Schrödinger operators | 1982-01-01 | Paper |
Singular continuous spectrum for a class of almost periodic Jacobi matrices | 1982-01-01 | Paper |
Absence of continuous symmetry breaking in a one-dimensional n**-2 model | 1981-01-01 | Paper |
The asymptotics of the gap in the Mathieu equation | 1981-01-01 | Paper |
Pointwise bounds on eigenfunctions and wave packets in N-body quantum systems. V: Lower bounds and path integrals | 1981-01-01 | Paper |
Schrödinger operators with magnetic fields. III: Atoms in homogeneous magnetic field | 1981-01-01 | Paper |
Spectrum and continuum eigenfunctions of Schrödinger operators | 1981-01-01 | Paper |
Dilation analyticity in constant electric field. II: N-body problem, Borel summability | 1981-01-01 | Paper |
Spectral analysis of N-body Schrödinger operators | 1981-01-01 | Paper |
Large time behavior of the \(L^ p\) norm of Schrödinger semigroups | 1981-01-01 | Paper |
Pointwise domination of matrices and comparison of \(F_ p\) norms | 1981-01-01 | Paper |
Almost periodic Schrödinger operators. I: Limit periodic potentials | 1981-01-01 | Paper |
Transient and recurrent spectrum | 1981-01-01 | Paper |
Convergence in Trace Ideals | 1981-01-01 | Paper | | 1981-01-01 | Paper |
The classical limit of quantum partition functions | 1980-01-01 | Paper |
Brownian motion, \(L^p\) properties of Schrödinger operators and the localization of binding | 1980-01-01 | Paper |
The mathematical theory of resonances whose widths are exponentially small | 1980-01-01 | Paper |
Coupling constant thresholds in nonrelativistic quantum mechanics. I. Short-range two-body case | 1980-01-01 | Paper |
Unique continuation for Schrödinger operators with unbounded potentials | 1980-01-01 | Paper |
Coupling constant thresholds in nonrelativistic quantum mechanics. II: Two cluster thresholds in N-body systems | 1980-01-01 | Paper |
Finite total cross-sections in nonrelativistic quantum mechanics | 1980-01-01 | Paper |
Pointwise bounds on eigenfunctions and wave packets in N-body quantum systems. VI: Asymptotics in the two-cluster region | 1980-01-01 | Paper |
On the nodal structure of atomic eigenfunctions | 1980-01-01 | Paper |
Brownian Motion and a Consequence of Harnack's Inequality: Nodes of Quantum Wave Functions | 1980-01-01 | Paper |
Absence of singular continuous spectrum in 𝑁-body quantum systems | 1980-01-01 | Paper | | 1980-01-01 | Paper | | 1980-01-01 | Paper |
Phase space analysis of simple scattering systems: extensions of some work of Enss | 1979-01-01 | Paper |
Kato's inequality and the comparison of semigroups | 1979-01-01 | Paper |
A remark on Dobrushin's uniqueness theorem | 1979-01-01 | Paper | | 1979-01-01 | Paper | | 1979-01-01 | Paper |
Complete separability of the Stark problem in hydrogen | 1979-01-01 | Paper | | 1979-01-01 | Paper | | 1979-01-01 | Paper |
Scattering theory for systems with different spatial asymptotics on the left and right | 1978-01-01 | Paper |
Schrödinger operators with magnetic fields. I: General interactions | 1978-01-01 | Paper |
Separation of center of mass in homogeneous magnetic fields | 1978-01-01 | Paper |
A canonical decomposition for quadratic forms with applications to monotone convergence theorems | 1978-01-01 | Paper |
Classical boundary conditions as a technical tool in modern mathematical physics | 1978-01-01 | Paper |
Invariant domains for the time-dependent Schrödinger equation | 1978-01-01 | Paper | | 1978-01-01 | Paper |
Scattering theory and quadratic forms: On a theorem of Schechter | 1977-01-01 | Paper |
On the absorption of eigenvalues by continuous spectrum in regular perturbation problems | 1977-01-01 | Paper |
Geometric methods in multiparticle quantum systems | 1977-01-01 | Paper |
The scattering of classical waves from inhomogeneous media | 1977-01-01 | Paper |
Notes on infinite determinants of Hilbert space operators | 1977-01-01 | Paper |
Lower semicontinuhy of positive quadratic forms | 1977-01-01 | Paper |
A time-dependent approach to the completeness of multiparticle quantum systems | 1977-01-01 | Paper | | 1977-01-01 | Paper | | 1977-01-01 | Paper |
The bound state of weakly coupled Schrödinger operators in one and two dimensions | 1976-01-01 | Paper |
Fluctuations in \(P(\varphi)_1\) processes | 1976-01-01 | Paper |
On the decoupling of finite singularities from the question of asymptotic completeness in two body quantum systems | 1976-01-01 | Paper |
A Remark on Nelson's Best Hypercontractive Estimates | 1976-01-01 | Paper | | 1976-01-01 | Paper | | 1976-01-01 | Paper |
Analysis With Weak Trace Ideals and the Number of Bound States of Schrodinger Operators | 1976-01-01 | Paper | | 1976-01-01 | Paper |
Global support properties of stationary ergodic processes | 1975-01-01 | Paper |
Degenerate and non-degenerate ground states for Schrödinger operators | 1975-01-01 | Paper |
Pointwise Bounds on Eigenfunctions and Wave Packets in N-Body Quantum Systems. III | 1975-01-01 | Paper | | 1975-01-01 | Paper |
Pointwise Bounds on Eigenfunctions and Wave Packets in N-Body Quantum Systems. II | 1974-01-01 | Paper |
The pressure is independent of the boundary conditions for $P\left( \phi \right)_2$ field theories | 1974-01-01 | Paper |
Pointwise Bounds on Eigenfunctions and Wave Packets in N-Body Quantum Systems. I | 1974-01-01 | Paper |
The (φ 2n ) 2 Field Hamiltonian for Complex Coupling Constant | 1973-01-01 | Paper |
Schrödinger operators with singular magnetic vector potentials | 1973-01-01 | Paper |
Essential self-adjointness of Schrödinger operators with singular potentials | 1973-01-01 | Paper |
Essential self-adjointness of Schrödinger operators with positive potentials | 1973-01-01 | Paper |
Resonances in n-body quantum systems with dilatation analytic potentials and the foundations of time-dependent perturbation theory | 1973-01-01 | Paper |
Ergodic semigroups of positivity preserving self-adjoint operators | 1973-01-01 | Paper |
Absence of positive eigenvalues in a class of multiparticle quantum systems | 1973-01-01 | Paper |
Tensor products of closed operators on Banach spaces | 1973-01-01 | Paper |
Uniform crossnorms | 1973-01-01 | Paper |
Quadratic forms and Klauder's phenomenon: A remark on very singular perturbations | 1973-01-01 | Paper | | 1973-01-01 | Paper |
A Remark on Groups with the Fixed Point Property | 1972-01-01 | Paper | | 1972-01-01 | Paper |
A spectral mapping theorem for tensor products of unbounded operators | 1972-01-01 | Paper |
Quadratic form techniques and the Balslev-Combes theorem | 1972-01-01 | Paper |
Hypercontra ctive semigroups and two dimensional self-coupled Bose fields | 1972-01-01 | Paper | | 1972-01-01 | Paper |
Distributions and Their Hermite Expansions | 1971-01-01 | Paper | | 1971-01-01 | Paper | | 1971-01-01 | Paper |
Hamiltonians defined as quadratic forms | 1971-01-01 | Paper |
Wave operators for classical particle scattering | 1971-01-01 | Paper |
Determination of eigenvalues by divergent perturbation series | 1971-01-01 | Paper |
On positive eigenvalues of one‐body schrödinger operators | 1969-01-01 | Paper |
Uniform Convergence of Fourier Series | 1969-01-01 | Paper |
Some Pictorial Compactifications of the Real Line | 1969-01-01 | Paper |
Harding's Representation is the Regular Representation | 1968-01-01 | Paper |